blob: fbf1f59141a828b8aada2d2101eb4add126db26d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_DESTROY_CONTENT_ON_REMOVAL;
import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY;
import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC;
import static android.view.Display.INVALID_DISPLAY;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.TestApi;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
import android.hardware.display.VirtualDisplay;
import android.hardware.input.InputManager;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.IWindowManager;
import android.view.InputDevice;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.SurfaceControl;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceSession;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewParent;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.WindowManagerGlobal;
import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager;
import dalvik.system.CloseGuard;
import java.util.List;
* Activity container that allows launching activities into itself.
* <p>Activity launching into this container is restricted by the same rules that apply to launching
* on VirtualDisplays.
* @hide
public class ActivityView extends ViewGroup {
private static final String DISPLAY_NAME = "ActivityViewVirtualDisplay";
private static final String TAG = "ActivityView";
private VirtualDisplay mVirtualDisplay;
private final SurfaceView mSurfaceView;
* This is the root surface for the VirtualDisplay. The VirtualDisplay child surfaces will be
* re-parented to this surface. This will also be a child of the SurfaceView's SurfaceControl.
private SurfaceControl mRootSurfaceControl;
private final SurfaceCallback mSurfaceCallback;
private StateCallback mActivityViewCallback;
private IActivityTaskManager mActivityTaskManager;
// Temp container to store view coordinates in window.
private final int[] mLocationInWindow = new int[2];
// The latest tap exclude region that we've sent to WM.
private final Region mTapExcludeRegion = new Region();
private TaskStackListener mTaskStackListener;
private final CloseGuard mGuard = CloseGuard.get();
private boolean mOpened; // Protected by mGuard.
private final SurfaceControl.Transaction mTmpTransaction = new SurfaceControl.Transaction();
/** The ActivityView is only allowed to contain one task. */
private final boolean mSingleTaskInstance;
private Insets mForwardedInsets;
private float mCornerRadius;
public ActivityView(Context context) {
this(context, null /* attrs */);
public ActivityView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(context, attrs, 0 /* defStyle */);
public ActivityView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
this(context, attrs, defStyle, false /*singleTaskInstance*/);
public ActivityView(
Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle, boolean singleTaskInstance) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
mSingleTaskInstance = singleTaskInstance;
mActivityTaskManager = ActivityTaskManager.getService();
mSurfaceView = new SurfaceView(context);
// Since ActivityView#getAlpha has been overridden, we should use parent class's alpha
// as master to synchronize surface view's alpha value.
mSurfaceCallback = new SurfaceCallback();
mOpened = true;"release");
/** Callback that notifies when the container is ready or destroyed. */
public abstract static class StateCallback {
* Called when the container is ready for launching activities. Calling
* {@link #startActivity(Intent)} prior to this callback will result in an
* {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @see #startActivity(Intent)
public abstract void onActivityViewReady(ActivityView view);
* Called when the container can no longer launch activities. Calling
* {@link #startActivity(Intent)} after this callback will result in an
* {@link IllegalStateException}.
* @see #startActivity(Intent)
public abstract void onActivityViewDestroyed(ActivityView view);
* Called when a task is created inside the container.
* This is a filtered version of {@link TaskStackListener}
public void onTaskCreated(int taskId, ComponentName componentName) { }
* Called when a task is moved to the front of the stack inside the container.
* This is a filtered version of {@link TaskStackListener}
public void onTaskMovedToFront(int taskId) { }
* Called when a task is about to be removed from the stack inside the container.
* This is a filtered version of {@link TaskStackListener}
public void onTaskRemovalStarted(int taskId) { }
* Set the callback to be notified about state changes.
* <p>This class must finish initializing before {@link #startActivity(Intent)} can be called.
* <p>Note: If the instance was ready prior to this call being made, then
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} will be called from within
* this method call.
* @param callback The callback to report events to.
* @see StateCallback
* @see #startActivity(Intent)
public void setCallback(StateCallback callback) {
mActivityViewCallback = callback;
if (mVirtualDisplay != null && mActivityViewCallback != null) {
* Sets the corner radius for the Activity displayed here. The corners will be
* cropped from the window painted by the contained Activity.
* @param cornerRadius the radius for the corners, in pixels
* @hide
public void setCornerRadius(float cornerRadius) {
* @hide
public float getCornerRadius() {
return mSurfaceView.getCornerRadius();
* Control whether the surface is clipped to the same bounds as the View. If true, then
* the bounds set by {@link #setSurfaceClipBounds(Rect)} are applied to the surface as
* window-crop.
* @param clippingEnabled whether to enable surface clipping
* @hide
public void setSurfaceClippingEnabled(boolean clippingEnabled) {
* Sets an area on the contained surface to which it will be clipped
* when it is drawn. Setting the value to null will remove the clip bounds
* and the surface will draw normally, using its full bounds.
* @param clipBounds The rectangular area, in the local coordinates of
* this view, to which future drawing operations will be clipped.
* @hide
public void setSurfaceClipBounds(Rect clipBounds) {
* @hide
public boolean getSurfaceClipBounds(Rect outRect) {
return mSurfaceView.getClipBounds(outRect);
* Launch a new activity into this container.
* <p>Activity resolved by the provided {@link Intent} must have
* {@link android.R.attr#resizeableActivity} attribute set to {@code true} in order to be
* launched here. Also, if activity is not owned by the owner of this container, it must allow
* embedding and the caller must have permission to embed.
* <p>Note: This class must finish initializing and
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} callback must be triggered before
* this method can be called.
* @param intent Intent used to launch an activity.
* @see StateCallback
* @see #startActivity(PendingIntent)
public void startActivity(@NonNull Intent intent) {
final ActivityOptions options = prepareActivityOptions();
getContext().startActivity(intent, options.toBundle());
* Launch a new activity into this container.
* <p>Activity resolved by the provided {@link Intent} must have
* {@link android.R.attr#resizeableActivity} attribute set to {@code true} in order to be
* launched here. Also, if activity is not owned by the owner of this container, it must allow
* embedding and the caller must have permission to embed.
* <p>Note: This class must finish initializing and
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} callback must be triggered before
* this method can be called.
* @param intent Intent used to launch an activity.
* @param user The UserHandle of the user to start this activity for.
* @see StateCallback
* @see #startActivity(PendingIntent)
public void startActivity(@NonNull Intent intent, UserHandle user) {
final ActivityOptions options = prepareActivityOptions();
getContext().startActivityAsUser(intent, options.toBundle(), user);
* Launch a new activity into this container.
* <p>Activity resolved by the provided {@link PendingIntent} must have
* {@link android.R.attr#resizeableActivity} attribute set to {@code true} in order to be
* launched here. Also, if activity is not owned by the owner of this container, it must allow
* embedding and the caller must have permission to embed.
* <p>Note: This class must finish initializing and
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} callback must be triggered before
* this method can be called.
* @param pendingIntent Intent used to launch an activity.
* @see StateCallback
* @see #startActivity(Intent)
public void startActivity(@NonNull PendingIntent pendingIntent) {
final ActivityOptions options = prepareActivityOptions();
try {
pendingIntent.send(null /* context */, 0 /* code */, null /* intent */,
null /* onFinished */, null /* handler */, null /* requiredPermission */,
} catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Launch a new activity into this container.
* <p>Activity resolved by the provided {@link PendingIntent} must have
* {@link android.R.attr#resizeableActivity} attribute set to {@code true} in order to be
* launched here. Also, if activity is not owned by the owner of this container, it must allow
* embedding and the caller must have permission to embed.
* <p>Note: This class must finish initializing and
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} callback must be triggered before
* this method can be called.
* @param pendingIntent Intent used to launch an activity.
* @param fillInIntent Additional Intent data, see {@link Intent#fillIn Intent.fillIn()}.
* @param options options for the activity
* @see StateCallback
* @see #startActivity(Intent)
public void startActivity(@NonNull PendingIntent pendingIntent, @Nullable Intent fillInIntent,
@NonNull ActivityOptions options) {
try {
pendingIntent.send(getContext(), 0 /* code */, fillInIntent,
null /* onFinished */, null /* handler */, null /* requiredPermission */,
} catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Check if container is ready to launch and create {@link ActivityOptions} to target the
* virtual display.
private ActivityOptions prepareActivityOptions() {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Trying to start activity before ActivityView is ready.");
final ActivityOptions options = ActivityOptions.makeBasic();
return options;
* Release this container. Activity launching will no longer be permitted.
* <p>Note: Calling this method is allowed after
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewReady(ActivityView)} callback was triggered and before
* {@link StateCallback#onActivityViewDestroyed(ActivityView)}.
* @see StateCallback
public void release() {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Trying to release container that is not initialized.");
* Triggers an update of {@link ActivityView}'s location in window to properly set tap exclude
* regions and avoid focus switches by touches on this view.
public void onLocationChanged() {
private void clearActivityViewGeometryForIme() {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
final int displayId = mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
mContext.getSystemService(InputMethodManager.class).reportActivityView(displayId, null);
public void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
mSurfaceView.layout(0 /* left */, 0 /* top */, r - l /* right */, b - t /* bottom */);
* Sets the alpha value when the content of {@link SurfaceView} needs to show or hide.
* <p>Note: The surface view may ignore the alpha value in some cases. Refer to
* {@link SurfaceView#setAlpha} for more details.
* @param alpha The opacity of the view.
public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
if (mSurfaceView != null) {
public float getAlpha() {
return mSurfaceView.getAlpha();
public boolean gatherTransparentRegion(Region region) {
// The tap exclude region may be affected by any view on top of it, so we detect the
// possible change by monitoring this function.
return super.gatherTransparentRegion(region);
* Sends current location in window and tap exclude region to WM for this view.
private void updateLocationAndTapExcludeRegion() {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null || !isAttachedToWindow()) {
try {
int x = mLocationInWindow[0];
int y = mLocationInWindow[1];
if (x != mLocationInWindow[0] || y != mLocationInWindow[1]) {
x = mLocationInWindow[0];
y = mLocationInWindow[1];
final int displayId = mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
getWindow(), x, y, displayId);
// Also report this geometry information to InputMethodManagerService.
// TODO(b/115693908): Unify this logic into the above WMS-based one.
// TODO(b/138175283): Address the location update when the host of this view is
// moving.
final Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
final int[] locationOnScreen = new int[2];
final int dx = locationOnScreen[0];
final int dy = locationOnScreen[1];
matrix.postTranslate(dx, dy);
.reportActivityView(displayId, matrix);
updateTapExcludeRegion(x, y);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
/** Computes and sends current tap exclude region to WM for this view. */
private void updateTapExcludeRegion(int x, int y) throws RemoteException {
if (!canReceivePointerEvents()) {
mTapExcludeRegion.set(x, y, x + getWidth(), y + getHeight());
// There might be views on top of us. We need to subtract those areas from the tap
// exclude region.
final ViewParent parent = getParent();
if (parent != null) {
parent.subtractObscuredTouchableRegion(mTapExcludeRegion, this);
WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowSession().updateTapExcludeRegion(getWindow(), hashCode(),
private class SurfaceCallback implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
initVirtualDisplay(new SurfaceSession());
if (mVirtualDisplay != null && mActivityViewCallback != null) {
} else {
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder, int format, int width, int height) {
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
mVirtualDisplay.resize(width, height, getBaseDisplayDensity());
public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) {
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
protected void onVisibilityChanged(View changedView, int visibility) {
super.onVisibilityChanged(changedView, visibility);
* @return the display id of the virtual display.
public int getVirtualDisplayId() {
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
return mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
* Injects a pair of down/up key events with keycode {@link KeyEvent#KEYCODE_BACK} to the
* virtual display.
public void performBackPress() {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
final int displayId = mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
final InputManager im = InputManager.getInstance();
im.injectInputEvent(createKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK, displayId),
im.injectInputEvent(createKeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK, displayId),
private static KeyEvent createKeyEvent(int action, int code, int displayId) {
long when = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
final KeyEvent ev = new KeyEvent(when, when, action, code, 0 /* repeat */,
0 /* metaState */, KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD, 0 /* scancode */,
return ev;
private void initVirtualDisplay(SurfaceSession surfaceSession) {
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to initialize for the second time.");
final int width = mSurfaceView.getWidth();
final int height = mSurfaceView.getHeight();
final DisplayManager displayManager = mContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class);
mVirtualDisplay = displayManager.createVirtualDisplay(
DISPLAY_NAME + "@" + System.identityHashCode(this), width, height,
getBaseDisplayDensity(), null,
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to initialize ActivityView");
final int displayId = mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
final IWindowManager wm = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService();
mRootSurfaceControl = new SurfaceControl.Builder(surfaceSession)
try {
// TODO: Find a way to consolidate these calls to the server.
getWindow(), mRootSurfaceControl, displayId);
if (mSingleTaskInstance) {
wm.setForwardedInsets(displayId, mForwardedInsets);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
mTaskStackListener = new TaskStackListenerImpl();
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to register task stack listener", e);
private void performRelease() {
if (!mOpened) {
if (mTaskStackListener != null) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to unregister task stack listener", e);
mTaskStackListener = null;
final boolean displayReleased;
if (mVirtualDisplay != null) {
mVirtualDisplay = null;
displayReleased = true;
} else {
displayReleased = false;
if (displayReleased && mActivityViewCallback != null) {
mOpened = false;
/** Report to server that tap exclude region on hosting display should be cleared. */
private void cleanTapExcludeRegion() {
if (!isAttachedToWindow() || mTapExcludeRegion.isEmpty()) {
// Update tap exclude region with a null region to clean the state on server.
try {
WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowSession().updateTapExcludeRegion(getWindow(), hashCode(),
null /* region */);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
/** Get density of the hosting display. */
private int getBaseDisplayDensity() {
final WindowManager wm = mContext.getSystemService(WindowManager.class);
final DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
return metrics.densityDpi;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
try {
if (mGuard != null) {
} finally {
* Set forwarded insets on the virtual display.
* @see IWindowManager#setForwardedInsets
public void setForwardedInsets(Insets insets) {
mForwardedInsets = insets;
if (mVirtualDisplay == null) {
try {
final IWindowManager wm = WindowManagerGlobal.getWindowManagerService();
wm.setForwardedInsets(mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId(), mForwardedInsets);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* A task change listener that detects background color change of the topmost stack on our
* virtual display and updates the background of the surface view. This background will be shown
* when surface view is resized, but the app hasn't drawn its content in new size yet.
* It also calls StateCallback.onTaskMovedToFront to notify interested parties that the stack
* associated with the {@link ActivityView} has had a Task moved to the front. This is useful
* when needing to also bring the host Activity to the foreground at the same time.
private class TaskStackListenerImpl extends TaskStackListener {
public void onTaskDescriptionChanged(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskInfo)
throws RemoteException {
if (mVirtualDisplay == null
|| taskInfo.displayId != mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId()) {
StackInfo stackInfo = getTopMostStackInfo();
if (stackInfo == null) {
// Found the topmost stack on target display. Now check if the topmost task's
// description changed.
if (taskInfo.taskId == stackInfo.taskIds[stackInfo.taskIds.length - 1]) {
public void onTaskMovedToFront(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskInfo)
throws RemoteException {
if (mActivityViewCallback == null || mVirtualDisplay == null
|| taskInfo.displayId != mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId()) {
StackInfo stackInfo = getTopMostStackInfo();
// if StackInfo was null or unrelated to the "move to front" then there's no use
// notifying the callback
if (stackInfo != null
&& taskInfo.taskId == stackInfo.taskIds[stackInfo.taskIds.length - 1]) {
public void onTaskCreated(int taskId, ComponentName componentName) throws RemoteException {
if (mActivityViewCallback == null || mVirtualDisplay == null) {
StackInfo stackInfo = getTopMostStackInfo();
// if StackInfo was null or unrelated to the task creation then there's no use
// notifying the callback
if (stackInfo != null
&& taskId == stackInfo.taskIds[stackInfo.taskIds.length - 1]) {
mActivityViewCallback.onTaskCreated(taskId, componentName);
public void onTaskRemovalStarted(ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo taskInfo)
throws RemoteException {
if (mActivityViewCallback == null || mVirtualDisplay == null
|| taskInfo.displayId != mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId()) {
private StackInfo getTopMostStackInfo() throws RemoteException {
// Find the topmost task on our virtual display - it will define the background
// color of the surface view during resizing.
final int displayId = mVirtualDisplay.getDisplay().getDisplayId();
final List<StackInfo> stackInfoList = mActivityTaskManager.getAllStackInfos();
// Iterate through stacks from top to bottom.
final int stackCount = stackInfoList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < stackCount; i++) {
final StackInfo stackInfo = stackInfoList.get(i);
// Only look for stacks on our virtual display.
if (stackInfo.displayId != displayId) {
// Found the topmost stack on target display.
return stackInfo;
return null;