blob: 69af2a5ce7fb4cef2dec015f133e9f5b4d51a0d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.view;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UiThread;
import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer;
* Provides an interface to the root-Surface of a View Hierarchy or Window. This
* is used in combination with the {@link android.view.SurfaceControl} API to enable
* attaching app created SurfaceControl to the SurfaceControl hierarchy used
* by the app, and enable SurfaceTransactions to be performed in sync with the
* View hierarchy drawing.
* This object is obtained from {@link android.view.View#getRootSurfaceControl} and
* {@link android.view.Window#getRootSurfaceControl}. It must be used from the UI thread of
* the object it was obtained from.
public interface AttachedSurfaceControl {
* Create a transaction which will reparent {@param child} to the View hierarchy
* root SurfaceControl. See
* {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction#reparent}. This transacton must be applied
* or merged in to another transaction by the caller, otherwise it will have
* no effect.
* @param child The SurfaceControl to reparent.
* @return A new transaction which performs the reparent operation when applied.
@Nullable SurfaceControl.Transaction buildReparentTransaction(@NonNull SurfaceControl child);
* Consume the passed in transaction, and request the View hierarchy to apply it atomically
* with the next draw. This transaction will be merged with the buffer transaction from the
* ViewRoot and they will show up on-screen atomically synced.
* This will not cause a draw to be scheduled, and if there are no other changes
* to the View hierarchy you may need to call {@link android.view.View#invalidate}
boolean applyTransactionOnDraw(@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction t);
* The transform hint can be used by a buffer producer to pre-rotate the rendering such that the
* final transformation in the system composer is identity. This can be very useful when used in
* conjunction with the h/w composer HAL in situations where it cannot handle rotations or
* handle them with an additional power cost.
* The transform hint should be used with ASurfaceControl APIs when submitting buffers.
* Example usage:
* 1. After a configuration change, before dequeuing a buffer, the buffer producer queries the
* function for the transform hint.
* 2. The desired buffer width and height is rotated by the transform hint.
* 3. The producer dequeues a buffer of the new pre-rotated size.
* 4. The producer renders to the buffer such that the image is already transformed, that is
* applying the transform hint to the rendering.
* 5. The producer applies the inverse transform hint to the buffer it just rendered.
* 6. The producer queues the pre-transformed buffer with the buffer transform.
* 7. The composer combines the buffer transform with the display transform. If the buffer
* transform happens to cancel out the display transform then no rotation is needed and there
* will be no performance penalties.
* Note, when using ANativeWindow APIs in conjunction with a NativeActivity Surface or
* SurfaceView Surface, the buffer producer will already have access to the transform hint and
* no additional work is needed.
* @see HardwareBuffer
default @SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int getBufferTransformHint() {
* Buffer transform hint change listener.
* @see #getBufferTransformHint
interface OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener {
* @param hint new surface transform hint
* @see #getBufferTransformHint
void onBufferTransformHintChanged(@SurfaceControl.BufferTransform int hint);
* Registers a {@link OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener} to receive notifications about when
* the transform hint changes.
* @see #getBufferTransformHint
* @see #removeOnBufferTransformHintChangedListener
default void addOnBufferTransformHintChangedListener(
@NonNull OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener listener) {
* Unregisters a {@link OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener}.
* @see #addOnBufferTransformHintChangedListener
default void removeOnBufferTransformHintChangedListener(
@NonNull OnBufferTransformHintChangedListener listener) {