blob: 70c9e23c6af81bcbe8019d7febda7db519744cd9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.devicestate.DeviceStateManager;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.PowerManager;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.IndentingPrintWriter;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
import android.util.SparseIntArray;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.DisplayAddress;
import android.view.DisplayInfo;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Responsible for creating {@link LogicalDisplay}s and associating them to the
* {@link DisplayDevice} objects supplied through {@link DisplayAdapter.Listener}.
* Additionally this class will keep track of which {@link DisplayGroup} each
* {@link LogicalDisplay} belongs to.
* For devices with a single internal display, the mapping is done once and left
* alone. For devices with multiple built-in displays, such as foldable devices,
* {@link LogicalDisplay}s can be remapped to different {@link DisplayDevice}s.
class LogicalDisplayMapper implements DisplayDeviceRepository.Listener {
private static final String TAG = "LogicalDisplayMapper";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
public static final int LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_ADDED = 1;
public static final int LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_CHANGED = 2;
public static final int LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_REMOVED = 3;
public static final int LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_SWAPPED = 4;
public static final int DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_ADDED = 1;
public static final int DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_CHANGED = 2;
public static final int DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_REMOVED = 3;
private static final int TIMEOUT_STATE_TRANSITION_MILLIS = 500;
private static final int MSG_TRANSITION_TO_PENDING_DEVICE_STATE = 1;
private static final int UPDATE_STATE_NEW = 0;
private static final int UPDATE_STATE_TRANSITION = 1;
private static final int UPDATE_STATE_UPDATED = 2;
* Temporary display info, used for comparing display configurations.
private final DisplayInfo mTempDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo();
private final DisplayInfo mTempNonOverrideDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo();
* True if the display mapper service should pretend there is only one display
* and only tell applications about the existence of the default logical display.
* The display manager can still mirror content to secondary displays but applications
* cannot present unique content on those displays.
* Used for demonstration purposes only.
private final boolean mSingleDisplayDemoMode;
* True if the device can have more than one internal display on at a time.
private final boolean mSupportsConcurrentInternalDisplays;
* Wake the device when transitioning into these device state.
private final SparseBooleanArray mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp;
* Sleep the device when transitioning into these device state.
private final SparseBooleanArray mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep;
* Map of all logical displays indexed by logical display id.
* Any modification to mLogicalDisplays must invalidate the DisplayManagerGlobal cache.
* TODO: multi-display - Move the aforementioned comment?
private final SparseArray<LogicalDisplay> mLogicalDisplays =
new SparseArray<LogicalDisplay>();
/** Map of all display groups indexed by display group id. */
private final SparseArray<DisplayGroup> mDisplayGroups = new SparseArray<>();
private final DisplayDeviceRepository mDisplayDeviceRepo;
private final DeviceStateToLayoutMap mDeviceStateToLayoutMap;
private final Listener mListener;
private final DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot mSyncRoot;
private final LogicalDisplayMapperHandler mHandler;
private final PowerManager mPowerManager;
* Has an entry for every logical display that the rest of the system has been notified about.
* Any entry in here requires us to send a {@link LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_REMOVED} event when it
* is deleted or {@link LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_CHANGED} when it is changed. The values are any
* of the {@code UPDATE_STATE_*} constant types.
private final SparseIntArray mUpdatedLogicalDisplays = new SparseIntArray();
* Keeps track of all the display groups that we already told other people about. IOW, if a
* display group is in this array, then we *must* send change and remove notifications for it
* because other components know about them. Also, what this array stores is a change counter
* for each group, so we know if the group itself has changes since we last sent out a
* notification. See {@link DisplayGroup#getChangeCountLocked}.
private final SparseIntArray mUpdatedDisplayGroups = new SparseIntArray();
* Array used in {@link #updateLogicalDisplaysLocked} to track events that need to be sent out.
private final SparseIntArray mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate = new SparseIntArray();
* Array used in {@link #updateLogicalDisplaysLocked} to track events that need to be sent out.
private final SparseIntArray mDisplayGroupsToUpdate = new SparseIntArray();
private int mNextNonDefaultGroupId = Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_GROUP + 1;
private Layout mCurrentLayout = null;
private int mDeviceState = DeviceStateManager.INVALID_DEVICE_STATE;
private int mPendingDeviceState = DeviceStateManager.INVALID_DEVICE_STATE;
private boolean mBootCompleted = false;
private boolean mInteractive;
LogicalDisplayMapper(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull DisplayDeviceRepository repo,
@NonNull Listener listener, @NonNull DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot syncRoot,
@NonNull Handler handler) {
mSyncRoot = syncRoot;
mPowerManager = context.getSystemService(PowerManager.class);
mInteractive = mPowerManager.isInteractive();
mHandler = new LogicalDisplayMapperHandler(handler.getLooper());
mDisplayDeviceRepo = repo;
mListener = listener;
mSingleDisplayDemoMode = SystemProperties.getBoolean("persist.demo.singledisplay", false);
mSupportsConcurrentInternalDisplays = context.getResources().getBoolean(;
mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp = toSparseBooleanArray(context.getResources().getIntArray(;
mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep = toSparseBooleanArray(context.getResources().getIntArray(;
mDeviceStateToLayoutMap = new DeviceStateToLayoutMap();
public void onDisplayDeviceEventLocked(DisplayDevice device, int event) {
switch (event) {
case DisplayDeviceRepository.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_ADDED:
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Display device added: " + device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked());
case DisplayDeviceRepository.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED:
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Display device changed: " + device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked());
finishStateTransitionLocked(false /*force*/);
case DisplayDeviceRepository.DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_REMOVED:
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Display device removed: " + device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked());
public void onTraversalRequested() {
public LogicalDisplay getDisplayLocked(int displayId) {
return mLogicalDisplays.get(displayId);
public LogicalDisplay getDisplayLocked(DisplayDevice device) {
if (device == null) {
return null;
final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
if (display.getPrimaryDisplayDeviceLocked() == device) {
return display;
return null;
public int[] getDisplayIdsLocked(int callingUid) {
final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
int[] displayIds = new int[count];
int n = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
DisplayInfo info = display.getDisplayInfoLocked();
if (info.hasAccess(callingUid)) {
displayIds[n++] = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i);
if (n != count) {
displayIds = Arrays.copyOfRange(displayIds, 0, n);
return displayIds;
public void forEachLocked(Consumer<LogicalDisplay> consumer) {
final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
public int getDisplayGroupIdFromDisplayIdLocked(int displayId) {
final LogicalDisplay display = getDisplayLocked(displayId);
if (display == null) {
final int size = mDisplayGroups.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final DisplayGroup displayGroup = mDisplayGroups.valueAt(i);
if (displayGroup.containsLocked(display)) {
return mDisplayGroups.keyAt(i);
public DisplayGroup getDisplayGroupLocked(int groupId) {
return mDisplayGroups.get(groupId);
* Returns the set of {@link DisplayInfo} for this device state, only fetching the info that is
* part of the same display group as the provided display id. The DisplayInfo represent the
* logical display layouts possible for the given device state.
* @param deviceState the state to query possible layouts for
* @param displayId the display id to apply to all displays within the group
* @param groupId the display group to filter display info for. Must be the same group as
* the display with the provided display id.
public Set<DisplayInfo> getDisplayInfoForStateLocked(int deviceState, int displayId,
int groupId) {
Set<DisplayInfo> displayInfos = new ArraySet<>();
final Layout layout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(deviceState);
final int layoutSize = layout.size();
for (int i = 0; i < layoutSize; i++) {
Layout.Display displayLayout = layout.getAt(i);
if (displayLayout == null) {
// If the underlying display-device we want to use for this display
// doesn't exist, then skip it. This can happen at startup as display-devices
// trickle in one at a time. When the new display finally shows up, the layout is
// recalculated so that the display is properly added to the current layout.
final DisplayAddress address = displayLayout.getAddress();
final DisplayDevice device = mDisplayDeviceRepo.getByAddressLocked(address);
if (device == null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "The display device (" + address + "), is not available"
+ " for the display state " + deviceState);
// Find or create the LogicalDisplay to map the DisplayDevice to.
final int logicalDisplayId = displayLayout.getLogicalDisplayId();
final LogicalDisplay logicalDisplay = getDisplayLocked(logicalDisplayId);
if (logicalDisplay == null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "The logical display (" + address + "), is not available"
+ " for the display state " + deviceState);
final DisplayInfo temp = logicalDisplay.getDisplayInfoLocked();
DisplayInfo displayInfo = new DisplayInfo(temp);
if (displayInfo.displayGroupId != groupId) {
// Ignore any displays not in the provided group.
// A display in the same group can be swapped out at any point, so set the display id
// for all results to the provided display id.
displayInfo.displayId = displayId;
return displayInfos;
public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) {
IndentingPrintWriter ipw = new IndentingPrintWriter(pw, " ");
ipw.println("mSingleDisplayDemoMode=" + mSingleDisplayDemoMode);
ipw.println("mCurrentLayout=" + mCurrentLayout);
ipw.println("mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp=" + mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp);
ipw.println("mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep=" + mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep);
ipw.println("mInteractive=" + mInteractive);
final int logicalDisplayCount = mLogicalDisplays.size();
ipw.println("Logical Displays: size=" + logicalDisplayCount);
for (int i = 0; i < logicalDisplayCount; i++) {
int displayId = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i);
LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
ipw.println("Display " + displayId + ":");
void setDeviceStateLocked(int state, boolean isOverrideActive) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Requesting Transition to state: " + state + ", from state=" + mDeviceState
+ ", interactive=" + mInteractive);
// As part of a state transition, we may need to turn off some displays temporarily so that
// the transition is smooth. Plus, on some devices, only one internal displays can be
// on at a time. We use DISPLAY_PHASE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION to mark a display that needs to be
// temporarily turned off.
if (mDeviceState != DeviceStateManager.INVALID_DEVICE_STATE) {
resetLayoutLocked(mDeviceState, state, LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION);
mPendingDeviceState = state;
final boolean wakeDevice = shouldDeviceBeWoken(mPendingDeviceState, mDeviceState,
mInteractive, mBootCompleted);
final boolean sleepDevice = shouldDeviceBePutToSleep(mPendingDeviceState, mDeviceState,
isOverrideActive, mInteractive, mBootCompleted);
// If all displays are off already, we can just transition here, unless we are trying to
// wake or sleep the device as part of this transition. In that case defer the final
// transition until later once the device is awake/asleep.
if (areAllTransitioningDisplaysOffLocked() && !wakeDevice && !sleepDevice) {
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Postponing transition to state: " + mPendingDeviceState);
// Send the transitioning phase updates to DisplayManager so that the displays can
// start turning OFF in preparation for the new layout.
if (wakeDevice || sleepDevice) {
if (wakeDevice) {
// We already told the displays to turn off, now we need to wake the device as
// we transition to this new state. We do it here so that the waking happens
// between the transition from one layout to another. -> {
PowerManager.WAKE_REASON_UNFOLD_DEVICE, "server.display:unfold");
} else if (sleepDevice) {
// Send the device to sleep when required. -> {
void onBootCompleted() {
synchronized (mSyncRoot) {
mBootCompleted = true;
void onEarlyInteractivityChange(boolean interactive) {
synchronized (mSyncRoot) {
if (mInteractive != interactive) {
mInteractive = interactive;
finishStateTransitionLocked(false /*force*/);
* Returns if the device should be woken up or not. Called to check if the device state we are
* moving to is one that should awake the device, as well as if we are moving from a device
* state that shouldn't have been already woken from.
* @param pendingState device state we are moving to
* @param currentState device state we are currently in
* @param isInteractive if the device is in an interactive state
* @param isBootCompleted is the device fully booted
* @see #shouldDeviceBePutToSleep
* @see #setDeviceStateLocked
boolean shouldDeviceBeWoken(int pendingState, int currentState, boolean isInteractive,
boolean isBootCompleted) {
return mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp.get(pendingState)
&& !mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp.get(currentState)
&& !isInteractive && isBootCompleted;
* Returns if the device should be put to sleep or not.
* Includes a check to verify that the device state that we are moving to, {@code pendingState},
* is the same as the physical state of the device, {@code baseState}. Different values for
* these parameters indicate a device state override is active, and we shouldn't put the device
* to sleep to provide a better user experience.
* @param pendingState device state we are moving to
* @param currentState device state we are currently in
* @param isOverrideActive if a device state override is currently active or not
* @param isInteractive if the device is in an interactive state
* @param isBootCompleted is the device fully booted
* @see #shouldDeviceBeWoken
* @see #setDeviceStateLocked
boolean shouldDeviceBePutToSleep(int pendingState, int currentState, boolean isOverrideActive,
boolean isInteractive, boolean isBootCompleted) {
return mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep.get(pendingState)
&& !mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep.get(currentState)
&& !isOverrideActive
&& isInteractive && isBootCompleted;
private boolean areAllTransitioningDisplaysOffLocked() {
final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
if (display.getPhase() != LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION) {
final DisplayDevice device = display.getPrimaryDisplayDeviceLocked();
if (device != null) {
final DisplayDeviceInfo info = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();
if (info.state != Display.STATE_OFF) {
return false;
return true;
private void transitionToPendingStateLocked() {
resetLayoutLocked(mDeviceState, mPendingDeviceState, LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_ENABLED);
mDeviceState = mPendingDeviceState;
mPendingDeviceState = DeviceStateManager.INVALID_DEVICE_STATE;
private void finishStateTransitionLocked(boolean force) {
if (mPendingDeviceState == DeviceStateManager.INVALID_DEVICE_STATE) {
final boolean waitingToWakeDevice = mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp.get(mPendingDeviceState)
&& !mDeviceStatesOnWhichToWakeUp.get(mDeviceState)
&& !mInteractive && mBootCompleted;
final boolean waitingToSleepDevice = mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep.get(mPendingDeviceState)
&& !mDeviceStatesOnWhichToSleep.get(mDeviceState)
&& mInteractive && mBootCompleted;
final boolean displaysOff = areAllTransitioningDisplaysOffLocked();
final boolean isReadyToTransition = displaysOff && !waitingToWakeDevice
&& !waitingToSleepDevice;
if (isReadyToTransition || force) {
} else if (DEBUG) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Not yet ready to transition to state=" + mPendingDeviceState
+ " with displays-off=" + displaysOff + ", force=" + force
+ ", mInteractive=" + mInteractive + ", isReady=" + isReadyToTransition);
private void handleDisplayDeviceAddedLocked(DisplayDevice device) {
DisplayDeviceInfo deviceInfo = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();
// The default Display needs to have additional initialization.
// This initializes a default dynamic display layout for the default
// device, which is used as a fallback in case no static layout definitions
// exist or cannot be loaded.
if ((deviceInfo.flags & DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ALLOWED_TO_BE_DEFAULT_DISPLAY) != 0) {
// Create a logical display for the new display device
LogicalDisplay display = createNewLogicalDisplayLocked(
device, Layout.assignDisplayIdLocked(false /*isDefault*/));
private void handleDisplayDeviceRemovedLocked(DisplayDevice device) {
final Layout layout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(DeviceStateToLayoutMap.STATE_DEFAULT);
Layout.Display layoutDisplay = layout.getById(DEFAULT_DISPLAY);
if (layoutDisplay == null) {
DisplayDeviceInfo deviceInfo = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();
if (layoutDisplay.getAddress().equals(deviceInfo.address)) {
// Need to find another local display and make it default
for (int i = 0; i < mLogicalDisplays.size(); i++) {
LogicalDisplay nextDisplay = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
DisplayDevice nextDevice = nextDisplay.getPrimaryDisplayDeviceLocked();
if (nextDevice == null) {
DisplayDeviceInfo nextDeviceInfo = nextDevice.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();
if ((nextDeviceInfo.flags
&& !nextDeviceInfo.address.equals(deviceInfo.address)) {
/* isDefault= */ true, /* isEnabled= */ true);
* Updates the rest of the display system once all the changes are applied for display
* devices and logical displays. The includes releasing invalid/empty LogicalDisplays,
* creating/adjusting/removing DisplayGroups, and notifying the rest of the system of the
* relevant changes.
private void updateLogicalDisplaysLocked() {
// Go through all the displays and figure out if they need to be updated.
// Loops in reverse so that displays can be removed during the loop without affecting the
// rest of the loop.
for (int i = mLogicalDisplays.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final int displayId = mLogicalDisplays.keyAt(i);
LogicalDisplay display = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
final DisplayInfo newDisplayInfo = display.getDisplayInfoLocked();
final int updateState = mUpdatedLogicalDisplays.get(displayId, UPDATE_STATE_NEW);
final boolean wasPreviouslyUpdated = updateState != UPDATE_STATE_NEW;
// The display is no longer valid and needs to be removed.
if (!display.isValidLocked()) {
// Remove from group
final DisplayGroup displayGroup = getDisplayGroupLocked(
if (displayGroup != null) {
if (wasPreviouslyUpdated) {
// The display isn't actually removed from our internal data structures until
// after the notification is sent; see {@link #sendUpdatesForDisplaysLocked}.
Slog.i(TAG, "Removing display: " + displayId);
mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.put(displayId, LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_REMOVED);
} else {
// This display never left this class, safe to remove without notification
// The display is new.
} else if (!wasPreviouslyUpdated) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Adding new display: " + displayId + ": " + newDisplayInfo);
mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.put(displayId, LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_ADDED);
// Underlying displays device has changed to a different one.
} else if (!TextUtils.equals(mTempDisplayInfo.uniqueId, newDisplayInfo.uniqueId)) {
// FLAG_OWN_DISPLAY_GROUP could have changed, recalculate just in case
mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.put(displayId, LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_SWAPPED);
// Something about the display device has changed.
} else if (!mTempDisplayInfo.equals(newDisplayInfo)) {
// FLAG_OWN_DISPLAY_GROUP could have changed, recalculate just in case
mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.put(displayId, LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_CHANGED);
// The display is involved in a display layout transition
} else if (updateState == UPDATE_STATE_TRANSITION) {
// Display frame rate overrides changed.
} else if (!display.getPendingFrameRateOverrideUids().isEmpty()) {
// Non-override display values changed.
} else {
// While application shouldn't know nor care about the non-overridden info, we
// still need to let WindowManager know so it can update its own internal state for
// things like display cutouts.
if (!mTempNonOverrideDisplayInfo.equals(mTempDisplayInfo)) {
mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.put(displayId, LOGICAL_DISPLAY_EVENT_CHANGED);
mUpdatedLogicalDisplays.put(displayId, UPDATE_STATE_UPDATED);
// Go through the groups and do the same thing. We do this after displays since group
// information can change in the previous loop.
// Loops in reverse so that groups can be removed during the loop without affecting the
// rest of the loop.
for (int i = mDisplayGroups.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final int groupId = mDisplayGroups.keyAt(i);
final DisplayGroup group = mDisplayGroups.valueAt(i);
final boolean wasPreviouslyUpdated = mUpdatedDisplayGroups.indexOfKey(groupId) > -1;
final int changeCount = group.getChangeCountLocked();
if (group.isEmptyLocked()) {
if (wasPreviouslyUpdated) {
mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.put(groupId, DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_REMOVED);
} else if (!wasPreviouslyUpdated) {
mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.put(groupId, DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_ADDED);
} else if (mUpdatedDisplayGroups.get(groupId) != changeCount) {
mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.put(groupId, DISPLAY_GROUP_EVENT_CHANGED);
mUpdatedDisplayGroups.put(groupId, changeCount);
// Send the display and display group updates in order by message type. This is important
// to ensure that addition and removal notifications happen in the right order.
* Send the specified message for all relevant displays in the specified display-to-message map.
private void sendUpdatesForDisplaysLocked(int msg) {
for (int i = mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final int currMsg = mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.valueAt(i);
if (currMsg != msg) {
final int id = mLogicalDisplaysToUpdate.keyAt(i);
final LogicalDisplay display = getDisplayLocked(id);
if (DEBUG) {
final DisplayDevice device = display.getPrimaryDisplayDeviceLocked();
final String uniqueId = device == null ? "null" : device.getUniqueId();
Slog.d(TAG, "Sending " + displayEventToString(msg) + " for display=" + id
+ " with device=" + uniqueId);
mListener.onLogicalDisplayEventLocked(display, msg);
// We wait until we sent the EVENT_REMOVED event before actually removing the
// display.
* Send the specified message for all relevant display groups in the specified message map.
private void sendUpdatesForGroupsLocked(int msg) {
for (int i = mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
final int currMsg = mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.valueAt(i);
if (currMsg != msg) {
final int id = mDisplayGroupsToUpdate.keyAt(i);
mListener.onDisplayGroupEventLocked(id, msg);
// We wait until we sent the EVENT_REMOVED event before actually removing the
// group.
private void assignDisplayGroupLocked(LogicalDisplay display) {
final int displayId = display.getDisplayIdLocked();
// Get current display group data
int groupId = getDisplayGroupIdFromDisplayIdLocked(displayId);
final DisplayGroup oldGroup = getDisplayGroupLocked(groupId);
// Get the new display group if a change is needed
final DisplayInfo info = display.getDisplayInfoLocked();
final boolean needsOwnDisplayGroup = (info.flags & Display.FLAG_OWN_DISPLAY_GROUP) != 0;
final boolean hasOwnDisplayGroup = groupId != Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_GROUP;
if (groupId == Display.INVALID_DISPLAY_GROUP
|| hasOwnDisplayGroup != needsOwnDisplayGroup) {
groupId = assignDisplayGroupIdLocked(needsOwnDisplayGroup);
// Create a new group if needed
DisplayGroup newGroup = getDisplayGroupLocked(groupId);
if (newGroup == null) {
newGroup = new DisplayGroup(groupId);
mDisplayGroups.append(groupId, newGroup);
if (oldGroup != newGroup) {
if (oldGroup != null) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Setting new display group " + groupId + " for display "
+ displayId + ", from previous group: "
+ (oldGroup != null ? oldGroup.getGroupId() : "null"));
* Goes through all the displays used in the layouts for the specified {@code fromState} and
* {@code toState} and applies the specified {@code phase}. When a new layout is requested, we
* put the displays that will change into a transitional phase so that they can all be turned
* OFF. Once all are confirmed OFF, then this method gets called again to reset the phase to
* normal operation. This helps to ensure that all display-OFF requests are made before
* display-ON which in turn hides any resizing-jank windows might incur when switching displays.
* @param fromState The state we are switching from.
* @param toState The state we are switching to.
* @param phase The new phase to apply to the displays.
private void resetLayoutLocked(int fromState, int toState, @DisplayPhase int phase) {
final Layout fromLayout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(fromState);
final Layout toLayout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(toState);
final int count = mLogicalDisplays.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final LogicalDisplay logicalDisplay = mLogicalDisplays.valueAt(i);
final int displayId = logicalDisplay.getDisplayIdLocked();
final DisplayDevice device = logicalDisplay.getPrimaryDisplayDeviceLocked();
if (device == null) {
// If there's no device, then the logical display is due to be removed. Ignore it.
// Grab the display associations this display-device has in the old layout and the
// new layout.
final DisplayAddress address = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked().address;
// Virtual displays do not have addresses.
final Layout.Display fromDisplay =
address != null ? fromLayout.getByAddress(address) : null;
final Layout.Display toDisplay =
address != null ? toLayout.getByAddress(address) : null;
// If a layout doesn't mention a display-device at all, then the display-device defaults
// to enabled. This is why we treat null as "enabled" in the code below.
final boolean wasEnabled = fromDisplay == null || fromDisplay.isEnabled();
final boolean willBeEnabled = toDisplay == null || toDisplay.isEnabled();
final boolean deviceHasNewLogicalDisplayId = fromDisplay != null && toDisplay != null
&& fromDisplay.getLogicalDisplayId() != toDisplay.getLogicalDisplayId();
// We consider a display-device as changing/transition if
// 1) It's already marked as transitioning
// 2) It's going from enabled to disabled, or vice versa
// 3) It's enabled, but it's mapped to a new logical display ID. To the user this
// would look like apps moving from one screen to another since task-stacks stay
// with the logical display [ID].
final boolean isTransitioning =
(logicalDisplay.getPhase() == LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION)
|| (wasEnabled != willBeEnabled)
|| deviceHasNewLogicalDisplayId;
if (isTransitioning) {
setDisplayPhase(logicalDisplay, phase);
if (phase == LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_LAYOUT_TRANSITION) {
mUpdatedLogicalDisplays.put(displayId, UPDATE_STATE_TRANSITION);
* Apply (or reapply) the currently selected display layout.
private void applyLayoutLocked() {
final Layout oldLayout = mCurrentLayout;
mCurrentLayout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(mDeviceState);
Slog.i(TAG, "Applying layout: " + mCurrentLayout + ", Previous layout: " + oldLayout);
// Go through each of the displays in the current layout set.
final int size = mCurrentLayout.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final Layout.Display displayLayout = mCurrentLayout.getAt(i);
// If the underlying display-device we want to use for this display
// doesn't exist, then skip it. This can happen at startup as display-devices
// trickle in one at a time. When the new display finally shows up, the layout is
// recalculated so that the display is properly added to the current layout.
final DisplayAddress address = displayLayout.getAddress();
final DisplayDevice device = mDisplayDeviceRepo.getByAddressLocked(address);
if (device == null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "The display device (" + address + "), is not available"
+ " for the display state " + mDeviceState);
// Now that we have a display-device, we need a LogicalDisplay to map it to. Find the
// right one, if it doesn't exist, create a new one.
final int logicalDisplayId = displayLayout.getLogicalDisplayId();
LogicalDisplay newDisplay = getDisplayLocked(logicalDisplayId);
if (newDisplay == null) {
newDisplay = createNewLogicalDisplayLocked(
null /*displayDevice*/, logicalDisplayId);
// Now swap the underlying display devices between the old display and the new display
final LogicalDisplay oldDisplay = getDisplayLocked(device);
if (newDisplay != oldDisplay) {
if (!displayLayout.isEnabled()) {
setDisplayPhase(newDisplay, LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_DISABLED);
* Creates a new logical display for the specified device and display Id and adds it to the list
* of logical displays.
* @param device The device to associate with the LogicalDisplay.
* @param displayId The display ID to give the new display. If invalid, a new ID is assigned.
* @return The new logical display if created, null otherwise.
private LogicalDisplay createNewLogicalDisplayLocked(DisplayDevice device, int displayId) {
final int layerStack = assignLayerStackLocked(displayId);
final LogicalDisplay display = new LogicalDisplay(displayId, layerStack, device);
mLogicalDisplays.put(displayId, display);
setDisplayPhase(display, LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_ENABLED);
return display;
private void setDisplayPhase(LogicalDisplay display, @DisplayPhase int phase) {
final int displayId = display.getDisplayIdLocked();
final DisplayInfo info = display.getDisplayInfoLocked();
final boolean disallowSecondaryDisplay = mSingleDisplayDemoMode
&& (info.type != Display.TYPE_INTERNAL);
if (phase != LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_DISABLED && disallowSecondaryDisplay) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Not creating a logical display for a secondary display because single"
+ " display demo mode is enabled: " + display.getDisplayInfoLocked());
phase = LogicalDisplay.DISPLAY_PHASE_DISABLED;
private int assignDisplayGroupIdLocked(boolean isOwnDisplayGroup) {
return isOwnDisplayGroup ? mNextNonDefaultGroupId++ : Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY_GROUP;
private void initializeDefaultDisplayDeviceLocked(DisplayDevice device) {
// We always want to make sure that our default layout creates a logical
// display for the default display device that is found.
// To that end, when we are notified of a new default display, we add it to
// the default layout definition if it is not already there.
final Layout layout = mDeviceStateToLayoutMap.get(DeviceStateToLayoutMap.STATE_DEFAULT);
if (layout.getById(DEFAULT_DISPLAY) != null) {
// The layout should only have one default display
final DisplayDeviceInfo info = device.getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked();
layout.createDisplayLocked(info.address, /* isDefault= */ true, /* isEnabled= */ true);
private int assignLayerStackLocked(int displayId) {
// Currently layer stacks and display ids are the same.
// This need not be the case.
return displayId;
private SparseBooleanArray toSparseBooleanArray(int[] input) {
final SparseBooleanArray retval = new SparseBooleanArray(2);
for (int i = 0; input != null && i < input.length; i++) {
retval.put(input[i], true);
return retval;
private String displayEventToString(int msg) {
switch(msg) {
return "added";
return "transition";
return "changed";
return "framerate_override";
return "swapped";
return "removed";
return null;
public interface Listener {
void onLogicalDisplayEventLocked(LogicalDisplay display, int event);
void onDisplayGroupEventLocked(int groupId, int event);
void onTraversalRequested();
private class LogicalDisplayMapperHandler extends Handler {
LogicalDisplayMapperHandler(Looper looper) {
super(looper, null, true /*async*/);
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
switch (msg.what) {
synchronized (mSyncRoot) {
finishStateTransitionLocked(true /*force*/);