blob: c29905bc700898dd1b7aa50e504f0248de2bd216 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import dagger.Lazy;
* A class to handle notifications and their corresponding groups.
* This includes:
* 1. Determining whether an entry is a member of a group and whether it is a summary or a child
* 2. Tracking group expansion states
public class NotificationGroupManagerLegacy implements
Dumpable {
private static final String TAG = "NotifGroupManager";
private static final boolean DEBUG = StatusBar.DEBUG;
private static final boolean SPEW = StatusBar.SPEW;
* The maximum amount of time (in ms) between the posting of notifications that can be
* considered part of the same update batch.
private static final long POST_BATCH_MAX_AGE = 5000;
private final HashMap<String, NotificationGroup> mGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
private final ArraySet<OnGroupExpansionChangeListener> mExpansionChangeListeners =
new ArraySet<>();
private final ArraySet<OnGroupChangeListener> mGroupChangeListeners = new ArraySet<>();
private final Lazy<PeopleNotificationIdentifier> mPeopleNotificationIdentifier;
private final Optional<Bubbles> mBubblesOptional;
private final EventBuffer mEventBuffer = new EventBuffer();
private int mBarState = -1;
private HashMap<String, StatusBarNotification> mIsolatedEntries = new HashMap<>();
private HeadsUpManager mHeadsUpManager;
private boolean mIsUpdatingUnchangedGroup;
public NotificationGroupManagerLegacy(
StatusBarStateController statusBarStateController,
Lazy<PeopleNotificationIdentifier> peopleNotificationIdentifier,
Optional<Bubbles> bubblesOptional,
DumpManager dumpManager) {
mPeopleNotificationIdentifier = peopleNotificationIdentifier;
mBubblesOptional = bubblesOptional;
* Add a listener for changes to groups.
public void registerGroupChangeListener(OnGroupChangeListener listener) {
public void registerGroupExpansionChangeListener(OnGroupExpansionChangeListener listener) {
public boolean isGroupExpanded(NotificationEntry entry) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()));
if (group == null) {
return false;
return group.expanded;
* @return if the group that this notification is associated with logically is expanded
public boolean isLogicalGroupExpanded(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey());
if (group == null) {
return false;
return group.expanded;
public void setGroupExpanded(NotificationEntry entry, boolean expanded) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()));
if (group == null) {
setGroupExpanded(group, expanded);
private void setGroupExpanded(NotificationGroup group, boolean expanded) {
group.expanded = expanded;
if (group.summary != null) {
for (OnGroupExpansionChangeListener listener : mExpansionChangeListeners) {
listener.onGroupExpansionChange(group.summary.getRow(), expanded);
* When we want to remove an entry from being tracked for grouping
public void onEntryRemoved(NotificationEntry removed) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEntryRemoved: entry=" + removed);
onEntryRemovedInternal(removed, removed.getSbn());
StatusBarNotification oldSbn = mIsolatedEntries.remove(removed.getKey());
if (oldSbn != null) {
* An entry was removed.
* @param removed the removed entry
* @param sbn the notification the entry has, which doesn't need to be the same as it's internal
* notification
private void onEntryRemovedInternal(NotificationEntry removed,
final StatusBarNotification sbn) {
onEntryRemovedInternal(removed, sbn.getGroupKey(), sbn.isGroup(),
private void onEntryRemovedInternal(NotificationEntry removed, String notifGroupKey, boolean
isGroup, boolean isGroupSummary) {
String groupKey = getGroupKey(removed.getKey(), notifGroupKey);
final NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey);
if (group == null) {
// When an app posts 2 different notifications as summary of the same group, then a
// cancellation of the first notification removes this group.
// This situation is not supported and we will not allow such notifications anymore in
// the close future. See b/23676310 for reference.
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEntryRemovedInternal: entry=" + removed + " group=" + group.groupKey);
if (isGroupChild(removed.getKey(), isGroup, isGroupSummary)) {
} else {
group.summary = null;
if (group.children.isEmpty()) {
if (group.summary == null) {
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
listener.onGroupRemoved(group, groupKey);
* Notify the group manager that a new entry was added
public void onEntryAdded(final NotificationEntry added) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEntryAdded: entry=" + added);
private void onEntryAddedInternal(final NotificationEntry added) {
if (added.isRowRemoved()) {
added.setDebugThrowable(new Throwable());
final StatusBarNotification sbn = added.getSbn();
boolean isGroupChild = isGroupChild(sbn);
String groupKey = getGroupKey(sbn);
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey);
if (group == null) {
group = new NotificationGroup(groupKey);
mGroupMap.put(groupKey, group);
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
listener.onGroupCreated(group, groupKey);
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEntryAddedInternal: entry=" + added + " group=" + group.groupKey);
if (isGroupChild) {
NotificationEntry existing = group.children.get(added.getKey());
if (existing != null && existing != added) {
Throwable existingThrowable = existing.getDebugThrowable();, "Inconsistent entries found with the same key " + added.getKey()
+ "existing removed: " + existing.isRowRemoved()
+ (existingThrowable != null
? Log.getStackTraceString(existingThrowable) + "\n" : "")
+ " added removed" + added.isRowRemoved(), new Throwable());
group.children.put(added.getKey(), added);
addToPostBatchHistory(group, added);
} else {
group.summary = added;
addToPostBatchHistory(group, added);
group.expanded = added.areChildrenExpanded();
if (!group.children.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<NotificationEntry> childrenCopy =
new ArrayList<>(group.children.values());
for (NotificationEntry child : childrenCopy) {
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
private void addToPostBatchHistory(NotificationGroup group, @Nullable NotificationEntry entry) {
if (entry == null) {
boolean didAdd = group.postBatchHistory.add(new PostRecord(entry));
if (didAdd) {
/** remove all history that's too old to be in the batch. */
private void trimPostBatchHistory(@NonNull TreeSet<PostRecord> postBatchHistory) {
if (postBatchHistory.size() <= 1) {
long batchStartTime = postBatchHistory.last().postTime - POST_BATCH_MAX_AGE;
while (!postBatchHistory.isEmpty() && postBatchHistory.first().postTime < batchStartTime) {
private void onEntryBecomingChild(NotificationEntry entry) {
private void updateSuppression(NotificationGroup group) {
if (group == null) {
NotificationEntry prevAlertOverride = group.alertOverride;
group.alertOverride = getPriorityConversationAlertOverride(group);
int childCount = 0;
boolean hasBubbles = false;
for (NotificationEntry entry : group.children.values()) {
if (mBubblesOptional.isPresent() && mBubblesOptional.get()
entry.getKey(), entry.getSbn().getGroupKey())) {
hasBubbles = true;
} else {
boolean prevSuppressed = group.suppressed;
group.suppressed = group.summary != null && !group.expanded
&& (childCount == 1
|| (childCount == 0
&& group.summary.getSbn().getNotification().isGroupSummary()
&& (hasIsolatedChildren(group) || hasBubbles)));
boolean alertOverrideChanged = prevAlertOverride != group.alertOverride;
boolean suppressionChanged = prevSuppressed != group.suppressed;
if (alertOverrideChanged || suppressionChanged) {
if (DEBUG && alertOverrideChanged) {
Log.d(TAG, "updateSuppression: alertOverride was=" + prevAlertOverride
+ " now=" + group.alertOverride + " group:\n" + group);
if (DEBUG && suppressionChanged) {
"updateSuppression: suppressed changed to " + group.suppressed
+ " group:\n" + group);
if (!mIsUpdatingUnchangedGroup) {
if (alertOverrideChanged) {
mEventBuffer.notifyAlertOverrideChanged(group, prevAlertOverride);
if (suppressionChanged) {
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
listener.onGroupSuppressionChanged(group, group.suppressed);
} else {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, group + " did not notify listeners of above change(s)");
* Finds the isolated logical child of this group which is should be alerted instead.
* Notifications from priority conversations are isolated from their groups to make them more
* prominent, however apps may post these with a GroupAlertBehavior that has the group receiving
* the alert. This would lead to the group alerting even though the conversation that was
* updated was not actually a part of that group. This method finds the best priority
* conversation in this situation, if there is one, so they can be set as the alertOverride of
* the group.
* @param group the group to check
* @return the entry which should receive the alert instead of the group, if any.
private NotificationEntry getPriorityConversationAlertOverride(NotificationGroup group) {
// GOAL: if there is a priority child which wouldn't alert based on its groupAlertBehavior,
// but which should be alerting (because priority conversations are isolated), find it.
if (group == null || group.summary == null) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: null group or summary");
return null;
if (isIsolated(group.summary.getKey())) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: isolated group");
return null;
// Precondiions:
// * Only necessary when all notifications in the group use GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY
// * Only necessary when at least one notification in the group is on a priority channel
if (group.summary.getSbn().getNotification().getGroupAlertBehavior()
== Notification.GROUP_ALERT_CHILDREN) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: summary == GROUP_ALERT_CHILDREN");
return null;
// Get the important children first, copy the keys for the final importance check,
// then add the non-isolated children to the map for unified lookup.
HashMap<String, NotificationEntry> children = getImportantConversations(group);
if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: no important conversations");
return null;
HashSet<String> importantChildKeys = new HashSet<>(children.keySet());
// Ensure all children have GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY
for (NotificationEntry child : children.values()) {
if (child.getSbn().getNotification().getGroupAlertBehavior()
!= Notification.GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: "
+ "child != GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY");
return null;
// Create a merged post history from all the children
TreeSet<PostRecord> combinedHistory = new TreeSet<>(group.postBatchHistory);
for (String importantChildKey : importantChildKeys) {
NotificationGroup importantChildGroup = mGroupMap.get(importantChildKey);
// This is a streamlined implementation of the following idea:
// * From the subset of notifications in the latest 'batch' of updates. A batch is:
// * Notifs posted less than POST_BATCH_MAX_AGE before the most recently posted.
// * Only including notifs newer than the second-to-last post of any notification.
// * Find the newest child in the batch -- the with the largest 'when' value.
// * If the newest child is a priority conversation, set that as the override.
HashSet<String> batchKeys = new HashSet<>();
long newestChildWhen = -1;
NotificationEntry newestChild = null;
// Iterate backwards through the post history, tracking the child with the smallest sort key
for (PostRecord record : combinedHistory.descendingSet()) {
if (batchKeys.contains(record.key)) {
// Once you see a notification again, the batch has ended
NotificationEntry child = children.get(record.key);
if (child != null) {
long childWhen = child.getSbn().getNotification().when;
if (newestChild == null || childWhen > newestChildWhen) {
newestChildWhen = childWhen;
newestChild = child;
if (newestChild != null && importantChildKeys.contains(newestChild.getKey())) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: result=" + newestChild);
return newestChild;
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "getPriorityConversationAlertOverride: result=null, newestChild="
+ newestChild);
return null;
private boolean hasIsolatedChildren(NotificationGroup group) {
return getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(group.summary.getSbn().getGroupKey()) != 0;
private int getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(String groupKey) {
int count = 0;
for (StatusBarNotification sbn : mIsolatedEntries.values()) {
if (sbn.getGroupKey().equals(groupKey) && isIsolated(sbn.getKey())) {
return count;
private HashMap<String, NotificationEntry> getImportantConversations(NotificationGroup group) {
String groupKey = group.summary.getSbn().getGroupKey();
HashMap<String, NotificationEntry> result = null;
for (StatusBarNotification sbn : mIsolatedEntries.values()) {
if (sbn.getGroupKey().equals(groupKey)) {
NotificationEntry entry = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getKey()).summary;
if (isImportantConversation(entry)) {
if (result == null) {
result = new HashMap<>();
result.put(sbn.getKey(), entry);
return result;
* Update an entry's group information
* @param entry notification entry to update
* @param oldNotification previous notification info before this update
public void onEntryUpdated(NotificationEntry entry, StatusBarNotification oldNotification) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "onEntryUpdated: entry=" + entry);
onEntryUpdated(entry, oldNotification.getGroupKey(), oldNotification.isGroup(),
* Updates an entry's group information
* @param entry notification entry to update
* @param oldGroupKey the notification's previous group key before this update
* @param oldIsGroup whether this notification was a group before this update
* @param oldIsGroupSummary whether this notification was a group summary before this update
public void onEntryUpdated(NotificationEntry entry, String oldGroupKey, boolean oldIsGroup,
boolean oldIsGroupSummary) {
String newGroupKey = entry.getSbn().getGroupKey();
boolean groupKeysChanged = !oldGroupKey.equals(newGroupKey);
boolean wasGroupChild = isGroupChild(entry.getKey(), oldIsGroup, oldIsGroupSummary);
boolean isGroupChild = isGroupChild(entry.getSbn());
mIsUpdatingUnchangedGroup = !groupKeysChanged && wasGroupChild == isGroupChild;
if (mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(entry.getKey(), oldGroupKey)) != null) {
onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, oldGroupKey, oldIsGroup, oldIsGroupSummary);
mIsUpdatingUnchangedGroup = false;
if (isIsolated(entry.getSbn().getKey())) {
mIsolatedEntries.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getSbn());
if (groupKeysChanged) {
// Always update the suppression of the group from which you're isolated, in case
// this entry was or now is the alertOverride for that group.
} else if (!wasGroupChild && isGroupChild) {
* Whether the given notification is the summary of a group that is being suppressed
public boolean isSummaryOfSuppressedGroup(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
return sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary() && isGroupSuppressed(getGroupKey(sbn));
* If the given notification is a summary, get the group for it.
public NotificationGroup getGroupForSummary(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
if (sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary()) {
return mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn));
return null;
private boolean isOnlyChild(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
return !sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary()
&& getTotalNumberOfChildren(sbn) == 1;
public boolean isOnlyChildInGroup(NotificationEntry entry) {
final StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.getSbn();
if (!isOnlyChild(sbn)) {
return false;
NotificationEntry logicalGroupSummary = getLogicalGroupSummary(entry);
return logicalGroupSummary != null && !logicalGroupSummary.getSbn().equals(sbn);
private int getTotalNumberOfChildren(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
int isolatedChildren = getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(sbn.getGroupKey());
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey());
int realChildren = group != null ? group.children.size() : 0;
return isolatedChildren + realChildren;
private boolean isGroupSuppressed(String groupKey) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey);
return group != null && group.suppressed;
private void setStatusBarState(int newState) {
mBarState = newState;
if (mBarState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD) {
public void collapseGroups() {
// Because notifications can become isolated when the group becomes suppressed it can
// lead to concurrent modifications while looping. We need to make a copy.
ArrayList<NotificationGroup> groupCopy = new ArrayList<>(mGroupMap.values());
int size = groupCopy.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
NotificationGroup group = groupCopy.get(i);
if (group.expanded) {
setGroupExpanded(group, false);
public boolean isChildInGroup(NotificationEntry entry) {
final StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.getSbn();
if (!isGroupChild(sbn)) {
return false;
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn));
if (group == null || group.summary == null || group.suppressed) {
return false;
if (group.children.isEmpty()) {
// If the suppression of a group changes because the last child was removed, this can
// still be called temporarily because the child hasn't been fully removed yet. Let's
// make sure we still return false in that case.
return false;
return true;
public boolean isGroupSummary(NotificationEntry entry) {
final StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.getSbn();
if (!isGroupSummary(sbn)) {
return false;
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn));
if (group == null || group.summary == null) {
return false;
return !group.children.isEmpty() && Objects.equals(group.summary.getSbn(), sbn);
public NotificationEntry getGroupSummary(NotificationEntry entry) {
return getGroupSummary(getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()));
public NotificationEntry getLogicalGroupSummary(NotificationEntry entry) {
return getGroupSummary(entry.getSbn().getGroupKey());
private NotificationEntry getGroupSummary(String groupKey) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey);
//TODO: see if this can become an Entry
return group == null ? null
: group.summary;
* Get the children that are logically in the summary's group, whether or not they are isolated.
* @param summary summary of a group
* @return list of the children
public ArrayList<NotificationEntry> getLogicalChildren(StatusBarNotification summary) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(summary.getGroupKey());
if (group == null) {
return null;
ArrayList<NotificationEntry> children = new ArrayList<>(group.children.values());
for (StatusBarNotification sbn : mIsolatedEntries.values()) {
if (sbn.getGroupKey().equals(summary.getGroupKey())) {
return children;
public @Nullable List<NotificationEntry> getChildren(ListEntry listEntrySummary) {
NotificationEntry summary = listEntrySummary.getRepresentativeEntry();
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(summary.getSbn().getGroupKey());
if (group == null) {
return null;
return new ArrayList<>(group.children.values());
* If there is a {@link NotificationGroup} associated with the provided entry, this method
* will update the suppression of that group.
public void updateSuppression(NotificationEntry entry) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()));
if (group != null) {
* Get the group key. May differ from the one in the notification due to the notification
* being temporarily isolated.
* @param sbn notification to check
* @return the key of the notification
public String getGroupKey(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
return getGroupKey(sbn.getKey(), sbn.getGroupKey());
private String getGroupKey(String key, String groupKey) {
if (isIsolated(key)) {
return key;
return groupKey;
public boolean toggleGroupExpansion(NotificationEntry entry) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(entry.getSbn()));
if (group == null) {
return false;
setGroupExpanded(group, !group.expanded);
return group.expanded;
private boolean isIsolated(String sbnKey) {
return mIsolatedEntries.containsKey(sbnKey);
* Is this notification the summary of a group?
public boolean isGroupSummary(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
if (isIsolated(sbn.getKey())) {
return true;
return sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary();
* Whether a notification is visually a group child.
* @param sbn notification to check
* @return true if it is visually a group child
public boolean isGroupChild(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
return isGroupChild(sbn.getKey(), sbn.isGroup(), sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary());
private boolean isGroupChild(String key, boolean isGroup, boolean isGroupSummary) {
if (isIsolated(key)) {
return false;
return isGroup && !isGroupSummary;
public void onHeadsUpStateChanged(NotificationEntry entry, boolean isHeadsUp) {
* Whether a notification that is normally part of a group should be temporarily isolated from
* the group and put in their own group visually. This generally happens when the notification
* is alerting.
* @param entry the notification to check
* @return true if the entry should be isolated
private boolean shouldIsolate(NotificationEntry entry) {
StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.getSbn();
if (!sbn.isGroup() || sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary()) {
return false;
if (isImportantConversation(entry)) {
return true;
if (mHeadsUpManager != null && !mHeadsUpManager.isAlerting(entry.getKey())) {
return false;
NotificationGroup notificationGroup = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey());
return (sbn.getNotification().fullScreenIntent != null
|| notificationGroup == null
|| !notificationGroup.expanded
|| isGroupNotFullyVisible(notificationGroup));
private boolean isImportantConversation(NotificationEntry entry) {
int peopleNotificationType =
return peopleNotificationType == PeopleNotificationIdentifier.TYPE_IMPORTANT_PERSON;
* Isolate a notification from its group so that it visually shows as its own group.
* @param entry the notification to isolate
private void isolateNotification(NotificationEntry entry) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "isolateNotification: entry=" + entry);
// We will be isolated now, so lets update the groups
onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, entry.getSbn());
mIsolatedEntries.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getSbn());
// We also need to update the suppression of the old group, because this call comes
// even before the groupManager knows about the notification at all.
// When the notification gets added afterwards it is already isolated and therefore
// it doesn't lead to an update.
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
* Update the isolation of an entry, splitting it from the group.
public void updateIsolation(NotificationEntry entry) {
// We need to buffer a few events because we do isolation changes in 3 steps:
// removeInternal, update mIsolatedEntries, addInternal. This means that often the
// alertOverride will update on the removal, however processing the event in that case can
// cause problems because the mIsolatedEntries map is not in its final state, so the event
// listener may be unable to correctly determine the true state of the group. By delaying
// the alertOverride change until after the add phase, we can ensure that listeners only
// have to handle a consistent state.
boolean isIsolated = isIsolated(entry.getSbn().getKey());
if (shouldIsolate(entry)) {
if (!isIsolated) {
} else if (isIsolated) {
* Stop isolating a notification and re-group it with its original logical group.
* @param entry the notification to un-isolate
private void stopIsolatingNotification(NotificationEntry entry) {
if (SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "stopIsolatingNotification: entry=" + entry);
// not isolated anymore, we need to update the groups
onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, entry.getSbn());
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
private boolean isGroupNotFullyVisible(NotificationGroup notificationGroup) {
return notificationGroup.summary == null
|| notificationGroup.summary.isGroupNotFullyVisible();
* Directly set the heads up manager to avoid circular dependencies
public void setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager) {
mHeadsUpManager = headsUpManager;
public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
pw.println("GroupManagerLegacy state:");
pw.println(" number of groups: " + mGroupMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, NotificationGroup> entry : mGroupMap.entrySet()) {
pw.println("\n key: " + entry.getKey()); pw.println(entry.getValue());
pw.println("\n isolated entries: " + mIsolatedEntries.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, StatusBarNotification> entry : mIsolatedEntries.entrySet()) {
pw.print(" "); pw.print(entry.getKey());
pw.print(", "); pw.println(entry.getValue());
public void onStateChanged(int newState) {
* A record of a notification being posted, containing the time of the post and the key of the
* notification entry. These are stored in a TreeSet by the NotificationGroup and used to
* calculate a batch of notifications.
public static class PostRecord implements Comparable<PostRecord> {
public final long postTime;
public final String key;
/** constructs a record containing the post time and key from the notification entry */
public PostRecord(@NonNull NotificationEntry entry) {
this.postTime = entry.getSbn().getPostTime();
this.key = entry.getKey();
public int compareTo(PostRecord o) {
int postTimeComparison =, o.postTime);
return postTimeComparison == 0
?, o.key)
: postTimeComparison;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
PostRecord that = (PostRecord) o;
return postTime == that.postTime && key.equals(that.key);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(postTime, key);
* Represents a notification group in the notification shade.
public static class NotificationGroup {
public final String groupKey;
public final HashMap<String, NotificationEntry> children = new HashMap<>();
public final TreeSet<PostRecord> postBatchHistory = new TreeSet<>();
public NotificationEntry summary;
public boolean expanded;
* Is this notification group suppressed, i.e its summary is hidden
public boolean suppressed;
* The child (which is isolated from this group) to which the alert should be transferred,
* due to priority conversations.
public NotificationEntry alertOverride;
NotificationGroup(String groupKey) {
this.groupKey = groupKey;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" groupKey: ").append(groupKey);
sb.append("\n summary:");
appendEntry(sb, summary);
sb.append("\n children size: ").append(children.size());
for (NotificationEntry child : children.values()) {
appendEntry(sb, child);
sb.append("\n alertOverride:");
appendEntry(sb, alertOverride);
sb.append("\n summary suppressed: ").append(suppressed);
return sb.toString();
private void appendEntry(StringBuilder sb, NotificationEntry entry) {
sb.append("\n ").append(entry != null ? entry.getSbn() : "null");
if (entry != null && entry.getDebugThrowable() != null) {
* This class is a toggleable buffer for a subset of events of {@link OnGroupChangeListener}.
* When buffering, instead of notifying the listeners it will set internal state that will allow
* it to notify listeners of those events later
private class EventBuffer {
private final HashMap<String, NotificationEntry> mOldAlertOverrideByGroup = new HashMap<>();
private boolean mIsBuffering = false;
private boolean mDidGroupsChange = false;
void notifyAlertOverrideChanged(NotificationGroup group,
NotificationEntry oldAlertOverride) {
if (mIsBuffering) {
// The value in this map is the override before the event. If there is an entry
// already in the map, then we are effectively coalescing two events, which means
// we need to preserve the original initial value.
mOldAlertOverrideByGroup.putIfAbsent(group.groupKey, oldAlertOverride);
} else {
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
listener.onGroupAlertOverrideChanged(group, oldAlertOverride,
void notifyGroupsChanged() {
if (mIsBuffering) {
mDidGroupsChange = true;
} else {
for (OnGroupChangeListener listener : mGroupChangeListeners) {
void startBuffering() {
mIsBuffering = true;
void flushAndStopBuffering() {
// stop buffering so that we can call our own helpers
mIsBuffering = false;
// alert all group alert override changes for groups that were not removed
for (Map.Entry<String, NotificationEntry> entry : mOldAlertOverrideByGroup.entrySet()) {
NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(entry.getKey());
if (group == null) {
// The group can be null if this alertOverride changed before the group was
// permanently removed, meaning that there's no guarantee that listeners will
// that field clear.
NotificationEntry oldAlertOverride = entry.getValue();
if (group.alertOverride == oldAlertOverride) {
// If the final alertOverride equals the initial, it means we coalesced two
// events which undid the change, so we can drop it entirely.
notifyAlertOverrideChanged(group, oldAlertOverride);
// alert that groups changed
if (mDidGroupsChange) {
mDidGroupsChange = false;
* Listener for group changes not including group expansion changes which are handled by
* {@link OnGroupExpansionChangeListener}.
public interface OnGroupChangeListener {
* A new group has been created.
* @param group the group that was created
* @param groupKey the group's key
default void onGroupCreated(
NotificationGroup group,
String groupKey) {}
* A group has been removed.
* @param group the group that was removed
* @param groupKey the group's key
default void onGroupRemoved(
NotificationGroup group,
String groupKey) {}
* The suppression of a group has changed.
* @param group the group that has changed
* @param suppressed true if the group is now suppressed, false o/w
default void onGroupSuppressionChanged(
NotificationGroup group,
boolean suppressed) {}
* The alert override of a group has changed.
* @param group the group that has changed
* @param oldAlertOverride the previous notification to which the group's alerts were sent
* @param newAlertOverride the notification to which the group's alerts should now be sent
default void onGroupAlertOverrideChanged(
NotificationGroup group,
@Nullable NotificationEntry oldAlertOverride,
@Nullable NotificationEntry newAlertOverride) {}
* A group of children just received a summary notification and should therefore become
* children of it.
* @param group the group created
default void onGroupCreatedFromChildren(NotificationGroup group) {}
* The groups have changed. This can happen if the isolation of a child has changes or if a
* group became suppressed / unsuppressed
default void onGroupsChanged() {}