blob: a80a1f934dab388f381e658d2d37568a568202ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.DecayAnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.rememberSplineBasedDecay
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshotFlow
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollConnection
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.NestedScrollSource
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Velocity
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.filter
/** Library-wide switch to turn on debug logging. */
internal const val DebugLog = false
@RequiresOptIn(message = "Accompanist Pager is experimental. The API may be changed in the future.")
annotation class ExperimentalPagerApi
/** Contains the default values used by [HorizontalPager] and [VerticalPager]. */
object PagerDefaults {
* Remember the default [FlingBehavior] that represents the scroll curve.
* @param state The [PagerState] to update.
* @param decayAnimationSpec The decay animation spec to use for decayed flings.
* @param snapAnimationSpec The animation spec to use when snapping.
fun flingBehavior(
state: PagerState,
decayAnimationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = rememberSplineBasedDecay(),
snapAnimationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SnappingFlingBehaviorDefaults.snapAnimationSpec,
): FlingBehavior =
lazyListState = state.lazyListState,
decayAnimationSpec = decayAnimationSpec,
snapAnimationSpec = snapAnimationSpec,
"Replaced with PagerDefaults.flingBehavior()",
ReplaceWith("PagerDefaults.flingBehavior(state, decayAnimationSpec, snapAnimationSpec)")
fun rememberPagerFlingConfig(
state: PagerState,
decayAnimationSpec: DecayAnimationSpec<Float> = rememberSplineBasedDecay(),
snapAnimationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = SnappingFlingBehaviorDefaults.snapAnimationSpec,
): FlingBehavior = flingBehavior(state, decayAnimationSpec, snapAnimationSpec)
* A horizontally scrolling layout that allows users to flip between items to the left and right.
* @param count the number of pages.
* @param modifier the modifier to apply to this layout.
* @param state the state object to be used to control or observe the pager's state.
* @param reverseLayout reverse the direction of scrolling and layout, when `true` items will be
* composed from the end to the start and [PagerState.currentPage] == 0 will mean the first item
* is located at the end.
* @param itemSpacing horizontal spacing to add between items.
* @param flingBehavior logic describing fling behavior.
* @param key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove
* items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first
* visible one.
* @param content a block which describes the content. Inside this block you can reference
* [PagerScope.currentPage] and other properties in [PagerScope].
* @sample
fun HorizontalPager(
count: Int,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
state: PagerState = rememberPagerState(),
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
itemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
flingBehavior: FlingBehavior = PagerDefaults.flingBehavior(state),
verticalAlignment: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.CenterVertically,
key: ((page: Int) -> Any)? = null,
contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp),
content: @Composable PagerScope.(page: Int) -> Unit,
) {
count = count,
state = state,
modifier = modifier,
isVertical = false,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
itemSpacing = itemSpacing,
verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment,
flingBehavior = flingBehavior,
key = key,
contentPadding = contentPadding,
content = content
* A vertically scrolling layout that allows users to flip between items to the top and bottom.
* @param count the number of pages.
* @param modifier the modifier to apply to this layout.
* @param state the state object to be used to control or observe the pager's state.
* @param reverseLayout reverse the direction of scrolling and layout, when `true` items will be
* composed from the bottom to the top and [PagerState.currentPage] == 0 will mean the first item
* is located at the bottom.
* @param itemSpacing vertical spacing to add between items.
* @param flingBehavior logic describing fling behavior.
* @param key the scroll position will be maintained based on the key, which means if you add/remove
* items before the current visible item the item with the given key will be kept as the first
* visible one.
* @param content a block which describes the content. Inside this block you can reference
* [PagerScope.currentPage] and other properties in [PagerScope].
* @sample
fun VerticalPager(
count: Int,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
state: PagerState = rememberPagerState(),
reverseLayout: Boolean = false,
itemSpacing: Dp = 0.dp,
flingBehavior: FlingBehavior = PagerDefaults.flingBehavior(state),
horizontalAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
key: ((page: Int) -> Any)? = null,
contentPadding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(0.dp),
content: @Composable PagerScope.(page: Int) -> Unit,
) {
count = count,
state = state,
modifier = modifier,
isVertical = true,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
itemSpacing = itemSpacing,
horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment,
flingBehavior = flingBehavior,
key = key,
contentPadding = contentPadding,
content = content
internal fun Pager(
count: Int,
modifier: Modifier,
state: PagerState,
reverseLayout: Boolean,
itemSpacing: Dp,
isVertical: Boolean,
flingBehavior: FlingBehavior,
key: ((page: Int) -> Any)?,
contentPadding: PaddingValues,
verticalAlignment: Alignment.Vertical = Alignment.CenterVertically,
horizontalAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
content: @Composable PagerScope.(page: Int) -> Unit,
) {
require(count >= 0) { "pageCount must be >= 0" }
// Provide our PagerState with access to the SnappingFlingBehavior animation target
// TODO: can this be done in a better way?
state.flingAnimationTarget = { (flingBehavior as? SnappingFlingBehavior)?.animationTarget }
LaunchedEffect(count) {
state.currentPage = minOf(count - 1, state.currentPage).coerceAtLeast(0)
// Once a fling (scroll) has finished, notify the state
LaunchedEffect(state) {
// When a 'scroll' has finished, notify the state
snapshotFlow { state.isScrollInProgress }
.filter { !it }
.collect { state.onScrollFinished() }
val pagerScope = remember(state) { PagerScopeImpl(state) }
// We only consume nested flings in the main-axis, allowing cross-axis flings to propagate
// as normal
val consumeFlingNestedScrollConnection =
consumeHorizontal = !isVertical,
consumeVertical = isVertical,
if (isVertical) {
state = state.lazyListState,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(itemSpacing, verticalAlignment),
horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment,
flingBehavior = flingBehavior,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
contentPadding = contentPadding,
modifier = modifier,
) {
count = count,
key = key,
) { page ->
// We don't any nested flings to continue in the pager, so we add a
// connection which consumes them.
// See:
.nestedScroll(connection = consumeFlingNestedScrollConnection)
// Constraint the content to be <= than the size of the pager.
) {
} else {
state = state.lazyListState,
verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment,
horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.spacedBy(itemSpacing, horizontalAlignment),
flingBehavior = flingBehavior,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
contentPadding = contentPadding,
modifier = modifier,
) {
count = count,
key = key,
) { page ->
// We don't any nested flings to continue in the pager, so we add a
// connection which consumes them.
// See:
.nestedScroll(connection = consumeFlingNestedScrollConnection)
// Constraint the content to be <= than the size of the pager.
) {
private class ConsumeFlingNestedScrollConnection(
private val consumeHorizontal: Boolean,
private val consumeVertical: Boolean,
) : NestedScrollConnection {
override fun onPostScroll(
consumed: Offset,
available: Offset,
source: NestedScrollSource
): Offset =
when (source) {
// We can consume all resting fling scrolls so that they don't propagate up to the
// Pager
NestedScrollSource.Fling -> available.consume(consumeHorizontal, consumeVertical)
else -> Offset.Zero
override suspend fun onPostFling(consumed: Velocity, available: Velocity): Velocity {
// We can consume all post fling velocity on the main-axis
// so that it doesn't propagate up to the Pager
return available.consume(consumeHorizontal, consumeVertical)
private fun Offset.consume(
consumeHorizontal: Boolean,
consumeVertical: Boolean,
): Offset =
x = if (consumeHorizontal) this.x else 0f,
y = if (consumeVertical) this.y else 0f,
private fun Velocity.consume(
consumeHorizontal: Boolean,
consumeVertical: Boolean,
): Velocity =
x = if (consumeHorizontal) this.x else 0f,
y = if (consumeVertical) this.y else 0f,
/** Scope for [HorizontalPager] content. */
interface PagerScope {
/** Returns the current selected page */
val currentPage: Int
/** The current offset from the start of [currentPage], as a ratio of the page width. */
val currentPageOffset: Float
private class PagerScopeImpl(
private val state: PagerState,
) : PagerScope {
override val currentPage: Int
get() = state.currentPage
override val currentPageOffset: Float
get() = state.currentPageOffset
* Calculate the offset for the given [page] from the current scroll position. This is useful when
* using the scroll position to apply effects or animations to items.
* The returned offset can positive or negative, depending on whether which direction the [page] is
* compared to the current scroll position.
* @sample
fun PagerScope.calculateCurrentOffsetForPage(page: Int): Float {
return (currentPage + currentPageOffset) - page