blob: 400b6303d12ee26ad134f8b624d0e3a3df614e09 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This class represents the specification logic for AppSearch. It can be used to set the type of
* search, like prefix or exact only or apply filters to search for a specific schema type only etc.
// TODO(sidchhabra) : AddResultSpec fields for Snippets etc.
public final class SearchSpec {
* Schema type to be used in {@link SearchSpec.Builder#addProjectionTypePropertyPath} to apply
* property paths to all results, excepting any types that have had their own, specific property
* paths set.
* @hide
public static final String PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD = "*";
static final String TERM_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD = "termMatchType";
static final String SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD = "schemaType";
static final String NAMESPACE_FIELD = "namespace";
static final String NUM_PER_PAGE_FIELD = "numPerPage";
static final String RANKING_STRATEGY_FIELD = "rankingStrategy";
static final String ORDER_FIELD = "order";
static final String SNIPPET_COUNT_FIELD = "snippetCount";
static final String SNIPPET_COUNT_PER_PROPERTY_FIELD = "snippetCountPerProperty";
static final String MAX_SNIPPET_FIELD = "maxSnippet";
static final String PROJECTION_TYPE_PROPERTY_PATHS_FIELD = "projectionTypeFieldMasks";
/** @hide */
public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_PER_PAGE = 10;
// TODO(b/170371356): In framework, we may want these limits to be flag controlled.
// If that happens, the @IntRange() directives in this class may have to change.
private static final int MAX_NUM_PER_PAGE = 10_000;
private static final int MAX_SNIPPET_COUNT = 10_000;
private static final int MAX_SNIPPET_PER_PROPERTY_COUNT = 10_000;
private static final int MAX_SNIPPET_SIZE_LIMIT = 10_000;
* Term Match Type for the query.
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
// {@link}
public @interface TermMatch {}
* Query terms will only match exact tokens in the index.
* <p>Ex. A query term "foo" will only match indexed token "foo", and not "foot" or "football".
public static final int TERM_MATCH_EXACT_ONLY = 1;
* Query terms will match indexed tokens when the query term is a prefix of the token.
* <p>Ex. A query term "foo" will match indexed tokens like "foo", "foot", and "football".
public static final int TERM_MATCH_PREFIX = 2;
* Ranking Strategy for query result.
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
// {@link ScoringSpecProto.RankingStrategy.Code}
value = {
public @interface RankingStrategy {}
/** No Ranking, results are returned in arbitrary order. */
public static final int RANKING_STRATEGY_NONE = 0;
/** Ranked by app-provided document scores. */
public static final int RANKING_STRATEGY_DOCUMENT_SCORE = 1;
/** Ranked by document creation timestamps. */
public static final int RANKING_STRATEGY_CREATION_TIMESTAMP = 2;
* Order for query result.
* @hide
// NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
// {@link ScoringSpecProto.Order.Code}
public @interface Order {}
/** Search results will be returned in a descending order. */
public static final int ORDER_DESCENDING = 0;
/** Search results will be returned in an ascending order. */
public static final int ORDER_ASCENDING = 1;
private final Bundle mBundle;
/** @hide */
public SearchSpec(@NonNull Bundle bundle) {
mBundle = bundle;
* Returns the {@link Bundle} populated by this builder.
* @hide
public Bundle getBundle() {
return mBundle;
/** Returns how the query terms should match terms in the index. */
public @TermMatch int getTermMatch() {
return mBundle.getInt(TERM_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD, -1);
* Returns the list of schema types to search for.
* <p>If empty, the query will search over all schema types.
public List<String> getSchemaTypes() {
List<String> schemaTypes = mBundle.getStringArrayList(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD);
if (schemaTypes == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(schemaTypes);
* Returns the list of namespaces to search for.
* <p>If empty, the query will search over all namespaces.
public List<String> getNamespaces() {
List<String> namespaces = mBundle.getStringArrayList(NAMESPACE_FIELD);
if (namespaces == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return Collections.unmodifiableList(namespaces);
/** Returns the number of results per page in the result set. */
public int getResultCountPerPage() {
/** Returns the ranking strategy. */
public @RankingStrategy int getRankingStrategy() {
return mBundle.getInt(RANKING_STRATEGY_FIELD);
/** Returns the order of returned search results (descending or ascending). */
public @Order int getOrder() {
return mBundle.getInt(ORDER_FIELD);
/** Returns how many documents to generate snippets for. */
public int getSnippetCount() {
return mBundle.getInt(SNIPPET_COUNT_FIELD);
* Returns how many matches for each property of a matching document to generate snippets for.
public int getSnippetCountPerProperty() {
/** Returns the maximum size of a snippet in characters. */
public int getMaxSnippetSize() {
return mBundle.getInt(MAX_SNIPPET_FIELD);
* Returns a map from schema type to property paths to be used for projection.
* <p>If the map is empty, then all properties will be retrieved for all results.
* <p>Calling this function repeatedly is inefficient. Prefer to retain the Map returned by this
* function, rather than calling it multiple times.
* @hide
public Map<String, List<String>> getProjectionTypePropertyPaths() {
Bundle typePropertyPathsBundle = mBundle.getBundle(PROJECTION_TYPE_PROPERTY_PATHS_FIELD);
Set<String> schemaTypes = typePropertyPathsBundle.keySet();
Map<String, List<String>> typePropertyPathsMap = new ArrayMap<>(schemaTypes.size());
for (String schemaType : schemaTypes) {
schemaType, typePropertyPathsBundle.getStringArrayList(schemaType));
return typePropertyPathsMap;
/** Builder for {@link SearchSpec objects}. */
public static final class Builder {
private final Bundle mBundle;
private final ArrayList<String> mSchemaTypes = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayList<String> mNamespaces = new ArrayList<>();
private final Bundle mProjectionTypePropertyMasks = new Bundle();
private boolean mBuilt = false;
/** Creates a new {@link SearchSpec.Builder}. */
public Builder() {
mBundle = new Bundle();
/** Indicates how the query terms should match {@code TermMatchCode} in the index. */
public Builder setTermMatch(@TermMatch int termMatchTypeCode) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
termMatchTypeCode, TERM_MATCH_EXACT_ONLY, TERM_MATCH_PREFIX, "Term match type");
mBundle.putInt(TERM_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD, termMatchTypeCode);
return this;
* Adds a Schema type filter to {@link SearchSpec} Entry. Only search for documents that
* have the specified schema types.
* <p>If unset, the query will search over all schema types.
public Builder addSchemaType(@NonNull String... schemaTypes) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
return addSchemaType(Arrays.asList(schemaTypes));
* Adds a Schema type filter to {@link SearchSpec} Entry. Only search for documents that
* have the specified schema types.
* <p>If unset, the query will search over all schema types.
public Builder addSchemaType(@NonNull Collection<String> schemaTypes) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
return this;
* Adds a namespace filter to {@link SearchSpec} Entry. Only search for documents that have
* the specified namespaces.
* <p>If unset, the query will search over all namespaces.
public Builder addNamespace(@NonNull String... namespaces) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
return addNamespace(Arrays.asList(namespaces));
* Adds a namespace filter to {@link SearchSpec} Entry. Only search for documents that have
* the specified namespaces.
* <p>If unset, the query will search over all namespaces.
public Builder addNamespace(@NonNull Collection<String> namespaces) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
return this;
* Sets the number of results per page in the returned object.
* <p>The default number of results per page is 10.
public SearchSpec.Builder setResultCountPerPage(
@IntRange(from = 0, to = MAX_NUM_PER_PAGE) int numPerPage) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
Preconditions.checkArgumentInRange(numPerPage, 0, MAX_NUM_PER_PAGE, "NumPerPage");
mBundle.putInt(NUM_PER_PAGE_FIELD, numPerPage);
return this;
/** Sets ranking strategy for AppSearch results. */
public Builder setRankingStrategy(@RankingStrategy int rankingStrategy) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
"Result ranking strategy");
mBundle.putInt(RANKING_STRATEGY_FIELD, rankingStrategy);
return this;
* Indicates the order of returned search results, the default is {@link #ORDER_DESCENDING},
* meaning that results with higher scores come first.
* <p>This order field will be ignored if RankingStrategy = {@code RANKING_STRATEGY_NONE}.
public Builder setOrder(@Order int order) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
order, ORDER_DESCENDING, ORDER_ASCENDING, "Result ranking order");
mBundle.putInt(ORDER_FIELD, order);
return this;
* Only the first {@code snippetCount} documents based on the ranking strategy will have
* snippet information provided.
* <p>If set to 0 (default), snippeting is disabled and {@link SearchResult#getMatches} will
* return {@code null} for that result.
public SearchSpec.Builder setSnippetCount(
@IntRange(from = 0, to = MAX_SNIPPET_COUNT) int snippetCount) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
Preconditions.checkArgumentInRange(snippetCount, 0, MAX_SNIPPET_COUNT, "snippetCount");
mBundle.putInt(SNIPPET_COUNT_FIELD, snippetCount);
return this;
* Sets {@code snippetCountPerProperty}. Only the first {@code snippetCountPerProperty}
* snippets for each property of {@link GenericDocument} will contain snippet information.
* <p>If set to 0, snippeting is disabled and {@link SearchResult#getMatches} will return
* {@code null} for that result.
public SearchSpec.Builder setSnippetCountPerProperty(
@IntRange(from = 0, to = MAX_SNIPPET_PER_PROPERTY_COUNT)
int snippetCountPerProperty) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
mBundle.putInt(SNIPPET_COUNT_PER_PROPERTY_FIELD, snippetCountPerProperty);
return this;
* Sets {@code maxSnippetSize}, the maximum snippet size. Snippet windows start at {@code
* maxSnippetSize/2} bytes before the middle of the matching token and end at {@code
* maxSnippetSize/2} bytes after the middle of the matching token. It respects token
* boundaries, therefore the returned window may be smaller than requested.
* <p>Setting {@code maxSnippetSize} to 0 will disable windowing and an empty string will be
* returned. If matches enabled is also set to false, then snippeting is disabled.
* <p>Ex. {@code maxSnippetSize} = 16. "foo bar baz bat rat" with a query of "baz" will
* return a window of "bar baz bat" which is only 11 bytes long.
public SearchSpec.Builder setMaxSnippetSize(
@IntRange(from = 0, to = MAX_SNIPPET_SIZE_LIMIT) int maxSnippetSize) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
maxSnippetSize, 0, MAX_SNIPPET_SIZE_LIMIT, "maxSnippetSize");
mBundle.putInt(MAX_SNIPPET_FIELD, maxSnippetSize);
return this;
* Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection. If property paths
* are added for a type, then only the properties referred to will be retrieved for results
* of that type. If a property path that is specified isn't present in a result, it will be
* ignored for that result. Property paths cannot be null.
* <p>If no property paths are added for a particular type, then all properties of results
* of that type will be retrieved.
* <p>If property path is added for the {@link SearchSpec#PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD},
* then those property paths will apply to all results, excepting any types that have their
* own, specific property paths set.
* <p>Suppose the following document is in the index.
* <pre>{@code
* Email: Document {
* sender: Document {
* name: "Mr. Person"
* email: ""
* }
* recipients: [
* Document {
* name: "John Doe"
* email: ""
* }
* Document {
* name: "Jane Doe"
* email: ""
* }
* ]
* subject: "IMPORTANT"
* body: "Limited time offer!"
* }
* }</pre>
* <p>Then, suppose that a query for "important" is issued with the following projection
* type property paths:
* <pre>{@code
* {schemaType: "Email", ["subject", "", ""]}
* }</pre>
* <p>The above document will be returned as:
* <pre>{@code
* Email: Document {
* sender: Document {
* name: "Mr. Body"
* }
* recipients: [
* Document {
* name: "John Doe"
* }
* Document {
* name: "Jane Doe"
* }
* ]
* subject: "IMPORTANT"
* }
* }</pre>
* @hide
public SearchSpec.Builder addProjectionTypePropertyPaths(
@NonNull String schemaType, @NonNull String... propertyPaths) {
return addProjectionTypePropertyPaths(schemaType, Arrays.asList(propertyPaths));
* Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection. If property paths
* are added for a type, then only the properties referred to will be retrieved for results
* of that type. If a property path that is specified isn't present in a result, it will be
* ignored for that result. Property paths cannot be null.
* <p>If no property paths are added for a particular type, then all properties of results
* of that type will be retrieved.
* <p>If property path is added for the {@link SearchSpec#PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD},
* then those property paths will apply to all results, excepting any types that have their
* own, specific property paths set.
* <p>{@see SearchSpec.Builder#addProjectionTypePropertyPath(String, String...)}
* @hide
public SearchSpec.Builder addProjectionTypePropertyPaths(
@NonNull String schemaType, @NonNull Collection<String> propertyPaths) {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
ArrayList<String> propertyPathsArrayList = new ArrayList<>(propertyPaths.size());
for (String propertyPath : propertyPaths) {
mProjectionTypePropertyMasks.putStringArrayList(schemaType, propertyPathsArrayList);
return this;
* Constructs a new {@link SearchSpec} from the contents of this builder.
* <p>After calling this method, the builder must no longer be used.
public SearchSpec build() {
Preconditions.checkState(!mBuilt, "Builder has already been used");
if (!mBundle.containsKey(TERM_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD)) {
throw new IllegalSearchSpecException("Missing termMatchType field.");
mBundle.putStringArrayList(NAMESPACE_FIELD, mNamespaces);
mBundle.putStringArrayList(SCHEMA_TYPE_FIELD, mSchemaTypes);
mBundle.putBundle(PROJECTION_TYPE_PROPERTY_PATHS_FIELD, mProjectionTypePropertyMasks);
mBuilt = true;
return new SearchSpec(mBundle);