blob: ed857e8fc960085a1eb6643085eb7eb8622de380 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.window;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_COMPAT_NEEDED;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_LTR;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_RTL;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_UNDEFINED;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_NO;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_UNDEFINED;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_YES;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL;
import static android.content.res.Configuration.SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Tests for {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets}
* Build/Install/Run:
* atest FrameworksMockingCoreTests:SizeConfigurationBucketsTest
public class SizeConfigurationBucketsTest {
* Tests that a change in any of the non-size-related screen layout fields results in
* {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged} returning false.
public void testNonSizeRelatedScreenLayoutFields() {
// Test layout direction
assertEquals(true, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_UNDEFINED));
assertEquals(false, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_LTR));
assertEquals(false, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_LAYOUTDIR_RTL));
// Test layout roundness
assertEquals(true, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_UNDEFINED));
assertEquals(false, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_NO));
assertEquals(false, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_YES));
// Test layout compat needed
assertEquals(false, SizeConfigurationBuckets
.areNonSizeLayoutFieldsUnchanged(0, SCREENLAYOUT_COMPAT_NEEDED));
* Tests that {@code null} size configuration buckets do not unflip the configuration flags.
public void testNullSizeConfigurationBuckets() {
final int filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutUnchanged = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff,
Configuration.EMPTY, Configuration.EMPTY, null);
assertEquals(diff, filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutUnchanged);
* Tests that {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets.crossesSizeThreshold()} correctly checks whether
* the bucket thresholds have or have not been crossed. This test includes boundary checks
* to ensure that arithmetic is inclusive and exclusive in the right places.
public void testCrossesSizeThreshold() {
final int[] thresholds = new int[] { 360, 600 };
final int nThresholds = thresholds.length;
for (int i = -1; i < nThresholds; i++) {
final int minValueInBucket = i < 0 ? 0 : thresholds[i];
final int maxValueInBucket = i < nThresholds - 1
? thresholds[i + 1] - 1 : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
final int bucketRange = maxValueInBucket - minValueInBucket;
// Set old value to 1/4 in between the two thresholds.
final int oldValue = (int) (minValueInBucket + bucketRange * 0.25);
// Test 3 values of new value spread across bucket range: minValueInBucket, bucket
// midpoint, and max value in bucket. In all 3 cases, the bucket has not changed so
// {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#crossedSizeThreshold()} should return false.
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, minValueInBucket, false);
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue,
(int) (minValueInBucket + bucketRange * 0.5), false);
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, maxValueInBucket, false);
// Test 4 values of size spread outside of bucket range: more than 1 less than min
// value, 1 less than min value, 1 more than max value, and more than 1 more than max
// value. In all 4 cases, the bucket has changed so
// {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#crossedSizeThreshold()} should return true.
// Only test less than min value if min value > 0.
if (minValueInBucket > 0) {
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, minValueInBucket - 20, true);
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, minValueInBucket - 1, true);
// Only test greater than max value if not in highest bucket.
if (i < nThresholds - 1) {
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, maxValueInBucket + 1, true);
checkCrossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue, maxValueInBucket + 20, true);
* Tests that if screen layout size changed but did not cross a threshold, the filtered diff
* does not include screen layout.
public void testScreenLayoutFilteredIfSizeDidNotCrossThreshold() {
// Set only small and large sizes
final Configuration[] sizeConfigs = new Configuration[2];
sizeConfigs[0] = new Configuration();
sizeConfigs[0].screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL;
sizeConfigs[1] = new Configuration();
sizeConfigs[1].screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE;
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(sizeConfigs);
// Change screen layout size from small to normal and check that screen layout flag is
// not part of the diff because a threshold was not crossed.
final int diff = CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT;
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL;
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL;
final int filteredDiff = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff, oldConfig, newConfig,
assertEquals(0, filteredDiff);
// If a non-size attribute of screen layout changed, then screen layout should not be
// filtered from the diff.
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_YES;
final int filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutChanged = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff,
oldConfig, newConfig, sizeBuckets);
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT, filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutChanged);
* Tests that if screen layout size changed and did cross a threshold, the filtered diff
* includes screen layout.
public void testScreenLayoutNotFilteredIfSizeCrossedThreshold() {
// Set only small and normal sizes
final Configuration[] sizeConfigs = new Configuration[2];
sizeConfigs[0] = new Configuration();
sizeConfigs[0].screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL;
sizeConfigs[1] = new Configuration();
sizeConfigs[1].screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL;
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(sizeConfigs);
// Change screen layout size from small to normal and check that screen layout flag is
// still part of the diff because a threshold was crossed.
final int diff = CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT;
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_SMALL;
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_NORMAL;
final int filteredDiff = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff, oldConfig, newConfig,
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT, filteredDiff);
* Tests that anytime screen layout size is decreased, the filtered diff still includes screen
* layout.
public void testScreenLayoutNotFilteredIfSizeDecreased() {
// The size thresholds can be anything, but can't be null
final int[] horizontalThresholds = new int[] { 360, 600 };
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(
horizontalThresholds, null /* vertical */, null /* smallest */,
null /* screenLayoutSize */, false /* screenLayoutLongSet */);
final int[] sizeValuesInOrder = new int[] {
final int nSizes = sizeValuesInOrder.length;
for (int larger = nSizes - 1; larger > 0; larger--) {
for (int smaller = larger - 1; smaller >= 0; smaller--) {
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenLayout |= sizeValuesInOrder[larger];
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
newConfig.screenLayout |= sizeValuesInOrder[smaller];
assertTrue(String.format("oldSize=%d, newSize=%d", oldConfig.screenLayout,
sizeBuckets.crossesScreenLayoutSizeThreshold(oldConfig, newConfig));
* Tests that if screen layout long changed but did not cross a threshold, the filtered diff
* does not include screen layout.
public void testScreenLayoutFilteredIfLongDidNotCrossThreshold() {
// Do not set any long threshold
final Configuration[] sizeConfigs = new Configuration[1];
sizeConfigs[0] = Configuration.EMPTY;
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(sizeConfigs);
// Change screen layout long from not long to long and check that screen layout flag is
// not part of the diff because a threshold was not crossed.
final int diff = CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT;
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO;
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES;
final int filteredDiff = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff, oldConfig, newConfig,
assertEquals(0, filteredDiff);
// If a non-size attribute of screen layout changed, then screen layout should not be
// filtered from the diff.
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_ROUND_YES;
final int filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutChanged = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff,
oldConfig, newConfig, sizeBuckets);
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT, filteredDiffNonSizeLayoutChanged);
* Tests that if screen layout long changed and did cross a threshold, the filtered diff
* includes screen layout.
public void testScreenLayoutNotFilteredIfLongCrossedThreshold() {
// Set only small and normal sizes
final Configuration[] sizeConfigs = new Configuration[1];
sizeConfigs[0] = new Configuration();
sizeConfigs[0].screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO;
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(sizeConfigs);
// Change screen layout long from not long to long and check that screen layout flag is
// still part of the diff because a threshold was crossed.
final int diff = CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT;
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_NO;
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
newConfig.screenLayout |= SCREENLAYOUT_LONG_YES;
final int filteredDiff = SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(diff, oldConfig, newConfig,
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_LAYOUT, filteredDiff);
* Tests that horizontal buckets are correctly checked in
* {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#filterDiff()}.
public void testHorizontalSizeThresholds() {
final int[] horizontalThresholds = new int[] { 360, 600 };
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(
horizontalThresholds, null /* vertical */, null /* smallest */,
null /* screenLayoutSize */, false /* screenLayoutLongSet */);
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenWidthDp = 480;
// Test that value within bucket filters out screen size config
newConfig.screenWidthDp = 520;
assertEquals(0, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE, oldConfig,
newConfig, sizeBuckets));
// Test that value outside bucket does not filter out screen size config
newConfig.screenWidthDp = 640;
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE,
oldConfig, newConfig, sizeBuckets));
* Tests that vertical buckets are correctly checked in
* {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#filterDiff()}.
public void testVerticalSizeThresholds() {
final int[] verticalThresholds = new int[] { 360, 600 };
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(
null, verticalThresholds /* vertical */, null /* smallest */,
null /* screenLayoutSize */, false /* screenLayoutLongSet */);
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.screenHeightDp = 480;
// Test that value within bucket filters out screen size config
newConfig.screenHeightDp = 520;
assertEquals(0, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE, oldConfig,
newConfig, sizeBuckets));
// Test that value outside bucket does not filter out screen size config
newConfig.screenHeightDp = 640;
assertEquals(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(CONFIG_SCREEN_SIZE,
oldConfig, newConfig, sizeBuckets));
* Tests that smallest width buckets are correctly checked in
* {@link SizeConfigurationBuckets#filterDiff()}.
public void testSmallestWidthSizeThresholds() {
final int[] smallestWidthThresholds = new int[] { 360, 600 };
final SizeConfigurationBuckets sizeBuckets = new SizeConfigurationBuckets(
null, null /* vertical */, smallestWidthThresholds /* smallest */,
null /* screenLayoutSize */, false /* screenLayoutLongSet */);
final Configuration oldConfig = new Configuration();
final Configuration newConfig = new Configuration();
oldConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp = 480;
// Test that value within bucket filters out smallest screen size config
newConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp = 520;
assertEquals(0, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE, oldConfig,
newConfig, sizeBuckets));
// Test that value outside bucket does not filter out smallest screen size config
newConfig.smallestScreenWidthDp = 640;
assertEquals(CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE, SizeConfigurationBuckets.filterDiff(
CONFIG_SMALLEST_SCREEN_SIZE, oldConfig, newConfig, sizeBuckets));
private void checkCrossesSizeThreshold(int[] thresholds, int oldValue, int newValue,
boolean expected) {
final String errorString = String.format(
"thresholds=%s, oldValue=%d, newValue=%d, expected=%b", Arrays.toString(thresholds),
oldValue, newValue, expected);
final boolean actual = SizeConfigurationBuckets.crossesSizeThreshold(thresholds, oldValue,
assertEquals(errorString, expected, actual);