blob: d0a59b943d60aefc778bbbd240ee5fb08cc984f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Criteria;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.location.LocationProviderImpl;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.util.Log;
* A location provider which gets approximate location from Google's
* database of cell-tower and wi-fi locations.
* <p> It is the responsibility of the LocationManagerService to
* notify this class of any changes in the radio information
* by calling {@link #updateCellState} and of data state
* changes by calling {@link #updateNetworkState}
* <p> The LocationManagerService must also notify the provider
* of Wifi updates using the {@link #updateWifiScanResults}
* and {@link #updateWifiEnabledState}
* methods.
* <p> The provider uses whichever radio is available - Cell
* or WiFi. If neither is available, it does NOT attempt to
* switch them on.
* {@hide}
public class NetworkLocationProvider extends LocationProviderImpl {
private static final String TAG = "NetworkLocationProvider";
// Wait at least 60 seconds between network queries
private static final int MIN_NETWORK_RETRY_MILLIS = 60000;
// Max time to wait for radio update
private static final long MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_RADIO = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
// State of entire provider
private int mStatus = AVAILABLE;
private long mStatusUpdateTime = 0;
// Network state
private int mNetworkState = TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE;
// Cell state
private static final int MAX_CELL_HISTORY_TO_KEEP = 4;
private LinkedList<CellState> mCellHistory = new LinkedList<CellState>();
private CellState mCellState = null;
private long mLastCellStateChangeTime = 0;
private long mLastCellLockTime = 0;
// Wifi state
private static final long MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_WIFI_REPORTS = 45 * 1000; // 45 seconds
private List<ScanResult> mWifiLastScanResults = null;
private long mLastWifiScanTriggerTime = 0;
private long mLastWifiScanElapsedTime = 0;
private long mLastWifiScanRealTime = 0;
private long mWifiScanFrequency = MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_WIFI_REPORTS;
private boolean mWifiEnabled = false;
// Last known location state
private Location mLocation = new Location(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER);
private long mLastNetworkQueryTime = 0; // Last network request, successful or not
private long mLastSuccessfulNetworkQueryTime = 0; // Last successful network query time
// Is provider enabled by user -- ignored by this class
private boolean mEnabled;
// Is provider being used by an application
private HashSet<String> mApplications = new HashSet<String>();
private boolean mTracking = false;
// Location masf service
private LocationMasfClient mMasfClient;
// Context of location manager service
private Context mContext;
public static boolean isSupported() {
// This class provides a Google-specific location feature, so it's enabled only
// when the system property is set.
if (!SystemProperties.get("").equals("1")) {
return false;
// Otherwise, assume cell location should work if we are not running in the emulator
return !SystemProperties.get("ro.kernel.qemu").equals("1");
public NetworkLocationProvider(Context context, LocationMasfClient masfClient) {
mContext = context;
mMasfClient = masfClient;
public void updateNetworkState(int state) {
if (state == mNetworkState) {
log("updateNetworkState(): Updating network state to " + state);
mNetworkState = state;
public void updateCellState(CellState newState) {
if (newState == null) {
log("updateCellState(): Cell state is invalid");
if (mCellState != null && mCellState.equals(newState)) {
log("updateCellState(): Cell state is the same");
// Add previous state to history
if ((mCellState != null) && mCellState.isValid()) {
if (mCellHistory.size() >= MAX_CELL_HISTORY_TO_KEEP) {
mCellState = newState;
log("updateCellState(): Received");
mLastCellLockTime = 0;
mLastCellStateChangeTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
public void updateCellLockStatus(boolean acquired) {
if (acquired) {
mLastCellLockTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
} else {
mLastCellLockTime = 0;
public boolean requiresNetwork() {
return true;
public boolean requiresSatellite() {
return false;
public boolean requiresCell() {
return true;
public boolean hasMonetaryCost() {
return true;
public boolean supportsAltitude() {
return false;
public boolean supportsSpeed() {
return false;
public boolean supportsBearing() {
return false;
public int getPowerRequirement() {
return Criteria.POWER_LOW;
public void enable() {
// Nothing else needs to be done
mEnabled = true;
public void disable() {
// Nothing else needs to be done
mEnabled = false;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return mEnabled;
public int getAccuracy() {
return Criteria.ACCURACY_COARSE;
public int getStatus(Bundle extras) {
return mStatus;
public long getStatusUpdateTime() {
return mStatusUpdateTime;
public void setMinTime(long minTime) {
} else {
mWifiScanFrequency = minTime;
public boolean getLocation(Location l) {
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// Trigger a wifi scan and wait for its results if necessary
if ((mWifiEnabled) &&
(mWifiLastScanResults == null ||
((now - mLastWifiScanElapsedTime) > mWifiScanFrequency))) {
boolean fallback = false;
// If scan has been recently triggered
if (mLastWifiScanTriggerTime != 0 &&
((now - mLastWifiScanTriggerTime) < mWifiScanFrequency)) {
if ((now - mLastWifiScanTriggerTime) > MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_RADIO) {
// If no results from last trigger available, use cell results
// This will also trigger a new scan
log("getLocation(): falling back to cell");
fallback = true;
} else {
// Just wait for the Wifi results to be available
return false;
WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
log("getLocation(): triggering a wifi scan");
mLastWifiScanTriggerTime = now;
boolean succeeded = wifiManager.startScan();
if (!succeeded) {
log("getLocation(): wifi scan did not succeed");
// Wifi trigger failed, use cell results
fallback = true;
// Wait for scan results
if (!fallback) {
return false;
// If waiting for cell location
if (mLastCellLockTime != 0 && ((now - mLastCellLockTime) < MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_RADIO)) {
return false;
// Update Location
// 1) If there has been a cell state change
// 2) If there was no successful reply for last network request
if (mLastCellStateChangeTime > mLastNetworkQueryTime) {
return false;
} else if ((mLastNetworkQueryTime != 0)
&& (mLastNetworkQueryTime > mLastSuccessfulNetworkQueryTime)
&& ((now - mLastNetworkQueryTime) > MIN_NETWORK_RETRY_MILLIS)) {
return false;
if (mLocation != null && mLocation.getAccuracy() > 0) {
// We could have a Cell Id location which hasn't changed in a
// while because we haven't switched towers so if the last location
// time + mWifiScanFrequency is less than current time update the
// locations time.
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ((mLocation.getTime() + mWifiScanFrequency) < currentTime) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void enableLocationTracking(boolean enable) {
if (enable == mTracking) {
log("enableLocationTracking(): " + enable);
mTracking = enable;
if (!enable) {
// When disabling the location provider, be sure to clear out old location
} else {
// When enabling provider, force location
public boolean isLocationTracking() {
return mTracking;
* Notifies the provider that there are scan results available.
* @param scanResults list of wifi scan results
public void updateWifiScanResults(List<ScanResult> scanResults) {
if (!mTracking) {
long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (scanResults == null) {
mWifiLastScanResults = null;
mLastWifiScanElapsedTime = now;
mLastWifiScanRealTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("updateWifIScanResults(): NULL APs");
// Force cell location since no wifi results available
if (mWifiEnabled) {
mLastCellLockTime = 0;
mLastCellStateChangeTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
} else if ((mWifiLastScanResults == null)
|| (mWifiLastScanResults.size() <= 2 && scanResults.size() > mWifiLastScanResults.size())
|| ((now - mLastWifiScanElapsedTime) > mWifiScanFrequency)) {
if (mWifiLastScanResults == null) {
mWifiLastScanResults = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();
} else {
mLastWifiScanElapsedTime = now;
mLastWifiScanRealTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("updateWifIScanResults(): " + mWifiLastScanResults.size() + " APs");
* Notifies the provider if Wifi has been enabled or disabled
* by the user
* @param enabled true if wifi is enabled; false otherwise
public void updateWifiEnabledState(boolean enabled) {
mWifiEnabled = enabled;
log("updateWifiEnabledState(): " + enabled);
// Force location update
public void addListener(String[] applications) {
if (applications != null) {
for (String app : applications) {
String a = app.replaceAll("", "");
a = a.replaceAll("", "");
log("addListener(): " + a);
public void removeListener(String[] applications) {
if (applications != null) {
for (String app : applications) {
String a = app.replaceAll("", "");
a = a.replaceAll("", "");
log("removeListener(): " + a);
private void clearLocation() {
private void forceLocation() {
if (mWifiEnabled) {
// Force another wifi scan
mWifiLastScanResults = null;
mLastWifiScanTriggerTime = 0;
mLastWifiScanElapsedTime = 0;
mLastWifiScanRealTime = 0;
} else {
// Force another cell location request
mLastCellLockTime = 0;
mLastCellStateChangeTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
private void updateStatus(int status) {
if (status != mStatus) {
mStatus = status;
mStatusUpdateTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
* Gets location from the server is applications are tracking this provider
private void updateLocation() {
// If not being tracked, no need to do anything.
if (!mTracking) {
// If network is not available, can't do anything
if (mNetworkState != AVAILABLE) {
final long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// There is a pending network request
if ((mLastNetworkQueryTime != 0) &&
(mLastNetworkQueryTime > mLastSuccessfulNetworkQueryTime) &&
((now - mLastNetworkQueryTime) <= MIN_NETWORK_RETRY_MILLIS)) {
// Don't include wifi points if they're too old
List<ScanResult> scanResults = null;
if (mWifiEnabled && (mWifiLastScanResults != null &&
((now - mLastWifiScanElapsedTime) < (mWifiScanFrequency + MAX_TIME_TO_WAIT_FOR_RADIO)))) {
scanResults = mWifiLastScanResults;
// If no valid cell information available
boolean noCell = mCellState == null || !mCellState.isValid();
// If no valid wifi information available
boolean noWifi = scanResults == null || (scanResults.size() == 0);
// If no cell-id or wi-fi update, just return invalid location
if (noCell && noWifi) {
// What kind of a network location request was it
int trigger;
if (!mWifiEnabled) {
if (!noCell) {
} else {
trigger = GDebugProfile.TRIGGER_WIFI_CHANGE;
} else {
trigger = GDebugProfile.TRIGGER_CELL_CHANGE;
try {
mLastNetworkQueryTime = now;
mMasfClient.getNetworkLocation(mApplications, trigger, mCellState, mCellHistory,
scanResults, mLastWifiScanRealTime, new Callback() {
public void locationReceived(Location location, boolean networkSuccessful) {
// If location is valid and not the same as previously known location
if ((location != null) && (location.getAccuracy() > 0) &&
(location.getTime() != mLocation.getTime())) {
} else {
// Location is unavailable
// Even if no location is available, network request could have succeeded
if (networkSuccessful) {
mLastSuccessfulNetworkQueryTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "updateLocation got exception:", e);
public interface Callback {
* Callback function to notify of a received network location
* @param location location object that is received. may be null if not a valid location
* @param successful true if network query was successful, even if no location was found
void locationReceived(Location location, boolean successful);
private void log(String log) {
if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
Log.d(TAG, log);