blob: 6212e1b7bbc169ec927c9e1377b9b1c923a27010 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware;
* <p>
* This class represents a {@link android.hardware.Sensor Sensor} event and
* holds informations such as the sensor's type, the time-stamp, accuracy and of
* course the sensor's {@link SensorEvent#values data}.
* </p>
* <p>
* <u>Definition of the coordinate system used by the SensorEvent API.</u>
* </p>
* <p>
* The coordinate-system is defined relative to the screen of the phone in its
* default orientation. The axes are not swapped when the device's screen
* orientation changes.
* </p>
* <p>
* The X axis is horizontal and points to the right, the Y axis is vertical and
* points up and the Z axis points towards the outside of the front face of the
* screen. In this system, coordinates behind the screen have negative Z values.
* </p>
* <p>
* <center><img src="../../../images/axis_device.png"
* alt="Sensors coordinate-system diagram." border="0" /></center>
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This coordinate system is different from the one used in the
* Android 2D APIs where the origin is in the top-left corner.
* </p>
* @see SensorManager
* @see SensorEvent
* @see Sensor
public class SensorEvent {
* <p>
* The length and contents of the {@link #values values} array depends on
* which {@link android.hardware.Sensor sensor} type is being monitored (see
* also {@link SensorEvent} for a definition of the coordinate system used).
* </p>
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_ACCELEROMETER
* Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER}:</h4> All values are in SI units (m/s^2)
* <ul>
* <p>
* values[0]: Acceleration minus Gx on the x-axis
* </p>
* <p>
* values[1]: Acceleration minus Gy on the y-axis
* </p>
* <p>
* values[2]: Acceleration minus Gz on the z-axis
* </p>
* </ul>
* <p>
* A sensor of this type measures the acceleration applied to the device
* (<b>Ad</b>). Conceptually, it does so by measuring forces applied to the
* sensor itself (<b>Fs</b>) using the relation:
* </p>
* <b><center>Ad = - ·Fs / mass</center></b>
* <p>
* In particular, the force of gravity is always influencing the measured
* acceleration:
* </p>
* <b><center>Ad = -g - ·F / mass</center></b>
* <p>
* For this reason, when the device is sitting on a table (and obviously not
* accelerating), the accelerometer reads a magnitude of <b>g</b> = 9.81
* m/s^2
* </p>
* <p>
* Similarly, when the device is in free-fall and therefore dangerously
* accelerating towards to ground at 9.81 m/s^2, its accelerometer reads a
* magnitude of 0 m/s^2.
* </p>
* <p>
* It should be apparent that in order to measure the real acceleration of
* the device, the contribution of the force of gravity must be eliminated.
* This can be achieved by applying a <i>high-pass</i> filter. Conversely, a
* <i>low-pass</i> filter can be used to isolate the force of gravity.
* </p>
* <p>
* <u>Examples</u>:
* <ul>
* <li>When the device lies flat on a table and is pushed on its left side
* toward the right, the x acceleration value is positive.</li>
* <li>When the device lies flat on a table, the acceleration value is
* +9.81, which correspond to the acceleration of the device (0 m/s^2) minus
* the force of gravity (-9.81 m/s^2).</li>
* <li>When the device lies flat on a table and is pushed toward the sky
* with an acceleration of A m/s^2, the acceleration value is equal to
* A+9.81 which correspond to the acceleration of the device (+A m/s^2)
* minus the force of gravity (-9.81 m/s^2).</li>
* </ul>
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD
* All values are in micro-Tesla (uT) and measure the ambient magnetic field
* in the X, Y and Z axis.
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_GYROSCOPE Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE}:</h4>
* All values are in radians/second and measure the rate of rotation
* around the X, Y and Z axis. The coordinate system is the same as is
* used for the acceleration sensor. Rotation is positive in the counter-clockwise
* direction. That is, an observer looking from some positive location on the x, y.
* or z axis at a device positioned on the origin would report positive rotation
* if the device appeared to be rotating counter clockwise. Note that this is the
* standard mathematical definition of positive rotation and does not agree with the
* definition of roll given earlier.
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_LIGHT Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT}:</h4>
* <ul>
* <p>
* values[0]: Ambient light level in SI lux units
* </ul>
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_PROXIMITY Sensor.TYPE_PROXIMITY}:
* </h4>
* <ul>
* <p>
* values[0]: Proximity sensor distance measured in centimeters
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> Some proximity sensors only support a binary <i>near</i> or
* <i>far</i> measurement. In this case, the sensor should report its
* {@link android.hardware.Sensor#getMaximumRange() maximum range} value in
* the <i>far</i> state and a lesser value in the <i>near</i> state.
* </p>
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_GRAVITY Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY}:</h4>
* A three dimensional vector indicating the direction and magnitude of gravity. Units
* are m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the acceleration sensor.
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION Sensor.TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION}:</h4>
* A three dimensional vector indicating acceleration along each device axis, not including
* gravity. All values have units of m/s^2. The coordinate system is the same as is used by the
* acceleration sensor.
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR}:</h4>
* The rotation vector represents the orientation of the device as a combination of an angle
* and an axis, in which the device has rotated through an angle theta around an axis
* <x, y, z>. The three elements of the rotation vector are
* <x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>, such that the magnitude of the rotation
* vector is equal to sin(theta/2), and the direction of the rotation vector is equal to the
* direction of the axis of rotation. The three elements of the rotation vector are equal to
* the last three components of a unit quaternion
* <cos(theta/2), x*sin(theta/2), y*sin(theta/2), z*sin(theta/2)>. Elements of the rotation
* vector are unitless. The x,y, and z axis are defined in the same way as the acceleration
* sensor.
* <h4>{@link android.hardware.Sensor#TYPE_ORIENTATION
* Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION}:</h4> All values are angles in degrees.
* <ul>
* <p>
* values[0]: Azimuth, angle between the magnetic north direction and the
* y-axis, around the z-axis (0 to 359). 0=North, 90=East, 180=South,
* 270=West
* </p>
* <p>
* values[1]: Pitch, rotation around x-axis (-180 to 180), with positive
* values when the z-axis moves <b>toward</b> the y-axis.
* </p>
* <p>
* values[2]: Roll, rotation around y-axis (-90 to 90), with positive values
* when the x-axis moves <b>toward</b> the z-axis.
* </p>
* </ul>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This definition is different from <b>yaw, pitch and roll</b>
* used in aviation where the X axis is along the long side of the plane
* (tail to nose).
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b> This sensor type exists for legacy reasons, please use
* {@link android.hardware.SensorManager#getRotationMatrix
* getRotationMatrix()} in conjunction with
* {@link android.hardware.SensorManager#remapCoordinateSystem
* remapCoordinateSystem()} and
* {@link android.hardware.SensorManager#getOrientation getOrientation()} to
* compute these values instead.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Important note:</b> For historical reasons the roll angle is positive
* in the clockwise direction (mathematically speaking, it should be
* positive in the counter-clockwise direction).
* </p>
* @see SensorEvent
* @see GeomagneticField
public final float[] values;
* The sensor that generated this event. See
* {@link android.hardware.SensorManager SensorManager} for details.
public Sensor sensor;
* The accuracy of this event. See {@link android.hardware.SensorManager
* SensorManager} for details.
public int accuracy;
* The time in nanosecond at which the event happened
public long timestamp;
SensorEvent(int size) {
values = new float[size];