blob: 2509f21242cdd7eb1d54950227d39e351f0d9f13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.SystemClock
import android.view.GestureDetector
import android.view.MotionEvent
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewConfiguration
import android.widget.SeekBar
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import androidx.core.view.GestureDetectorCompat
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
import javax.inject.Inject
private const val MIN_FLING_VELOCITY_SCALE_FACTOR = 10
private fun PlaybackState.isInMotion(): Boolean {
return this.state == PlaybackState.STATE_PLAYING ||
this.state == PlaybackState.STATE_FAST_FORWARDING ||
this.state == PlaybackState.STATE_REWINDING
* Gets the playback position while accounting for the time since the [PlaybackState] was last
* retrieved.
* This method closely follows the implementation of
* [MediaSessionRecord#getStateWithUpdatedPosition].
private fun PlaybackState.computePosition(duration: Long): Long {
var currentPosition = this.position
if (this.isInMotion()) {
val updateTime = this.getLastPositionUpdateTime()
val currentTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()
if (updateTime > 0) {
var position =
(this.playbackSpeed * (currentTime - updateTime)).toLong() + this.getPosition()
if (duration >= 0 && position > duration) {
position = duration.toLong()
} else if (position < 0) {
position = 0
currentPosition = position
return currentPosition
/** ViewModel for seek bar in QS media player. */
class SeekBarViewModel
@Background private val bgExecutor: RepeatableExecutor,
private val falsingManager: FalsingManager,
) {
private var _data = Progress(false, false, false, false, null, 0)
set(value) {
val enabledChanged = value.enabled != field.enabled
field = value
if (enabledChanged) {
private val _progress = MutableLiveData<Progress>().apply { postValue(_data) }
val progress: LiveData<Progress>
get() = _progress
private var controller: MediaController? = null
set(value) {
if (field?.sessionToken != value?.sessionToken) {
field = value
private var playbackState: PlaybackState? = null
private var callback =
object : MediaController.Callback() {
override fun onPlaybackStateChanged(state: PlaybackState?) {
playbackState = state
if (playbackState == null || PlaybackState.STATE_NONE.equals(playbackState)) {
} else {
override fun onSessionDestroyed() {
private var cancel: Runnable? = null
/** Indicates if the seek interaction is considered a false guesture. */
private var isFalseSeek = false
/** Listening state (QS open or closed) is used to control polling of progress. */
var listening = true
set(value) =
bgExecutor.execute {
if (field != value) {
field = value
private var scrubbingChangeListener: ScrubbingChangeListener? = null
private var enabledChangeListener: EnabledChangeListener? = null
/** Set to true when the user is touching the seek bar to change the position. */
private var scrubbing = false
set(value) {
if (field != value) {
field = value
_data = _data.copy(scrubbing = value)
lateinit var logSeek: () -> Unit
/** Event indicating that the user has started interacting with the seek bar. */
fun onSeekStarting() =
bgExecutor.execute {
scrubbing = true
isFalseSeek = false
* Event indicating that the user has moved the seek bar.
* @param position Current location in the track.
fun onSeekProgress(position: Long) =
bgExecutor.execute {
if (scrubbing) {
// The user hasn't yet finished their touch gesture, so only update the data for
// visual
// feedback and don't update [controller] yet.
_data = _data.copy(elapsedTime = position.toInt())
} else {
// The seek progress came from an a11y action and we should immediately update to
// the
// new position. (a11y actions to change the seekbar position don't trigger
// SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener.onStartTrackingTouch or onStopTrackingTouch.)
/** Event indicating that the seek interaction is a false gesture and it should be ignored. */
fun onSeekFalse() =
bgExecutor.execute {
if (scrubbing) {
isFalseSeek = true
* Handle request to change the current position in the media track.
* @param position Place to seek to in the track.
fun onSeek(position: Long) =
bgExecutor.execute {
if (isFalseSeek) {
scrubbing = false
} else {
// Invalidate the cached playbackState to avoid the thumb jumping back to the
// previous
// position.
playbackState = null
scrubbing = false
* Updates media information.
* This function makes a binder call, so it must happen on a worker thread.
* @param mediaController controller for media session
fun updateController(mediaController: MediaController?) {
controller = mediaController
playbackState = controller?.playbackState
val mediaMetadata = controller?.metadata
val seekAvailable = ((playbackState?.actions ?: 0L) and PlaybackState.ACTION_SEEK_TO) != 0L
val position = playbackState?.position?.toInt()
val duration = mediaMetadata?.getLong(MediaMetadata.METADATA_KEY_DURATION)?.toInt() ?: 0
val playing =
playbackState?.state ?: PlaybackState.STATE_NONE
val enabled =
if (
playbackState == null ||
playbackState?.getState() == PlaybackState.STATE_NONE ||
(duration <= 0)
else true
_data = Progress(enabled, seekAvailable, playing, scrubbing, position, duration)
* Set the progress to a fixed percentage value that cannot be changed by the user.
* @param percent value between 0 and 1
fun updateStaticProgress(percent: Double) {
val position = (percent * 100).toInt()
_data =
enabled = true,
seekAvailable = false,
playing = false,
scrubbing = false,
elapsedTime = position,
duration = 100,
* Puts the seek bar into a resumption state.
* This should be called when the media session behind the controller has been destroyed.
fun clearController() =
bgExecutor.execute {
controller = null
playbackState = null
cancel = null
_data = _data.copy(enabled = false)
/** Call to clean up any resources. */
fun onDestroy() =
bgExecutor.execute {
controller = null
playbackState = null
cancel = null
scrubbingChangeListener = null
enabledChangeListener = null
private fun checkPlaybackPosition() {
val duration = _data.duration ?: -1
val currentPosition = playbackState?.computePosition(duration.toLong())?.toInt()
if (currentPosition != null && _data.elapsedTime != currentPosition) {
_data = _data.copy(elapsedTime = currentPosition)
private fun checkIfPollingNeeded() {
val needed = listening && !scrubbing && playbackState?.isInMotion() ?: false
if (needed) {
if (cancel == null) {
cancel =
} else {
cancel = null
/** Gets a listener to attach to the seek bar to handle seeking. */
val seekBarListener: SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener
get() {
return SeekBarChangeListener(this, falsingManager)
/** Attach touch handlers to the seek bar view. */
fun attachTouchHandlers(bar: SeekBar) {
bar.setOnTouchListener(SeekBarTouchListener(this, bar))
fun setScrubbingChangeListener(listener: ScrubbingChangeListener) {
scrubbingChangeListener = listener
fun removeScrubbingChangeListener(listener: ScrubbingChangeListener) {
if (listener == scrubbingChangeListener) {
scrubbingChangeListener = null
fun setEnabledChangeListener(listener: EnabledChangeListener) {
enabledChangeListener = listener
fun removeEnabledChangeListener(listener: EnabledChangeListener) {
if (listener == enabledChangeListener) {
enabledChangeListener = null
/** Listener interface to be notified when the user starts or stops scrubbing. */
interface ScrubbingChangeListener {
fun onScrubbingChanged(scrubbing: Boolean)
/** Listener interface to be notified when the seekbar's enabled status changes. */
interface EnabledChangeListener {
fun onEnabledChanged(enabled: Boolean)
private class SeekBarChangeListener(
val viewModel: SeekBarViewModel,
val falsingManager: FalsingManager,
) : SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener {
override fun onProgressChanged(bar: SeekBar, progress: Int, fromUser: Boolean) {
if (fromUser) {
override fun onStartTrackingTouch(bar: SeekBar) {
override fun onStopTrackingTouch(bar: SeekBar) {
if (falsingManager.isFalseTouch(MEDIA_SEEKBAR)) {
* Responsible for intercepting touch events before they reach the seek bar.
* This reduces the gestures seen by the seek bar so that users don't accidentially seek when
* they intend to scroll the carousel.
private class SeekBarTouchListener(
private val viewModel: SeekBarViewModel,
private val bar: SeekBar,
) : View.OnTouchListener, GestureDetector.OnGestureListener {
// Gesture detector helps decide which touch events to intercept.
private val detector = GestureDetectorCompat(bar.context, this)
// Velocity threshold used to decide when a fling is considered a false gesture.
private val flingVelocity: Int =
ViewConfiguration.get(bar.context).run {
getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity() * MIN_FLING_VELOCITY_SCALE_FACTOR
// Indicates if the gesture should go to the seek bar or if it should be intercepted.
private var shouldGoToSeekBar = false
* Decide which touch events to intercept before they reach the seek bar.
* Based on the gesture detected, we decide whether we want the event to reach the seek bar.
* If we want the seek bar to see the event, then we return false so that the event isn't
* handled here and it will be passed along. If, however, we don't want the seek bar to see
* the event, then return true so that the event is handled here.
* When the seek bar is contained in the carousel, the carousel still has the ability to
* intercept the touch event. So, even though we may handle the event here, the carousel can
* still intercept the event. This way, gestures that we consider falses on the seek bar can
* still be used by the carousel for paging.
* Returns true for events that we don't want dispatched to the seek bar.
override fun onTouch(view: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
if (view != bar) {
return false
return !shouldGoToSeekBar
* Handle down events that press down on the thumb.
* On the down action, determine a target box around the thumb to know when a scroll gesture
* starts by clicking on the thumb. The target box will be used by subsequent onScroll
* events.
* Returns true when the down event hits within the target box of the thumb.
override fun onDown(event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
val padL = bar.paddingLeft
val padR = bar.paddingRight
// Compute the X location of the thumb as a function of the seek bar progress.
// TODO: account for thumb offset
val progress = bar.getProgress()
val range = bar.max - bar.min
val widthFraction =
if (range > 0) {
(progress - bar.min).toDouble() / range
} else {
val availableWidth = bar.width - padL - padR
val thumbX =
if (bar.isLayoutRtl()) {
padL + availableWidth * (1 - widthFraction)
} else {
padL + availableWidth * widthFraction
// Set the min, max boundaries of the thumb box.
// I'm cheating by using the height of the seek bar as the width of the box.
val halfHeight: Int = bar.height / 2
val targetBoxMinX = (Math.round(thumbX) - halfHeight).toInt()
val targetBoxMaxX = (Math.round(thumbX) + halfHeight).toInt()
// If the x position of the down event is within the box, then request that the parent
// not intercept the event.
val x = Math.round(event.x)
shouldGoToSeekBar = x >= targetBoxMinX && x <= targetBoxMaxX
if (shouldGoToSeekBar) {
return shouldGoToSeekBar
* Always handle single tap up.
* This enables the user to single tap anywhere on the seek bar to seek to that position.
override fun onSingleTapUp(event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
shouldGoToSeekBar = true
return true
* Handle scroll events when the down event is on the thumb.
* Returns true when the down event of the scroll hits within the target box of the thumb.
override fun onScroll(
eventStart: MotionEvent,
event: MotionEvent,
distanceX: Float,
distanceY: Float
): Boolean {
return shouldGoToSeekBar
* Handle fling events when the down event is on the thumb.
* Gestures that include a fling are considered a false gesture on the seek bar.
override fun onFling(
eventStart: MotionEvent,
event: MotionEvent,
velocityX: Float,
velocityY: Float
): Boolean {
if (Math.abs(velocityX) > flingVelocity || Math.abs(velocityY) > flingVelocity) {
return shouldGoToSeekBar
override fun onShowPress(event: MotionEvent) {}
override fun onLongPress(event: MotionEvent) {}
/** State seen by seek bar UI. */
data class Progress(
val enabled: Boolean,
val seekAvailable: Boolean,
val playing: Boolean,
val scrubbing: Boolean,
val elapsedTime: Int?,
val duration: Int