Note that user engagement replenishes EJ quota.

Make sure developers are aware that user interaction will replenish EJ
quota so they are less concerned about running out of quota for valid
use cases.

Bug: 171305774
Test: N/A
Change-Id: Iec231522dbc7fe83c65956b59ca3e4fbda072b97
diff --git a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/ b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/
index 5729385..17682a5 100644
--- a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/
+++ b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/
@@ -1513,6 +1513,11 @@
          * available quota (and the job will not be successfully scheduled).
          * <p>
+         * Expedited job quota will replenish over time and as the user interacts with the app,
+         * so you should not have to worry about running out of quota because of processing from
+         * frequent user engagement.
+         *
+         * <p>
          * Expedited jobs may only set network, storage-not-low, and persistence constraints.
          * No other constraints are allowed.