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<title>Build a Responsive UI with ConstraintLayout</title>
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<h2>In this document</h2>
<li><a href="#constraints-overview">Constraints overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#add-constraintlayout-to-your-project">Add ConstraintLayout to your project</a></li>
<li><a href="#add-a-constraint">Add a constraint</a></li>
<li><a href="#use-autoconnect-and-infer-constraints">Use Autoconnect and Infer Constraints</a></li>
<li><a href="#adjust-the-view-size">Adjust the view size</a></li>
<li><a href="#adjust-the-constraint-bias">Adjust the constraint bias</a></li>
<li><a href="#adjust-the-view-margins">Adjust the view margins</a></li>
<p><code>ConstraintLayout</code> allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view
hierarchy (no nested view groups). It's similar to <code>RelativeLayout</code> in that all views are
layed out according to relationships between sibling views and the parent layout, but it's more
flexible than <code>RelativeLayout</code> and easier to use with Android Studio's Layout Editor.
<p>Everything you can do with <code>ConstraintLayout</code> is available directly from the Layout Editor's visual
tools, because the layout API and the Layout Editor were specially built for each other. So you can
build your layout with <code>ConstraintLayout</code> entirely by drag-and-dropping instead of editing the XML.
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/layout-editor_2-2_2x.png" alt=""
<p class="img-caption"><b>Figure 1.</b> A <code>ConstraintLayout</code> in the Layout Editor</p>
<code>ConstraintLayout</code> is available in an API library that's compatible with Android
2.3 (API level 9) and higher, and the new layout editor is available in Android
Studio 2.2 and higher.
This page provides a guide to building a layout with <code>ConstraintLayout</code> in Android
Studio. If you'd like more information about the Layout Editor itself, see the
Android Studio guide to <a href="/studio/write/layout-editor.html">Build a UI with
Layout Editor</a>.
<h2 id="constraints-overview">Constraints overview</h2>
To define a view's position in <code>ConstraintLayout</code>, you must add two
or more <em>constraints</em> for the view. Each constraint represents a connection or
alignment to another view, the parent layout, or an invisible guideline. Each
constraint defines the view's position along either the
vertical or horizontal axis; so each view must have a minimum of one constraint for each
axis, but often more are necessary.
When you drop a view into the Layout Editor, it stays where you leave it even if
it has no constraints. However, this is only to make editing easier; if a view has
no constraints when you run your layout on a device, it is drawn at
position [0,0] (the top-left corner).</p>
<p>In figure 2, the layout looks good in the
editor, but there's no vertical constraint on <code>TextView B</code>. When this
layout draws on a device, <code>TextView B</code> horizontally aligns with the left and
right edges of the <code>ImageView</code>, but appears at the top of the screen because
it has no vertical constraint.
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-1of2">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/constraint-fail_2x.png" width="100%" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> <code>TextView B</code> is missing a
vertical constraint</p>
<div class="col-1of2">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/constraint-fail-fixed_2x.png" width="100%" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> <code>TextView B</code> is now vertically
constrained to the <code>ImageView</code></p>
Although a missing constraint won't cause a compilation error, the Layout Editor
indicates missing constraints as an error in the toolbar. To view the errors and
other warnings, click <strong>Show Warnings and Errors</strong>
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-editor-errors.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />.
To help you avoid missing constraints, the Layout Editor can automatically add
constraints for you with the <a
href="#use-autoconnect-and-infer-constraints">Autoconnect and infer
constraints</a> features.
<h2 id="add-constraintlayout-to-your-project">Add ConstraintLayout to your project</h2>
To use <code>ConstraintLayout</code> in your project, proceed as follows:
<li>Ensure you have the latest Constraint Layout library:
<li>Click <strong>Tools > Android > SDK Manager</strong>.
<li>Click the <strong>SDK Tools</strong> tab.
<li>Expand <strong>Support Repository</strong> and then check
<b>ConstraintLayout for Android</b> and <b>Solver for ConstraintLayout</b>.
Check <b>Show Package Details</b> and take note of the version you're downloading
(you'll need this below).</p>
<li>Click <strong>OK</strong>.
<li>Add the ConstraintLayout library as a dependency in your module-level
<code>build.gradle</code> file:
dependencies {
compile ''
<p>The library version you download may be higher, so be sure the value you specify
here matches the version from step 3.</p>
<li>In the toolbar or sync notification, click <strong>Sync Project with Gradle
<p>Now you're ready to build your layout with <code>ConstraintLayout</code>.</p>
<h3 id="convert">Convert a layout</h3>
<div class="figure" style="width:415px">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/layout-editor-convert-to-constraint_2x.png"
width="415" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption">
<b>Figure 4.</b> The menu to convert a layout to <code>ConstraintLayout</code></p>
<p>To convert an existing layout to a constraint layout, follow these steps:</p>
<li>Open your layout in Android Studio and click the <strong>Design</strong> tab
at the bottom of the editor window.
<li>In the <strong>Component Tree</strong> window, right-click the layout and
click <strong>Convert <em>layout</em> to ConstraintLayout</strong>.</li>
<h3 id="createNew">Create a new layout</h3>
<p>To start a new constraint layout file, follow these steps:</p>
<li>Click anywhere in the <strong>Project</strong> window and then select
<strong>File > New > XML > Layout XML</strong>.
<li>Enter a name for the layout file and enter
"" for the <b>Root Tag</b>.
<li>Click <strong>Finish</strong>.</li>
<h2 id="add-a-constraint">Add a constraint</h2>
<p>Start by dragging a view from the <b>Palette</b> window into the editor.
When you add a view in a <code>ConstraintLayout</code>, it displays a bounding box with square
resizing handles on each corner and circular constraint handles on each side.
<div class="figure" style="width:460px">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<video controls poster="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-studio-constraint-first.png"
onclick="" width="460">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-studio-constraint-first" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption">
<strong>Video 1. </strong>The left side of a view is constrained to the left side of the parent
Click the view to select it. Then click-and-hold one of the
constraint handles and drag the line to an available anchor point (the edge of
another view, the edge of the layout, or a guideline). When you release, the
constraint is made, with <a href="#adjust-the-view-margins">a default margin</a>
separating the two views.
<p>When creating constraints, remember the following rules:</p>
<li>Every view must have at least two constraints: one horizontal and one
<li>You can create constraints only between a constraint handle and an anchor
point that share the same plane. So a vertical plane (the left and right sides)
of a view can be constrained only to another vertical plane; and baselines can
constrain only to other baselines.
<li>Each constraint handle can be used for just one constraint, but you can
create multiple constraints (from different views) to the same anchor
<div class="figure" style="width:460px">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<video controls poster="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-studio-constraint-second.png"
onclick="" width="460">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-studio-constraint-second.png" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption">
<strong>Video 2. </strong>Adding a constraint that opposes an existing one
To remove a constraint, select the view and then click the constraint handle.
<p>If you add opposing constraints on a view, the constraint lines become squiggly
like a spring to indicate the opposing forces, as shown in video 2. The effect
is most visible when the view size is set to "fixed" or "wrap content," in which
case the view is centered between the constraints. If you instead
want the view to stretch its size to meet the constraints, <a
href="#adjust-the-view-size">switch the size to "any size"</a>; or if you want
to keep the current size but move the view so that it is not centered, <a
href="#adjust-the-constraint-bias">adjust the constraint bias</a>.
There are many ways to constrain a view, but the following constraint types
provide the basic building blocks.
<h3>Parent constraint</h3>
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-2of3">
Connect the side of a view to the corresponding edge of the layout.
In figure 5, the left side of a view is connected to the left edge of the
parent layout.
<div class="col-1of3">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/parent-constraint_2x.png" width="100%" alt="">
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 5. </strong>A horizontal constraint to the parent</p>
<h3>Position constraint</h3>
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-2of3">
<p>Define the order of appearance for two views, either vertically or horizontally.</p>
<p>In figure 6, a <code>Button</code> is constrained below an <code>ImageView</code> with a 24dp
<div class="col-1of3">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/position-constraint_2x.png" width="100%" alt="">
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 6.</strong> A vertical position constraint</p>
<h3>Alignment constraint</h3>
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-1of3">
<p>Align the edge of a view to the same edge of another view.<p>
<p>In figure 7, the left side of a <code>Button</code> is aligned to the left side of an
<p>You can offset the alignment by dragging the view
inward from the constraint. For example, figure 8 shows the same
<code>Button</code> with a 24dp offset alignment.
The offset is defined by the constrained view's margin.</p>
<div class="col-1of3">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/alignment-constraint_2x.png" width="100%" alt="">
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 7.</strong> A horizontal alignment constraint</p>
<div class="col-1of3">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/alignment-constraint-offset_2x.png" width="100%"
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 8.</strong> An offset horizontal alignment constraint</p>
<h3>Baseline alignment constraint</h3>
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-2of3">
<p>Align the text baseline of a view to the text baseline of another view.</p>
<p>In figure 9, the first line of a <code>TextView</code> is aligned with the text in a
<p>To create a baseline constraint, hover your mouse over the baseline handle for
two seconds until the handle blinks white. Then click and drag the line to
another baseline.</p>
<div class="col-1of3">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/baseline-constraint_2x.png" width="100%" alt="">
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 9.</strong> A baseline alignment constraint</p>
<h3 id="constrain-to-a-guideline">Constrain to a guideline</h3>
<div class="cols">
<div class="col-1of2">
You can add a vertical or horizontal guideline to which you can attach
constraints. You can position the guideline within the layout based on either dp
units or percent, relative to the layout's edge.
To create a guideline, click <strong>Guidelines</strong>
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-editor-guidelines.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
in the toolbar, and then click either <strong>Add Vertical Guideline</strong>
or <strong>Add Horizontal Guideline</strong>.
Click the circle at the edge of the guideline to toggle the measurements used to
position the guideline (either percent or dp units from the layout's edge).
Guidelines are not visible to your users.
<div class="col-1of2">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<video controls poster="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-add-layout-guideline_2-2.png"
onclick="" width="100%">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-add-layout-guideline_2-2.png" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Video 3.</strong> Adding a constraint to a guideline</p>
<h2 id="use-autoconnect-and-infer-constraints">Use Autoconnect and Infer Constraints</h2>
<div class="figure" style="width:460px">
<div class="video-wrapper">
<video controls poster=""
onclick="" width="460">
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<p class="img-caption"><b>Video 4.</b> Adding a view with Autoconnect enabled</p>
Autoconnect is a persistent mode that automatically creates two or more
constraints for each view you add to the layout. Autoconnect is disabled by
default. You can enable it by clicking <strong>Turn on Autoconnect</strong>
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-editor-autoconnect-on.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
in the Layout Editor toolbar.
<p>While enabled, Autoconnect creates constraints for each view as you add them; it does not create
constraints for existing views in the layout. If you drag a view once the constraints are made, the
constraints do not change (though the margins do), so you must delete the constraints if you want to
significantly reposition the view.</p>
<p>Alternatively, you can click <strong>Infer Constraints</strong>
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-editor-infer.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
to create constraints for all views in the layout.
<p>Infer Constraints is a one-time action that scans the entire layout to determine the most
effective set of constraints for all views, so it may create constraints between elements that are
far from each other. Autoconnect, however, creates constraints only for the view you are adding, and
it creates constraints to only the nearest elements. In either case, you can always modify a
constraint by clicking the constraint handle to delete it, and then create a new constraint.</p>
<h2 id="adjust-the-view-size">Adjust the view size</h2>
You can use the handles on each corner of the view to resize it, but doing so
hard codes the width and height values, which you should avoid for most views
because hard-coded view sizes cannot adapt to different content and screen
sizes. To select from one of the dynamic sizing modes or to define more specific
dimensions, click a view and open the <strong>Properties</strong>
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/window-properties.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
window on the right side of the editor. At the top of the window is the view
inspector, as shown in figure 10.
<div class="figure" style="width:287px" >
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/layout-editor-properties-callouts_2-2_2x.png" alt=""
width="287" />
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 10.</strong> The <b>Properties</b> window includes controls for
<strong>(1)</strong> view size, <strong>(2)</strong> margins, and
<strong>(3)</strong> constraint bias.</p>
The grey square represents the selected view. The symbols inside the square
represent the height and width settings as follows:
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-width-wrap.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
<strong>Wrap Content</strong>: The view expands exactly as needed to fit its
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-width-match.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
<strong>Any Size</strong>: The view expands exactly as needed to match the
constraints. The actual value is 0dp because the view has no desired dimensions, but
it resizes as needed to meet the constraints. However, if the given dimension
has only one constraint, then the view expands to fit its contents. Another way
to think of it is "match constraints" (instead of <code>match_parent</code>) because it
expands the view as much as possible after accounting for the limits of each
constraint and its margins.
<img src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-width-fixed.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" />
<strong>Fixed</strong>: You specify the dimension in the text box below or by
resizing the view in the editor.</li>
<p>To toggle between these settings, click the symbols.</p>
<p class="note"><strong>Note</strong>: You should not use <code>match_parent</code> for any view
in a <code>ConstraintLayout</code>. Instead use "Any Size" (<code>0dp</code>).
<h2 id="adjust-the-constraint-bias">Adjust the constraint bias</h2>
<p>When you add a constraint to both sides of a view (and the view size for the same dimension is
either "fixed" or "wrap content"), the view becomes centered between the two anchor points by
default. When a view is centered, the bias is 50%. You can adjust the bias by dragging the bias
slider in the <b>Properties</b> window or by dragging the view, as shown in video 5.</p>
<div class="video-wrapper" style="max-width:740px">
<video controls poster="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-adjust-constraint-bias.png"
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/thumbnail-adjust-constraint-bias.png" alt="" />
<p class="img-caption"><b>Video 5.</b> Adjusting the constraint bias</p>
<p>If you instead want the view to stretch its size to meet the constraints, <a href="#adjust-the-
view-size">switch the size to "any size"</a>.</p>
<h2 id="adjust-the-view-margins">Adjust the view margins</h2>
<p> To ensure that all your views are evenly spaced, click <strong>Margin</strong> <img
src="/studio/images/buttons/layout-editor-margin.png" class="inline-icon" alt="" /> in the toolbar
to select the default margin for each view that you add to the layout. The button changes to show
your current margin selection. Any change you make to the default margin applies only to the views
you add from then on. </p>
<img src="/training/constraint-layout/images/layout-editor-margin-callout_2-2_2x.png"
alt="" width="232"/>
<p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 11.</strong> The toolbar's <b>Margin</b> button.
Click to adjust the default margin.
<p> You can control the margin for each view in the <strong>Properties</strong> window by clicking
the number on the line that represents each constraint (in figure 10, the margins are each set to
16dp). </p>
<p> All margins offered by the tool are factors of 8dp to help your views align to Material Design's
<a href="">8dp square grid
recommendations</a>. </p>