Make gray palette neutral

Until now, our grays had a slight shade of blue

Test: visual
Bug: 171916625
Change-Id: I30b9ac7209228a98e9458442a329adfdc8389974
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/colors.xml b/core/res/res/values/colors.xml
index 8940776..4f920da 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/colors.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/colors.xml
@@ -240,34 +240,34 @@
     <color name="system_main_0">#ffffff</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 95% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_50">#ebf1f8</color>
+    <color name="system_main_50">#f0f0f0</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 90% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_100">#dde3ea</color>
+    <color name="system_main_100">#e2e2e2</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 80% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_200">#c1c7cd</color>
+    <color name="system_main_200">#c6c6c6</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 70% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_300">#a6acb2</color>
+    <color name="system_main_300">#ababab</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 60% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_400">#8b9197</color>
+    <color name="system_main_400">#909090</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 50% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_500">#72787d</color>
+    <color name="system_main_500">#777777</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 40% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_600">#595f64</color>
+    <color name="system_main_600">#5e5e5e</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 30% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_700">#42474d</color>
+    <color name="system_main_700">#464646</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 20% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_800">#2c3136</color>
+    <color name="system_main_800">#303030</color>
     <!-- Shade of the main system color at 10% lightness.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
-    <color name="system_main_900">#171c21</color>
+    <color name="system_main_900">#1b1b1b</color>
     <!-- Darkest shade of the main color used by the system. Black.
      This value can be overlaid at runtime by OverlayManager RROs. -->
     <color name="system_main_1000">#000000</color>