blob: 3d7ac6c1a3f8810a2872b4c5d51392d77f06b542 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR;
import static android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY;
import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicyConstants.APPLICATION_LAYER;
import static android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer.FEATURE_DEFAULT_TASK_CONTAINER;
import static android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer.FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST;
import static android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer.KEY_ROOT_DISPLAY_AREA_ID;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
* A builder for instantiating a complex {@link DisplayAreaPolicy}
* <p>Given a set of features (that each target a set of window types), it builds the necessary
* {@link DisplayArea} hierarchy.
* <p>Example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* // Build root hierarchy of the logical display.
* DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder rootHierarchy =
* new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder(root)
* // Feature for targeting everything below the magnification overlay
* .addFeature(new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.Feature.Builder(wmService.mPolicy,
* // Make the DA dimmable so that the magnify window also mirrors the
* // dim layer
* .setNewDisplayAreaSupplier(DisplayArea.Dimmable::new)
* .build())
* .setImeContainer(imeContainer)
* .setTaskDisplayAreas(rootTdaList);
* // Build root hierarchy of first and second DisplayAreaGroup.
* RootDisplayArea firstRoot = new RootDisplayArea(wmService, "FirstRoot", FEATURE_FIRST_ROOT);
* DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder firstGroupHierarchy =
* new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder(firstRoot)
* // (Optional) .addFeature(...)
* .setTaskDisplayAreas(firstTdaList);
* RootDisplayArea secondRoot = new RootDisplayArea(wmService, "SecondRoot",
* DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder secondGroupHierarchy =
* new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.HierarchyBuilder(secondRoot)
* // (Optional) .addFeature(...)
* .setTaskDisplayAreas(secondTdaList);
* // Define the function to select root for window to attach.
* BiFunction<WindowToken, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> selectRootForWindowFunc =
* (windowToken, options) -> {
* if (options == null) {
* return root;
* }
* // OEMs need to define the condition.
* if (...) {
* return firstRoot;
* }
* if (...) {
* return secondRoot;
* }
* return root;
* };
* return new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder()
* .setRootHierarchy(rootHierarchy)
* .addDisplayAreaGroupHierarchy(firstGroupHierarchy)
* .addDisplayAreaGroupHierarchy(secondGroupHierarchy)
* .setSelectRootForWindowFunc(selectRootForWindowFunc)
* .build(wmService, content);
* </pre>
* This builds a policy with the following hierarchy:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* - RootDisplayArea (DisplayContent)
* - WindowedMagnification
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (Wallpapers can be attached here)
* - TaskDisplayArea
* - RootDisplayArea (FirstRoot)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (Wallpapers can be attached here)
* - TaskDisplayArea
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above Tasks up to IME can be attached here)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above IME can be attached here)
* - RootDisplayArea (SecondRoot)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (Wallpapers can be attached here)
* - TaskDisplayArea
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above Tasks up to IME can be attached here)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above IME can be attached here)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above Tasks up to IME can be attached here)
* - ImeContainers
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (windows above IME up to TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_OVERLAY can be
* attached here)
* - DisplayArea.Tokens (TYPE_ACCESSIBILITY_MAGNIFICATION_OVERLAY and up can be attached
* here)
* </pre>
* When a {@link WindowToken} of Wallpaper needs to be attached, the policy will call the OEM
* defined {@link #mSelectRootForWindowFunc} to get a {@link RootDisplayArea}. It will then place
* the window to the corresponding {@link DisplayArea.Tokens} under the returned root
* {@link RootDisplayArea}.
class DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder {
@Nullable private HierarchyBuilder mRootHierarchyBuilder;
private final ArrayList<HierarchyBuilder> mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders =
new ArrayList<>();
* When a window is created, the policy will use this function, which takes window type and
* options, to select the {@link RootDisplayArea} to place that window in. The selected root
* can be either the one of the {@link #mRootHierarchyBuilder} or the one of any of the
* {@link #mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders}.
* @see DefaultSelectRootForWindowFunction as an example.
@Nullable private BiFunction<Integer, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> mSelectRootForWindowFunc;
/** Defines the root hierarchy for the whole logical display. */
DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder setRootHierarchy(HierarchyBuilder rootHierarchyBuilder) {
mRootHierarchyBuilder = rootHierarchyBuilder;
return this;
* Defines a DisplayAreaGroup hierarchy. Its root will be added as a child of the root
* hierarchy.
DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder addDisplayAreaGroupHierarchy(
HierarchyBuilder displayAreaGroupHierarchy) {
return this;
* The policy will use this function to find the root to place windows in.
* @see DefaultSelectRootForWindowFunction as an example.
DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder setSelectRootForWindowFunc(
BiFunction<Integer, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> selectRootForWindowFunc) {
mSelectRootForWindowFunc = selectRootForWindowFunc;
return this;
* Makes sure the setting meets the requirement:
* 1. {@link #mRootHierarchyBuilder} must be set.
* 2. {@link RootDisplayArea} and {@link TaskDisplayArea} must have unique ids.
* 3. {@link Feature} below the same {@link RootDisplayArea} must have unique ids.
* 4. There must be exactly one {@link HierarchyBuilder} that contains the IME container.
* 5. There must be exactly one {@link HierarchyBuilder} that contains the default
* {@link TaskDisplayArea} with id {@link FEATURE_DEFAULT_TASK_CONTAINER}.
* 6. None of the ids is greater than {@link FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST}.
private void validate() {
if (mRootHierarchyBuilder == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Root must be set for the display area policy.");
final Set<Integer> uniqueIdSet = new ArraySet<>();
final Set<Integer> allIdSet = new ArraySet<>();
validateIds(mRootHierarchyBuilder, uniqueIdSet, allIdSet);
boolean containsImeContainer = mRootHierarchyBuilder.mImeContainer != null;
boolean containsDefaultTda = containsDefaultTaskDisplayArea(mRootHierarchyBuilder);
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.size(); i++) {
HierarchyBuilder hierarchyBuilder = mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.get(i);
validateIds(hierarchyBuilder, uniqueIdSet, allIdSet);
if (hierarchyBuilder.mTaskDisplayAreas.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"DisplayAreaGroup must contain at least one TaskDisplayArea.");
if (containsImeContainer) {
if (hierarchyBuilder.mImeContainer != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Only one DisplayArea hierarchy can contain the IME container");
} else {
containsImeContainer = hierarchyBuilder.mImeContainer != null;
if (containsDefaultTda) {
if (containsDefaultTaskDisplayArea(hierarchyBuilder)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Only one TaskDisplayArea can have the feature "
} else {
containsDefaultTda = containsDefaultTaskDisplayArea(hierarchyBuilder);
if (!containsImeContainer) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IME container must be set.");
if (!containsDefaultTda) {
throw new IllegalStateException("There must be a default TaskDisplayArea with id of "
/** Checks if the given hierarchy contains the default {@link TaskDisplayArea}. */
private static boolean containsDefaultTaskDisplayArea(HierarchyBuilder displayAreaHierarchy) {
for (int i = 0; i < displayAreaHierarchy.mTaskDisplayAreas.size(); i++) {
if (displayAreaHierarchy.mTaskDisplayAreas.get(i).mFeatureId
return true;
return false;
* Makes sure that ids meet requirement.
* {@link RootDisplayArea} and {@link TaskDisplayArea} must have unique ids.
* {@link Feature} below the same {@link RootDisplayArea} must have unique ids, but
* {@link Feature} below different {@link RootDisplayArea} can have the same id so that we can
* organize them together.
* None of the ids is greater than {@link FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST}
* @param uniqueIdSet ids of {@link RootDisplayArea} and {@link TaskDisplayArea} that must be
* unique,
* @param allIdSet ids of {@link RootDisplayArea}, {@link TaskDisplayArea} and {@link Feature}.
private static void validateIds(HierarchyBuilder displayAreaHierarchy,
Set<Integer> uniqueIdSet, Set<Integer> allIdSet) {
// Root must have unique id.
final int rootId = displayAreaHierarchy.mRoot.mFeatureId;
if (!allIdSet.add(rootId) || !uniqueIdSet.add(rootId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"RootDisplayArea must have unique id, but id=" + rootId + " is not unique.");
throw new IllegalStateException(
"RootDisplayArea should not have an id greater than FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST.");
// TDAs must have unique id.
for (int i = 0; i < displayAreaHierarchy.mTaskDisplayAreas.size(); i++) {
final int taskDisplayAreaId = displayAreaHierarchy.mTaskDisplayAreas.get(i).mFeatureId;
if (!allIdSet.add(taskDisplayAreaId) || !uniqueIdSet.add(taskDisplayAreaId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TaskDisplayArea must have unique id, but id="
+ taskDisplayAreaId + " is not unique.");
if (taskDisplayAreaId > FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST) {
throw new IllegalStateException("TaskDisplayArea declared in the policy should not"
+ "have an id greater than FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST.");
// Features below the same root must have unique ids.
final Set<Integer> featureIdSet = new ArraySet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < displayAreaHierarchy.mFeatures.size(); i++) {
final int featureId = displayAreaHierarchy.mFeatures.get(i).getId();
if (uniqueIdSet.contains(featureId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature must not have same id with any "
+ "RootDisplayArea or TaskDisplayArea, but id=" + featureId + " is used");
if (!featureIdSet.add(featureId)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Feature below the same root must have unique id, "
+ "but id=" + featureId + " is not unique.");
if (featureId > FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Feature should not have an id greater than FEATURE_VENDOR_LAST.");
// Features below different roots can have the same id so that we can organize them
// together.
Result build(WindowManagerService wmService) {
// Attach DA group roots to screen hierarchy before adding windows to group hierarchies.;
List<RootDisplayArea> displayAreaGroupRoots = new ArrayList<>(
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.size(); i++) {
HierarchyBuilder hierarchyBuilder = mDisplayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.get(i);;
// Use the default function if it is not specified otherwise.
if (mSelectRootForWindowFunc == null) {
mSelectRootForWindowFunc = new DefaultSelectRootForWindowFunction(
mRootHierarchyBuilder.mRoot, displayAreaGroupRoots);
return new Result(wmService, mRootHierarchyBuilder.mRoot, displayAreaGroupRoots,
* The default function to be used for finding {@link RootDisplayArea} for window to be attached
* to if there is no other function set through {@link #setSelectRootForWindowFunc(BiFunction)}.
* When a window is created with {@link Bundle} options, this function will select the
* {@link RootDisplayArea} based on the options. Returns {@link #mDisplayRoot} if there is no
* match found.
private static class DefaultSelectRootForWindowFunction implements
BiFunction<Integer, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> {
final RootDisplayArea mDisplayRoot;
final List<RootDisplayArea> mDisplayAreaGroupRoots;
DefaultSelectRootForWindowFunction(RootDisplayArea displayRoot,
List<RootDisplayArea> displayAreaGroupRoots) {
mDisplayRoot = displayRoot;
mDisplayAreaGroupRoots = Collections.unmodifiableList(displayAreaGroupRoots);
public RootDisplayArea apply(Integer windowType, Bundle options) {
if (mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.isEmpty()) {
return mDisplayRoot;
// Select the RootDisplayArea set in options.
if (options != null && options.containsKey(KEY_ROOT_DISPLAY_AREA_ID)) {
final int rootId = options.getInt(KEY_ROOT_DISPLAY_AREA_ID);
if (mDisplayRoot.mFeatureId == rootId) {
return mDisplayRoot;
for (int i = mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.get(i).mFeatureId == rootId) {
return mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.get(i);
return mDisplayRoot;
* Builder to define {@link Feature} and {@link DisplayArea} hierarchy under a
* {@link RootDisplayArea}
static class HierarchyBuilder {
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS = 1;
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS = 2;
private static final int LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS = 0;
private final RootDisplayArea mRoot;
private final ArrayList<DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.Feature> mFeatures = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<TaskDisplayArea> mTaskDisplayAreas = new ArrayList<>();
private DisplayArea.Tokens mImeContainer;
HierarchyBuilder(RootDisplayArea root) {
mRoot = root;
/** Adds {@link Feature} that applies to layers under this container. */
HierarchyBuilder addFeature(DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.Feature feature) {
return this;
* Sets {@link TaskDisplayArea} that are children of this hierarchy root.
* {@link DisplayArea} group must have at least one {@link TaskDisplayArea}.
HierarchyBuilder setTaskDisplayAreas(List<TaskDisplayArea> taskDisplayAreas) {
return this;
/** Sets IME container as a child of this hierarchy root. */
HierarchyBuilder setImeContainer(DisplayArea.Tokens imeContainer) {
mImeContainer = imeContainer;
return this;
/** Builds the {@link DisplayArea} hierarchy below root. */
private void build() {
build(null /* displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders */);
* Builds the {@link DisplayArea} hierarchy below root. And adds the roots of those
* {@link HierarchyBuilder} as children.
private void build(@Nullable List<HierarchyBuilder> displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders) {
final WindowManagerPolicy policy = mRoot.mWmService.mPolicy;
final int maxWindowLayerCount = policy.getMaxWindowLayer() + 1;
final DisplayArea.Tokens[] displayAreaForLayer =
new DisplayArea.Tokens[maxWindowLayerCount];
final Map<Feature, List<DisplayArea<WindowContainer>>> featureAreas =
new ArrayMap<>(mFeatures.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mFeatures.size(); i++) {
featureAreas.put(mFeatures.get(i), new ArrayList<>());
// This method constructs the layer hierarchy with the following properties:
// (1) Every feature maps to a set of DisplayAreas
// (2) After adding a window, for every feature the window's type belongs to,
// it is a descendant of one of the corresponding DisplayAreas of the feature.
// (3) Z-order is maintained, i.e. if z-range(area) denotes the set of layers of windows
// within a DisplayArea:
// for every pair of DisplayArea siblings (a,b), where a is below b, it holds that
// max(z-range(a)) <= min(z-range(b))
// The algorithm below iteratively creates such a hierarchy:
// - Initially, all windows are attached to the root.
// - For each feature we create a set of DisplayAreas, by looping over the layers
// - if the feature does apply to the current layer, we need to find a DisplayArea
// for it to satisfy (2)
// - we can re-use the previous layer's area if:
// the current feature also applies to the previous layer, (to satisfy (3))
// and the last feature that applied to the previous layer is the same as
// the last feature that applied to the current layer (to satisfy (2))
// - otherwise we create a new DisplayArea below the last feature that applied
// to the current layer
PendingArea[] areaForLayer = new PendingArea[maxWindowLayerCount];
final PendingArea root = new PendingArea(null, 0, null);
Arrays.fill(areaForLayer, root);
// Create DisplayAreas to cover all defined features.
final int size = mFeatures.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
// Traverse the features with the order they are defined, so that the early defined
// feature will be on the top in the hierarchy.
final Feature feature = mFeatures.get(i);
PendingArea featureArea = null;
for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) {
if (feature.mWindowLayers[layer]) {
// This feature will be applied to this window layer.
// We need to find a DisplayArea for it:
// We can reuse the existing one if it was created for this feature for the
// previous layer AND the last feature that applied to the previous layer is
// the same as the feature that applied to the current layer (so they are ok
// to share the same parent DisplayArea).
if (featureArea == null || featureArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]) {
// No suitable DisplayArea:
// Create a new one under the previous area (as parent) for this layer.
featureArea = new PendingArea(feature, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);
areaForLayer[layer] = featureArea;
} else {
// This feature won't be applied to this window layer. If it needs to be
// applied to the next layer, we will need to create a new DisplayArea for
// that.
featureArea = null;
// Create Tokens as leaf for every layer.
PendingArea leafArea = null;
int leafType = LEAF_TYPE_TOKENS;
for (int layer = 0; layer < maxWindowLayerCount; layer++) {
int type = typeOfLayer(policy, layer);
// Check whether we can reuse the same Tokens with the previous layer. This happens
// if the previous layer is the same type as the current layer AND there is no
// feature that applies to only one of them.
if (leafArea == null || leafArea.mParent != areaForLayer[layer]
|| type != leafType) {
// Create a new Tokens for this layer.
leafArea = new PendingArea(null /* feature */, layer, areaForLayer[layer]);
leafType = type;
// We use the passed in TaskDisplayAreas for task container type of layer.
// Skip creating Tokens even if there is no TDA.
leafArea.mSkipTokens = true;
} else if (leafType == LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS) {
// We use the passed in ImeContainer for ime container type of layer.
// Skip creating Tokens even if there is no ime container.
leafArea.mExisting = mImeContainer;
leafArea.mSkipTokens = true;
leafArea.mMaxLayer = layer;
// We built a tree of PendingAreas above with all the necessary info to represent the
// hierarchy, now create and attach real DisplayAreas to the root.
root.instantiateChildren(mRoot, displayAreaForLayer, 0, featureAreas);
// Notify the root that we have finished attaching all the DisplayAreas. Cache all the
// feature related collections there for fast access.
mRoot.onHierarchyBuilt(mFeatures, displayAreaForLayer, featureAreas);
/** Adds all {@link TaskDisplayArea} to the application layer. */
private void addTaskDisplayAreasToApplicationLayer(PendingArea parentPendingArea) {
final int count = mTaskDisplayAreas.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
PendingArea leafArea =
new PendingArea(null /* feature */, APPLICATION_LAYER, parentPendingArea);
leafArea.mExisting = mTaskDisplayAreas.get(i);
leafArea.mMaxLayer = APPLICATION_LAYER;
/** Adds roots of the DisplayAreaGroups to the application layer. */
private void addDisplayAreaGroupsToApplicationLayer(
DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.PendingArea parentPendingArea,
@Nullable List<HierarchyBuilder> displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders) {
if (displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders == null) {
final int count = displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
leafArea = new DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder.PendingArea(
null /* feature */, APPLICATION_LAYER, parentPendingArea);
leafArea.mExisting = displayAreaGroupHierarchyBuilders.get(i).mRoot;
leafArea.mMaxLayer = APPLICATION_LAYER;
private static int typeOfLayer(WindowManagerPolicy policy, int layer) {
if (layer == APPLICATION_LAYER) {
} else if (layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD)
|| layer == policy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(TYPE_INPUT_METHOD_DIALOG)) {
} else {
/** Supplier interface to provide a new created {@link DisplayArea}. */
interface NewDisplayAreaSupplier {
DisplayArea create(WindowManagerService wms, DisplayArea.Type type, String name,
int featureId);
* A feature that requires {@link DisplayArea DisplayArea(s)}.
static class Feature {
private final String mName;
private final int mId;
private final boolean[] mWindowLayers;
private final NewDisplayAreaSupplier mNewDisplayAreaSupplier;
private Feature(String name, int id, boolean[] windowLayers,
NewDisplayAreaSupplier newDisplayAreaSupplier) {
mName = name;
mId = id;
mWindowLayers = windowLayers;
mNewDisplayAreaSupplier = newDisplayAreaSupplier;
* Returns the id of the feature.
* <p>Must be unique among the features added to a {@link DisplayAreaPolicyBuilder}.
* @see android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer#FEATURE_SYSTEM_FIRST
* @see android.window.DisplayAreaOrganizer#FEATURE_VENDOR_FIRST
public int getId() {
return mId;
public String toString() {
return "Feature(\"" + mName + "\", " + mId + '}';
static class Builder {
private final WindowManagerPolicy mPolicy;
private final String mName;
private final int mId;
private final boolean[] mLayers;
private NewDisplayAreaSupplier mNewDisplayAreaSupplier = DisplayArea::new;
private boolean mExcludeRoundedCorner = true;
* Builds a new feature that applies to a set of window types as specified by the
* builder methods.
* <p>The set of types is updated iteratively in the order of the method invocations.
* For example, {@code all().except(TYPE_STATUS_BAR)} expresses that a feature should
* apply to all types except TYPE_STATUS_BAR.
* <p>The builder starts out with the feature not applying to any types.
* @param name the name of the feature.
* @param id of the feature. {@see Feature#getId}
Builder(WindowManagerPolicy policy, String name, int id) {
mPolicy = policy;
mName = name;
mId = id;
mLayers = new boolean[mPolicy.getMaxWindowLayer() + 1];
* Set that the feature applies to all window types.
Builder all() {
Arrays.fill(mLayers, true);
return this;
* Set that the feature applies to the given window types.
Builder and(int... types) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
int type = types[i];
set(type, true);
return this;
* Set that the feature does not apply to the given window types.
Builder except(int... types) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
int type = types[i];
set(type, false);
return this;
* Set that the feature applies window types that are layerd at or below the layer of
* the given window type.
Builder upTo(int typeInclusive) {
final int max = layerFromType(typeInclusive, false);
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
mLayers[i] = true;
set(typeInclusive, true);
return this;
* Sets the function to create new {@link DisplayArea} for this feature. By default, it
* uses {@link DisplayArea}'s constructor.
Builder setNewDisplayAreaSupplier(NewDisplayAreaSupplier newDisplayAreaSupplier) {
mNewDisplayAreaSupplier = newDisplayAreaSupplier;
return this;
// TODO(b/155340867): consider to remove the logic after using pure Surface for rounded
// corner overlay.
Builder setExcludeRoundedCornerOverlay(boolean excludeRoundedCorner) {
mExcludeRoundedCorner = excludeRoundedCorner;
return this;
Feature build() {
if (mExcludeRoundedCorner) {
// Always put the rounded corner layer to the top most layer.
mLayers[mPolicy.getMaxWindowLayer()] = false;
return new Feature(mName, mId, mLayers.clone(), mNewDisplayAreaSupplier);
private void set(int type, boolean value) {
mLayers[layerFromType(type, true)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(type, true)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, false)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY, false)] = value;
mLayers[layerFromType(TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR, false)] = value;
private int layerFromType(int type, boolean internalWindows) {
return mPolicy.getWindowLayerFromTypeLw(type, internalWindows);
static class Result extends DisplayAreaPolicy {
final List<RootDisplayArea> mDisplayAreaGroupRoots;
final BiFunction<Integer, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> mSelectRootForWindowFunc;
private final TaskDisplayArea mDefaultTaskDisplayArea;
Result(WindowManagerService wmService, RootDisplayArea root,
List<RootDisplayArea> displayAreaGroupRoots,
BiFunction<Integer, Bundle, RootDisplayArea> selectRootForWindowFunc) {
super(wmService, root);
mDisplayAreaGroupRoots = Collections.unmodifiableList(displayAreaGroupRoots);
mSelectRootForWindowFunc = selectRootForWindowFunc;
// Cache the default TaskDisplayArea for quick access.
mDefaultTaskDisplayArea = mRoot.getItemFromTaskDisplayAreas(taskDisplayArea ->
? taskDisplayArea
: null);
if (mDefaultTaskDisplayArea == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
public void addWindow(WindowToken token) {
DisplayArea.Tokens area = findAreaForToken(token);
DisplayArea.Tokens findAreaForToken(WindowToken token) {
return mSelectRootForWindowFunc.apply(token.windowType, token.mOptions)
public DisplayArea.Tokens findAreaForWindowType(int type, Bundle options,
boolean ownerCanManageAppTokens, boolean roundedCornerOverlay) {
return mSelectRootForWindowFunc.apply(type, options).findAreaForWindowTypeInLayer(type,
ownerCanManageAppTokens, roundedCornerOverlay);
List<Feature> getFeatures() {
Set<Feature> features = new ArraySet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.size(); i++) {
return new ArrayList<>(features);
public List<DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer>> getDisplayAreas(int featureId) {
List<DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer>> displayAreas = new ArrayList<>();
getDisplayAreas(mRoot, featureId, displayAreas);
for (int i = 0; i < mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.size(); i++) {
getDisplayAreas(mDisplayAreaGroupRoots.get(i), featureId, displayAreas);
return displayAreas;
private static void getDisplayAreas(RootDisplayArea root, int featureId,
List<DisplayArea<? extends WindowContainer>> displayAreas) {
List<Feature> features = root.mFeatures;
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) {
Feature feature = features.get(i);
if (feature.mId == featureId) {
public TaskDisplayArea getDefaultTaskDisplayArea() {
return mDefaultTaskDisplayArea;
static class PendingArea {
final int mMinLayer;
final ArrayList<PendingArea> mChildren = new ArrayList<>();
final Feature mFeature;
final PendingArea mParent;
int mMaxLayer;
/** If not {@code null}, use this instead of creating a {@link DisplayArea.Tokens}. */
@Nullable DisplayArea mExisting;
* Whether to skip creating a {@link DisplayArea.Tokens} if {@link #mExisting} is
* {@code null}.
* <p>This will be set for {@link HierarchyBuilder#LEAF_TYPE_IME_CONTAINERS} and
* {@link HierarchyBuilder#LEAF_TYPE_TASK_CONTAINERS}, because we don't want to create
* {@link DisplayArea.Tokens} for them even if they are not set.
boolean mSkipTokens = false;
PendingArea(Feature feature, int minLayer, PendingArea parent) {
mMinLayer = minLayer;
mFeature = feature;
mParent = parent;
int computeMaxLayer() {
for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {
mMaxLayer = Math.max(mMaxLayer, mChildren.get(i).computeMaxLayer());
return mMaxLayer;
void instantiateChildren(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent, DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer,
int level, Map<Feature, List<DisplayArea<WindowContainer>>> areas) {
mChildren.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(pendingArea -> pendingArea.mMinLayer));
for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) {
final PendingArea child = mChildren.get(i);
final DisplayArea area = child.createArea(parent, areaForLayer);
if (area == null) {
// TaskDisplayArea and ImeContainer can be set at different hierarchy, so it can
// be null.
parent.addChild(area, WindowContainer.POSITION_TOP);
if (child.mFeature != null) {
child.instantiateChildren(area, areaForLayer, level + 1, areas);
private DisplayArea createArea(DisplayArea<DisplayArea> parent,
DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer) {
if (mExisting != null) {
if (mExisting.asTokens() != null) {
// Store the WindowToken container for layers
fillAreaForLayers(mExisting.asTokens(), areaForLayer);
return mExisting;
if (mSkipTokens) {
return null;
DisplayArea.Type type;
if (mMinLayer > APPLICATION_LAYER) {
type = DisplayArea.Type.ABOVE_TASKS;
} else if (mMaxLayer < APPLICATION_LAYER) {
type = DisplayArea.Type.BELOW_TASKS;
} else {
type = DisplayArea.Type.ANY;
if (mFeature == null) {
final DisplayArea.Tokens leaf = new DisplayArea.Tokens(parent.mWmService, type,
"Leaf:" + mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer);
fillAreaForLayers(leaf, areaForLayer);
return leaf;
} else {
return mFeature.mNewDisplayAreaSupplier.create(parent.mWmService, type,
mFeature.mName + ":" + mMinLayer + ":" + mMaxLayer, mFeature.mId);
private void fillAreaForLayers(DisplayArea.Tokens leaf, DisplayArea.Tokens[] areaForLayer) {
for (int i = mMinLayer; i <= mMaxLayer; i++) {
areaForLayer[i] = leaf;