blob: 2b8ddc4c142c52ab3264a5818cd27f67bde455c0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
for different hardware and product builds. -->
<!-- Flag indicating whether the surface flinger has limited
alpha compositing functionality in hardware. If set, the window
manager will disable alpha trasformation in animations where not
strictly needed. -->
<bool name="config_sf_limitedAlpha">false</bool>
<!-- Flag indicating whether the surface flinger is inefficient
at performing a blur. Used by parts of the UI to turn off
the blur effect where it isn't worth the performance hit. -->
<bool name="config_sf_slowBlur">false</bool>
<!-- The duration (in milliseconds) of a short animation. -->
<integer name="config_shortAnimTime">150</integer>
<!-- The duration (in milliseconds) of a medium-length animation. -->
<integer name="config_mediumAnimTime">300</integer>
<!-- The duration (in milliseconds) of a long animation. -->
<integer name="config_longAnimTime">400</integer>
<!-- The duration (in milliseconds) that the radio will scan for a signal
when there's no network connection. If the scan doesn't timeout, use zero -->
<integer name="config_radioScanningTimeout">0</integer>
Please don't copy them, copy anything else. -->
<!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
based on the hardware -->
<!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager connection type],
[associated radio-type],[priority] -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">
<!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of radio
attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
based on the hardware -->
<!-- An Array of "[ConnectivityManager connectionType],
[# simultaneous connection types]" -->
<string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes">
<!-- Flag indicating whether the keyguard should be bypassed when
the slider is open. This can be set or unset depending how easily
the slider can be opened (for example, in a pocket or purse). -->
<bool name="config_bypass_keyguard_if_slider_open">true</bool>
<!-- Flag indicating whether the we should enable the automatic brightness in Settings.
Software implementation will be used if config_hardware_auto_brightness_available is not set -->
<bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">false</bool>
<!-- The number of degrees to rotate the display when the keyboard is open. -->
<integer name="config_lidOpenRotation">90</integer>
<!-- The number of degrees to rotate the display when the device is in a desk dock.
A value of -1 means no change in orientation by default. -->
<integer name="config_deskDockRotation">-1</integer>
<!-- The number of degrees to rotate the display when the device is in a car dock.
A value of -1 means no change in orientation by default. -->
<integer name="config_carDockRotation">-1</integer>
<!-- Control whether being in the desk dock (and powered) always
keeps the screen on. By default it stays on when plugged in to
AC. 0 will not keep it on; or together 1 to stay on when plugged
in to AC and 2 to stay on when plugged in to USB. (So 3 for both.) -->
<integer name="config_deskDockKeepsScreenOn">1</integer>
<!-- Control whether being in the car dock (and powered) always
keeps the screen on. By default it stays on when plugged in to
AC. 0 will not keep it on; or together 1 to stay on when plugged
in to AC and 2 to stay on when plugged in to USB. (So 3 for both.) -->
<integer name="config_carDockKeepsScreenOn">1</integer>
<!-- Control whether being in the desk dock should enable accelerometer based screen orientation -->
<bool name="config_deskDockEnablesAccelerometer">false</bool>
<!-- Control whether being in the car dock should enable accelerometer based screen orientation -->
<bool name="config_carDockEnablesAccelerometer">false</bool>
<!-- Indicate whether the lid state impacts the accessibility of
the physical keyboard. 0 means it doesn't, 1 means it is accessible
when the lid is open, 2 means it is accessible when the lid is
closed. The default is 1. -->
<integer name="config_lidKeyboardAccessibility">1</integer>
<!-- Indicate whether the lid state impacts the accessibility of
the physical keyboard. 0 means it doesn't, 1 means it is accessible
when the lid is open, 2 means it is accessible when the lid is
closed. The default is 0. -->
<integer name="config_lidNavigationAccessibility">0</integer>
<!-- Vibrator pattern for feedback about a long screen/key press -->
<integer-array name="config_longPressVibePattern">
<!-- Vibrator pattern for feedback about touching a virtual key -->
<integer-array name="config_virtualKeyVibePattern">
<!-- Vibrator pattern for feedback about booting with safe mode disabled -->
<integer-array name="config_safeModeDisabledVibePattern">
<!-- Vibrator pattern for feedback about booting with safe mode disabled -->
<integer-array name="config_safeModeEnabledVibePattern">
<bool name="config_use_strict_phone_number_comparation">false</bool>
<!-- Display low battery warning when battery level dips to this value -->
<integer name="config_lowBatteryWarningLevel">15</integer>
<!-- Close low battery warning when battery level reaches this value -->
<integer name="config_lowBatteryCloseWarningLevel">20</integer>
<!-- Default color for notification LED. -->
<color name="config_defaultNotificationColor">#ff00ff00</color>
<!-- Default LED on time for notification LED in milliseconds. -->
<integer name="config_defaultNotificationLedOn">500</integer>
<!-- Default LED off time for notification LED in milliseconds. -->
<integer name="config_defaultNotificationLedOff">2000</integer>
<!-- Allow the menu hard key to be disabled in LockScreen on some devices -->
<bool name="config_disableMenuKeyInLockScreen">false</bool>
<!-- Control whether status bar should distinguish HSPA data icon form UMTS data icon on devices -->
<bool name="config_hspa_data_distinguishable">false</bool>
<!-- Array of light sensor LUX values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
The N entries of this array define N + 1 zones as follows:
Zone 0: 0 <= LUX < array[0]
Zone 1: array[0] <= LUX < array[1]
Zone N: array[N - 1] <= LUX < array[N]
Zone N + 1: array[N] <= LUX < infinity
Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
<!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the LUX values
in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
<!-- Array of output values for button backlight corresponding to the LUX values
in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessButtonBacklightValues">
<!-- Array of output values for keyboard backlight corresponding to the LUX values
in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
<integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessKeyboardBacklightValues">
<!-- Amount of time it takes for the light sensor to warm up in milliseconds.
For this time after the screen turns on, the Power Manager
will not debounce light sensor readings -->
<integer name="config_lightSensorWarmupTime">0</integer>
<!-- Enables swipe versus poly-finger touch disambiguation in the KeyboardView -->
<bool name="config_swipeDisambiguation">true</bool>
<!-- Enables special filtering code in the framework for raw touch events
from the touch driver. This code exists for one particular device,
and should not be enabled for any others. Hopefully in the future
it will be removed when the lower-level touch driver generates better
data. -->
<bool name="config_filterTouchEvents">false</bool>
<!-- Component name of the default wallpaper. This will be ImageWallpaper if not
specified -->
<string name="default_wallpaper_component">@null</string>
<!-- Component name of the service providing network location support. -->
<string name="config_networkLocationProvider">@null</string>
<!-- Component name of the service providing geocoder API support. -->
<string name="config_geocodeProvider">@null</string>