blob: cf2b69cbc51289a3e6addb74b2201079f2ebb185 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.permission.PermissionManagerInternal;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* Internal interfaces services.
* TODO: Move into module.
public interface PermissionManagerServiceInternal extends PermissionManagerInternal,
LegacyPermissionDataProvider {
* Check whether a particular package has been granted a particular permission.
* @param packageName the name of the package you are checking against
* @param permissionName the name of the permission you are checking for
* @param userId the user ID
* @return {@code PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the permission is granted, or {@code PERMISSION_DENIED}
* otherwise
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
int checkPermission(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull String permissionName,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Check whether a particular UID has been granted a particular permission.
* @param uid the UID
* @param permissionName the name of the permission you are checking for
* @return {@code PERMISSION_GRANTED} if the permission is granted, or {@code PERMISSION_DENIED}
* otherwise
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
int checkUidPermission(int uid, @NonNull String permissionName);
* Get whether permission review is required for a package.
* @param packageName the name of the package
* @param userId the user ID
* @return whether permission review is required
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
boolean isPermissionsReviewRequired(@NonNull String packageName,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Reset the runtime permission state changes for a package.
* TODO(zhanghai): Turn this into package change callback?
* @param pkg the package
* @param userId the user ID
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void resetRuntimePermissions(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Reset the runtime permission state changes for all packages in a user.
* @param userId the user ID
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void resetRuntimePermissionsForUser(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Read legacy permission state from package settings.
* TODO(zhanghai): This is a temporary method because we should not expose
* {@code PackageSetting} which is a implementation detail that permission should not know.
* Instead, it should retrieve the legacy state via a defined API.
void readLegacyPermissionStateTEMP();
* Write legacy permission state to package settings.
* TODO(zhanghai): This is a temporary method and should be removed once we migrated persistence
* for permission.
void writeLegacyPermissionStateTEMP();
* Get all the permissions definitions from a package that's installed in the system.
* <p>
* A permission definition in a normal app may not be installed if it's overridden by the
* platform or system app that contains a conflicting definition after system upgrade.
* @param packageName the name of the package
* @return the names of the installed permissions
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
Set<String> getInstalledPermissions(@NonNull String packageName);
* Get all the permissions granted to a package.
* @param packageName the name of the package
* @param userId the user ID
* @return the names of the granted permissions
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
Set<String> getGrantedPermissions(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Get the GIDs of a permission.
* @param permissionName the name of the permission
* @param userId the user ID
* @return the GIDs of the permission
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
int[] getPermissionGids(@NonNull String permissionName, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Get the packages that have requested an app op permission.
* @param permissionName the name of the app op permission
* @return the names of the packages that have requested the app op permission
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
String[] getAppOpPermissionPackages(@NonNull String permissionName);
/** HACK HACK methods to allow for partial migration of data to the PermissionManager class */
Permission getPermissionTEMP(@NonNull String permName);
/** Get all permissions that have a certain protection */
List<PermissionInfo> getAllPermissionsWithProtection(
@PermissionInfo.Protection int protection);
/** Get all permissions that have certain protection flags
* @return*/
@NonNull List<PermissionInfo> getAllPermissionsWithProtectionFlags(
@PermissionInfo.ProtectionFlags int protectionFlags);
* Start delegate the permission identity of the shell UID to the given UID.
* @param uid the UID to delegate shell permission identity to
* @param packageName the name of the package to delegate shell permission identity to
* @param permissionNames the names of the permissions to delegate shell permission identity
* for, or {@code null} for all permissions
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void startShellPermissionIdentityDelegation(int uid,
@NonNull String packageName, @Nullable List<String> permissionNames);
* Stop delegating the permission identity of the shell UID.
* @see #startShellPermissionIdentityDelegation(int, String, List)
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void stopShellPermissionIdentityDelegation();
* Get all delegated shell permissions.
@NonNull List<String> getDelegatedShellPermissions();
* Read legacy permissions from legacy permission settings.
* TODO(zhanghai): This is a temporary method because we should not expose
* {@code LegacyPermissionSettings} which is a implementation detail that permission should not
* know. Instead, it should retrieve the legacy permissions via a defined API.
void readLegacyPermissionsTEMP(@NonNull LegacyPermissionSettings legacyPermissionSettings);
* Write legacy permissions to legacy permission settings.
* TODO(zhanghai): This is a temporary method and should be removed once we migrated persistence
* for permission.
void writeLegacyPermissionsTEMP(@NonNull LegacyPermissionSettings legacyPermissionSettings);
* Get the fingerprint for default permission grants.
String getDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Set the fingerprint for default permission grants.
void setDefaultPermissionGrantFingerprint(@NonNull String fingerprint, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Callback when the system is ready.
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onSystemReady();
* Callback when a storage volume is mounted, so that all packages on it become available.
* @param volumeUuid the UUID of the storage volume
* @param fingerprintChanged whether the current build fingerprint is different from what it was
* when this volume was last mounted
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onStorageVolumeMounted(@NonNull String volumeUuid, boolean fingerprintChanged);
* Callback when a user has been created.
* @param userId the created user ID
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onUserCreated(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Callback when a user has been removed.
* @param userId the removed user ID
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onUserRemoved(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Callback when a package has been added.
* @param packageState the added package
* @param isInstantApp whether the added package is an instant app
* @param oldPkg the old package, or {@code null} if none
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onPackageAdded(@NonNull PackageState packageState,
boolean isInstantApp, @Nullable AndroidPackage oldPkg);
* Callback when a package has been installed for a user.
* @param pkg the installed package
* @param previousAppId the previous app ID if the package is leaving a shared UID,
* or Process.INVALID_UID
* @param params the parameters passed in for package installation
* @param userId the user ID this package is installed for
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onPackageInstalled(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, int previousAppId,
@NonNull PackageInstalledParams params,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Callback when a package has been removed.
* @param pkg the removed package
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onPackageRemoved(@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg);
* Callback when a package has been uninstalled.
* <p>
* The package may have been fully removed from the system, or only marked as uninstalled for
* this user but still instlaled for other users.
* @param packageName the name of the uninstalled package
* @param appId the app ID of the uninstalled package
* @param packageState the uninstalled package, or {@code null} if unavailable
* @param sharedUserPkgs the packages that are in the same shared user
* @param userId the user ID the package is uninstalled for
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
void onPackageUninstalled(@NonNull String packageName, int appId,
@Nullable PackageState packageState, @Nullable AndroidPackage pkg,
@NonNull List<AndroidPackage> sharedUserPkgs, @UserIdInt int userId);
* The permission-related parameters passed in for package installation.
* @see SessionParams
//@SystemApi(client = SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER)
final class PackageInstalledParams {
* A static instance whose parameters are all in their default state.
public static final PackageInstalledParams DEFAULT = new Builder().build();
private final ArrayMap<String, Integer> mPermissionStates;
private final List<String> mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions;
private final int mAutoRevokePermissionsMode;
private PackageInstalledParams(@NonNull ArrayMap<String, Integer> permissionStates,
@NonNull List<String> allowlistedRestrictedPermissions,
int autoRevokePermissionsMode) {
mPermissionStates = permissionStates;
mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions = allowlistedRestrictedPermissions;
mAutoRevokePermissionsMode = autoRevokePermissionsMode;
* @return the permissions states requested
* @see SessionParams#setPermissionState(String, int)
public ArrayMap<String, Integer> getPermissionStates() {
return mPermissionStates;
* Get the restricted permissions to be allowlisted.
* @return the restricted permissions to be allowlisted
public List<String> getAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions() {
return mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions;
* Get the mode for auto revoking permissions.
* @return the mode for auto revoking permissions
public int getAutoRevokePermissionsMode() {
return mAutoRevokePermissionsMode;
* Builder class for {@link PackageInstalledParams}.
public static final class Builder {
private ArrayMap<String, Integer> mPermissionStates = null;
private List<String> mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions = Collections.emptyList();
private int mAutoRevokePermissionsMode = AppOpsManager.MODE_DEFAULT;
* Set the permissions states requested by the installer.
* @see SessionParams#setPermissionState(String, int)
public Builder setPermissionStates(
@NonNull ArrayMap<String, Integer> permissionStates) {
mPermissionStates = permissionStates;
return this;
* Set the restricted permissions to be allowlisted.
* <p>
* Permissions that are not restricted are ignored, so one can just pass in all
* requested permissions of a package to get all its restricted permissions allowlisted.
* @param allowlistedRestrictedPermissions the restricted permissions to be allowlisted
* @see SessionParams#setWhitelistedRestrictedPermissions(Set)
public void setAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions(
@NonNull List<String> allowlistedRestrictedPermissions) {
mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions = new ArrayList<>(
* Set the mode for auto revoking permissions.
* <p>
* {@link AppOpsManager#MODE_ALLOWED} means the system is allowed to auto revoke
* permissions from this package, and {@link AppOpsManager#MODE_IGNORED} means this
* package should be ignored when auto revoking permissions.
* {@link AppOpsManager#MODE_DEFAULT} means no changes will be made to the auto revoke
* mode of this package.
* @param autoRevokePermissionsMode the mode for auto revoking permissions
* @see SessionParams#setAutoRevokePermissionsMode(boolean)
public void setAutoRevokePermissionsMode(int autoRevokePermissionsMode) {
mAutoRevokePermissionsMode = autoRevokePermissionsMode;
* Build a new instance of {@link PackageInstalledParams}.
* @return the {@link PackageInstalledParams} built
public PackageInstalledParams build() {
return new PackageInstalledParams(
mPermissionStates == null ? new ArrayMap<>() : mPermissionStates,
mAllowlistedRestrictedPermissions, mAutoRevokePermissionsMode);
* Sets the provider of the currently active HotwordDetectionService.
* @see HotwordDetectionServiceProvider
void setHotwordDetectionServiceProvider(@Nullable HotwordDetectionServiceProvider provider);
* Gets the provider of the currently active HotwordDetectionService.
* @see HotwordDetectionServiceProvider
HotwordDetectionServiceProvider getHotwordDetectionServiceProvider();
* Provides the uid of the currently active
* {@link android.service.voice.HotwordDetectionService}, which should be granted RECORD_AUDIO,
interface HotwordDetectionServiceProvider {
int getUid();