blob: d578c8159f1f3c6112d104a6852e727fa9f0e8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Log;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Wrapper for native Exif library
* {@hide}
public class ExifInterface {
private static final String TAG = "ExifInterface";
private String mFilename;
// Constants used for the Orientation Exif tag.
public static final int ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED = 0;
public static final int ORIENTATION_NORMAL = 1;
// Constants used for white balance
public static final int WHITEBALANCE_AUTO = 0;
public static final int WHITEBALANCE_MANUAL = 1;
// left right reversed mirror
public static final int ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL = 2;
public static final int ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180 = 3;
// upside down mirror
public static final int ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL = 4;
// flipped about top-left <--> bottom-right axis
public static final int ORIENTATION_TRANSPOSE = 5;
// rotate 90 cw to right it
public static final int ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90 = 6;
// flipped about top-right <--> bottom-left axis
public static final int ORIENTATION_TRANSVERSE = 7;
// rotate 270 to right it
public static final int ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270 = 8;
// The Exif tag names
public static final String TAG_ORIENTATION = "Orientation";
public static final String TAG_DATETIME = "DateTime";
public static final String TAG_MAKE = "Make";
public static final String TAG_MODEL = "Model";
public static final String TAG_FLASH = "Flash";
public static final String TAG_IMAGE_WIDTH = "ImageWidth";
public static final String TAG_IMAGE_LENGTH = "ImageLength";
public static final String TAG_GPS_LATITUDE = "GPSLatitude";
public static final String TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE = "GPSLongitude";
public static final String TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF = "GPSLatitudeRef";
public static final String TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF = "GPSLongitudeRef";
public static final String TAG_WHITE_BALANCE = "WhiteBalance";
private boolean mSavedAttributes = false;
private boolean mHasThumbnail = false;
private HashMap<String, String> mCachedAttributes = null;
static {
private static ExifInterface sExifObj = null;
* Since the underlying jhead native code is not thread-safe,
* ExifInterface should use singleton interface instead of public
* constructor.
private static synchronized ExifInterface instance() {
if (sExifObj == null) {
sExifObj = new ExifInterface();
return sExifObj;
* The following 3 static methods are handy routines for atomic operation
* of underlying jhead library. It retrieves EXIF data and then release
* ExifInterface immediately.
public static synchronized HashMap<String, String> loadExifData(String filename) {
ExifInterface exif = instance();
HashMap<String, String> exifData = null;
if (exif != null) {
exifData = exif.getAttributes();
return exifData;
public static synchronized void saveExifData(String filename, HashMap<String, String> exifData) {
ExifInterface exif = instance();
if (exif != null) {
public static synchronized byte[] getExifThumbnail(String filename) {
ExifInterface exif = instance();
if (exif != null) {
return exif.getThumbnail();
return null;
public void setFilename(String filename) {
if (mFilename == null || !mFilename.equals(filename)) {
mFilename = filename;
mCachedAttributes = null;
* Given a HashMap of Exif tags and associated values, an Exif section in
* the JPG file is created and loaded with the tag data. saveAttributes()
* is expensive because it involves copying all the JPG data from one file
* to another and deleting the old file and renaming the other. It's best
* to collect all the attributes to write and make a single call rather
* than multiple calls for each attribute. You must call "commitChanges()"
* at some point to commit the changes.
public void saveAttributes(HashMap<String, String> attributes) {
// format of string passed to native C code:
// "attrCnt attr1=valueLen value1attr2=value2Len value2..."
// example:
// "4 attrPtr ImageLength=4 1024Model=6 FooImageWidth=4 1280Make=3 FOO"
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int size = attributes.size();
if (attributes.containsKey("hasThumbnail")) {
sb.append(size + " ");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> iter : attributes.entrySet()) {
String key = iter.getKey();
if (key.equals("hasThumbnail")) {
// this is a fake attribute not saved as an exif tag
String val = iter.getValue();
sb.append(key + "=");
sb.append(val.length() + " ");
String s = sb.toString();
saveAttributesNative(mFilename, s);
mSavedAttributes = true;
* Returns a HashMap loaded with the Exif attributes of the file. The key
* is the standard tag name and the value is the tag's value: e.g.
* Model -> Nikon. Numeric values are returned as strings.
public HashMap<String, String> getAttributes() {
if (mCachedAttributes != null) {
return mCachedAttributes;
// format of string passed from native C code:
// "attrCnt attr1=valueLen value1attr2=value2Len value2..."
// example:
// "4 attrPtr ImageLength=4 1024Model=6 FooImageWidth=4 1280Make=3 FOO"
mCachedAttributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
String attrStr = getAttributesNative(mFilename);
// get count
int ptr = attrStr.indexOf(' ');
int count = Integer.parseInt(attrStr.substring(0, ptr));
// skip past the space between item count and the rest of the attributes
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// extract the attribute name
int equalPos = attrStr.indexOf('=', ptr);
String attrName = attrStr.substring(ptr, equalPos);
ptr = equalPos + 1; // skip past =
// extract the attribute value length
int lenPos = attrStr.indexOf(' ', ptr);
int attrLen = Integer.parseInt(attrStr.substring(ptr, lenPos));
ptr = lenPos + 1; // skip pas the space
// extract the attribute value
String attrValue = attrStr.substring(ptr, ptr + attrLen);
ptr += attrLen;
if (attrName.equals("hasThumbnail")) {
mHasThumbnail = attrValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
} else {
mCachedAttributes.put(attrName, attrValue);
return mCachedAttributes;
* Given a numerical white balance value, return a
* human-readable string describing it.
public static String whiteBalanceToString(int whitebalance) {
switch (whitebalance) {
return "Auto";
return "Manual";
return "";
* Given a numerical orientation, return a human-readable string describing
* the orientation.
public static String orientationToString(int orientation) {
// TODO: this function needs to be localized and use string resource ids
// rather than strings
String orientationString;
switch (orientation) {
orientationString = "Normal";
orientationString = "Flipped horizontal";
orientationString = "Rotated 180 degrees";
orientationString = "Upside down mirror";
orientationString = "Transposed";
orientationString = "Rotated 90 degrees";
orientationString = "Transversed";
orientationString = "Rotated 270 degrees";
orientationString = "Undefined";
return orientationString;
* Copies the thumbnail data out of the filename and puts it in the Exif
* data associated with the file used to create this object. You must call
* "commitChanges()" at some point to commit the changes.
public boolean appendThumbnail(String thumbnailFileName) {
if (!mSavedAttributes) {
throw new RuntimeException("Must call saveAttributes "
+ "before calling appendThumbnail");
mHasThumbnail = appendThumbnailNative(mFilename, thumbnailFileName);
return mHasThumbnail;
public boolean hasThumbnail() {
if (!mSavedAttributes) {
return mHasThumbnail;
public byte[] getThumbnail() {
return getThumbnailNative(mFilename);
public static float[] getLatLng(HashMap<String, String> exifData) {
if (exifData == null) {
return null;
String latValue = exifData.get(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE);
String latRef = exifData.get(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LATITUDE_REF);
String lngValue = exifData.get(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE);
String lngRef = exifData.get(ExifInterface.TAG_GPS_LONGITUDE_REF);
float[] latlng = null;
if (latValue != null && latRef != null
&& lngValue != null && lngRef != null) {
latlng = new float[2];
latlng[0] = ExifInterface.convertRationalLatLonToFloat(
latValue, latRef);
latlng[1] = ExifInterface.convertRationalLatLonToFloat(
lngValue, lngRef);
return latlng;
private static SimpleDateFormat sFormatter =
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss");
// Returns number of milliseconds since Jan. 1, 1970, midnight GMT.
// Returns -1 if the date time information if not available.
public static long getDateTime(HashMap<String, String> exifData) {
if (exifData == null) {
return -1;
String dateTimeString = exifData.get(ExifInterface.TAG_DATETIME);
if (dateTimeString == null) return -1;
ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
try {
Date date = sFormatter.parse(dateTimeString, pos);
return date.getTime();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
return -1;
public static float convertRationalLatLonToFloat(
String rationalString, String ref) {
try {
String [] parts = rationalString.split(",");
String [] pair;
pair = parts[0].split("/");
int degrees = (int) (Float.parseFloat(pair[0].trim())
/ Float.parseFloat(pair[1].trim()));
pair = parts[1].split("/");
int minutes = (int) ((Float.parseFloat(pair[0].trim())
/ Float.parseFloat(pair[1].trim())));
pair = parts[2].split("/");
float seconds = Float.parseFloat(pair[0].trim())
/ Float.parseFloat(pair[1].trim());
float result = degrees + (minutes / 60F) + (seconds / (60F * 60F));
if ((ref.equals("S") || ref.equals("W"))) {
return -result;
return result;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// if for whatever reason we can't parse the lat long then return
// null
return 0f;
public static String convertRationalLatLonToDecimalString(
String rationalString, String ref, boolean usePositiveNegative) {
float result = convertRationalLatLonToFloat(rationalString, ref);
String preliminaryResult = String.valueOf(result);
if (usePositiveNegative) {
String neg = (ref.equals("S") || ref.equals("E")) ? "-" : "";
return neg + preliminaryResult;
} else {
return preliminaryResult + String.valueOf((char) 186) + " "
+ ref;
public static String makeLatLongString(double d) {
d = Math.abs(d);
int degrees = (int) d;
double remainder = d - degrees;
int minutes = (int) (remainder * 60D);
// really seconds * 1000
int seconds = (int) (((remainder * 60D) - minutes) * 60D * 1000D);
String retVal = degrees + "/1," + minutes + "/1," + seconds + "/1000";
return retVal;
public static String makeLatStringRef(double lat) {
return lat >= 0D ? "N" : "S";
public static String makeLonStringRef(double lon) {
return lon >= 0D ? "W" : "E";
private native boolean appendThumbnailNative(String fileName,
String thumbnailFileName);
private native void saveAttributesNative(String fileName,
String compressedAttributes);
private native String getAttributesNative(String fileName);
private native void commitChangesNative(String fileName);
private native byte[] getThumbnailNative(String fileName);