blob: 558cdc0faf3d3549afa38ba46803dad5e8642be6 [file] [log] [blame]
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_defaults",
defaults: [
// Enables fine-grained GLES error checking
// If enabled, every GLES call is wrapped & error checked
// Has moderate overhead
cflags: [
// GCC false-positives on this warning, and since we -Werror that's
// a problem
include_dirs: [
product_variables: {
device_uses_hwc2: {
cflags: ["-DUSE_HWC2"],
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_static_deps",
shared_libs: [
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_bugreport_font_cache_usage",
srcs: ["font/FontCacheHistoryTracker.cpp"],
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_compile_for_perf",
// TODO: Non-arm?
cflags: [
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_enable_renderscript",
include_dirs: [
shared_libs: ["libRScpp"],
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_debug",
cflags: ["-include debug/wrap_gles.h"],
srcs: [
include_dirs: ["frameworks/native/opengl/libs/GLES2"],
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_enable_opengl_validation",
defaults: ["hwui_debug"],
cflags: ["-DDEBUG_OPENGL=3"],
// ------------------------
// library
// ------------------------
cc_defaults {
name: "libhwui_defaults",
defaults: ["hwui_defaults"],
srcs: [
proto: {
export_proto_headers: true,
export_include_dirs: ["."],
cc_library {
name: "libhwui",
defaults: ["libhwui_defaults"],
// ------------------------
// static library null gpu
// ------------------------
cc_library_static {
name: "libhwui_static_null_gpu",
defaults: ["libhwui_defaults"],
cflags: ["-DHWUI_NULL_GPU"],
srcs: [
export_include_dirs: ["."],
cc_defaults {
name: "hwui_test_defaults",
defaults: ["hwui_defaults"],
srcs: [
// ------------------------
// unit tests
// ------------------------
cc_test {
name: "hwui_unit_tests",
defaults: ["hwui_test_defaults"],
static_libs: ["libhwui_static_null_gpu"],
shared_libs: ["libmemunreachable"],
cflags: ["-DHWUI_NULL_GPU"],
srcs: [
// ------------------------
// Macro-bench app
// ------------------------
cc_test {
name: "hwuitest",
defaults: ["hwui_test_defaults"],
gtest: false,
// set to libhwui_static_null_gpu to skip actual GL commands
whole_static_libs: ["libhwui"],
srcs: [
// ------------------------
// Micro-bench app
// ---------------------
cc_benchmark {
name: "hwuimicro",
defaults: ["hwui_test_defaults"],
cflags: ["-DHWUI_NULL_GPU"],
whole_static_libs: ["libhwui_static_null_gpu"],
srcs: [