blob: ade89af81bd7c7ea59dda5e0809d477f59306f4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.animation.Animator
import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter
import android.animation.TimeInterpolator
import android.animation.ValueAnimator
import android.text.Layout
import android.util.SparseArray
private const val TAG_WGHT = "wght"
private const val DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DURATION: Long = 300
typealias GlyphCallback = (TextAnimator.PositionedGlyph, Float) -> Unit
* This class provides text animation between two styles.
* Currently this class can provide text style animation for text weight and text size. For example
* the simple view that draws text with animating text size is like as follows:
* <pre>
* <code>
* class SimpleTextAnimation : View {
* @JvmOverloads constructor(...)
* private val layout: Layout = ... // Text layout, e.g. StaticLayout.
* // TextAnimator tells us when needs to be invalidate.
* private val animator = TextAnimator(layout) { invalidate() }
* override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) = animator.draw(canvas)
* // Change the text size with animation.
* fun setTextSize(sizePx: Float, animate: Boolean) {
* animator.setTextStyle(-1 /* unchanged weight */, sizePx, animate)
* }
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
class TextAnimator(
layout: Layout,
private val invalidateCallback: () -> Unit
) {
// Following two members are for mutable for testing purposes.
internal var textInterpolator: TextInterpolator = TextInterpolator(layout)
internal var animator: ValueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1f).apply {
addUpdateListener {
textInterpolator.progress = it.animatedValue as Float
addListener(object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator?) = textInterpolator.rebase()
sealed class PositionedGlyph {
* Mutable X coordinate of the glyph position relative from drawing offset.
var x: Float = 0f
* Mutable Y coordinate of the glyph position relative from the baseline.
var y: Float = 0f
* Mutable text size of the glyph in pixels.
var textSize: Float = 0f
* Mutable color of the glyph.
var color: Int = 0
* Immutable character offset in the text that the current font run start.
abstract var runStart: Int
protected set
* Immutable run length of the font run.
abstract var runLength: Int
protected set
* Immutable glyph index of the font run.
abstract var glyphIndex: Int
protected set
* Immutable font instance for this font run.
abstract var font: Font
protected set
* Immutable glyph ID for this glyph.
abstract var glyphId: Int
protected set
private val typefaceCache = SparseArray<Typeface?>()
fun updateLayout(layout: Layout) {
textInterpolator.layout = layout
fun isRunning(): Boolean {
return animator.isRunning
* GlyphFilter applied just before drawing to canvas for tweaking positions and text size.
* This callback is called for each glyphs just before drawing the glyphs. This function will
* be called with the intrinsic position, size, color, glyph ID and font instance. You can
* mutate the position, size and color for tweaking animations.
* Do not keep the reference of passed glyph object. The interpolator reuses that object for
* avoiding object allocations.
* Details:
* The text is drawn with font run units. The font run is a text segment that draws with the
* same font. The {@code runStart} and {@code runLimit} is a range of the font run in the text
* that current glyph is in. Once the font run is determined, the system will convert characters
* into glyph IDs. The {@code glyphId} is the glyph identifier in the font and
* {@code glyphIndex} is the offset of the converted glyph array. Please note that the
* {@code glyphIndex} is not a character index, because the character will not be converted to
* glyph one-by-one. If there are ligatures including emoji sequence, etc, the glyph ID may be
* composed from multiple characters.
* Here is an example of font runs: "fin. 終わり"
* Characters : f i n . _ 終 わ り
* Code Points: \u0066 \u0069 \u006E \u002E \u0020 \u7D42 \u308F \u308A
* Font Runs : <-- Roboto-Regular.ttf --><-- NotoSans-CJK.otf -->
* runStart = 0, runLength = 5 runStart = 5, runLength = 3
* Glyph IDs : 194 48 7 8 4367 1039 1002
* Glyph Index: 0 1 2 3 0 1 2
* In this example, the "fi" is converted into ligature form, thus the single glyph ID is
* assigned for two characters, f and i.
* Example:
* ```
* private val glyphFilter: GlyphCallback = { glyph, progress ->
* val index = glyph.runStart
* val i = glyph.glyphIndex
* val moveAmount = 1.3f
* val sign = (-1 + 2 * ((i + index) % 2))
* val turnProgress = if (progress < .5f) progress / 0.5f else (1.0f - progress) / 0.5f
* // You can modify (x, y) coordinates, textSize and color during animation.
* glyph.textSize += glyph.textSize * sign * moveAmount * turnProgress
* glyph.y += glyph.y * sign * moveAmount * turnProgress
* glyph.x += glyph.x * sign * moveAmount * turnProgress
* }
* ```
var glyphFilter: GlyphCallback?
get() = textInterpolator.glyphFilter
set(value) { textInterpolator.glyphFilter = value }
fun draw(c: Canvas) = textInterpolator.draw(c)
* Set text style with animation.
* By passing -1 to weight, the view preserve the current weight.
* By passing -1 to textSize, the view preserve the current text size.
* Bu passing -1 to duration, the default text animation, 1000ms, is used.
* By passing false to animate, the text will be updated without animation.
* @param weight an optional text weight.
* @param textSize an optional font size.
* @param colors an optional colors array that must be the same size as numLines passed to
* the TextInterpolator
* @param animate an optional boolean indicating true for showing style transition as animation,
* false for immediate style transition. True by default.
* @param duration an optional animation duration in milliseconds. This is ignored if animate is
* false.
* @param interpolator an optional time interpolator. If null is passed, last set interpolator
* will be used. This is ignored if animate is false.
fun setTextStyle(
weight: Int = -1,
textSize: Float = -1f,
color: Int? = null,
animate: Boolean = true,
duration: Long = -1L,
interpolator: TimeInterpolator? = null,
delay: Long = 0,
onAnimationEnd: Runnable? = null
) {
if (animate) {
if (textSize >= 0) {
textInterpolator.targetPaint.textSize = textSize
if (weight >= 0) {
// Paint#setFontVariationSettings creates Typeface instance from scratch. To reduce the
// memory impact, cache the typeface result.
textInterpolator.targetPaint.typeface = typefaceCache.getOrElse(weight) {
textInterpolator.targetPaint.fontVariationSettings = "'$TAG_WGHT' $weight"
if (color != null) {
textInterpolator.targetPaint.color = color
if (animate) {
animator.startDelay = delay
animator.duration = if (duration == -1L) {
} else {
interpolator?.let { animator.interpolator = it }
if (onAnimationEnd != null) {
val listener = object : AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
override fun onAnimationEnd(animation: Animator?) {
override fun onAnimationCancel(animation: Animator?) {
} else {
// No animation is requested, thus set base and target state to the same state.
textInterpolator.progress = 1f
private fun <V> SparseArray<V>.getOrElse(key: Int, defaultValue: () -> V): V {
var v = get(key)
if (v == null) {
v = defaultValue()
put(key, v)
return v