blob: d0856f44d9a96c71af894136cc6ad0176bc40655 [file] [log] [blame]
# See system/core/logcat/event.logtags for a description of the format of this file.
option java_package
# Do not change these names without updating the checkin_events setting in
# google3/googledata/wireless/android/provisioning/gservices.config !!
# The activity's onPause has been called.
30021 wm_on_paused_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onResume has been called.
30022 wm_on_resume_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onStop has been called.
30049 wm_on_stop_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onCreate has been called.
30057 wm_on_create_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onRestart has been called.
30058 wm_on_restart_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onStart has been called.
30059 wm_on_start_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onDestroy has been called.
30060 wm_on_destroy_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onActivityResult has been called.
30062 wm_on_activity_result_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onTopResumedActivityChanged(true) has been called.
30064 wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)
# The activity's onTopResumedActivityChanged(false) has been called.
30065 wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called (Token|1|5),(Component Name|3),(Reason|3)