Merge "Separate 2 clip paths into 2 groups" into mnc-dev
diff --git a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/res/drawable/vector_drawable04.xml b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/res/drawable/vector_drawable04.xml
index d282fc9..0f3fb95 100644
--- a/tests/VectorDrawableTest/res/drawable/vector_drawable04.xml
+++ b/tests/VectorDrawableTest/res/drawable/vector_drawable04.xml
@@ -13,37 +13,41 @@
      limitations under the License.
 <vector xmlns:android=""
-            android:width="64dp"
-            android:height="64dp"
-            android:viewportWidth="7.30625"
-            android:viewportHeight="12.25"
-            android:autoMirrored="true">
+    android:autoMirrored="true"
+    android:height="64dp"
+    android:viewportHeight="12.25"
+    android:viewportWidth="7.30625"
+    android:width="64dp" >
-                android:name="clip1"
-                android:pathData="
+            android:name="clip1"
+            android:pathData="
                 M 3.65, 6.125
                 m-.001, 0
                 a .001,.001 0 1,0 .002,0
-                a .001,.001 0 1,0-.002,0z"/>
-        <path
-                android:name="one"
-                android:pathData="M 1.215625,9.5l 1.9375,0.0 0.0-6.671875-2.109375,0.421875 0.0-1.078125
-                l 2.09375-0.421875 1.1874998,0.0 0.0,7.75 1.9375,0.0 0.0,1.0
-                l-5.046875,0.0 0.0-1.0Z"
-                android:fillColor="#ff88ff"/>
+                a .001,.001 0 1,0-.002,0z" />
+        <path
+            android:name="one"
+            android:fillColor="#ff88ff"
+            android:pathData="M 1.215625,9.5l 1.9375,0.0 0.0-6.671875-2.109375,0.421875 0.0-1.078125
+                l 2.09375-0.421875 1.1874998,0.0 0.0,7.75 1.9375,0.0 0.0,1.0
+                l-5.046875,0.0 0.0-1.0Z" />
+    </group>
+    <group>
-                android:name="clip2"
-                android:pathData="
+            android:name="clip2"
+            android:pathData="
                 M 3.65, 6.125
                 m-6, 0
                 a 6,6 0 1,0 12,0
-                a 6,6 0 1,0-12,0z"/>
+                a 6,6 0 1,0-12,0z" />
-                android:name="two"
-                android:pathData="M 2.534375,9.6875l 4.140625,0.0 0.0,1.0-5.5625,0.0 0.0-1.0q 0.671875-0.6875 1.828125-1.859375
+            android:name="two"
+            android:fillColor="#ff88ff"
+            android:pathData="M 2.534375,9.6875l 4.140625,0.0 0.0,1.0-5.5625,0.0 0.0-1.0q 0.671875-0.6875 1.828125-1.859375
                         q 1.1718752-1.1875 1.4687502-1.53125 0.578125-0.625 0.796875-1.0625
                         q 0.234375-0.453125 0.234375-0.875 0.0-0.703125-0.5-1.140625
@@ -51,7 +55,7 @@
                         q 0.625-0.15625 1.140625-0.15625 1.3593752,0.0 2.1718752,0.6875
                         q 0.8125,0.671875 0.8125,1.8125 0.0,0.53125-0.203125,1.015625
-                        q-0.78125024,0.8125-2.2187502,2.265625Z"
-                android:fillColor="#ff88ff"/>
+                        q-0.78125024,0.8125-2.2187502,2.265625Z" />
\ No newline at end of file