blob: 989b001ca8bf085bd038ff798d066880ae2fa6e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.face;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IBiometricSensorReceiver;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IBiometricServiceLockoutResetCallback;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IInvalidationCallback;
import android.hardware.biometrics.ITestSession;
import android.hardware.biometrics.ITestSessionCallback;
import android.hardware.face.IFaceServiceReceiver;
import android.hardware.face.Face;
import android.hardware.face.FaceSensorPropertiesInternal;
import android.view.Surface;
* Communication channel from client to the face service. These methods are all require the
* MANAGE_BIOMETRIC signature permission.
* @hide
interface IFaceService {
// Creates a test session with the specified sensorId
ITestSession createTestSession(int sensorId, ITestSessionCallback callback, String opPackageName);
// Requests a proto dump of the specified sensor
byte[] dumpSensorServiceStateProto(int sensorId, boolean clearSchedulerBuffer);
// Retrieve static sensor properties for all face sensors
List<FaceSensorPropertiesInternal> getSensorPropertiesInternal(String opPackageName);
// Retrieve static sensor properties for the specified sensor
FaceSensorPropertiesInternal getSensorProperties(int sensorId, String opPackageName);
// Authenticate with a face. A requestId is returned that can be used to cancel this operation.
long authenticate(IBinder token, long operationId, int userId, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver,
String opPackageName, boolean isKeyguardBypassEnabled);
// Uses the face hardware to detect for the presence of a face, without giving details
// about accept/reject/lockout. A requestId is returned that can be used to cancel this
// operation.
long detectFace(IBinder token, int userId, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver, String opPackageName);
// This method prepares the service to start authenticating, but doesn't start authentication.
// This is protected by the MANAGE_BIOMETRIC signatuer permission. This method should only be
// called from BiometricService. The additional uid, pid, userId arguments should be determined
// by BiometricService. To start authentication after the clients are ready, use
// startPreparedClient().
void prepareForAuthentication(int sensorId, boolean requireConfirmation, IBinder token,
long operationId, int userId, IBiometricSensorReceiver sensorReceiver,
String opPackageName, long requestId, int cookie,
boolean allowBackgroundAuthentication);
// Starts authentication with the previously prepared client.
void startPreparedClient(int sensorId, int cookie);
// Cancel authentication for the given requestId.
void cancelAuthentication(IBinder token, String opPackageName, long requestId);
// Cancel face detection for the given requestId.
void cancelFaceDetect(IBinder token, String opPackageName, long requestId);
// Same as above, with extra arguments.
void cancelAuthenticationFromService(int sensorId, IBinder token, String opPackageName, long requestId);
// Start face enrollment
long enroll(int userId, IBinder token, in byte [] hardwareAuthToken, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver,
String opPackageName, in int [] disabledFeatures,
in Surface previewSurface, boolean debugConsent);
// Start remote face enrollment
long enrollRemotely(int userId, IBinder token, in byte [] hardwareAuthToken, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver,
String opPackageName, in int [] disabledFeatures);
// Cancel enrollment in progress
void cancelEnrollment(IBinder token, long requestId);
// Removes the specified face enrollment for the specified userId.
void remove(IBinder token, int faceId, int userId, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver,
String opPackageName);
// Removes all face enrollments for the specified userId.
void removeAll(IBinder token, int userId, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver, String opPackageName);
// Get the enrolled face for user.
List<Face> getEnrolledFaces(int sensorId, int userId, String opPackageName);
// Determine if HAL is loaded and ready
boolean isHardwareDetected(int sensorId, String opPackageName);
// Get a pre-enrollment authentication token
void generateChallenge(IBinder token, int sensorId, int userId, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver, String opPackageName);
// Finish an enrollment sequence and invalidate the authentication token
void revokeChallenge(IBinder token, int sensorId, int userId, String opPackageName, long challenge);
// Determine if a user has at least one enrolled face
boolean hasEnrolledFaces(int sensorId, int userId, String opPackageName);
// Return the LockoutTracker status for the specified user
int getLockoutModeForUser(int sensorId, int userId);
// Requests for the specified sensor+userId's authenticatorId to be invalidated
void invalidateAuthenticatorId(int sensorId, int userId, IInvalidationCallback callback);
// Gets the authenticator ID for face
long getAuthenticatorId(int sensorId, int callingUserId);
// Reset the lockout when user authenticates with strong auth (e.g. PIN, pattern or password)
void resetLockout(IBinder token, int sensorId, int userId, in byte [] hardwareAuthToken, String opPackageName);
// Add a callback which gets notified when the face lockout period expired.
void addLockoutResetCallback(IBiometricServiceLockoutResetCallback callback, String opPackageName);
void setFeature(IBinder token, int userId, int feature, boolean enabled,
in byte [] hardwareAuthToken, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver, String opPackageName);
void getFeature(IBinder token, int userId, int feature, IFaceServiceReceiver receiver,
String opPackageName);
// Registers all HIDL and AIDL sensors. Only HIDL sensor properties need to be provided, because
// AIDL sensor properties are retrieved directly from the available HALs. If no HIDL HALs exist,
// hidlSensors must be non-null and empty. See
void registerAuthenticators(in List<FaceSensorPropertiesInternal> hidlSensors);