blob: 10f14b42ae42735c2a13fd1f67324a9318347a3e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IBiometricSysuiReceiver;
import android.hardware.biometrics.PromptInfo;
import android.hardware.fingerprint.IUdfpsHbmListener;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
/** @hide */
oneway interface IStatusBar
void setIcon(String slot, in StatusBarIcon icon);
void removeIcon(String slot);
void disable(int displayId, int state1, int state2);
void animateExpandNotificationsPanel();
void animateExpandSettingsPanel(String subPanel);
void animateCollapsePanels();
void togglePanel();
void showWirelessChargingAnimation(int batteryLevel);
void setImeWindowStatus(int displayId, in IBinder token, int vis, int backDisposition,
boolean showImeSwitcher, boolean isMultiClientImeEnabled);
void setWindowState(int display, int window, int state);
void showRecentApps(boolean triggeredFromAltTab);
void hideRecentApps(boolean triggeredFromAltTab, boolean triggeredFromHomeKey);
void toggleRecentApps();
void toggleSplitScreen();
void preloadRecentApps();
void cancelPreloadRecentApps();
void showScreenPinningRequest(int taskId);
void dismissKeyboardShortcutsMenu();
void toggleKeyboardShortcutsMenu(int deviceId);
* Notifies System UI on the specified display that an app transition is pending to delay
* applying some flags with visual impact until {@link #appTransitionReady} is called.
* @param displayId the id of the display to notify
void appTransitionPending(int displayId);
* Notifies System UI on the specified display that a pending app transition has been cancelled.
* @param displayId the id of the display to notify
void appTransitionCancelled(int displayId);
* Notifies System UI on the specified display that an app transition is now being executed.
* @param displayId the id of the display to notify
* @param statusBarAnimationsStartTime the desired start time for all visual animations in the
* status bar caused by this app transition in uptime millis
* @param statusBarAnimationsDuration the duration for all visual animations in the status
* bar caused by this app transition in millis
void appTransitionStarting(int displayId, long statusBarAnimationsStartTime,
long statusBarAnimationsDuration);
* Notifies System UI on the specified display that an app transition is done.
* @param displayId the id of the display to notify
void appTransitionFinished(int displayId);
void showAssistDisclosure();
void startAssist(in Bundle args);
* Notifies the status bar that a camera launch gesture has been detected.
* @param source the identifier for the gesture, see {@link StatusBarManager}
void onCameraLaunchGestureDetected(int source);
* Notifies the status bar that the Emergency Action launch gesture has been detected.
* TODO(b/169175022) Update method name and docs when feature name is locked.
void onEmergencyActionLaunchGestureDetected();
* Shows the picture-in-picture menu if an activity is in picture-in-picture mode.
void showPictureInPictureMenu();
* Shows the global actions menu.
void showGlobalActionsMenu();
* Notifies the status bar that a new rotation suggestion is available.
void onProposedRotationChanged(int rotation, boolean isValid);
* Set whether the top app currently hides the statusbar.
* @param hidesStatusBar whether it is being hidden
void setTopAppHidesStatusBar(boolean hidesStatusBar);
void addQsTile(in ComponentName tile);
void remQsTile(in ComponentName tile);
void clickQsTile(in ComponentName tile);
void handleSystemKey(in int key);
* Methods to show toast messages for screen pinning
void showPinningEnterExitToast(boolean entering);
void showPinningEscapeToast();
void showShutdownUi(boolean isReboot, String reason);
* Used to show the authentication dialog (Biometrics, Device Credential).
void showAuthenticationDialog(in PromptInfo promptInfo, IBiometricSysuiReceiver sysuiReceiver,
in int[] sensorIds, boolean credentialAllowed, boolean requireConfirmation, int userId,
String opPackageName, long operationId, int multiSensorConfig);
* Used to notify the authentication dialog that a biometric has been authenticated.
void onBiometricAuthenticated();
* Used to set a temporary message, e.g. fingerprint not recognized, finger moved too fast, etc.
void onBiometricHelp(int modality, String message);
/** Used to show an error - the dialog will dismiss after a certain amount of time. */
void onBiometricError(int modality, int error, int vendorCode);
* Used to hide the authentication dialog, e.g. when the application cancels authentication.
void hideAuthenticationDialog();
* Sets an instance of IUdfpsHbmListener for UdfpsController.
void setUdfpsHbmListener(in IUdfpsHbmListener listener);
* Notifies System UI that the display is ready to show system decorations.
void onDisplayReady(int displayId);
* Notifies System UI whether the recents animation is running or not.
void onRecentsAnimationStateChanged(boolean running);
* Notifies System UI side of system bar attribute change on the specified display.
* @param displayId the ID of the display to notify
* @param appearance the appearance of the focused window. The light top bar appearance is not
* controlled here, but primaryAppearance and secondaryAppearance.
* @param appearanceRegions a set of appearances which will be only applied in their own bounds.
* This is for system bars which across multiple stack, e.g., status
* bar, that the bar can have partial appearances in corresponding
* stacks.
* @param navbarColorManagedByIme {@code true} if navigation bar color is managed by IME.
* @param behavior the behavior of the focused window.
* @param isFullscreen whether any of status or navigation bar is requested invisible.
void onSystemBarAttributesChanged(int displayId, int appearance,
in AppearanceRegion[] appearanceRegions, boolean navbarColorManagedByIme,
int behavior, boolean isFullscreen);
* Notifies System UI to show transient bars. The transient bars are system bars, e.g., status
* bar and navigation bar which are temporarily visible to the user.
* @param displayId the ID of the display to notify.
* @param types the internal insets types of the bars are about to show transiently.
void showTransient(int displayId, in int[] types);
* Notifies System UI to abort the transient state of system bars, which prevents the bars being
* hidden automatically. This is usually called when the app wants to show the permanent system
* bars again.
* @param displayId the ID of the display to notify.
* @param types the internal insets types of the bars are about to abort the transient state.
void abortTransient(int displayId, in int[] types);
* Show a warning that the device is about to go to sleep due to user inactivity.
void showInattentiveSleepWarning();
* Dismiss the warning that the device is about to go to sleep due to user inactivity.
void dismissInattentiveSleepWarning(boolean animated);
* Displays a text toast.
void showToast(int uid, String packageName, IBinder token, CharSequence text,
IBinder windowToken, int duration, @nullable ITransientNotificationCallback callback);
* Cancels toast with token {@code token} in {@code packageName}.
void hideToast(String packageName, IBinder token);
* Notifies SystemUI to start tracing.
void startTracing();
* Notifies SystemUI to stop tracing.
void stopTracing();
* Handles a logging command from the WM shell command.
void handleWindowManagerLoggingCommand(in String[] args, in ParcelFileDescriptor outFd);
* If true, suppresses the ambient display from showing. If false, re-enables the ambient
* display.
void suppressAmbientDisplay(boolean suppress);
* Requests {@link WindowMagnification} to set window magnification connection through
* {@link AccessibilityManager#setWindowMagnificationConnection(IWindowMagnificationConnection)}
* @param connect {@code true} if needs connection, otherwise set the connection to null.
void requestWindowMagnificationConnection(boolean connect);
* Allow for pass-through arguments from `adb shell cmd statusbar <args>`, and write to the
* file descriptor passed in.
void passThroughShellCommand(in String[] args, in ParcelFileDescriptor pfd);
* Enables/disables the navigation bar luma sampling.
* @param displayId the id of the display to notify.
* @param enable {@code true} if enable, otherwise set to {@code false}.
void setNavigationBarLumaSamplingEnabled(int displayId, boolean enable);
* Triggers a GC in the system and status bar.
void runGcForTest();