Bubble up SMS send fail error code to the app.

Framework portion of the fix for http://b/1978375:
We'll pass up the error code returned by the RIL on send failure.
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/SmsManager.java b/telephony/java/android/telephony/SmsManager.java
index 82539fb..598f945 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/SmsManager.java
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/SmsManager.java
@@ -54,10 +54,13 @@
      * @param sentIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
      *  broadcast when the message is sucessfully sent, or failed.
      *  The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
-     *  or one of these errors:
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code>.
+     *  or one of these errors:<br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *  For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> the sentIntent may include
+     *  the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *  generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
      *  The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
      *  is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications,
      *  which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
@@ -109,10 +112,13 @@
      *   <code>PendingIntent</code>s (one for each message part) that is
      *   broadcast when the corresponding message part has been sent.
      *   The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
-     *   or one of these errors:
-     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code>
-     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code>
-     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code>.
+     *   or one of these errors:<br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *   <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *   For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> each sentIntent may include
+     *   the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *   generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
      *   The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
      *   is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applicaitons,
      *   which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
@@ -169,10 +175,13 @@
      * @param sentIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
      *  broadcast when the message is sucessfully sent, or failed.
      *  The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
-     *  or one of these errors:
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code>.
+     *  or one of these errors:<br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *  For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> the sentIntent may include
+     *  the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *  generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
      *  The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
      *  is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applicaitons,
      *  which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
@@ -210,10 +219,13 @@
      * @param sentIntent if not NULL this <code>PendingIntent</code> is
      *  broadcast when the message is successfully sent, or failed.
      *  The result code will be <code>Activity.RESULT_OK<code> for success,
-     *  or one of these errors:
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code>
-     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code>.
+     *  or one of these errors:<br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_RADIO_OFF</code><br>
+     *  <code>RESULT_ERROR_NULL_PDU</code><br>
+     *  For <code>RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE</code> the sentIntent may include
+     *  the extra "errorCode" containing a radio technology specific value,
+     *  generally only useful for troubleshooting.<br>
      *  The per-application based SMS control checks sentIntent. If sentIntent
      *  is NULL the caller will be checked against all unknown applications,
      *  which cause smaller number of SMS to be sent in checking period.
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/SMSDispatcher.java b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/SMSDispatcher.java
index 890ea63..d66c20b 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/SMSDispatcher.java
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/SMSDispatcher.java
@@ -445,7 +445,11 @@
             } else if (tracker.mSentIntent != null) {
                 // Done retrying; return an error to the app.
                 try {
-                    tracker.mSentIntent.send(RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE);
+                    Intent fillIn = new Intent();
+                    if (ar.result != null) {
+                        fillIn.putExtra("errorCode", ((SmsResponse)ar.result).errorCode);
+                    }
+                    tracker.mSentIntent.send(mContext, RESULT_ERROR_GENERIC_FAILURE, fillIn);
                 } catch (CanceledException ex) {}