blob: dcc16ebd88f5ff5aa58675e32d6328e21f7409bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.view.IWindow;
import android.view.InputApplicationHandle;
import android.view.InputChannel;
* Keeps track of embedded windows.
* If the embedded window does not receive input then Window Manager does not keep track of it.
* But if they do receive input, we keep track of the calling PID to blame the right app and
* the host window to send pointerDownOutsideFocus.
class EmbeddedWindowController {
private static final String TAG = TAG_WITH_CLASS_NAME ? "EmbeddedWindowController" : TAG_WM;
/* maps input token to an embedded window */
private ArrayMap<IBinder /*input token */, EmbeddedWindow> mWindows = new ArrayMap<>();
private ArrayMap<IBinder /*focus grant token */, EmbeddedWindow> mWindowsByFocusToken =
new ArrayMap<>();
private ArrayMap<IBinder /*window token*/, EmbeddedWindow> mWindowsByWindowToken =
new ArrayMap<>();
private final Object mGlobalLock;
private final ActivityTaskManagerService mAtmService;
EmbeddedWindowController(ActivityTaskManagerService atmService) {
mAtmService = atmService;
mGlobalLock = atmService.getGlobalLock();
* Adds a new embedded window.
* @param inputToken input channel token passed in by the embedding process when it requests
* the server to add an input channel to the embedded surface.
* @param window An {@link EmbeddedWindow} object to add to this controller.
void add(IBinder inputToken, EmbeddedWindow window) {
try {
mWindows.put(inputToken, window);
final IBinder focusToken = window.getFocusGrantToken();
mWindowsByFocusToken.put(focusToken, window);
mWindowsByWindowToken.put(window.getWindowToken(), window);
window.mClient.asBinder().linkToDeath(()-> {
synchronized (mGlobalLock) {
}, 0);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// The caller has died, remove from the map
* Track the host activity in the embedding process so we can determine if the
* process is currently showing any UI to the user.
private void updateProcessController(EmbeddedWindow window) {
if (window.mHostActivityRecord == null) {
final WindowProcessController processController =
mAtmService.getProcessController(window.mOwnerPid, window.mOwnerUid);
if (processController == null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Could not find the embedding process.");
} else {
WindowState getHostWindow(IBinder inputToken) {
EmbeddedWindow embeddedWindow = mWindows.get(inputToken);
return embeddedWindow != null ? embeddedWindow.mHostWindowState : null;
boolean isOverlay(IBinder inputToken) {
EmbeddedWindow embeddedWindow = mWindows.get(inputToken);
return embeddedWindow != null ? embeddedWindow.getIsOverlay() : false;
void setIsOverlay(IBinder focusGrantToken) {
EmbeddedWindow embeddedWindow = mWindowsByFocusToken.get(focusGrantToken);
if (embeddedWindow != null) {
void remove(IWindow client) {
for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
EmbeddedWindow ew = mWindows.valueAt(i);
if (ew.mClient.asBinder() == client.asBinder()) {
void onWindowRemoved(WindowState host) {
for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
EmbeddedWindow ew = mWindows.valueAt(i);
if (ew.mHostWindowState == host) {
EmbeddedWindow get(IBinder inputToken) {
return mWindows.get(inputToken);
EmbeddedWindow getByFocusToken(IBinder focusGrantToken) {
return mWindowsByFocusToken.get(focusGrantToken);
EmbeddedWindow getByWindowToken(IBinder windowToken) {
return mWindowsByWindowToken.get(windowToken);
void onActivityRemoved(ActivityRecord activityRecord) {
for (int i = mWindows.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final EmbeddedWindow window = mWindows.valueAt(i);
if (window.mHostActivityRecord == activityRecord) {
final WindowProcessController processController =
mAtmService.getProcessController(window.mOwnerPid, window.mOwnerUid);
if (processController != null) {
static class EmbeddedWindow implements InputTarget {
final IWindow mClient;
@Nullable final WindowState mHostWindowState;
@Nullable final ActivityRecord mHostActivityRecord;
final String mName;
final int mOwnerUid;
final int mOwnerPid;
final WindowManagerService mWmService;
final int mDisplayId;
public Session mSession;
InputChannel mInputChannel;
final int mWindowType;
// Track whether the EmbeddedWindow is a system hosted overlay via
// {@link OverlayHost}. In the case of client hosted overlays, the client
// view hierarchy will take care of invoking requestEmbeddedWindowFocus
// but for system hosted overlays we have to do this via tapOutsideDetection
// and this variable is mostly used for tracking that.
boolean mIsOverlay = false;
private IBinder mFocusGrantToken;
* @param session calling session to check ownership of the window
* @param clientToken client token used to clean up the map if the embedding process dies
* @param hostWindowState input channel token belonging to the host window. This is needed
* to handle input callbacks to wm. It's used when raising ANR and
* when the user taps out side of the focused region on screen. This
* can be null if there is no host window.
* @param ownerUid calling uid
* @param ownerPid calling pid used for anr blaming
* @param windowType to forward to input
* @param displayId used for focus requests
EmbeddedWindow(Session session, WindowManagerService service, IWindow clientToken,
WindowState hostWindowState, int ownerUid, int ownerPid, int windowType,
int displayId, IBinder focusGrantToken, String inputHandleName) {
mSession = session;
mWmService = service;
mClient = clientToken;
mHostWindowState = hostWindowState;
mHostActivityRecord = (mHostWindowState != null) ? mHostWindowState.mActivityRecord
: null;
mOwnerUid = ownerUid;
mOwnerPid = ownerPid;
mWindowType = windowType;
mDisplayId = displayId;
mFocusGrantToken = focusGrantToken;
final String hostWindowName =
(mHostWindowState != null) ? "-" + mHostWindowState.getWindowTag().toString()
: "";
mName = "Embedded{" + inputHandleName + hostWindowName + "}";
public String toString() {
return mName;
InputApplicationHandle getApplicationHandle() {
if (mHostWindowState == null
|| mHostWindowState.mInputWindowHandle.getInputApplicationHandle() == null) {
return null;
return new InputApplicationHandle(
InputChannel openInputChannel() {
final String name = toString();
mInputChannel = mWmService.mInputManager.createInputChannel(name);
return mInputChannel;
void onRemoved() {
if (mInputChannel != null) {
mInputChannel = null;
public WindowState getWindowState() {
return mHostWindowState;
public int getDisplayId() {
return mDisplayId;
public DisplayContent getDisplayContent() {
return mWmService.mRoot.getDisplayContent(getDisplayId());
public IWindow getIWindow() {
return mClient;
public IBinder getWindowToken() {
return mClient.asBinder();
public int getPid() {
return mOwnerPid;
public int getUid() {
return mOwnerUid;
void setIsOverlay() {
mIsOverlay = true;
boolean getIsOverlay() {
return mIsOverlay;
IBinder getFocusGrantToken() {
return mFocusGrantToken;
IBinder getInputChannelToken() {
if (mInputChannel != null) {
return mInputChannel.getToken();
return null;
* System hosted overlays need the WM to invoke grantEmbeddedWindowFocus and
* so we need to participate inside handlePointerDownOutsideFocus logic
* however client hosted overlays will rely on the hosting view hierarchy
* to grant and revoke focus, and so the server side logic is not needed.
public boolean receiveFocusFromTapOutside() {
return mIsOverlay;
private void handleTap(boolean grantFocus) {
if (mInputChannel != null) {
mWmService.grantEmbeddedWindowFocus(mSession, mFocusGrantToken, grantFocus);
public void handleTapOutsideFocusOutsideSelf() {
public void handleTapOutsideFocusInsideSelf() {
public boolean shouldControlIme() {
return false;
public boolean canScreenshotIme() {
return true;
public void unfreezeInsetsAfterStartInput() {
public InsetsControlTarget getImeControlTarget() {
return mWmService.getDefaultDisplayContentLocked().mRemoteInsetsControlTarget;
public boolean isInputMethodClientFocus(int uid, int pid) {
return uid == mOwnerUid && pid == mOwnerPid;
public ActivityRecord getActivityRecord() {
return null;
public void dumpProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId,
@WindowTraceLogLevel int logLevel) {
final long token = proto.start(fieldId);
final long token2 = proto.start(IDENTIFIER);
proto.write(HASH_CODE, System.identityHashCode(this));
proto.write(TITLE, "EmbeddedWindow");