blob: e5a7980b0c8c98103ebe6792ea88af3857a8396f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
final class BackStackState implements Parcelable {
final int[] mOps;
final int mTransition;
final int mTransitionStyle;
final String mName;
final int mIndex;
final int mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
final CharSequence mBreadCrumbTitleText;
final int mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
final CharSequence mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
public BackStackState(FragmentManagerImpl fm, BackStackRecord bse) {
int numRemoved = 0;
BackStackRecord.Op op = bse.mHead;
while (op != null) {
if (op.removed != null) numRemoved += op.removed.size();
op =;
mOps = new int[bse.mNumOp*7 + numRemoved];
if (!bse.mAddToBackStack) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not on back stack");
op = bse.mHead;
int pos = 0;
while (op != null) {
mOps[pos++] = op.cmd;
mOps[pos++] = op.fragment.mIndex;
mOps[pos++] = op.enterAnim;
mOps[pos++] = op.exitAnim;
mOps[pos++] = op.popEnterAnim;
mOps[pos++] = op.popExitAnim;
if (op.removed != null) {
final int N = op.removed.size();
mOps[pos++] = N;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
mOps[pos++] = op.removed.get(i).mIndex;
} else {
mOps[pos++] = 0;
op =;
mTransition = bse.mTransition;
mTransitionStyle = bse.mTransitionStyle;
mName = bse.mName;
mIndex = bse.mIndex;
mBreadCrumbTitleRes = bse.mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
mBreadCrumbTitleText = bse.mBreadCrumbTitleText;
mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
public BackStackState(Parcel in) {
mOps = in.createIntArray();
mTransition = in.readInt();
mTransitionStyle = in.readInt();
mName = in.readString();
mIndex = in.readInt();
mBreadCrumbTitleRes = in.readInt();
mBreadCrumbTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = in.readInt();
mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
public BackStackRecord instantiate(FragmentManagerImpl fm) {
BackStackRecord bse = new BackStackRecord(fm);
int pos = 0;
while (pos < mOps.length) {
BackStackRecord.Op op = new BackStackRecord.Op();
op.cmd = mOps[pos++];
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(FragmentManagerImpl.TAG,
"BSE " + bse + " set base fragment #" + mOps[pos]);
Fragment f = fm.mActive.get(mOps[pos++]);
op.fragment = f;
op.enterAnim = mOps[pos++];
op.exitAnim = mOps[pos++];
op.popEnterAnim = mOps[pos++];
op.popExitAnim = mOps[pos++];
final int N = mOps[pos++];
if (N > 0) {
op.removed = new ArrayList<Fragment>(N);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(FragmentManagerImpl.TAG,
"BSE " + bse + " set remove fragment #" + mOps[pos]);
Fragment r = fm.mActive.get(mOps[pos++]);
bse.mTransition = mTransition;
bse.mTransitionStyle = mTransitionStyle;
bse.mName = mName;
bse.mIndex = mIndex;
bse.mAddToBackStack = true;
bse.mBreadCrumbTitleRes = mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
bse.mBreadCrumbTitleText = mBreadCrumbTitleText;
bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
bse.mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
return bse;
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mBreadCrumbTitleText, dest, 0);
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mBreadCrumbShortTitleText, dest, 0);
public static final Parcelable.Creator<BackStackState> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<BackStackState>() {
public BackStackState createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new BackStackState(in);
public BackStackState[] newArray(int size) {
return new BackStackState[size];
* @hide Entry of an operation on the fragment back stack.
final class BackStackRecord extends FragmentTransaction implements
FragmentManager.BackStackEntry, Runnable {
static final String TAG = "BackStackEntry";
final FragmentManagerImpl mManager;
static final int OP_NULL = 0;
static final int OP_ADD = 1;
static final int OP_REPLACE = 2;
static final int OP_REMOVE = 3;
static final int OP_HIDE = 4;
static final int OP_SHOW = 5;
static final int OP_DETACH = 6;
static final int OP_ATTACH = 7;
static final class Op {
Op next;
Op prev;
int cmd;
Fragment fragment;
int enterAnim;
int exitAnim;
int popEnterAnim;
int popExitAnim;
ArrayList<Fragment> removed;
Op mHead;
Op mTail;
int mNumOp;
int mEnterAnim;
int mExitAnim;
int mPopEnterAnim;
int mPopExitAnim;
int mTransition;
int mTransitionStyle;
boolean mAddToBackStack;
boolean mAllowAddToBackStack = true;
String mName;
boolean mCommitted;
int mIndex;
int mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
CharSequence mBreadCrumbTitleText;
int mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
CharSequence mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mName="); writer.print(mName);
writer.print(" mIndex="); writer.print(mIndex);
writer.print(" mCommitted="); writer.println(mCommitted);
if (mTransition != FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mTransition=#");
writer.print(" mTransitionStyle=#");
if (mEnterAnim != 0 || mExitAnim !=0) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mEnterAnim=#");
writer.print(" mExitAnim=#");
if (mBreadCrumbTitleRes != 0 || mBreadCrumbTitleText != null) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mBreadCrumbTitleRes=#");
writer.print(" mBreadCrumbTitleText=");
if (mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes != 0 || mBreadCrumbShortTitleText != null) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes=#");
writer.print(" mBreadCrumbShortTitleText=");
if (mHead != null) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Operations:");
String innerPrefix = prefix + " ";
Op op = mHead;
int num = 0;
while (op != null) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" Op #"); writer.print(num);
writer.print(innerPrefix); writer.print("cmd="); writer.print(op.cmd);
writer.print(" fragment="); writer.println(op.fragment);
if (op.enterAnim != 0 || op.exitAnim != 0) {
writer.print(prefix); writer.print("enterAnim="); writer.print(op.enterAnim);
writer.print(" exitAnim="); writer.println(op.exitAnim);
if (op.popEnterAnim != 0 || op.popExitAnim != 0) {
writer.print("popEnterAnim="); writer.print(op.popEnterAnim);
writer.print(" popExitAnim="); writer.println(op.popExitAnim);
if (op.removed != null && op.removed.size() > 0) {
for (int i=0; i<op.removed.size(); i++) {
if (op.removed.size() == 1) {
writer.print("Removed: ");
} else {
writer.print(innerPrefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(num);
writer.print(": ");
op =;
public BackStackRecord(FragmentManagerImpl manager) {
mManager = manager;
public int getId() {
return mIndex;
public int getBreadCrumbTitleRes() {
return mBreadCrumbTitleRes;
public int getBreadCrumbShortTitleRes() {
return mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes;
public CharSequence getBreadCrumbTitle() {
if (mBreadCrumbTitleRes != 0) {
return mManager.mActivity.getText(mBreadCrumbTitleRes);
return mBreadCrumbTitleText;
public CharSequence getBreadCrumbShortTitle() {
if (mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes != 0) {
return mManager.mActivity.getText(mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes);
return mBreadCrumbShortTitleText;
void addOp(Op op) {
if (mHead == null) {
mHead = mTail = op;
} else {
op.prev = mTail; = op;
mTail = op;
op.enterAnim = mEnterAnim;
op.exitAnim = mExitAnim;
op.popEnterAnim = mPopEnterAnim;
op.popExitAnim = mPopExitAnim;
public FragmentTransaction add(Fragment fragment, String tag) {
doAddOp(0, fragment, tag, OP_ADD);
return this;
public FragmentTransaction add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment) {
doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, null, OP_ADD);
return this;
public FragmentTransaction add(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, tag, OP_ADD);
return this;
private void doAddOp(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag, int opcmd) {
if (fragment.mImmediateActivity != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment already added: " + fragment);
fragment.mImmediateActivity = mManager.mActivity;
fragment.mFragmentManager = mManager;
if (tag != null) {
if (fragment.mTag != null && !tag.equals(fragment.mTag)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't change tag of fragment "
+ fragment + ": was " + fragment.mTag
+ " now " + tag);
fragment.mTag = tag;
if (containerViewId != 0) {
if (fragment.mFragmentId != 0 && fragment.mFragmentId != containerViewId) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can't change container ID of fragment "
+ fragment + ": was " + fragment.mFragmentId
+ " now " + containerViewId);
fragment.mContainerId = fragment.mFragmentId = containerViewId;
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = opcmd;
op.fragment = fragment;
public FragmentTransaction replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment) {
return replace(containerViewId, fragment, null);
public FragmentTransaction replace(int containerViewId, Fragment fragment, String tag) {
if (containerViewId == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must use non-zero containerViewId");
doAddOp(containerViewId, fragment, tag, OP_REPLACE);
return this;
public FragmentTransaction remove(Fragment fragment) {
if (fragment.mImmediateActivity == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment not added: " + fragment);
fragment.mImmediateActivity = null;
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = OP_REMOVE;
op.fragment = fragment;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction hide(Fragment fragment) {
if (fragment.mImmediateActivity == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment not added: " + fragment);
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = OP_HIDE;
op.fragment = fragment;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction show(Fragment fragment) {
if (fragment.mImmediateActivity == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment not added: " + fragment);
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = OP_SHOW;
op.fragment = fragment;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction detach(Fragment fragment) {
//if (fragment.mImmediateActivity == null) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment not added: " + fragment);
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = OP_DETACH;
op.fragment = fragment;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction attach(Fragment fragment) {
//if (fragment.mImmediateActivity == null) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment not added: " + fragment);
Op op = new Op();
op.cmd = OP_ATTACH;
op.fragment = fragment;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit) {
return setCustomAnimations(enter, exit, 0, 0);
public FragmentTransaction setCustomAnimations(int enter, int exit,
int popEnter, int popExit) {
mEnterAnim = enter;
mExitAnim = exit;
mPopEnterAnim = popEnter;
mPopExitAnim = popExit;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setTransition(int transition) {
mTransition = transition;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setTransitionStyle(int styleRes) {
mTransitionStyle = styleRes;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction addToBackStack(String name) {
if (!mAllowAddToBackStack) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"This FragmentTransaction is not allowed to be added to the back stack.");
mAddToBackStack = true;
mName = name;
return this;
public boolean isAddToBackStackAllowed() {
return mAllowAddToBackStack;
public FragmentTransaction disallowAddToBackStack() {
if (mAddToBackStack) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"This transaction is already being added to the back stack");
mAllowAddToBackStack = false;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(int res) {
mBreadCrumbTitleRes = res;
mBreadCrumbTitleText = null;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbTitle(CharSequence text) {
mBreadCrumbTitleRes = 0;
mBreadCrumbTitleText = text;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(int res) {
mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = res;
mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = null;
return this;
public FragmentTransaction setBreadCrumbShortTitle(CharSequence text) {
mBreadCrumbShortTitleRes = 0;
mBreadCrumbShortTitleText = text;
return this;
void bumpBackStackNesting(int amt) {
if (!mAddToBackStack) {
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting in " + this
+ " by " + amt);
Op op = mHead;
while (op != null) {
op.fragment.mBackStackNesting += amt;
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
+ op.fragment + " to " + op.fragment.mBackStackNesting);
if (op.removed != null) {
for (int i=op.removed.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
Fragment r = op.removed.get(i);
r.mBackStackNesting += amt;
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
+ r + " to " + r.mBackStackNesting);
op =;
public int commit() {
return commitInternal(false);
public int commitAllowingStateLoss() {
return commitInternal(true);
int commitInternal(boolean allowStateLoss) {
if (mCommitted) throw new IllegalStateException("commit already called");
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Commit: " + this);
mCommitted = true;
if (mAddToBackStack) {
mIndex = mManager.allocBackStackIndex(this);
} else {
mIndex = -1;
mManager.enqueueAction(this, allowStateLoss);
return mIndex;
public void run() {
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Run: " + this);
if (mAddToBackStack) {
if (mIndex < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("addToBackStack() called after commit()");
Op op = mHead;
while (op != null) {
switch (op.cmd) {
case OP_ADD: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.enterAnim;
mManager.addFragment(f, false);
} break;
case OP_REPLACE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
if (mManager.mAdded != null) {
for (int i=0; i<mManager.mAdded.size(); i++) {
Fragment old = mManager.mAdded.get(i);
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG,
"OP_REPLACE: adding=" + f + " old=" + old);
if (old.mContainerId == f.mContainerId) {
if (op.removed == null) {
op.removed = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
old.mNextAnim = op.exitAnim;
if (mAddToBackStack) {
old.mBackStackNesting += 1;
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Bump nesting of "
+ old + " to " + old.mBackStackNesting);
mManager.removeFragment(old, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
f.mNextAnim = op.enterAnim;
mManager.addFragment(f, false);
} break;
case OP_REMOVE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.exitAnim;
mManager.removeFragment(f, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_HIDE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.exitAnim;
mManager.hideFragment(f, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_SHOW: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.enterAnim;
mManager.showFragment(f, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_DETACH: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.exitAnim;
mManager.detachFragment(f, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_ATTACH: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.enterAnim;
mManager.attachFragment(f, mTransition, mTransitionStyle);
} break;
default: {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cmd: " + op.cmd);
op =;
mManager.moveToState(mManager.mCurState, mTransition,
mTransitionStyle, true);
if (mAddToBackStack) {
public void popFromBackStack(boolean doStateMove) {
if (FragmentManagerImpl.DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "popFromBackStack: " + this);
Op op = mTail;
while (op != null) {
switch (op.cmd) {
case OP_ADD: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.popExitAnim;
f.mImmediateActivity = null;
} break;
case OP_REPLACE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.popExitAnim;
f.mImmediateActivity = null;
if (op.removed != null) {
for (int i=0; i<op.removed.size(); i++) {
Fragment old = op.removed.get(i);
old.mNextAnim = op.popEnterAnim;
f.mImmediateActivity = mManager.mActivity;
mManager.addFragment(old, false);
} break;
case OP_REMOVE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.popEnterAnim;
f.mImmediateActivity = mManager.mActivity;
mManager.addFragment(f, false);
} break;
case OP_HIDE: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.popEnterAnim;
FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(mTransition), mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_SHOW: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
f.mNextAnim = op.popExitAnim;
FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(mTransition), mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_DETACH: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(mTransition), mTransitionStyle);
} break;
case OP_ATTACH: {
Fragment f = op.fragment;
FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(mTransition), mTransitionStyle);
} break;
default: {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown cmd: " + op.cmd);
op = op.prev;
if (doStateMove) {
FragmentManagerImpl.reverseTransit(mTransition), mTransitionStyle, true);
if (mIndex >= 0) {
mIndex = -1;
public String getName() {
return mName;
public int getTransition() {
return mTransition;
public int getTransitionStyle() {
return mTransitionStyle;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return mNumOp == 0;