blob: b06c27d215f8994a32e82f17ae3ae13dac89cee0 [file] [log] [blame]
# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.
option java_package;
# PDP Context has a bad DNS address
50100 pdp_bad_dns_address (dns_address|3)
# For data connection on PDP context, reached the data-out-without-data-in
# packet count that triggers a countdown to radio restart
50101 pdp_radio_reset_countdown_triggered (out_packet_count|1|1)
# Radio restart - timed out with no incoming packets.
50102 pdp_radio_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
# PDP context reset - timed out with no incoming packets.
50103 pdp_context_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
# Reregister to data network - timed out with no incoming packets.
50104 pdp_reregister_network (out_packet_count|1|1)
# PDP Setup failures
50105 pdp_setup_fail (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
# Call drops
50106 call_drop (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
# Data network registration failed after successful voice registration
50107 data_network_registration_fail (op_numeric|1|5), (cid|1|5)
# Suspicious status of data connection while radio poweroff
50108 data_network_status_on_radio_off (dc_state|3), (enable|1|5)
# PDP drop caused by network
50109 pdp_network_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
# CDMA data network setup failure
50110 cdma_data_setup_failed (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
# CDMA data network drop
50111 cdma_data_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
# GSM radio access technology switched
50112 gsm_rat_switched (cid|1|5), (network_from|1|5), (network_to|1|5)
# GSM data connection state transition
50113 gsm_data_state_change (oldState|3), (newState|3)
# GSM service state transition
50114 gsm_service_state_change (oldState|1|5), (oldGprsState|1|5), (newState|1|5), (newGprsState|1|5)
# CDMA data connection state transition
50115 cdma_data_state_change (oldState|3), (newState|3)
# CDMA service state transition
50116 cdma_service_state_change (oldState|1|5), (oldDataState|1|5), (newState|1|5), (newDataState|1|5)