blob: 4773f54a079efd2244955186c0bd9462b7f930cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.math.max
* A simple ring buffer implementation
* Use [advance] to get the least recent item in the buffer (and then presumably fill it with
* appropriate data). This will cause it to become the most recent item.
* As the buffer is used, it will grow, allocating new instances of T using [factory] until it
* reaches [maxSize]. After this point, no new instances will be created. Instead, the "oldest"
* instances will be recycled from the back of the buffer and placed at the front.
* @param maxSize The maximum size the buffer can grow to before it begins functioning as a ring.
* @param factory A function that creates a fresh instance of T. Used by the buffer while it's
* growing to [maxSize].
class RingBuffer<T>(private val maxSize: Int, private val factory: () -> T) : Iterable<T> {
private val buffer = MutableList<T?>(maxSize) { null }
* An abstract representation that points to the "end" of the buffer. Increments every time
* [advance] is called and never wraps. Use [indexOf] to calculate the associated index into the
* backing array. Always points to the "next" available slot in the buffer. Before the buffer
* has completely filled, the value pointed to will be null. Afterward, it will be the value at
* the "beginning" of the buffer.
* This value is unlikely to overflow. Assuming [advance] is called at rate of 100 calls/ms,
* omega will overflow after a little under three million years of continuous operation.
private var omega: Long = 0
* The number of items currently stored in the buffer. Calls to [advance] will cause this value
* to increase by one until it reaches [maxSize].
val size: Int
get() = if (omega < maxSize) omega.toInt() else maxSize
* Advances the buffer's position by one and returns the value that is now present at the "end"
* of the buffer. If the buffer is not yet full, uses [factory] to create a new item. Otherwise,
* reuses the value that was previously at the "beginning" of the buffer.
* IMPORTANT: The value is returned as-is, without being reset. It will retain any data that was
* previously stored on it.
fun advance(): T {
val index = indexOf(omega)
omega += 1
val entry = buffer[index] ?: factory().also { buffer[index] = it }
return entry
* Returns the value stored at [index], which can range from 0 (the "start", or oldest element
* of the buffer) to [size]
* - 1 (the "end", or newest element of the buffer).
operator fun get(index: Int): T {
if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
throw IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index $index is out of bounds")
// If omega is larger than the maxSize, then the buffer is full, and omega is equivalent
// to the "start" of the buffer. If omega is smaller than the maxSize, then the buffer is
// not yet full and our start should be 0. However, in modspace, maxSize and 0 are
// equivalent, so we can get away with using it as the start value instead.
val start = max(omega, maxSize.toLong())
return buffer[indexOf(start + index)]!!
inline fun forEach(action: (T) -> Unit) {
for (i in 0 until size) {
override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {
return object : Iterator<T> {
private var position: Int = 0
override fun next(): T {
if (position >= size) {
throw NoSuchElementException()
return get(position).also { position += 1 }
override fun hasNext(): Boolean {
return position < size
private fun indexOf(position: Long): Int {
return (position % maxSize).toInt()