Update JS and JobInfo docs about Flexible Job Constraints

Update developer documentation related to shifted job execution caused by FlexibityController.

Bug: 241788885
Test: Run `m offline-sdk-docs` and check page at out/target/common/docs/offline-sdk/reference/android/app/job/<X>.html
Change-Id: I51586916187f2b08be7e613eb4648db94dde4423
diff --git a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobInfo.java b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobInfo.java
index f49cdbf..ab0ac5a 100644
--- a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobInfo.java
+++ b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobInfo.java
@@ -1312,6 +1312,9 @@
          * Calling this method will override any requirements previously defined
          * by {@link #setRequiredNetwork(NetworkRequest)}; you typically only
          * want to call one of these methods.
+         * <p> Starting in Android version {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE},
+         * {@link JobScheduler} may try to shift the execution of jobs requiring
+         * {@link #NETWORK_TYPE_ANY} to when there is access to an un-metered network.
          * <p class="note">
          * When your job executes in
          * {@link JobService#onStartJob(JobParameters)}, be sure to use the
@@ -1742,6 +1745,7 @@
          *     <li>Bypass Doze, app standby, and battery saver network restrictions</li>
          *     <li>Be less likely to be killed than regular jobs</li>
          *     <li>Be subject to background location throttling</li>
+         *     <li>Be exempt from delay to optimize job execution</li>
          * </ol>
          * <p>
diff --git a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobScheduler.java b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobScheduler.java
index 632ecb2c..dfdb290 100644
--- a/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobScheduler.java
+++ b/apex/jobscheduler/framework/java/android/app/job/JobScheduler.java
@@ -45,8 +45,23 @@
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * The framework will be intelligent about when it executes jobs, and attempt to batch
- * and defer them as much as possible. Typically if you don't specify a deadline on a job, it
+ * and defer them as much as possible. Typically, if you don't specify a deadline on a job, it
  * can be run at any moment depending on the current state of the JobScheduler's internal queue.
+ * </p>
+ * <p>
+ * Starting in Android version {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#UPSIDE_DOWN_CAKE},
+ * JobScheduler may try to optimize job execution by shifting execution to times with more available
+ * system resources in order to lower user impact. Factors in system health include sufficient
+ * battery, idle, charging, and access to an un-metered network. Jobs will initially be treated as
+ * if they have all these requirements, but as their deadlines approach, restrictions will become
+ * less strict. Requested requirements will not be affected by this change.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * {@see android.app.job.JobInfo.Builder#setRequiresBatteryNotLow(boolean)}
+ * {@see android.app.job.JobInfo.Builder#setRequiresDeviceIdle(boolean)}
+ * {@see android.app.job.JobInfo.Builder#setRequiresCharging(boolean)}
+ * {@see android.app.job.JobInfo.Builder#setRequiredNetworkType(int)}
+ *
  * <p>
  * While a job is running, the system holds a wakelock on behalf of your app.  For this reason,
  * you do not need to take any action to guarantee that the device stays awake for the