blob: 4c2a9ae10cbdfd499d7ec84b17e389d1b0151902 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.biometrics;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IBiometricEnabledOnKeyguardCallback;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IBiometricServiceReceiver;
import android.hardware.biometrics.IInvalidationCallback;
import android.hardware.biometrics.ITestSession;
import android.hardware.biometrics.ITestSessionCallback;
import android.hardware.biometrics.PromptInfo;
import android.hardware.biometrics.SensorPropertiesInternal;
* Communication channel from BiometricPrompt and BiometricManager to AuthService. The
* interface does not expose specific biometric modalities. The system will use the default
* biometric for apps. On devices with more than one, the choice is dictated by user preference in
* Settings.
* @hide
interface IAuthService {
// Creates a test session with the specified sensorId
ITestSession createTestSession(int sensorId, ITestSessionCallback callback, String opPackageName);
// Retrieve static sensor properties for all biometric sensors
List<SensorPropertiesInternal> getSensorProperties(String opPackageName);
// Retrieve the package where BIometricOrompt's UI is implemented
String getUiPackage();
// Requests authentication. The service choose the appropriate biometric to use, and show
// the corresponding BiometricDialog.
void authenticate(IBinder token, long sessionId, int userId,
IBiometricServiceReceiver receiver, String opPackageName, in PromptInfo promptInfo);
// Cancel authentication for the given sessionId
void cancelAuthentication(IBinder token, String opPackageName);
// TODO(b/141025588): Make userId the first arg to be consistent with hasEnrolledBiometrics.
// Checks if biometrics can be used.
int canAuthenticate(String opPackageName, int userId, int authenticators);
// Checks if any biometrics are enrolled.
boolean hasEnrolledBiometrics(int userId, String opPackageName);
// Register callback for when keyguard biometric eligibility changes.
void registerEnabledOnKeyguardCallback(IBiometricEnabledOnKeyguardCallback callback);
// Requests all BIOMETRIC_STRONG sensors to have their authenticatorId invalidated for the
// specified user. This happens when enrollments have been added on devices with multiple
// biometric sensors.
void invalidateAuthenticatorIds(int userId, int fromSensorId, IInvalidationCallback callback);
// Get a list of AuthenticatorIDs for authenticators which have enrolled templates and meet
// the requirements for integrating with Keystore. The AuthenticatorID are known in Keystore
// land as SIDs, and are used during key generation.
// If userId is not equal to the calling user ID, the caller must have the
long[] getAuthenticatorIds(in int userId);
// See documentation in BiometricManager.
void resetLockoutTimeBound(IBinder token, String opPackageName, int fromSensorId, int userId,
in byte[] hardwareAuthToken);
// Provides a localized string that may be used as the label for a button that invokes
// BiometricPrompt.
CharSequence getButtonLabel(int userId, String opPackageName, int authenticators);
// Provides a localized string that may be shown while the user is authenticating with
// BiometricPrompt.
CharSequence getPromptMessage(int userId, String opPackageName, int authenticators);
// Provides a localized string that may be shown as the title for an app setting that enables
// biometric authentication.
CharSequence getSettingName(int userId, String opPackageName, int authenticators);