blob: 6deef2e11828151409d2732897a8edc54e19f3e8 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.util.FloatProperty
import android.view.View
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import kotlin.math.abs
* Interface that allows to request/retrieve top and bottom roundness (a value between 0f and 1f).
* To request a roundness value, an [SourceType] must be specified. In case more origins require
* different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will always be chosen.
* It also returns the current radius for all corners ([updatedRadii]).
interface Roundable {
/** Properties required for a Roundable */
val roundableState: RoundableState
/** Current top roundness */
@get:FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
val topRoundness: Float
get() = roundableState.topRoundness
/** Current bottom roundness */
@get:FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
val bottomRoundness: Float
get() = roundableState.bottomRoundness
/** Max radius in pixel */
val maxRadius: Float
get() = roundableState.maxRadius
/** Current top corner in pixel, based on [topRoundness] and [maxRadius] */
val topCornerRadius: Float
get() = topRoundness * maxRadius
/** Current bottom corner in pixel, based on [bottomRoundness] and [maxRadius] */
val bottomCornerRadius: Float
get() = bottomRoundness * maxRadius
/** Get and update the current radii */
val updatedRadii: FloatArray
get() =
roundableState.radiiBuffer.also { radii ->
topCornerRadius = topCornerRadius,
bottomCornerRadius = bottomCornerRadius,
radii = radii,
* Request the top roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType].
* The top roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case more
* origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will always be
* chosen.
* @param value a value between 0f and 1f.
* @param animate true if it should animate to that value.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestTopRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
animate: Boolean,
): Boolean {
val roundnessMap = roundableState.topRoundnessMap
val lastValue = roundnessMap.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0f
if (value == 0f) {
// we should only take the largest value, and since the smallest value is 0f, we can
// remove this value from the list. In the worst case, the list is empty and the
// default value is 0f.
} else {
roundnessMap[sourceType] = value
val newValue = roundnessMap.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0f
if (lastValue != newValue) {
val wasAnimating = roundableState.isTopAnimating()
// Fail safe:
// when we've been animating previously and we're now getting an update in the
// other direction, make sure to animate it too, otherwise, the localized updating
// may make the start larger than 1.0.
val shouldAnimate = wasAnimating && abs(newValue - lastValue) > 0.5f
roundableState.setTopRoundness(value = newValue, animated = shouldAnimate || animate)
return true
return false
* Request the top roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType]. Animate the roundness if the
* view is shown.
* The top roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case more
* origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will always be
* chosen.
* @param value a value between 0f and 1f.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestTopRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
): Boolean {
return requestTopRoundness(
value = value,
sourceType = sourceType,
animate = roundableState.targetView.isShown
* Request the bottom roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType].
* The bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case more
* origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will always be
* chosen.
* @param value value between 0f and 1f.
* @param animate true if it should animate to that value.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestBottomRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
animate: Boolean,
): Boolean {
val roundnessMap = roundableState.bottomRoundnessMap
val lastValue = roundnessMap.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0f
if (value == 0f) {
// we should only take the largest value, and since the smallest value is 0f, we can
// remove this value from the list. In the worst case, the list is empty and the
// default value is 0f.
} else {
roundnessMap[sourceType] = value
val newValue = roundnessMap.values.maxOrNull() ?: 0f
if (lastValue != newValue) {
val wasAnimating = roundableState.isBottomAnimating()
// Fail safe:
// when we've been animating previously and we're now getting an update in the
// other direction, make sure to animate it too, otherwise, the localized updating
// may make the start larger than 1.0.
val shouldAnimate = wasAnimating && abs(newValue - lastValue) > 0.5f
roundableState.setBottomRoundness(value = newValue, animated = shouldAnimate || animate)
return true
return false
* Request the bottom roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType]. Animate the roundness if
* the view is shown.
* The bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case more
* origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will always be
* chosen.
* @param value value between 0f and 1f.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestBottomRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
): Boolean {
return requestBottomRoundness(
value = value,
sourceType = sourceType,
animate = roundableState.targetView.isShown
* Request the roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType].
* The top/bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case
* more origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will
* always be chosen.
* @param top top value between 0f and 1f.
* @param bottom bottom value between 0f and 1f.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @param animate true if it should animate to that value.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) top: Float,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) bottom: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
animate: Boolean,
): Boolean {
val hasTopChanged =
requestTopRoundness(value = top, sourceType = sourceType, animate = animate)
val hasBottomChanged =
requestBottomRoundness(value = bottom, sourceType = sourceType, animate = animate)
return hasTopChanged || hasBottomChanged
* Request the roundness [value] for a specific [sourceType]. Animate the roundness if the view
* is shown.
* The top/bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case
* more origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will
* always be chosen.
* @param top top value between 0f and 1f.
* @param bottom bottom value between 0f and 1f.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @return Whether the roundness was changed.
fun requestRoundness(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) top: Float,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) bottom: Float,
sourceType: SourceType,
): Boolean {
return requestRoundness(
top = top,
bottom = bottom,
sourceType = sourceType,
animate = roundableState.targetView.isShown,
* Request the roundness 0f for a [SourceType].
* The top/bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case
* more origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will
* always be chosen.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
* @param animate true if it should animate to that value.
fun requestRoundnessReset(sourceType: SourceType, animate: Boolean) {
requestRoundness(top = 0f, bottom = 0f, sourceType = sourceType, animate = animate)
* Request the roundness 0f for a [SourceType]. Animate the roundness if the view is shown.
* The top/bottom roundness of a [Roundable] can be defined by different [sourceType]. In case
* more origins require different roundness, for the same property, the maximum value will
* always be chosen.
* @param sourceType the source from which the request for roundness comes.
fun requestRoundnessReset(sourceType: SourceType) {
requestRoundnessReset(sourceType = sourceType, animate = roundableState.targetView.isShown)
/** Apply the roundness changes, usually means invalidate the [RoundableState.targetView]. */
fun applyRoundnessAndInvalidate() {
/** @return true if top or bottom roundness is not zero. */
fun hasRoundedCorner(): Boolean {
return topRoundness != 0f || bottomRoundness != 0f
* Update an Array of 8 values, 4 pairs of [X,Y] radii. As expected by param radii of
* [].
* This method reuses the previous [radii] for performance reasons.
fun updateRadii(
topCornerRadius: Float,
bottomCornerRadius: Float,
radii: FloatArray,
) {
if (radii.size != 8) error("Unexpected radiiBuffer size ${radii.size}")
if (radii[0] != topCornerRadius || radii[4] != bottomCornerRadius) {
(0..3).forEach { radii[it] = topCornerRadius }
(4..7).forEach { radii[it] = bottomCornerRadius }
* State object for a `Roundable` class.
* @param targetView Will handle the [AnimatableProperty]
* @param roundable Target of the radius animation
* @param maxRadius Max corner radius in pixels
class RoundableState(
internal val targetView: View,
private val roundable: Roundable,
maxRadius: Float,
) {
internal var maxRadius = maxRadius
private set
/** Animatable for top roundness */
private val topAnimatable = topAnimatable(roundable)
/** Animatable for bottom roundness */
private val bottomAnimatable = bottomAnimatable(roundable)
/** Current top roundness. Use [setTopRoundness] to update this value */
@set:FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
internal var topRoundness = 0f
private set
/** Current bottom roundness. Use [setBottomRoundness] to update this value */
@set:FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
internal var bottomRoundness = 0f
private set
/** Last requested top roundness associated by [SourceType] */
internal val topRoundnessMap = mutableMapOf<SourceType, Float>()
/** Last requested bottom roundness associated by [SourceType] */
internal val bottomRoundnessMap = mutableMapOf<SourceType, Float>()
/** Last cached radii */
internal val radiiBuffer = FloatArray(8)
/** Is top roundness animation in progress? */
internal fun isTopAnimating() = PropertyAnimator.isAnimating(targetView, topAnimatable)
/** Is bottom roundness animation in progress? */
internal fun isBottomAnimating() = PropertyAnimator.isAnimating(targetView, bottomAnimatable)
/** Set the current top roundness */
internal fun setTopRoundness(
value: Float,
animated: Boolean,
) {
PropertyAnimator.setProperty(targetView, topAnimatable, value, DURATION, animated)
/** Set the current bottom roundness */
internal fun setBottomRoundness(
value: Float,
animated: Boolean,
) {
PropertyAnimator.setProperty(targetView, bottomAnimatable, value, DURATION, animated)
fun setMaxRadius(radius: Float) {
if (maxRadius != radius) {
maxRadius = radius
fun debugString() = buildString {
append("TargetView: ${targetView.hashCode()} ")
append("Top: $topRoundness ")
append( { "${it.key} ${it.value}" })
append(" Bottom: $bottomRoundness ")
append( { "${it.key} ${it.value}" })
companion object {
private val DURATION: AnimationProperties =
private fun topAnimatable(roundable: Roundable): AnimatableProperty =
object : FloatProperty<View>("topRoundness") {
override fun get(view: View): Float = roundable.topRoundness
override fun setValue(view: View, value: Float) {
roundable.roundableState.topRoundness = value
private fun bottomAnimatable(roundable: Roundable): AnimatableProperty =
object : FloatProperty<View>("bottomRoundness") {
override fun get(view: View): Float = roundable.bottomRoundness
override fun setValue(view: View, value: Float) {
roundable.roundableState.bottomRoundness = value
* Interface used to define the owner of a roundness. Usually the [SourceType] is defined as a
* private property of a class.
interface SourceType {
companion object {
* This is the most convenient way to define a new [SourceType].
* For example:
* ```kotlin
* private val SECTION = SourceType.from("Section")
* ```
fun from(name: String) =
object : SourceType {
override fun toString() = name
@Deprecated("Use SourceType.from() instead", ReplaceWith("SourceType.from()"))
enum class LegacySourceType : SourceType {