blob: e8f93b89bc0cd566297817636ebd8ec2384ed212 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
import android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityServiceInfo;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.Pools;
import android.util.Pools.Pool;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.view.InputEventConsistencyVerifier;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.WindowManagerPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Dispatcher to send KeyEvents to all accessibility services that are able to process them.
* Events that are handled by one or more services are consumed. Events that are not processed
* by any service (or time out before a service reports them as handled) are passed along to
* the rest of the system.
* The class assumes that services report their return values in order, which is valid because
* they process each call to {@code AccessibilityService.onKeyEvent} on a single thread, and so
* don't see the N+1th event until they have processed the Nth event.
public class KeyEventDispatcher {
// Debugging
private static final String LOG_TAG = "KeyEventDispatcher";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
/* KeyEvents must be processed in this time interval */
private static final long ON_KEY_EVENT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 500;
private static final int MSG_ON_KEY_EVENT_TIMEOUT = 1;
private static final int MAX_POOL_SIZE = 10;
private final Pool<PendingKeyEvent> mPendingEventPool = new Pools.SimplePool<>(MAX_POOL_SIZE);
private final Object mLock;
* Track events sent to each service. If a KeyEvent is to be sent to at least one service,
* a corresponding PendingKeyEvent is created for it. This PendingKeyEvent is placed in
* the list for each service its KeyEvent is sent to. It is removed from the list when
* the service calls setOnKeyEventResult, or when we time out waiting for the service to
* respond.
private final Map<Service, ArrayList<PendingKeyEvent>> mPendingEventsMap = new ArrayMap<>();
private final InputEventConsistencyVerifier mSentEventsVerifier;
private final Handler mHandlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter;
private final int mMessageTypeForSendKeyEvent;
private final Handler mKeyEventTimeoutHandler;
private final PowerManager mPowerManager;
* @param handlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter The handler to which to post {@code KeyEvent}s
* that have not been handled by any accessibility service.
* @param messageTypeForSendKeyEvent The field to populate {@code message.what} for the
* message that carries a {@code KeyEvent} to be sent to the input filter
* @param lock The lock used for all synchronization in this package. This lock must be held
* when calling {@code notifyKeyEventLocked}
* @param powerManager The power manager to alert to user activity if a KeyEvent is processed
* by a service
public KeyEventDispatcher(Handler handlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter,
int messageTypeForSendKeyEvent, Object lock,
PowerManager powerManager) {
if (InputEventConsistencyVerifier.isInstrumentationEnabled()) {
mSentEventsVerifier = new InputEventConsistencyVerifier(
this, 0, KeyEventDispatcher.class.getSimpleName());
} else {
mSentEventsVerifier = null;
mHandlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter = handlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter;
mMessageTypeForSendKeyEvent = messageTypeForSendKeyEvent;
mKeyEventTimeoutHandler =
new Handler(mHandlerToSendKeyEventsToInputFilter.getLooper(), new Callback());
mLock = lock;
mPowerManager = powerManager;
* Notify that a new KeyEvent is available to accessibility services. Must be called with the
* lock used to construct this object held. The boundServices list must also be protected
* by a lock.
* @param event The new key event
* @param policyFlags Flags for the event
* @param boundServices A list of currently bound AccessibilityServices
* @return {@code true} if the event was passed to at least one AccessibilityService,
* {@code false} otherwise.
// TODO: The locking policy for boundServices needs some thought.
public boolean notifyKeyEventLocked(
KeyEvent event, int policyFlags, List<Service> boundServices) {
PendingKeyEvent pendingKeyEvent = null;
KeyEvent localClone = KeyEvent.obtain(event);
for (int i = 0; i < boundServices.size(); i++) {
Service service = boundServices.get(i);
// Key events are handled only by services that declared
// this capability and requested to filter key events.
if (!service.mRequestFilterKeyEvents || (service.mServiceInterface == null)) {
int filterKeyEventBit = service.mAccessibilityServiceInfo.getCapabilities()
if (filterKeyEventBit == 0) {
try {
// The event will be cloned in the IPC call, so it doesn't need to be here.
service.mServiceInterface.onKeyEvent(localClone, localClone.getSequenceNumber());
} catch (RemoteException re) {
if (pendingKeyEvent == null) {
pendingKeyEvent = obtainPendingEventLocked(localClone, policyFlags);
ArrayList<PendingKeyEvent> pendingEventList = mPendingEventsMap.get(service);
if (pendingEventList == null) {
pendingEventList = new ArrayList<>();
mPendingEventsMap.put(service, pendingEventList);
if (pendingKeyEvent == null) {
return false;
Message message = mKeyEventTimeoutHandler.obtainMessage(
mKeyEventTimeoutHandler.sendMessageDelayed(message, ON_KEY_EVENT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS);
return true;
* Set the result from onKeyEvent from one service.
* @param service The service setting the result
* @param handled {@code true} if the service handled the {@code KeyEvent}
* @param sequence The sequence number of the {@code KeyEvent}
public void setOnKeyEventResult(Service service, boolean handled, int sequence) {
synchronized (mLock) {
PendingKeyEvent pendingEvent =
removeEventFromListLocked(mPendingEventsMap.get(service), sequence);
if (pendingEvent != null) {
if (handled && !pendingEvent.handled) {
pendingEvent.handled = handled;
final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
try {
} finally {
* Flush all pending key events for a service, treating all of them as unhandled
* @param service The service for which to flush events
public void flush(Service service) {
synchronized (mLock) {
List<PendingKeyEvent> pendingEvents = mPendingEventsMap.get(service);
if (pendingEvents != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < pendingEvents.size(); i++) {
PendingKeyEvent pendingEvent = pendingEvents.get(i);
private PendingKeyEvent obtainPendingEventLocked(KeyEvent event, int policyFlags) {
PendingKeyEvent pendingEvent = mPendingEventPool.acquire();
if (pendingEvent == null) {
pendingEvent = new PendingKeyEvent();
pendingEvent.event = event;
pendingEvent.policyFlags = policyFlags;
pendingEvent.referenceCount = 0;
pendingEvent.handled = false;
return pendingEvent;
private static PendingKeyEvent removeEventFromListLocked(
List<PendingKeyEvent> listOfEvents, int sequence) {
/* In normal operation, the event should be first */
for (int i = 0; i < listOfEvents.size(); i++) {
PendingKeyEvent pendingKeyEvent = listOfEvents.get(i);
if (pendingKeyEvent.event.getSequenceNumber() == sequence) {
* Removing the first element of the ArrayList can be slow if there are a lot
* of events backed up, but for a handful of events it's better than incurring
* the fixed overhead of LinkedList. An ArrayList optimized for removing the
* first element (by treating the underlying array as a circular buffer) would
* be ideal.
return pendingKeyEvent;
return null;
* @param pendingEvent The event whose reference count should be decreased
* @return {@code true} if the event was release, {@code false} if not.
private boolean removeReferenceToPendingEventLocked(PendingKeyEvent pendingEvent) {
if (--pendingEvent.referenceCount > 0) {
return false;
mKeyEventTimeoutHandler.removeMessages(MSG_ON_KEY_EVENT_TIMEOUT, pendingEvent);
if (!pendingEvent.handled) {
/* Pass event to input filter */
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "Injecting event: " + pendingEvent.event);
if (mSentEventsVerifier != null) {
mSentEventsVerifier.onKeyEvent(pendingEvent.event, 0);
int policyFlags = pendingEvent.policyFlags | WindowManagerPolicy.FLAG_PASS_TO_USER;
.obtainMessage(mMessageTypeForSendKeyEvent, policyFlags, 0, pendingEvent.event)
} else {
return true;
private static final class PendingKeyEvent {
/* Event and policyFlag provided in notifyKeyEventLocked */
KeyEvent event;
int policyFlags;
* The referenceCount optimizes the process of determining the number of services
* still holding a KeyEvent. It must be equal to the number of times the PendingEvent
* appears in mPendingEventsMap, or PendingEvents will leak.
int referenceCount;
/* Whether or not at least one service had handled this event */
boolean handled;
private class Callback implements Handler.Callback {
public boolean handleMessage(Message message) {
if (message.what != MSG_ON_KEY_EVENT_TIMEOUT) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message: " + message.what);
PendingKeyEvent pendingKeyEvent = (PendingKeyEvent) message.obj;
synchronized (mLock) {
for (ArrayList<PendingKeyEvent> listForService : mPendingEventsMap.values()) {
if (listForService.remove(pendingKeyEvent)) {
if(removeReferenceToPendingEventLocked(pendingKeyEvent)) {
return true;