blob: 898b69310fe1ab8565fc05c6149704e215b9a9c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.AppIdInt;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.LongDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.annotation.WorkerThread;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerExecutor;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.PersistableBundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Package manager local system service interface.
* @hide Only for use within the system server.
public abstract class PackageManagerInternal {
@LongDef(flag = true, prefix = "RESOLVE_", value = {
public @interface PrivateResolveFlags {}
* Internal {@link #resolveIntent(Intent, String, int, int, int, boolean, int)} flag:
* only match components that contain a generic web intent filter.
public static final int RESOLVE_NON_BROWSER_ONLY = 0x00000001;
* Internal {@link #resolveIntent(Intent, String, int, int, int, boolean, int)} flag: do not
* match to the resolver.
public static final int RESOLVE_NON_RESOLVER_ONLY = 0x00000002;
@IntDef(value = {
public @interface IntegrityVerificationResult {}
* Used as the {@code verificationCode} argument for
* {@link PackageManagerInternal#setIntegrityVerificationResult(int, int)} to indicate that the
* integrity component allows the install to proceed.
public static final int INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_ALLOW = 1;
* Used as the {@code verificationCode} argument for
* {@link PackageManagerInternal#setIntegrityVerificationResult(int, int)} to indicate that the
* integrity component does not allow install to proceed.
public static final int INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_REJECT = 0;
* Observer called whenever the list of packages changes.
* @deprecated please use {@link} instead.
* PackageMonitor covers more installation and uninstallation corner cases than
* PackageListObserver.
public interface PackageListObserver {
/** A package was added to the system. */
default void onPackageAdded(@NonNull String packageName, int uid) {}
/** A package was changed - either installed for a specific user or updated. */
default void onPackageChanged(@NonNull String packageName, int uid) {}
/** A package was removed from the system. */
default void onPackageRemoved(@NonNull String packageName, int uid) {}
* Called when the package for the default SMS handler changed
* @param packageName the new sms package
* @param userId user for which the change was made
public void onDefaultSmsAppChanged(String packageName, int userId) {}
* Called when the package for the default sim call manager changed
* @param packageName the new sms package
* @param userId user for which the change was made
public void onDefaultSimCallManagerAppChanged(String packageName, int userId) {}
* Sets a list of apps to keep in PM's internal data structures and as APKs even if no user has
* currently installed it. The apps are not preloaded.
* @param packageList List of package names to keep cached.
public abstract void setKeepUninstalledPackages(List<String> packageList);
* Gets whether some of the permissions used by this package require a user
* review before any of the app components can run.
* @param packageName The package name for which to check.
* @param userId The user under which to check.
* @return True a permissions review is required.
public abstract boolean isPermissionsReviewRequired(String packageName, int userId);
* Variant of {@link #isSameApp(String, long, int, int)} with no flags.
* @see #isSameApp(String, long, int, int)
public abstract boolean isSameApp(String packageName, int callingUid, int userId);
* Gets whether a given package name belongs to the calling uid. If the calling uid is an
* {@link Process#isSdkSandboxUid(int) sdk sandbox uid}, checks whether the package name is
* equal to {@link PackageManager#getSdkSandboxPackageName()}.
* @param packageName The package name to check.
* @param flags The PackageInfoFlagsBits flags to use during uid lookup.
* @param callingUid The calling uid.
* @param userId The user under which to check.
* @return True if the package name belongs to the calling uid.
public abstract boolean isSameApp(String packageName,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int callingUid, int userId);
* Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular package/application.
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @see PackageManager#getPackageInfo(String, int)
public abstract PackageInfo getPackageInfo(String packageName,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Retrieve CE data directory inode number of an application.
* Return 0 if there's error.
public abstract long getCeDataInode(String packageName, int userId);
* Return a List of all application packages that are installed on the
* device, for a specific user. If flag GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES has been
* set, a list of all applications including those deleted with
* {@code DELETE_KEEP_DATA} (partially installed apps with data directory)
* will be returned.
* @param flags Additional option flags to modify the data returned.
* @param userId The user for whom the installed applications are to be
* listed
* @param callingUid The uid of the original caller app
* @return A List of ApplicationInfo objects, one for each installed
* application. In the unlikely case there are no installed
* packages, an empty list is returned. If flag
* {@code MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES} is set, the application
* information is retrieved from the list of uninstalled
* applications (which includes installed applications as well as
* applications with data directory i.e. applications which had been
* deleted with {@code DELETE_KEEP_DATA} flag set).
public abstract List<ApplicationInfo> getInstalledApplications(
@PackageManager.ApplicationInfoFlagsBits long flags, @UserIdInt int userId,
int callingUid);
* Retrieve launcher extras for a suspended package provided to the system in
* {@link PackageManager#setPackagesSuspended(String[], boolean, PersistableBundle,
* PersistableBundle, String)}.
* @param packageName The package for which to return launcher extras.
* @param userId The user for which to check.
* @return The launcher extras.
* @see PackageManager#setPackagesSuspended(String[], boolean, PersistableBundle,
* PersistableBundle, String)
* @see PackageManager#isPackageSuspended()
public abstract Bundle getSuspendedPackageLauncherExtras(String packageName,
int userId);
* Internal api to query the suspended state of a package.
* @param packageName The package to check.
* @param userId The user id to check for.
* @return {@code true} if the package is suspended, {@code false} otherwise.
* @see PackageManager#isPackageSuspended(String)
public abstract boolean isPackageSuspended(String packageName, int userId);
* Removes all package suspensions imposed by any non-system packages.
public abstract void removeAllNonSystemPackageSuspensions(int userId);
* Removes all suspensions imposed on the given package by non-system packages.
public abstract void removeNonSystemPackageSuspensions(String packageName, int userId);
* Removes all {@link PackageManager.DistractionRestriction restrictions} set on the given
* package
public abstract void removeDistractingPackageRestrictions(String packageName, int userId);
* Removes all {@link PackageManager.DistractionRestriction restrictions} set on all the
* packages.
public abstract void removeAllDistractingPackageRestrictions(int userId);
* Flushes package restrictions for the given user immediately to disk.
public abstract void flushPackageRestrictions(int userId);
* Get the name of the package that suspended the given package. Packages can be suspended by
* device administrators or apps holding {@link android.Manifest.permission#MANAGE_USERS} or
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#SUSPEND_APPS}.
* @param suspendedPackage The package that has been suspended.
* @param userId The user for which to check.
* @return Name of the package that suspended the given package. Returns {@code null} if the
* given package is not currently suspended and the platform package name - i.e.
* {@code "android"} - if the package was suspended by a device admin.
public abstract String getSuspendingPackage(String suspendedPackage, int userId);
* Suspend or unsuspend packages upon admin request.
* @param userId The target user.
* @param packageNames The names of the packages to set the suspended status.
* @param suspended Whether the packages should be suspended or unsuspended.
* @return an array of package names for which the suspended status could not be set as
* requested in this method.
public abstract String[] setPackagesSuspendedByAdmin(
@UserIdInt int userId, @NonNull String[] packageNames, boolean suspended);
* Get the information describing the dialog to be shown to the user when they try to launch a
* suspended application.
* @param suspendedPackage The package that has been suspended.
* @param suspendingPackage
* @param userId The user for which to check.
* @return A {@link SuspendDialogInfo} object describing the dialog to be shown.
public abstract SuspendDialogInfo getSuspendedDialogInfo(String suspendedPackage,
String suspendingPackage, int userId);
* Gets any distraction flags set via
* {@link PackageManager#setDistractingPackageRestrictions(String[], int)}
* @param packageName
* @param userId
* @return A bitwise OR of any of the {@link PackageManager.DistractionRestriction}
public abstract @PackageManager.DistractionRestriction int getDistractingPackageRestrictions(
String packageName, int userId);
* Do a straight uid lookup for the given package/application in the given user.
* @see PackageManager#getPackageUidAsUser(String, int, int)
* @return The app's uid, or < 0 if the package was not found in that user
public abstract int getPackageUid(String packageName,
@PackageManager.PackageInfoFlagsBits long flags, int userId);
* Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular package/application.
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @see PackageManager#getApplicationInfo(String, int)
public abstract ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo(String packageName,
@PackageManager.ApplicationInfoFlagsBits long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular activity class.
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @see PackageManager#getActivityInfo(ComponentName, int)
public abstract ActivityInfo getActivityInfo(ComponentName component,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Retrieve all activities that can be performed for the given intent.
* @param resolvedType the resolved type of the intent, which should be resolved via
* {@link Intent#resolveTypeIfNeeded(ContentResolver)} before passing to {@link PackageManager}
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @see PackageManager#queryIntentActivities(Intent, int)
public abstract List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentActivities(
Intent intent, @Nullable String resolvedType,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags, int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Retrieve all receivers that can handle a broadcast of the given intent.
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @param forSend true if the invocation is intended for sending broadcasts. The value
* of this parameter affects how packages are filtered.
public abstract List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentReceivers(Intent intent,
String resolvedType, @PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags,
int filterCallingUid, int userId, boolean forSend);
* Retrieve all services that can be performed for the given intent.
* @see PackageManager#queryIntentServices(Intent, int)
public abstract List<ResolveInfo> queryIntentServices(
Intent intent, @PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags, int callingUid,
int userId);
* Interface to {@link}.
public abstract ComponentName getHomeActivitiesAsUser(List<ResolveInfo> allHomeCandidates,
int userId);
* @return The default home activity component name.
public abstract ComponentName getDefaultHomeActivity(int userId);
* @return The SystemUI service component name.
public abstract ComponentName getSystemUiServiceComponent();
* Called by DeviceOwnerManagerService to set the package names of device owner and profile
* owners.
public abstract void setDeviceAndProfileOwnerPackages(
int deviceOwnerUserId, String deviceOwner, SparseArray<String> profileOwners);
* Marks packages as protected for a given user or all users in case of USER_ALL. Setting
* {@code packageNames} to {@code null} means unset all existing protected packages for the
* given user.
* <p> Note that setting it if set for a specific user, it takes precedence over the packages
* set globally using USER_ALL.
public abstract void setOwnerProtectedPackages(
@UserIdInt int userId, @Nullable List<String> packageNames);
* Returns {@code true} if a given package can't be wiped. Otherwise, returns {@code false}.
public abstract boolean isPackageDataProtected(int userId, String packageName);
* Returns {@code true} if a given package's state is protected, e.g. it cannot be force
* stopped, suspended, disabled or hidden. Otherwise, returns {@code false}.
public abstract boolean isPackageStateProtected(String packageName, int userId);
* Returns {@code true} if a given package is installed as ephemeral. Otherwise, returns
* {@code false}.
public abstract boolean isPackageEphemeral(int userId, String packageName);
* Gets whether the package was ever launched.
* @param packageName The package name.
* @param userId The user for which to check.
* @return Whether was launched.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the package is not found
public abstract boolean wasPackageEverLaunched(String packageName, int userId);
* Retrieve the official name associated with a uid. This name is
* guaranteed to never change, though it is possible for the underlying
* uid to be changed. That is, if you are storing information about
* uids in persistent storage, you should use the string returned
* by this function instead of the raw uid.
* @param uid The uid for which you would like to retrieve a name.
* @return Returns a unique name for the given uid, or null if the
* uid is not currently assigned.
public abstract String getNameForUid(int uid);
* Request to perform the second phase of ephemeral resolution.
* @param responseObj The response of the first phase of ephemeral resolution
* @param origIntent The original intent that triggered ephemeral resolution
* @param resolvedType The resolved type of the intent
* @param callingPkg The app requesting the ephemeral application
* @param callingFeatureId The feature in the package
* @param isRequesterInstantApp Whether or not the app requesting the ephemeral application
* is an instant app
* @param verificationBundle Optional bundle to pass to the installer for additional
* verification
* @param userId The ID of the user that triggered ephemeral resolution
public abstract void requestInstantAppResolutionPhaseTwo(AuxiliaryResolveInfo responseObj,
Intent origIntent, String resolvedType, String callingPkg,
@Nullable String callingFeatureId, boolean isRequesterInstantApp,
Bundle verificationBundle, int userId);
* Grants implicit access based on an interaction between two apps. This grants access to the
* from one application to the other's package metadata.
* <p>
* When an application explicitly tries to interact with another application [via an
* activity, service or provider that is either declared in the caller's
* manifest via the {@code <queries>} tag or has been exposed via the target apps manifest using
* the {@code visibleToInstantApp} attribute], the target application must be able to see
* metadata about the calling app. If the calling application uses an implicit intent [ie
* action VIEW, category BROWSABLE], it remains hidden from the launched app.
* <p>
* If an interaction is not explicit, the {@code direct} argument should be set to false as
* visibility should not be granted in some cases. This method handles that logic.
* <p>
* @param userId the user
* @param intent the intent that triggered the grant
* @param recipientAppId The app ID of the application that is being given access to {@code
* visibleUid}
* @param visibleUid The uid of the application that is becoming accessible to {@code
* recipientAppId}
* @param direct true if the access is being made due to direct interaction between visibleUid
* and recipientAppId.
public abstract void grantImplicitAccess(
@UserIdInt int userId, Intent intent,
@AppIdInt int recipientAppId, int visibleUid,
boolean direct);
* Grants implicit access based on an interaction between two apps. This grants access to the
* from one application to the other's package metadata.
* <p>
* When an application explicitly tries to interact with another application [via an
* activity, service or provider that is either declared in the caller's
* manifest via the {@code <queries>} tag or has been exposed via the target apps manifest using
* the {@code visibleToInstantApp} attribute], the target application must be able to see
* metadata about the calling app. If the calling application uses an implicit intent [ie
* action VIEW, category BROWSABLE], it remains hidden from the launched app.
* <p>
* If an interaction is not explicit, the {@code direct} argument should be set to false as
* visibility should not be granted in some cases. This method handles that logic.
* <p>
* @param userId the user
* @param intent the intent that triggered the grant
* @param recipientAppId The app ID of the application that is being given access to {@code
* visibleUid}
* @param visibleUid The uid of the application that is becoming accessible to {@code
* recipientAppId}
* @param direct true if the access is being made due to direct interaction between visibleUid
* and recipientAppId.
* @param retainOnUpdate true if the implicit access is retained across package update.
public abstract void grantImplicitAccess(
@UserIdInt int userId, Intent intent,
@AppIdInt int recipientAppId, int visibleUid,
boolean direct, boolean retainOnUpdate);
public abstract boolean isInstantAppInstallerComponent(ComponentName component);
* Prunes instant apps and state associated with uninstalled
* instant apps according to the current platform policy.
public abstract void pruneInstantApps();
* @return The SetupWizard package name.
public abstract String getSetupWizardPackageName();
public interface ExternalSourcesPolicy {
int USER_TRUSTED = 0; // User has trusted the package to install apps
int USER_BLOCKED = 1; // User has blocked the package to install apps
int USER_DEFAULT = 2; // Default code to use when user response is unavailable
* Checks the user preference for whether a package is trusted to request installs through
* package installer
* @param packageName The package to check for
* @param uid the uid in which the package is running
* @return {@link #USER_TRUSTED} if the user has trusted the package, {@link #USER_BLOCKED}
* if user has blocked requests from the package, {@link #USER_DEFAULT} if the user response
* is not yet available
int getPackageTrustedToInstallApps(String packageName, int uid);
public abstract void setExternalSourcesPolicy(ExternalSourcesPolicy policy);
* Return true if the given package is a persistent app process.
public abstract boolean isPackagePersistent(String packageName);
* Get all overlay packages for a user.
* @param userId The user for which to get the overlays.
* @return A list of overlay packages. An empty list is returned if the
* user has no installed overlay packages.
public abstract List<PackageInfo> getOverlayPackages(int userId);
* Get the names of all target packages for a user.
* @param userId The user for which to get the package names.
* @return A list of target package names. This list includes the "android" package.
public abstract List<String> getTargetPackageNames(int userId);
* Set which overlay to use for a package.
* @param userId The user for which to update the overlays.
* @param pendingChanges is a map to describe all overlay targets and their related overlay
* paths. Its key is the overlay target package and its value is the
* complete list of overlay paths that should be enabled for
* the target. Previously enabled overlays not specified in the list
* will be disabled. Pass in null or empty paths to disable all overlays.
* The order of the items is significant if several overlays modify the
* same resource. To pass the concrete ArrayMap type is to reduce the
* overheads of system server.
* @param outUpdatedPackageNames An output list that contains the package names of packages
* affected by the update of enabled overlays.
* @param outInvalidPackageNames An output list that contains the package names of packages
* are not valid.
public abstract void setEnabledOverlayPackages(int userId,
@NonNull ArrayMap<String, OverlayPaths> pendingChanges,
@NonNull Set<String> outUpdatedPackageNames,
@NonNull Set<String> outInvalidPackageNames);
* Resolves an activity intent, allowing instant apps to be resolved.
public abstract ResolveInfo resolveIntent(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags,
@PrivateResolveFlags long privateResolveFlags, int userId, boolean resolveForStart,
int filterCallingUid);
* Resolves an exported activity intent, allowing instant apps to be resolved.
public abstract ResolveInfo resolveIntentExported(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags,
@PrivateResolveFlags long privateResolveFlags, int userId, boolean resolveForStart,
int filterCallingUid, int callingPid);
* Resolves a service intent, allowing instant apps to be resolved.
public abstract ResolveInfo resolveService(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
@PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlagsBits long flags, int userId, int callingUid);
* Resolves a content provider intent.
public abstract ProviderInfo resolveContentProvider(String name,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, int userId, int callingUid);
* Track the creator of a new isolated uid.
* @param isolatedUid The newly created isolated uid.
* @param ownerUid The uid of the app that created the isolated process.
public abstract void addIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid, int ownerUid);
* Track removal of an isolated uid.
* @param isolatedUid isolated uid that is no longer being used.
public abstract void removeIsolatedUid(int isolatedUid);
* Return the taget SDK version for the app with the given UID.
public abstract int getUidTargetSdkVersion(int uid);
* Return the taget SDK version for the app with the given package name.
public abstract int getPackageTargetSdkVersion(String packageName);
/** Whether the binder caller can access instant apps. */
public abstract boolean canAccessInstantApps(int callingUid, int userId);
/** Whether the binder caller can access the given component. */
public abstract boolean canAccessComponent(int callingUid, ComponentName component, int userId);
* Returns {@code true} if a given package has instant application meta-data.
* Otherwise, returns {@code false}. Meta-data is state (eg. cookie, app icon, etc)
* associated with an instant app. It may be kept after the instant app has been uninstalled.
public abstract boolean hasInstantApplicationMetadata(String packageName, int userId);
* Updates a package last used time.
public abstract void notifyPackageUse(String packageName, int reason);
* Notify the package is force stopped.
public abstract void onPackageProcessKilledForUninstall(String packageName);
* Returns a package object for the given package name.
public abstract @Nullable AndroidPackage getPackage(@NonNull String packageName);
* Returns the {@link SystemApi} variant of a package for use with mainline.
public abstract AndroidPackage getAndroidPackage(@NonNull String packageName);
public abstract PackageStateInternal getPackageStateInternal(@NonNull String packageName);
public abstract ArrayMap<String, ? extends PackageStateInternal> getPackageStates();
* Returns a package for the given UID. If the UID is part of a shared user ID, one
* of the packages will be chosen to be returned.
public abstract @Nullable AndroidPackage getPackage(int uid);
* Returns all packages for the given app ID.
public abstract @NonNull List<AndroidPackage> getPackagesForAppId(int appId);
* Returns a list without a change observer.
* @see #getPackageList(PackageListObserver)
public @NonNull PackageList getPackageList() {
return getPackageList(null);
* Returns the list of packages installed at the time of the method call.
* <p>The given observer is notified when the list of installed packages
* changes [eg. a package was installed or uninstalled]. It will not be
* notified if a package is updated.
* <p>The package list will not be updated automatically as packages are
* installed / uninstalled. Any changes must be handled within the observer.
* @deprecated please use {@link} instead.
* PackageMonitor covers more installation and uninstallation corner cases than
* PackageListObserver.
public abstract @NonNull PackageList getPackageList(@Nullable PackageListObserver observer);
* Removes the observer.
* <p>Generally not needed. {@link #getPackageList(PackageListObserver)} will automatically
* remove the observer.
* <p>Does nothing if the observer isn't currently registered.
* <p>Observers are notified asynchronously and it's possible for an observer to be
* invoked after its been removed.
* @deprecated please use {@link} instead.
* PackageMonitor covers more installation and uninstallation corner cases than
* PackageListObserver.
public abstract void removePackageListObserver(@NonNull PackageListObserver observer);
* Returns a package object for the disabled system package name.
public abstract @Nullable PackageStateInternal getDisabledSystemPackage(
@NonNull String packageName);
* Returns the package name for the disabled system package.
* This is equivalent to
* {@link #getDisabledSystemPackage(String)}
* .{@link PackageSetting#pkg}
* .{@link AndroidPackage#getPackageName()}
public abstract @Nullable String getDisabledSystemPackageName(@NonNull String packageName);
* Returns whether or not the component is the resolver activity.
public abstract boolean isResolveActivityComponent(@NonNull ComponentInfo component);
* Returns a list of package names for a known package
public abstract @NonNull String[] getKnownPackageNames(
@KnownPackages.KnownPackage int knownPackage, int userId);
* Returns whether the package is an instant app.
public abstract boolean isInstantApp(String packageName, int userId);
* Returns whether the package is an instant app.
public abstract @Nullable String getInstantAppPackageName(int uid);
* Returns whether or not access to the application should be filtered. The access is not
* allowed if the application is not installed under the given user.
* <p>
* Access may be limited based upon whether the calling or target applications
* are instant applications.
* @see #canAccessInstantApps
* @param pkg The package to be accessed.
* @param callingUid The uid that attempts to access the package.
* @param userId The user id where the package resides.
public abstract boolean filterAppAccess(
@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, int callingUid, int userId);
* Returns whether or not access to the application should be filtered. The access is not
* allowed if the application is not installed under the given user.
* @see #filterAppAccess(AndroidPackage, int, int)
public boolean filterAppAccess(@NonNull String packageName, int callingUid, int userId) {
return filterAppAccess(packageName, callingUid, userId, true /* filterUninstalled */);
* Returns whether or not access to the application should be filtered.
* @param packageName The package to be accessed.
* @param callingUid The uid that attempts to access the package.
* @param userId The user id where the package resides.
* @param filterUninstalled Set to true to filter the access if the package is not installed
* under the given user.
* @see #filterAppAccess(AndroidPackage, int, int)
public abstract boolean filterAppAccess(
@NonNull String packageName, int callingUid, int userId, boolean filterUninstalled);
* Returns whether or not access to the application which belongs to the given UID should be
* filtered. If the UID is part of a shared user ID, return {@code true} if all applications
* belong to the shared user ID should be filtered. The access is not allowed if the uid does
* not exist in the device.
* @see #filterAppAccess(AndroidPackage, int, int)
public abstract boolean filterAppAccess(int uid, int callingUid);
* Fetches all app Ids that a given application is currently visible to the provided user.
* <p>
* <strong>Note: </strong>This only includes UIDs >= {@link Process#FIRST_APPLICATION_UID}
* as all other UIDs can already see all applications.
* </p>
* If the app is visible to all UIDs, null is returned. If the app is not visible to any
* applications, the int array will be empty.
public abstract int[] getVisibilityAllowList(@NonNull String packageName, int userId);
* Returns whether the given UID either declares &lt;queries&gt; element with the given package
* name in its app's manifest, has {@link android.Manifest.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES}, or
* package visibility filtering is enabled on it. If the UID is part of a shared user ID,
* return {@code true} if any one application belongs to the shared user ID meets the criteria.
public abstract boolean canQueryPackage(int callingUid, @Nullable String packageName);
/** Returns whether the given package was signed by the platform */
public abstract boolean isPlatformSigned(String pkg);
* Returns true if it's still safe to restore data backed up from this app's version
* that was signed with restoringFromSigHash.
public abstract boolean isDataRestoreSafe(@NonNull byte[] restoringFromSigHash,
@NonNull String packageName);
* Returns true if it's still safe to restore data backed up from this app's version
* that was signed with restoringFromSig.
public abstract boolean isDataRestoreSafe(@NonNull Signature restoringFromSig,
@NonNull String packageName);
* Returns {@code true} if the signing information for {@code clientUid} is sufficient
* to gain access gated by {@code capability}. This can happen if the two UIDs have the
* same signing information, if the signing information {@code clientUid} indicates that
* it has the signing certificate for {@code serverUid} in its signing history (if it was
* previously signed by it), or if the signing certificate for {@code clientUid} is in the
* signing history for {@code serverUid} and with the {@code capability} specified.
public abstract boolean hasSignatureCapability(int serverUid, int clientUid,
@CertCapabilities int capability);
* Get appIds of all available apps which specified android:sharedUserId in the manifest.
* @return a SparseArray mapping from appId to it's sharedUserId.
public abstract SparseArray<String> getAppsWithSharedUserIds();
* Get all packages which share the same userId as the specified package, or an empty array
* if the package does not have a shared userId.
public abstract String[] getSharedUserPackagesForPackage(@NonNull String packageName,
int userId);
* Return the processes that have been declared for a uid.
* @param uid The uid to query.
* @return Returns null if there are no declared processes for the uid; otherwise,
* returns the set of processes it declared.
public abstract ArrayMap<String, ProcessInfo> getProcessesForUid(int uid);
* Return the gids associated with a particular permission.
* @param permissionName The name of the permission to query.
* @param userId The user id the gids will be associated with.
* @return Returns null if there are no gids associated with the permission, otherwise an
* array if the gid ints.
public abstract int[] getPermissionGids(String permissionName, int userId);
* Make a best-effort attempt to provide the requested free disk space by
* deleting cached files.
* @throws IOException if the request was unable to be fulfilled.
public abstract void freeStorage(String volumeUuid, long bytes,
@StorageManager.AllocateFlags int flags) throws IOException;
* Blocking call to clear all cached app data above quota.
public abstract void freeAllAppCacheAboveQuota(@NonNull String volumeUuid) throws IOException;
/** Returns {@code true} if the specified component is enabled and matches the given flags. */
public abstract boolean isEnabledAndMatches(@NonNull ParsedMainComponent component,
@PackageManager.ComponentInfoFlagsBits long flags, int userId);
/** Returns {@code true} if the given user requires extra badging for icons. */
public abstract boolean userNeedsBadging(int userId);
* Perform the given action for each {@link PackageSetting}.
* Note that packages lock will be held while performing the actions.
* If the caller does not need all packages, prefer the potentially non-locking
* {@link #withPackageSettingsSnapshot(Consumer)}.
* @param actionLocked action to be performed
public abstract void forEachPackageSetting(Consumer<PackageSetting> actionLocked);
* Perform the given action for each package.
* @param action action to be performed
public abstract void forEachPackageState(Consumer<PackageStateInternal> action);
* {@link #forEachPackageState(Consumer)} but filtered to only states with packages
* on device where {@link PackageStateInternal#getPkg()} is not null.
public abstract void forEachPackage(Consumer<AndroidPackage> action);
* Perform the given action for each installed package for a user.
public abstract void forEachInstalledPackage(
@NonNull Consumer<AndroidPackage> action, @UserIdInt int userId);
/** Returns the list of enabled components */
public abstract ArraySet<String> getEnabledComponents(String packageName, int userId);
/** Returns the list of disabled components */
public abstract ArraySet<String> getDisabledComponents(String packageName, int userId);
/** Returns whether the given package is enabled for the given user */
public abstract @PackageManager.EnabledState int getApplicationEnabledState(
String packageName, int userId);
* Return the enabled setting for a package component (activity, receiver, service, provider).
public abstract @PackageManager.EnabledState int getComponentEnabledSetting(
@NonNull ComponentName componentName, int callingUid, int userId);
* Extra field name for the token of a request to enable rollback for a
* package.
public static final String EXTRA_ENABLE_ROLLBACK_TOKEN =
* Extra field name for the session id of a request to enable rollback
* for a package.
public static final String EXTRA_ENABLE_ROLLBACK_SESSION_ID =
* Used as the {@code enableRollbackCode} argument for
* {@link PackageManagerInternal#setEnableRollbackCode} to indicate that
* enabling rollback succeeded.
public static final int ENABLE_ROLLBACK_SUCCEEDED = 1;
* Used as the {@code enableRollbackCode} argument for
* {@link PackageManagerInternal#setEnableRollbackCode} to indicate that
* enabling rollback failed.
public static final int ENABLE_ROLLBACK_FAILED = -1;
* Allows the rollback manager listening to the
* {@link Intent#ACTION_PACKAGE_ENABLE_ROLLBACK enable rollback broadcast}
* to respond to the package manager. The response must include the
* {@code enableRollbackCode} which is one of
* {@link PackageManager#ENABLE_ROLLBACK_SUCCEEDED} or
* {@link PackageManager#ENABLE_ROLLBACK_FAILED}.
* @param token pending package identifier as passed via the
* {@link PackageManager#EXTRA_ENABLE_ROLLBACK_TOKEN} Intent extra.
* @param enableRollbackCode the status code result of enabling rollback
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not have the
public abstract void setEnableRollbackCode(int token, int enableRollbackCode);
* Inform the package manager that the pending package install identified by
* {@code token} can be completed.
public abstract void finishPackageInstall(int token, boolean didLaunch);
* Remove the default browser stored in the legacy package settings.
* @param userId the user id
* @return the package name of the default browser, or {@code null} if none
public abstract String removeLegacyDefaultBrowserPackageName(int userId);
* Returns {@code true} if given {@code packageName} is an apex package.
public abstract boolean isApexPackage(String packageName);
* Returns list of {@code packageName} of apks inside the given apex.
* @param apexPackageName Package name of the apk container of apex
public abstract List<String> getApksInApex(String apexPackageName);
* Uninstalls given {@code packageName}.
* @param packageName apex package to uninstall.
* @param versionCode version of a package to uninstall.
* @param userId user to uninstall apex package for. Must be
* {@link android.os.UserHandle#USER_ALL}, otherwise failure will be reported.
* @param intentSender a {@link IntentSender} to send result of an uninstall to.
* @param flags flags about the uninstall.
public abstract void uninstallApex(String packageName, long versionCode, int userId,
IntentSender intentSender, @PackageManager.InstallFlags int installFlags);
* Update fingerprint of build that updated the runtime permissions for a user.
* @param userId The user to update
public abstract void updateRuntimePermissionsFingerprint(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Migrates legacy obb data to its new location.
public abstract void migrateLegacyObbData();
* Writes all package manager settings to disk. If {@code async} is {@code true}, the
* settings are written at some point in the future. Otherwise, the call blocks until
* the settings have been written.
public abstract void writeSettings(boolean async);
* Writes all permission settings for the given set of users to disk. If {@code async}
* is {@code true}, the settings are written at some point in the future. Otherwise,
* the call blocks until the settings have been written.
public abstract void writePermissionSettings(@NonNull @UserIdInt int[] userIds, boolean async);
* Read legacy permission definitions for permissions migration to new permission subsystem.
* Note that this api is supposed to be used for permissions migration only.
public abstract LegacyPermissionSettings getLegacyPermissions();
* Read legacy permission states for permissions migration to new permission subsystem.
* Note that this api is supposed to be used for permissions state migration only.
public abstract RuntimePermissionsState getLegacyPermissionsState(@UserIdInt int userId);
* @return permissions file version for the given user.
public abstract int getLegacyPermissionsVersion(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Returns {@code true} if the caller is the installer of record for the given package.
* Otherwise, {@code false}.
public abstract boolean isCallerInstallerOfRecord(
@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, int callingUid);
/** Returns whether or not permissions need to be upgraded for the given user */
public abstract boolean isPermissionUpgradeNeeded(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Allows the integrity component to respond to the
* {@link Intent#ACTION_PACKAGE_NEEDS_INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION package verification
* broadcast} to respond to the package manager. The response must include
* the {@code verificationCode} which is one of
* @param verificationId pending package identifier as passed via the
* {@link PackageManager#EXTRA_VERIFICATION_ID} Intent extra.
* @param verificationResult either {@link #INTEGRITY_VERIFICATION_ALLOW}
public abstract void setIntegrityVerificationResult(int verificationId,
@IntegrityVerificationResult int verificationResult);
* Returns MIME types contained in {@code mimeGroup} from {@code packageName} package
public abstract List<String> getMimeGroup(String packageName, String mimeGroup);
* Toggles visibility logging to help in debugging the app enumeration feature.
* @param packageName the package name that should begin logging
* @param enabled true if visibility blocks should be logged
public abstract void setVisibilityLogging(String packageName, boolean enabled);
* Returns if a package name is a valid system package.
public abstract boolean isSystemPackage(@NonNull String packageName);
* Unblocks uninstall for all packages for the user.
public abstract void clearBlockUninstallForUser(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Unsuspends all packages suspended by the given package for the user.
public abstract void unsuspendForSuspendingPackage(String suspendingPackage, int userId);
* Returns {@code true} if the package is suspending any packages for the user.
public abstract boolean isSuspendingAnyPackages(String suspendingPackage, int userId);
* Register to listen for loading progress of an installed package.
* The listener is automatically unregistered when the app is fully loaded.
* @param packageName The name of the installed package
* @param callback To loading reporting progress
* @param userId The user under which to check.
* @return Whether the registration was successful. It can fail if the package has not been
* installed yet.
public abstract boolean registerInstalledLoadingProgressCallback(@NonNull String packageName,
@NonNull InstalledLoadingProgressCallback callback, int userId);
* Callback to listen for loading progress of a package installed on Incremental File System.
public abstract static class InstalledLoadingProgressCallback {
final LoadingProgressCallbackBinder mBinder = new LoadingProgressCallbackBinder();
final Executor mExecutor;
* Default constructor that should always be called on subclass instantiation
* @param handler To dispatch callback events through. If null, the main thread
* handler will be used.
public InstalledLoadingProgressCallback(@Nullable Handler handler) {
if (handler == null) {
handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
mExecutor = new HandlerExecutor(handler);
* Binder used by Package Manager Service to register as a callback
* @return the binder object of IPackageLoadingProgressCallback
public final @NonNull IBinder getBinder() {
return mBinder;
* Report loading progress of an installed package.
* @param progress Loading progress between [0, 1] for the registered package.
public abstract void onLoadingProgressChanged(float progress);
private class LoadingProgressCallbackBinder extends {
public void onPackageLoadingProgressChanged(float progress) {
* Retrieve all of the information we know about a particular activity class including its
* package states.
* @param packageName a specific package
* @param filterCallingUid The results will be filtered in the context of this UID instead
* of the calling UID.
* @param userId The user for whom the package is installed
* @return IncrementalStatesInfo that contains information about package states.
public abstract IncrementalStatesInfo getIncrementalStatesInfo(String packageName,
int filterCallingUid, int userId);
* Requesting the checksums for APKs within a package.
* See {@link PackageManager#requestChecksums} for details.
* @param executor to use for digest calculations.
* @param handler to use for postponed calculations.
public abstract void requestChecksums(@NonNull String packageName, boolean includeSplits,
@Checksum.TypeMask int optional, @Checksum.TypeMask int required,
@Nullable List trustedInstallers,
@NonNull IOnChecksumsReadyListener onChecksumsReadyListener, int userId,
@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull Handler handler);
* Returns true if the given {@code packageName} and {@code userId} is frozen.
* @param packageName a specific package
* @param callingUid The uid of the caller
* @param userId The user for whom the package is installed
* @return {@code true} If the package is current frozen (due to install/update etc.)
public abstract boolean isPackageFrozen(
@NonNull String packageName, int callingUid, int userId);
* Deletes the OAT artifacts of a package.
* @param packageName a specific package
* @return the number of freed bytes or -1 if there was an error in the process.
public abstract long deleteOatArtifactsOfPackage(String packageName);
* Reconcile all app data for the given user.
public abstract void reconcileAppsData(int userId, @StorageManager.StorageFlags int flags,
boolean migrateAppsData);
* Returns an array of PackageStateInternal that are all part of a shared user setting which is
* denoted by the app ID. Returns an empty set if the shared user setting doesn't exist or does
* not contain any package.
public abstract ArraySet<PackageStateInternal> getSharedUserPackages(int sharedUserAppId);
* Returns the SharedUserApi denoted by the app ID of the shared user setting. Returns null if
* the corresponding shared user setting doesn't exist.
public abstract SharedUserApi getSharedUserApi(int sharedUserAppId);
* Returns if the given uid is privileged or not.
public abstract boolean isUidPrivileged(int uid);
* Initiates a package state mutation request, returning the current state as known by
* PackageManager. This allows the later commit request to compare the initial values and
* determine if any state was changed or any packages were updated since the whole request
* was initiated.
* As a concrete example, consider the following steps:
* <ol>
* <li>Read a package state without taking a lock</li>
* <li>Check some values in that state, determine that a mutation needs to occur</li>
* <li>Call to commit the change with the new value, takes lock</li>
* </ol>
* Between steps 1 and 3, because the lock was not taken for the entire flow, it's possible
* a package state was changed by another consumer or a package was updated/installed.
* If anything has changed,
* {@link #commitPackageStateMutation(PackageStateMutator.InitialState, Consumer)} will return
* a {@link PackageStateMutator.Result} indicating so. If the caller has not indicated it can
* ignore changes, it can opt to re-run the commit logic from the top with a true write lock
* around all of its read-logic-commit loop.
* Note that if the caller does not care about potential race conditions or package/state
* changes between steps 1 and 3, it can simply opt to not call this method and pass in null
* for the initial state. This is useful to avoid long running data structure locks when the
* caller is changing a value as part of a one-off request. Perhaps from an app side API which
* mutates only a single package, where it doesn't care what the state of that package is or
* any other packages on the devices.
* Important to note is that if no locking is enforced, callers themselves will not be
* synchronized with themselves. The caller may be relying on the PackageManager lock to
* enforce ordering within their own code path, and that has to be adjusted if migrated off
* the lock.
public abstract PackageStateMutator.InitialState recordInitialState();
* Some questions to ask when designing a mutation:
* <ol>
* <li>What external system state is required and is it synchronized properly?</li>
* <li>Are there any package/state changes that could happen to the target (or another)
* package that could result in the commit being invalid?</li>
* <li>Is the caller synchronized with itself and can handle multiple mutations being
* requested from different threads?</li>
* <li>What should be done in case of a conflict and the commit can't be finished?</li>
* </ol>
* @param state See {@link #recordInitialState()}. If null, no result is returned.
* @param consumer Lean wrapper around just the logic that changes state values
* @return result if anything changed since initial state, or null if nothing changed and
* commit was successful
public abstract PackageStateMutator.Result commitPackageStateMutation(
@Nullable PackageStateMutator.InitialState state,
@NonNull Consumer<PackageStateMutator> consumer);
* @return package data snapshot for use with other PackageManager infrastructure. This should
* only be used as a parameter passed to another PM related class. Do not call methods on this
* directly.
public abstract PackageDataSnapshot snapshot();
public abstract void shutdown();
public abstract DynamicCodeLogger getDynamicCodeLogger();
* Compare the signatures of two packages that are installed in different users.
* @param uid1 First UID whose signature will be compared.
* @param uid2 Second UID whose signature will be compared.
* @return {@link PackageManager#SIGNATURE_MATCH} if signatures are matched.
* @throws SecurityException if the caller does not hold the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS}.
public abstract @SignatureResult int checkUidSignaturesForAllUsers(int uid1, int uid2);
public abstract void setPackageStoppedState(@NonNull String packageName, boolean stopped,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Tells PackageManager when a component of the package is used
* and the package should get out of stopped state and be enabled.
public abstract void notifyComponentUsed(@NonNull String packageName,
@UserIdInt int userId, @Nullable String recentCallingPackage,
@NonNull String debugInfo);
/** @deprecated For legacy shell command only. */
public abstract void legacyDumpProfiles(@NonNull String packageName,
boolean dumpClassesAndMethods) throws LegacyDexoptDisabledException;
/** @deprecated For legacy shell command only. */
public abstract void legacyForceDexOpt(@NonNull String packageName)
throws LegacyDexoptDisabledException;
/** @deprecated For legacy shell command only. */
public abstract void legacyReconcileSecondaryDexFiles(String packageName)
throws LegacyDexoptDisabledException;
* Gets {@link PackageManager.DistractionRestriction restrictions} of the given
* packages of the given user.
* The corresponding element of the resulting array will be -1 if a given package doesn't exist.
* @param packageNames The packages under which to check.
* @param userId The user under which to check.
* @return an array of distracting restriction state in order of the given packages
public abstract int[] getDistractingPackageRestrictionsAsUser(
@NonNull String[] packageNames, int userId);
* Checks if package is quarantined for a specific user.
public abstract boolean isPackageQuarantined(@NonNull String packageName,
@UserIdInt int userId);
* Checks if package is stopped for a specific user.
public abstract boolean isPackageStopped(@NonNull String packageName, @UserIdInt int userId);
* Sends the PACKAGE_RESTARTED broadcast.
public abstract void sendPackageRestartedBroadcast(@NonNull String packageName,
int uid, @Intent.Flags int flags);
* Return a list of all historical install sessions for the given user.
public abstract ParceledListSlice<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo> getHistoricalSessions(
int userId);
* Sends the ACTION_PACKAGE_DATA_CLEARED broadcast.
public abstract void sendPackageDataClearedBroadcast(@NonNull String packageName,
int uid, int userId, boolean isRestore, boolean isInstantApp);
* Returns an instance of {@link PackageArchiver} to be used for archiving related operations.
public abstract PackageArchiver getPackageArchiver();