blob: 0d880759bd09a16baf8be842092e5fa91832bab5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver
/** Contract definitions for querying content about keyguard quick affordances. */
object CustomizationProviderContract {
const val AUTHORITY = ""
const val PERMISSION = "android.permission.CUSTOMIZE_SYSTEM_UI"
private val BASE_URI: Uri =
/** Namespace for lock screen shortcut (quick affordance) tables. */
object LockScreenQuickAffordances {
const val NAMESPACE = "lockscreen_quickaffordance"
fun qualifiedTablePath(tableName: String): String {
return "$NAMESPACE/$tableName"
* Table for slots.
* Slots are positions where affordances can be placed on the lock screen. Affordances that
* are placed on slots are said to be "selected". The system supports the idea of multiple
* affordances per slot, though the implementation may limit the number of affordances on
* each slot.
* Supported operations:
* - Query - to know which slots are available, query the [SlotTable.URI] [Uri]. The result
* set will contain rows with the [SlotTable.Columns] columns.
object SlotTable {
const val TABLE_NAME = "slots"
val URI: Uri =
object Columns {
/** String. Unique ID for this slot. */
const val ID = "id"
/** Integer. The maximum number of affordances that can be placed in the slot. */
const val CAPACITY = "capacity"
* Table for affordances.
* Affordances are actions/buttons that the user can execute. They are placed on slots on
* the lock screen.
* Supported operations:
* - Query - to know about all the affordances that are available on the device, regardless
* of which ones are currently selected, query the [AffordanceTable.URI] [Uri]. The result
* set will contain rows, each with the columns specified in [AffordanceTable.Columns].
object AffordanceTable {
const val TABLE_NAME = "affordances"
val URI: Uri =
object Columns {
/** String. Unique ID for this affordance. */
const val ID = "id"
/** String. User-visible name for this affordance. */
const val NAME = "name"
* Integer. Resource ID for the drawable to load for this affordance. This is a
* resource ID from the system UI package.
const val ICON = "icon"
/** Integer. `1` if the affordance is enabled or `0` if it disabled. */
const val IS_ENABLED = "is_enabled"
* String. List of strings, delimited by [ENABLEMENT_INSTRUCTIONS_DELIMITER] to be
* shown to the user if the affordance is disabled and the user selects the
* affordance.
const val ENABLEMENT_INSTRUCTIONS = "enablement_instructions"
* String. Optional label for a button that, when clicked, opens a destination
* activity where the user can re-enable the disabled affordance.
const val ENABLEMENT_ACTION_TEXT = "enablement_action_text"
* String. Optional package name and activity action string, delimited by
* [COMPONENT_NAME_SEPARATOR] to use with an `Intent` to start an activity that
* opens a destination where the user can re-enable the disabled affordance.
const val ENABLEMENT_COMPONENT_NAME = "enablement_action_intent"
* Byte array. Optional parcelled `Intent` to use to start an activity that can be
* used to configure the affordance.
const val CONFIGURE_INTENT = "configure_intent"
* Table for selections.
* Selections are pairs of slot and affordance IDs.
* Supported operations:
* - Insert - to insert an affordance and place it in a slot, insert values for the columns
* into the [SelectionTable.URI] [Uri]. The maximum capacity rule is enforced by the
* system. Selecting a new affordance for a slot that is already full will automatically
* remove the oldest affordance from the slot.
* - Query - to know which affordances are set on which slots, query the
* [SelectionTable.URI] [Uri]. The result set will contain rows, each of which with the
* columns from [SelectionTable.Columns].
* - Delete - to unselect an affordance, removing it from a slot, delete from the
* [SelectionTable.URI] [Uri], passing in values for each column.
object SelectionTable {
const val TABLE_NAME = "selections"
val URI: Uri =
object Columns {
/** String. Unique ID for the slot. */
const val SLOT_ID = "slot_id"
/** String. Unique ID for the selected affordance. */
const val AFFORDANCE_ID = "affordance_id"
/** String. Human-readable name for the affordance. */
const val AFFORDANCE_NAME = "affordance_name"
* Table for flags.
* Flags are key-value pairs.
* Supported operations:
* - Query - to know the values of flags, query the [FlagsTable.URI] [Uri]. The result set will
* contain rows, each of which with the columns from [FlagsTable.Columns].
object FlagsTable {
const val TABLE_NAME = "flags"
val URI: Uri = BASE_URI.buildUpon().path(TABLE_NAME).build()
/** Flag denoting whether the Wallpaper Picker should use the new, revamped UI. */
const val FLAG_NAME_REVAMPED_WALLPAPER_UI = "revamped_wallpaper_ui"
* Flag denoting whether the customizable lock screen quick affordances feature is enabled.
/** Flag denoting whether the customizable clocks feature is enabled. */
const val FLAG_NAME_CUSTOM_CLOCKS_ENABLED = "is_custom_clocks_feature_enabled"
/** Flag denoting whether the Wallpaper preview should use the full screen UI. */
const val FLAG_NAME_WALLPAPER_FULLSCREEN_PREVIEW = "wallpaper_fullscreen_preview"
/** Flag denoting whether the Monochromatic Theme is enabled. */
const val FLAG_NAME_MONOCHROMATIC_THEME = "is_monochromatic_theme_enabled"
object Columns {
/** String. Unique ID for the flag. */
const val NAME = "name"
/** Int. Value of the flag. `1` means `true` and `0` means `false`. */
const val VALUE = "value"