blob: 77eefb4e274335f0e479994e55839f2f77552b11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UptimeMillisLong;
import android.os.Trace;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
* Queue of pending {@link BroadcastRecord} entries intended for delivery to a
* specific process.
* <p>
* Each queue has a concept of being "runnable at" a particular time in the
* future, which supports arbitrarily pausing or delaying delivery on a
* per-process basis.
* <p>
* Internally each queue consists of a pending broadcasts which are waiting to
* be dispatched, and a single active broadcast which is currently being
* dispatched.
* <p>
* This entire class is marked as {@code NotThreadSafe} since it's the
* responsibility of the caller to always interact with a relevant lock held.
// @NotThreadSafe
class BroadcastProcessQueue {
final @NonNull BroadcastConstants constants;
final @NonNull String processName;
final int uid;
* Linked list connection to another process under this {@link #uid} which
* has a different {@link #processName}.
@Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue processNameNext;
* Linked list connections to runnable process with lower and higher
* {@link #getRunnableAt()} times.
@Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue runnableAtNext;
@Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue runnableAtPrev;
* Currently known details about the target process; typically undefined
* when the process isn't actively running.
@Nullable ProcessRecord app;
* Track name to use for {@link Trace} events.
@Nullable String traceTrackName;
* Ordered collection of broadcasts that are waiting to be dispatched to
* this process, as a pair of {@link BroadcastRecord} and the index into
* {@link BroadcastRecord#receivers} that represents the receiver.
private final ArrayDeque<SomeArgs> mPending = new ArrayDeque<>();
* Broadcast actively being dispatched to this process.
private @Nullable BroadcastRecord mActive;
* Receiver actively being dispatched to in this process. This is an index
* into the {@link BroadcastRecord#receivers} list of {@link #mActive}.
private int mActiveIndex;
* Count of {@link #mActive} broadcasts that have been dispatched since this
* queue was last idle.
private int mActiveCountSinceIdle;
* Flag indicating that the currently active broadcast is being dispatched
* was scheduled via a cold start.
private boolean mActiveViaColdStart;
* Count of {@link #mPending} broadcasts of these various flavors.
private int mCountForeground;
private int mCountOrdered;
private int mCountAlarm;
private @UptimeMillisLong long mRunnableAt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private boolean mRunnableAtInvalidated;
private boolean mProcessCached;
public BroadcastProcessQueue(@NonNull BroadcastConstants constants,
@NonNull String processName, int uid) {
this.constants = Objects.requireNonNull(constants);
this.processName = Objects.requireNonNull(processName);
this.uid = uid;
* Enqueue the given broadcast to be dispatched to this process at some
* future point in time. The target receiver is indicated by the given index
* into {@link BroadcastRecord#receivers}.
public void enqueueBroadcast(@NonNull BroadcastRecord record, int recordIndex) {
// Detect situations where the incoming broadcast should cause us to
// recalculate when we'll be runnable
if (mPending.isEmpty()) {
if (record.isForeground()) {
if (record.ordered) {
if (record.alarm) {
SomeArgs args = SomeArgs.obtain();
args.arg1 = record;
args.argi1 = recordIndex;
* Functional interface that tests a {@link BroadcastRecord} that has been
* previously enqueued in {@link BroadcastProcessQueue}.
public interface BroadcastPredicate {
public boolean test(@NonNull BroadcastRecord r, int index);
* Functional interface that consumes a {@link BroadcastRecord} that has
* been previously enqueued in {@link BroadcastProcessQueue}.
public interface BroadcastConsumer {
public void accept(@NonNull BroadcastRecord r, int index);
* Remove any broadcasts matching the given predicate.
* <p>
* Predicates that choose to remove a broadcast <em>must</em> finish
* delivery of the matched broadcast, to ensure that situations like ordered
* broadcasts are handled consistently.
public boolean removeMatchingBroadcasts(@NonNull BroadcastPredicate predicate,
@NonNull BroadcastConsumer consumer) {
boolean didSomething = false;
final Iterator<SomeArgs> it = mPending.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
final SomeArgs args =;
final BroadcastRecord record = (BroadcastRecord) args.arg1;
final int index = args.argi1;
if (predicate.test(record, index)) {
consumer.accept(record, index);
didSomething = true;
// TODO: also check any active broadcast once we have a better "nonce"
// representing each scheduled broadcast to avoid races
return didSomething;
* Update if this process is in the "cached" state, typically signaling that
* broadcast dispatch should be paused or delayed.
public void setProcessCached(boolean cached) {
if (mProcessCached != cached) {
mProcessCached = cached;
* Return if we know of an actively running "warm" process for this queue.
public boolean isProcessWarm() {
return (app != null) && (app.getThread() != null) && !app.isKilled();
public int getPreferredSchedulingGroupLocked() {
if (mCountForeground > 0 || mCountOrdered > 0 || mCountAlarm > 0) {
// We have an important broadcast somewhere down the queue, so
// boost priority until we drain them all
return ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
} else if ((mActive != null)
&& (mActive.isForeground() || mActive.ordered || mActive.alarm)) {
// We have an important broadcast right now, so boost priority
return ProcessList.SCHED_GROUP_DEFAULT;
} else {
* Count of {@link #mActive} broadcasts that have been dispatched since this
* queue was last idle.
public int getActiveCountSinceIdle() {
return mActiveCountSinceIdle;
public void setActiveViaColdStart(boolean activeViaColdStart) {
mActiveViaColdStart = activeViaColdStart;
public boolean getActiveViaColdStart() {
return mActiveViaColdStart;
* Set the currently active broadcast to the next pending broadcast.
public void makeActiveNextPending() {
// TODO: what if the next broadcast isn't runnable yet?
checkState(isRunnable(), "isRunnable");
final SomeArgs next = mPending.removeFirst();
mActive = (BroadcastRecord) next.arg1;
mActiveIndex = next.argi1;
mActiveViaColdStart = false;
if (mActive.isForeground()) {
if (mActive.ordered) {
if (mActive.alarm) {
* Set the currently running broadcast to be idle.
public void makeActiveIdle() {
mActive = null;
mActiveIndex = 0;
mActiveCountSinceIdle = 0;
mActiveViaColdStart = false;
public void traceProcessStartingBegin() {
traceTrackName, toShortString() + " starting", hashCode());
public void traceProcessRunningBegin() {
traceTrackName, toShortString() + " running", hashCode());
public void traceProcessEnd() {
traceTrackName, hashCode());
public void traceActiveBegin() {
final int cookie = mActive.receivers.get(mActiveIndex).hashCode();
traceTrackName, mActive.toShortString() + " scheduled", cookie);
public void traceActiveEnd() {
final int cookie = mActive.receivers.get(mActiveIndex).hashCode();
traceTrackName, cookie);
* Return the broadcast being actively dispatched in this process.
public @NonNull BroadcastRecord getActive() {
checkState(isActive(), "isActive");
return mActive;
* Return the index into {@link BroadcastRecord#receivers} of the receiver
* being actively dispatched in this process.
public int getActiveIndex() {
checkState(isActive(), "isActive");
return mActiveIndex;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (mActive != null) && mPending.isEmpty();
public boolean isActive() {
return mActive != null;
public boolean isRunnable() {
if (mRunnableAtInvalidated) updateRunnableAt();
return mRunnableAt != Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Return time at which this process is considered runnable. This is
* typically the time at which the next pending broadcast was first
* enqueued, but it also reflects any pauses or delays that should be
* applied to the process.
* <p>
* Returns {@link Long#MAX_VALUE} when this queue isn't currently runnable,
* typically when the queue is empty or when paused.
public @UptimeMillisLong long getRunnableAt() {
if (mRunnableAtInvalidated) updateRunnableAt();
return mRunnableAt;
public void invalidateRunnableAt() {
mRunnableAtInvalidated = true;
* Update {@link #getRunnableAt()} if it's currently invalidated.
private void updateRunnableAt() {
final SomeArgs next = mPending.peekFirst();
if (next != null) {
final BroadcastRecord r = (BroadcastRecord) next.arg1;
final int index = next.argi1;
// If our next broadcast is ordered, and we're not the next receiver
// in line, then we're not runnable at all
if (r.ordered && r.finishedCount != index) {
mRunnableAt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
final long runnableAt = r.enqueueTime;
if (mCountForeground > 0) {
mRunnableAt = runnableAt;
} else if (mCountOrdered > 0) {
mRunnableAt = runnableAt;
} else if (mCountAlarm > 0) {
mRunnableAt = runnableAt;
} else if (mProcessCached) {
mRunnableAt = runnableAt + constants.DELAY_CACHED_MILLIS;
} else {
mRunnableAt = runnableAt + constants.DELAY_NORMAL_MILLIS;
} else {
mRunnableAt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Insert the given queue into a sorted linked list of "runnable" queues.
* @param head the current linked list head
* @param item the queue to insert
* @return a potentially updated linked list head
static @Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue insertIntoRunnableList(
@Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue head, @NonNull BroadcastProcessQueue item) {
if (head == null) {
return item;
final long itemRunnableAt = item.getRunnableAt();
BroadcastProcessQueue test = head;
BroadcastProcessQueue tail = null;
while (test != null) {
if (test.getRunnableAt() >= itemRunnableAt) {
item.runnableAtNext = test;
item.runnableAtPrev = test.runnableAtPrev;
if (item.runnableAtNext != null) {
item.runnableAtNext.runnableAtPrev = item;
if (item.runnableAtPrev != null) {
item.runnableAtPrev.runnableAtNext = item;
return (test == head) ? item : head;
tail = test;
test = test.runnableAtNext;
item.runnableAtPrev = tail;
item.runnableAtPrev.runnableAtNext = item;
return head;
* Remove the given queue from a sorted linked list of "runnable" queues.
* @param head the current linked list head
* @param item the queue to remove
* @return a potentially updated linked list head
static @Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue removeFromRunnableList(
@Nullable BroadcastProcessQueue head, @NonNull BroadcastProcessQueue item) {
if (head == item) {
head = item.runnableAtNext;
if (item.runnableAtNext != null) {
item.runnableAtNext.runnableAtPrev = item.runnableAtPrev;
if (item.runnableAtPrev != null) {
item.runnableAtPrev.runnableAtNext = item.runnableAtNext;
item.runnableAtNext = null;
item.runnableAtPrev = null;
return head;
public String toString() {
return "BroadcastProcessQueue{"
+ Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))
+ " " + processName + "/" + UserHandle.formatUid(uid) + "}";
public String toShortString() {
return processName + "/" + UserHandle.formatUid(uid);
public void dumpLocked(@NonNull IndentingPrintWriter pw) {
if ((mActive == null) && mPending.isEmpty()) return;
if (mActive != null) {
pw.print("🏃 ");
pw.print(' ');
for (SomeArgs args : mPending) {
final BroadcastRecord r = (BroadcastRecord) args.arg1;
pw.print("\u3000 ");
pw.print(' ');