blob: cd61dbb5b7d1e23516f75add44294f58e5faad9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.util.TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Size;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.Gravity;
* Calculates the default, normal, entry, inset and movement bounds of the PIP.
public class PipBoundsAlgorithm {
private static final String TAG = PipBoundsAlgorithm.class.getSimpleName();
private static final float INVALID_SNAP_FRACTION = -1f;
private final @NonNull PipBoundsState mPipBoundsState;
private final PipSnapAlgorithm mSnapAlgorithm;
private final PipKeepClearAlgorithm mPipKeepClearAlgorithm;
private float mDefaultSizePercent;
private float mMinAspectRatioForMinSize;
private float mMaxAspectRatioForMinSize;
private float mDefaultAspectRatio;
private float mMinAspectRatio;
private float mMaxAspectRatio;
private int mDefaultStackGravity;
private int mDefaultMinSize;
private int mOverridableMinSize;
protected Point mScreenEdgeInsets;
public PipBoundsAlgorithm(Context context, @NonNull PipBoundsState pipBoundsState,
@NonNull PipSnapAlgorithm pipSnapAlgorithm,
@NonNull PipKeepClearAlgorithm pipKeepClearAlgorithm) {
mPipBoundsState = pipBoundsState;
mSnapAlgorithm = pipSnapAlgorithm;
mPipKeepClearAlgorithm = pipKeepClearAlgorithm;
// Initialize the aspect ratio to the default aspect ratio. Don't do this in reload
// resources as it would clobber mAspectRatio when entering PiP from fullscreen which
// triggers a configuration change and the resources to be reloaded.
* TODO: move the resources to SysUI package.
private void reloadResources(Context context) {
final Resources res = context.getResources();
mDefaultAspectRatio = res.getFloat(
mDefaultStackGravity = res.getInteger(
mDefaultMinSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mOverridableMinSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
final String screenEdgeInsetsDpString = res.getString(
final Size screenEdgeInsetsDp = !screenEdgeInsetsDpString.isEmpty()
? Size.parseSize(screenEdgeInsetsDpString)
: null;
mScreenEdgeInsets = screenEdgeInsetsDp == null ? new Point()
: new Point(dpToPx(screenEdgeInsetsDp.getWidth(), res.getDisplayMetrics()),
dpToPx(screenEdgeInsetsDp.getHeight(), res.getDisplayMetrics()));
mMinAspectRatio = res.getFloat(;
mMaxAspectRatio = res.getFloat(;
mDefaultSizePercent = res.getFloat(
mMaxAspectRatioForMinSize = res.getFloat(
mMinAspectRatioForMinSize = 1f / mMaxAspectRatioForMinSize;
* The {@link PipSnapAlgorithm} is couple on display bounds
* @return {@link PipSnapAlgorithm}.
public PipSnapAlgorithm getSnapAlgorithm() {
return mSnapAlgorithm;
/** Responds to configuration change. */
public void onConfigurationChanged(Context context) {
/** Returns the normal bounds (i.e. the default entry bounds). */
public Rect getNormalBounds() {
// The normal bounds are the default bounds adjusted to the current aspect ratio.
return transformBoundsToAspectRatioIfValid(getDefaultBounds(),
mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio(), false /* useCurrentMinEdgeSize */,
false /* useCurrentSize */);
/** Returns the default bounds. */
public Rect getDefaultBounds() {
return getDefaultBounds(INVALID_SNAP_FRACTION, null /* size */);
* Returns the destination bounds to place the PIP window on entry.
* If there are any keep clear areas registered, the position will try to avoid occluding them.
public Rect getEntryDestinationBounds() {
Rect entryBounds = getEntryDestinationBoundsIgnoringKeepClearAreas();
Rect insets = new Rect();
return mPipKeepClearAlgorithm.findUnoccludedPosition(entryBounds,
mPipBoundsState.getUnrestrictedKeepClearAreas(), insets);
/** Returns the destination bounds to place the PIP window on entry. */
public Rect getEntryDestinationBoundsIgnoringKeepClearAreas() {
final PipBoundsState.PipReentryState reentryState = mPipBoundsState.getReentryState();
final Rect destinationBounds = reentryState != null
? getDefaultBounds(reentryState.getSnapFraction(), reentryState.getSize())
: getDefaultBounds();
final boolean useCurrentSize = reentryState != null && reentryState.getSize() != null;
Rect aspectRatioBounds = transformBoundsToAspectRatioIfValid(destinationBounds,
mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio(), false /* useCurrentMinEdgeSize */,
return aspectRatioBounds;
/** Returns the current bounds adjusted to the new aspect ratio, if valid. */
public Rect getAdjustedDestinationBounds(Rect currentBounds, float newAspectRatio) {
return transformBoundsToAspectRatioIfValid(currentBounds, newAspectRatio,
true /* useCurrentMinEdgeSize */, false /* useCurrentSize */);
* Get the smallest/most minimal size allowed.
public Size getMinimalSize(ActivityInfo activityInfo) {
if (activityInfo == null || activityInfo.windowLayout == null) {
return null;
final ActivityInfo.WindowLayout windowLayout = activityInfo.windowLayout;
// -1 will be populated if an activity specifies defaultWidth/defaultHeight in <layout>
// without minWidth/minHeight
if (windowLayout.minWidth > 0 && windowLayout.minHeight > 0) {
// If either dimension is smaller than the allowed minimum, adjust them
// according to mOverridableMinSize
return new Size(Math.max(windowLayout.minWidth, mOverridableMinSize),
Math.max(windowLayout.minHeight, mOverridableMinSize));
return null;
* Returns the source hint rect if it is valid (if provided and is contained by the current
* task bounds).
public static Rect getValidSourceHintRect(PictureInPictureParams params, Rect sourceBounds) {
final Rect sourceHintRect = params != null && params.hasSourceBoundsHint()
? params.getSourceRectHint()
: null;
if (sourceHintRect != null && sourceBounds.contains(sourceHintRect)) {
return sourceHintRect;
return null;
public float getDefaultAspectRatio() {
return mDefaultAspectRatio;
* Give the aspect ratio if the supplied PiP params have one, or else return default.
public float getAspectRatioOrDefault(
@android.annotation.Nullable PictureInPictureParams params) {
return params != null && params.hasSetAspectRatio()
? params.getAspectRatioFloat()
: getDefaultAspectRatio();
* @return whether the given {@param aspectRatio} is valid.
private boolean isValidPictureInPictureAspectRatio(float aspectRatio) {
return, aspectRatio) <= 0
&&, mMaxAspectRatio) <= 0;
private Rect transformBoundsToAspectRatioIfValid(Rect bounds, float aspectRatio,
boolean useCurrentMinEdgeSize, boolean useCurrentSize) {
final Rect destinationBounds = new Rect(bounds);
if (isValidPictureInPictureAspectRatio(aspectRatio)) {
transformBoundsToAspectRatio(destinationBounds, aspectRatio,
useCurrentMinEdgeSize, useCurrentSize);
return destinationBounds;
* Set the current bounds (or the default bounds if there are no current bounds) with the
* specified aspect ratio.
public void transformBoundsToAspectRatio(Rect stackBounds, float aspectRatio,
boolean useCurrentMinEdgeSize, boolean useCurrentSize) {
// Save the snap fraction and adjust the size based on the new aspect ratio.
final float snapFraction = mSnapAlgorithm.getSnapFraction(stackBounds,
getMovementBounds(stackBounds), mPipBoundsState.getStashedState());
final Size overrideMinSize = mPipBoundsState.getOverrideMinSize();
final Size size;
if (useCurrentMinEdgeSize || useCurrentSize) {
// The default minimum edge size, or the override min edge size if set.
final int defaultMinEdgeSize = overrideMinSize == null ? mDefaultMinSize
: mPipBoundsState.getOverrideMinEdgeSize();
final int minEdgeSize = useCurrentMinEdgeSize ? mPipBoundsState.getMinEdgeSize()
: defaultMinEdgeSize;
// Use the existing size but adjusted to the aspect ratio and min edge size.
size = getSizeForAspectRatio(
new Size(stackBounds.width(), stackBounds.height()), aspectRatio, minEdgeSize);
} else {
if (overrideMinSize != null) {
// The override minimal size is set, use that as the default size making sure it's
// adjusted to the aspect ratio.
size = adjustSizeToAspectRatio(overrideMinSize, aspectRatio);
} else {
// Calculate the default size using the display size and default min edge size.
final DisplayLayout displayLayout = mPipBoundsState.getDisplayLayout();
size = getSizeForAspectRatio(aspectRatio, mDefaultMinSize,
displayLayout.width(), displayLayout.height());
final int left = (int) (stackBounds.centerX() - size.getWidth() / 2f);
final int top = (int) (stackBounds.centerY() - size.getHeight() / 2f);
stackBounds.set(left, top, left + size.getWidth(), top + size.getHeight());
mSnapAlgorithm.applySnapFraction(stackBounds, getMovementBounds(stackBounds), snapFraction);
/** Adjusts the given size to conform to the given aspect ratio. */
private Size adjustSizeToAspectRatio(@NonNull Size size, float aspectRatio) {
final float sizeAspectRatio = size.getWidth() / (float) size.getHeight();
if (sizeAspectRatio > aspectRatio) {
// Size is wider, fix the width and increase the height
return new Size(size.getWidth(), (int) (size.getWidth() / aspectRatio));
} else {
// Size is taller, fix the height and adjust the width.
return new Size((int) (size.getHeight() * aspectRatio), size.getHeight());
* @return the default bounds to show the PIP, if a {@param snapFraction} and {@param size} are
* provided, then it will apply the default bounds to the provided snap fraction and size.
private Rect getDefaultBounds(float snapFraction, Size size) {
final Rect defaultBounds = new Rect();
if (snapFraction != INVALID_SNAP_FRACTION && size != null) {
// The default bounds are the given size positioned at the given snap fraction.
defaultBounds.set(0, 0, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
final Rect movementBounds = getMovementBounds(defaultBounds);
mSnapAlgorithm.applySnapFraction(defaultBounds, movementBounds, snapFraction);
return defaultBounds;
// Calculate the default size.
final Size defaultSize;
final Rect insetBounds = new Rect();
final DisplayLayout displayLayout = mPipBoundsState.getDisplayLayout();
final Size overrideMinSize = mPipBoundsState.getOverrideMinSize();
if (overrideMinSize != null) {
// The override minimal size is set, use that as the default size making sure it's
// adjusted to the aspect ratio.
defaultSize = adjustSizeToAspectRatio(overrideMinSize, mDefaultAspectRatio);
} else {
// Calculate the default size using the display size and default min edge size.
defaultSize = getSizeForAspectRatio(mDefaultAspectRatio,
mDefaultMinSize, displayLayout.width(), displayLayout.height());
// Now that we have the default size, apply the snap fraction if valid or position the
// bounds using the default gravity.
if (snapFraction != INVALID_SNAP_FRACTION) {
defaultBounds.set(0, 0, defaultSize.getWidth(), defaultSize.getHeight());
final Rect movementBounds = getMovementBounds(defaultBounds);
mSnapAlgorithm.applySnapFraction(defaultBounds, movementBounds, snapFraction);
} else {
Gravity.apply(mDefaultStackGravity, defaultSize.getWidth(), defaultSize.getHeight(),
insetBounds, 0, Math.max(
mPipBoundsState.isImeShowing() ? mPipBoundsState.getImeHeight() : 0,
? mPipBoundsState.getShelfHeight() : 0), defaultBounds);
return defaultBounds;
* Populates the bounds on the screen that the PIP can be visible in.
public void getInsetBounds(Rect outRect) {
final DisplayLayout displayLayout = mPipBoundsState.getDisplayLayout();
Rect insets = mPipBoundsState.getDisplayLayout().stableInsets();
outRect.set(insets.left + mScreenEdgeInsets.x, + mScreenEdgeInsets.y,
displayLayout.width() - insets.right - mScreenEdgeInsets.x,
displayLayout.height() - insets.bottom - mScreenEdgeInsets.y);
* @return the movement bounds for the given stackBounds and the current state of the
* controller.
public Rect getMovementBounds(Rect stackBounds) {
return getMovementBounds(stackBounds, true /* adjustForIme */);
* @return the movement bounds for the given stackBounds and the current state of the
* controller.
public Rect getMovementBounds(Rect stackBounds, boolean adjustForIme) {
final Rect movementBounds = new Rect();
// Apply the movement bounds adjustments based on the current state.
getMovementBounds(stackBounds, movementBounds, movementBounds,
(adjustForIme && mPipBoundsState.isImeShowing())
? mPipBoundsState.getImeHeight() : 0);
return movementBounds;
* Adjusts movementBoundsOut so that it is the movement bounds for the given stackBounds.
public void getMovementBounds(Rect stackBounds, Rect insetBounds, Rect movementBoundsOut,
int bottomOffset) {
// Adjust the right/bottom to ensure the stack bounds never goes offscreen
movementBoundsOut.right = Math.max(insetBounds.left, insetBounds.right
- stackBounds.width());
movementBoundsOut.bottom = Math.max(, insetBounds.bottom
- stackBounds.height());
movementBoundsOut.bottom -= bottomOffset;
* @return the default snap fraction to apply instead of the default gravity when calculating
* the default stack bounds when first entering PiP.
public float getSnapFraction(Rect stackBounds) {
return getSnapFraction(stackBounds, getMovementBounds(stackBounds));
* @return the default snap fraction to apply instead of the default gravity when calculating
* the default stack bounds when first entering PiP.
public float getSnapFraction(Rect stackBounds, Rect movementBounds) {
return mSnapAlgorithm.getSnapFraction(stackBounds, movementBounds);
* Applies the given snap fraction to the given stack bounds.
public void applySnapFraction(Rect stackBounds, float snapFraction) {
final Rect movementBounds = getMovementBounds(stackBounds);
mSnapAlgorithm.applySnapFraction(stackBounds, movementBounds, snapFraction);
public int getDefaultMinSize() {
return mDefaultMinSize;
* @return the pixels for a given dp value.
private int dpToPx(float dpValue, DisplayMetrics dm) {
return (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dpValue, dm);
* @return the size of the PiP at the given aspectRatio, ensuring that the minimum edge
* is at least minEdgeSize.
public Size getSizeForAspectRatio(float aspectRatio, float minEdgeSize, int displayWidth,
int displayHeight) {
final int smallestDisplaySize = Math.min(displayWidth, displayHeight);
final int minSize = (int) Math.max(minEdgeSize, smallestDisplaySize * mDefaultSizePercent);
final int width;
final int height;
if (aspectRatio <= mMinAspectRatioForMinSize || aspectRatio > mMaxAspectRatioForMinSize) {
// Beyond these points, we can just use the min size as the shorter edge
if (aspectRatio <= 1) {
// Portrait, width is the minimum size
width = minSize;
height = Math.round(width / aspectRatio);
} else {
// Landscape, height is the minimum size
height = minSize;
width = Math.round(height * aspectRatio);
} else {
// Within these points, we ensure that the bounds fit within the radius of the limits
// at the points
final float widthAtMaxAspectRatioForMinSize = mMaxAspectRatioForMinSize * minSize;
final float radius = PointF.length(widthAtMaxAspectRatioForMinSize, minSize);
height = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt((radius * radius)
/ (aspectRatio * aspectRatio + 1)));
width = Math.round(height * aspectRatio);
return new Size(width, height);
* @return the adjusted size so that it conforms to the given aspectRatio, ensuring that the
* minimum edge is at least minEdgeSize.
public Size getSizeForAspectRatio(Size size, float aspectRatio, float minEdgeSize) {
final int smallestSize = Math.min(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
final int minSize = (int) Math.max(minEdgeSize, smallestSize);
final int width;
final int height;
if (aspectRatio <= 1) {
// Portrait, width is the minimum size.
width = minSize;
height = Math.round(width / aspectRatio);
} else {
// Landscape, height is the minimum size
height = minSize;
width = Math.round(height * aspectRatio);
return new Size(width, height);
* @return the normal bounds adjusted so that they fit the menu actions.
public Rect adjustNormalBoundsToFitMenu(@NonNull Rect normalBounds,
@Nullable Size minMenuSize) {
if (minMenuSize == null) {
return normalBounds;
if (normalBounds.width() >= minMenuSize.getWidth()
&& normalBounds.height() >= minMenuSize.getHeight()) {
// The normal bounds can fit the menu as is, no need to adjust the bounds.
return normalBounds;
final Rect adjustedNormalBounds = new Rect();
final boolean needsWidthAdj = minMenuSize.getWidth() > normalBounds.width();
final boolean needsHeightAdj = minMenuSize.getHeight() > normalBounds.height();
final int adjWidth;
final int adjHeight;
if (needsWidthAdj && needsHeightAdj) {
// Both the width and the height are too small - find the edge that needs the larger
// adjustment and scale that edge. The other edge will scale beyond the minMenuSize
// when the aspect ratio is applied.
final float widthScaleFactor =
((float) (minMenuSize.getWidth())) / ((float) (normalBounds.width()));
final float heightScaleFactor =
((float) (minMenuSize.getHeight())) / ((float) (normalBounds.height()));
if (widthScaleFactor > heightScaleFactor) {
adjWidth = minMenuSize.getWidth();
adjHeight = Math.round(adjWidth / mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio());
} else {
adjHeight = minMenuSize.getHeight();
adjWidth = Math.round(adjHeight * mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio());
} else if (needsWidthAdj) {
// Width is too small - use the min menu size width instead.
adjWidth = minMenuSize.getWidth();
adjHeight = Math.round(adjWidth / mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio());
} else {
// Height is too small - use the min menu size height instead.
adjHeight = minMenuSize.getHeight();
adjWidth = Math.round(adjHeight * mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio());
adjustedNormalBounds.set(0, 0, adjWidth, adjHeight);
// Make sure the bounds conform to the aspect ratio and min edge size.
mPipBoundsState.getAspectRatio(), true /* useCurrentMinEdgeSize */,
true /* useCurrentSize */);
return adjustedNormalBounds;
* Dumps internal states.
public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) {
final String innerPrefix = prefix + " ";
pw.println(prefix + TAG);
pw.println(innerPrefix + "mDefaultAspectRatio=" + mDefaultAspectRatio);
pw.println(innerPrefix + "mMinAspectRatio=" + mMinAspectRatio);
pw.println(innerPrefix + "mMaxAspectRatio=" + mMaxAspectRatio);
pw.println(innerPrefix + "mDefaultStackGravity=" + mDefaultStackGravity);
pw.println(innerPrefix + "mSnapAlgorithm" + mSnapAlgorithm);