blob: 05ebbba4e955acff8740e25159315d342eb6b4f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static android.os.AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED;
import static;
import android.annotation.DimenRes;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.LocusId;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* Encapsulates the data and UI elements of a bubble.
public class Bubble implements BubbleViewProvider {
private static final String TAG = "Bubble";
private final String mKey;
private final String mGroupKey;
private final LocusId mLocusId;
private final Executor mMainExecutor;
private long mLastUpdated;
private long mLastAccessed;
private Bubbles.SuppressionChangedListener mSuppressionListener;
/** Whether the bubble should show a dot for the notification indicating updated content. */
private boolean mShowBubbleUpdateDot = true;
/** Whether flyout text should be suppressed, regardless of any other flags or state. */
private boolean mSuppressFlyout;
// Items that are typically loaded later
private String mAppName;
private ShortcutInfo mShortcutInfo;
private String mMetadataShortcutId;
private BadgedImageView mIconView;
private BubbleExpandedView mExpandedView;
private BubbleViewInfoTask mInflationTask;
private boolean mInflateSynchronously;
private boolean mPendingIntentCanceled;
private boolean mIsImportantConversation;
* Presentational info about the flyout.
public static class FlyoutMessage {
@Nullable public Icon senderIcon;
@Nullable public Drawable senderAvatar;
@Nullable public CharSequence senderName;
@Nullable public CharSequence message;
@Nullable public boolean isGroupChat;
private FlyoutMessage mFlyoutMessage;
// The developer provided image for the bubble
private Bitmap mBubbleBitmap;
// The app badge for the bubble
private Bitmap mBadgeBitmap;
private int mDotColor;
private Path mDotPath;
private int mFlags;
private UserHandle mUser;
private String mPackageName;
private String mTitle;
private Icon mIcon;
private boolean mIsBubble;
private boolean mIsVisuallyInterruptive;
private boolean mIsClearable;
private boolean mShouldSuppressNotificationDot;
private boolean mShouldSuppressNotificationList;
private boolean mShouldSuppressPeek;
private int mDesiredHeight;
private int mDesiredHeightResId;
private int mTaskId;
/** for logging **/
private InstanceId mInstanceId;
private String mChannelId;
private int mNotificationId;
private int mAppUid = -1;
* A bubble is created and can be updated. This intent is updated until the user first
* expands the bubble. Once the user has expanded the contents, we ignore the intent updates
* to prevent restarting the intent & possibly altering UI state in the activity in front of
* the user.
* Once the bubble is overflowed, the activity is finished and updates to the
* notification are respected. Typically an update to an overflowed bubble would result in
* that bubble being added back to the stack anyways.
private PendingIntent mIntent;
private boolean mIntentActive;
private PendingIntent.CancelListener mIntentCancelListener;
* Sent when the bubble & notification are no longer visible to the user (i.e. no
* notification in the shade, no bubble in the stack or overflow).
private PendingIntent mDeleteIntent;
* Create a bubble with limited information based on given {@link ShortcutInfo}.
* Note: Currently this is only being used when the bubble is persisted to disk.
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PRIVATE)
public Bubble(@NonNull final String key, @NonNull final ShortcutInfo shortcutInfo,
final int desiredHeight, final int desiredHeightResId, @Nullable final String title,
int taskId, @Nullable final String locus, Executor mainExecutor) {
mMetadataShortcutId = shortcutInfo.getId();
mShortcutInfo = shortcutInfo;
mKey = key;
mGroupKey = null;
mLocusId = locus != null ? new LocusId(locus) : null;
mFlags = 0;
mUser = shortcutInfo.getUserHandle();
mPackageName = shortcutInfo.getPackage();
mIcon = shortcutInfo.getIcon();
mDesiredHeight = desiredHeight;
mDesiredHeightResId = desiredHeightResId;
mTitle = title;
mShowBubbleUpdateDot = false;
mMainExecutor = mainExecutor;
mTaskId = taskId;
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = PRIVATE)
public Bubble(@NonNull final BubbleEntry entry,
@Nullable final Bubbles.SuppressionChangedListener listener,
final Bubbles.PendingIntentCanceledListener intentCancelListener,
Executor mainExecutor) {
mKey = entry.getKey();
mGroupKey = entry.getGroupKey();
mLocusId = entry.getLocusId();
mSuppressionListener = listener;
mIntentCancelListener = intent -> {
if (mIntent != null) {
mainExecutor.execute(() -> {
mMainExecutor = mainExecutor;
public String getKey() {
return mKey;
* @see StatusBarNotification#getGroupKey()
* @return the group key for this bubble, if one exists.
public String getGroupKey() {
return mGroupKey;
public LocusId getLocusId() {
return mLocusId;
public UserHandle getUser() {
return mUser;
public String getPackageName() {
return mPackageName;
public Bitmap getBubbleIcon() {
return mBubbleBitmap;
public Bitmap getAppBadge() {
return mBadgeBitmap;
public int getDotColor() {
return mDotColor;
public Path getDotPath() {
return mDotPath;
public String getAppName() {
return mAppName;
public ShortcutInfo getShortcutInfo() {
return mShortcutInfo;
public BadgedImageView getIconView() {
return mIconView;
public BubbleExpandedView getExpandedView() {
return mExpandedView;
public String getTitle() {
return mTitle;
* @return the ShortcutInfo id if it exists, or the metadata shortcut id otherwise.
String getShortcutId() {
return getShortcutInfo() != null
? getShortcutInfo().getId()
: getMetadataShortcutId();
String getMetadataShortcutId() {
return mMetadataShortcutId;
boolean hasMetadataShortcutId() {
return (mMetadataShortcutId != null && !mMetadataShortcutId.isEmpty());
* Call this to clean up the task for the bubble. Ensure this is always called when done with
* the bubble.
void cleanupExpandedView() {
if (mExpandedView != null) {
mExpandedView = null;
if (mIntent != null) {
mIntentActive = false;
* Call when all the views should be removed/cleaned up.
void cleanupViews() {
mIconView = null;
void setPendingIntentCanceled() {
mPendingIntentCanceled = true;
boolean getPendingIntentCanceled() {
return mPendingIntentCanceled;
* Sets whether to perform inflation on the same thread as the caller. This method should only
* be used in tests, not in production.
void setInflateSynchronously(boolean inflateSynchronously) {
mInflateSynchronously = inflateSynchronously;
* Sets whether this bubble is considered visually interruptive. This method is purely for
* testing.
void setVisuallyInterruptiveForTest(boolean visuallyInterruptive) {
mIsVisuallyInterruptive = visuallyInterruptive;
* Starts a task to inflate & load any necessary information to display a bubble.
* @param callback the callback to notify one the bubble is ready to be displayed.
* @param context the context for the bubble.
* @param controller the bubble controller.
* @param stackView the stackView the bubble is eventually added to.
* @param iconFactory the iconfactory use to create badged images for the bubble.
void inflate(BubbleViewInfoTask.Callback callback,
Context context,
BubbleController controller,
BubbleStackView stackView,
BubbleIconFactory iconFactory,
boolean skipInflation) {
if (isBubbleLoading()) {
mInflationTask.cancel(true /* mayInterruptIfRunning */);
mInflationTask = new BubbleViewInfoTask(this,
if (mInflateSynchronously) {
} else {
private boolean isBubbleLoading() {
return mInflationTask != null && mInflationTask.getStatus() != FINISHED;
boolean isInflated() {
return mIconView != null && mExpandedView != null;
void stopInflation() {
if (mInflationTask == null) {
mInflationTask.cancel(true /* mayInterruptIfRunning */);
void setViewInfo(BubbleViewInfoTask.BubbleViewInfo info) {
if (!isInflated()) {
mIconView = info.imageView;
mExpandedView = info.expandedView;
mShortcutInfo = info.shortcutInfo;
mAppName = info.appName;
mFlyoutMessage = info.flyoutMessage;
mBadgeBitmap = info.badgeBitmap;
mBubbleBitmap = info.bubbleBitmap;
mDotColor = info.dotColor;
mDotPath = info.dotPath;
if (mExpandedView != null) {
mExpandedView.update(this /* bubble */);
if (mIconView != null) {
mIconView.setRenderedBubble(this /* bubble */);
* Set visibility of bubble in the expanded state.
* @param visibility {@code true} if the expanded bubble should be visible on the screen.
* Note that this contents visibility doesn't affect visibility at {@link android.view.View},
* and setting {@code false} actually means rendering the expanded view in transparent.
public void setTaskViewVisibility(boolean visibility) {
if (mExpandedView != null) {
* Sets the entry associated with this bubble.
void setEntry(@NonNull final BubbleEntry entry) {
mLastUpdated = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getPostTime();
mIsBubble = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getNotification().isBubbleNotification();
mPackageName = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getPackageName();
mUser = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getUser();
mTitle = getTitle(entry);
mChannelId = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getNotification().getChannelId();
mNotificationId = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getId();
mAppUid = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getUid();
mInstanceId = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getInstanceId();
mFlyoutMessage = extractFlyoutMessage(entry);
if (entry.getRanking() != null) {
mShortcutInfo = entry.getRanking().getConversationShortcutInfo();
mIsVisuallyInterruptive = entry.getRanking().visuallyInterruptive();
if (entry.getRanking().getChannel() != null) {
mIsImportantConversation =
if (entry.getBubbleMetadata() != null) {
mMetadataShortcutId = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getShortcutId();
mFlags = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getFlags();
mDesiredHeight = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getDesiredHeight();
mDesiredHeightResId = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getDesiredHeightResId();
mIcon = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getIcon();
if (!mIntentActive || mIntent == null) {
if (mIntent != null) {
mIntent = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getIntent();
if (mIntent != null) {
} else if (mIntent != null && entry.getBubbleMetadata().getIntent() == null) {
// Was an intent bubble now it's a shortcut bubble... still unregister the listener
mIntentActive = false;
mIntent = null;
mDeleteIntent = entry.getBubbleMetadata().getDeleteIntent();
mIsClearable = entry.isClearable();
mShouldSuppressNotificationDot = entry.shouldSuppressNotificationDot();
mShouldSuppressNotificationList = entry.shouldSuppressNotificationList();
mShouldSuppressPeek = entry.shouldSuppressPeek();
Icon getIcon() {
return mIcon;
boolean isVisuallyInterruptive() {
return mIsVisuallyInterruptive;
* @return the last time this bubble was updated or accessed, whichever is most recent.
long getLastActivity() {
return Math.max(mLastUpdated, mLastAccessed);
* Sets if the intent used for this bubble is currently active (i.e. populating an
* expanded view, expanded or not).
void setIntentActive() {
mIntentActive = true;
boolean isIntentActive() {
return mIntentActive;
public InstanceId getInstanceId() {
return mInstanceId;
public String getChannelId() {
return mChannelId;
public int getNotificationId() {
return mNotificationId;
* @return the task id of the task in which bubble contents is drawn.
public int getTaskId() {
return mExpandedView != null ? mExpandedView.getTaskId() : mTaskId;
* Should be invoked whenever a Bubble is accessed (selected while expanded).
void markAsAccessedAt(long lastAccessedMillis) {
mLastAccessed = lastAccessedMillis;
setShowDot(false /* show */);
* Should be invoked whenever a Bubble is promoted from overflow.
void markUpdatedAt(long lastAccessedMillis) {
mLastUpdated = lastAccessedMillis;
* Whether this notification should be shown in the shade.
boolean showInShade() {
return !shouldSuppressNotification() || !mIsClearable;
* Whether this bubble is currently being hidden from the stack.
boolean isSuppressed() {
return (mFlags & Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_BUBBLE) != 0;
* Whether this bubble is able to be suppressed (i.e. has the developer opted into the API to
* hide the bubble when in the same content).
boolean isSuppressable() {
return (mFlags & Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESSABLE_BUBBLE) != 0;
* Whether this notification conversation is important.
boolean isImportantConversation() {
return mIsImportantConversation;
* Sets whether this notification should be suppressed in the shade.
public void setSuppressNotification(boolean suppressNotification) {
boolean prevShowInShade = showInShade();
if (suppressNotification) {
mFlags |= Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION;
} else {
mFlags &= ~Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION;
if (showInShade() != prevShowInShade && mSuppressionListener != null) {
* Sets whether this bubble should be suppressed from the stack.
public void setSuppressBubble(boolean suppressBubble) {
if (!isSuppressable()) {
Log.e(TAG, "calling setSuppressBubble on "
+ getKey() + " when bubble not suppressable");
boolean prevSuppressed = isSuppressed();
if (suppressBubble) {
mFlags |= Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_BUBBLE;
} else {
mFlags &= ~Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_BUBBLE;
if (prevSuppressed != suppressBubble && mSuppressionListener != null) {
* Sets whether the bubble for this notification should show a dot indicating updated content.
void setShowDot(boolean showDot) {
mShowBubbleUpdateDot = showDot;
if (mIconView != null) {
mIconView.updateDotVisibility(true /* animate */);
* Whether the bubble for this notification should show a dot indicating updated content.
public boolean showDot() {
return mShowBubbleUpdateDot
&& !mShouldSuppressNotificationDot
&& !shouldSuppressNotification();
* Whether the flyout for the bubble should be shown.
public boolean showFlyout() {
return !mSuppressFlyout && !mShouldSuppressPeek
&& !shouldSuppressNotification()
&& !mShouldSuppressNotificationList;
* Set whether the flyout text for the bubble should be shown when an update is received.
* @param suppressFlyout whether the flyout text is shown
void setSuppressFlyout(boolean suppressFlyout) {
mSuppressFlyout = suppressFlyout;
FlyoutMessage getFlyoutMessage() {
return mFlyoutMessage;
int getRawDesiredHeight() {
return mDesiredHeight;
int getRawDesiredHeightResId() {
return mDesiredHeightResId;
float getDesiredHeight(Context context) {
boolean useRes = mDesiredHeightResId != 0;
if (useRes) {
return getDimenForPackageUser(context, mDesiredHeightResId, mPackageName,
} else {
return mDesiredHeight * context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
String getDesiredHeightString() {
boolean useRes = mDesiredHeightResId != 0;
if (useRes) {
return String.valueOf(mDesiredHeightResId);
} else {
return String.valueOf(mDesiredHeight);
PendingIntent getBubbleIntent() {
return mIntent;
PendingIntent getDeleteIntent() {
return mDeleteIntent;
Intent getSettingsIntent(final Context context) {
final Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_APP_NOTIFICATION_BUBBLE_SETTINGS);
intent.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_APP_PACKAGE, getPackageName());
final int uid = getUid(context);
if (uid != -1) {
intent.putExtra(Settings.EXTRA_APP_UID, uid);
return intent;
public int getAppUid() {
return mAppUid;
private int getUid(final Context context) {
if (mAppUid != -1) return mAppUid;
final PackageManager pm = BubbleController.getPackageManagerForUser(context,
if (pm == null) return -1;
try {
final ApplicationInfo info = pm.getApplicationInfo(mShortcutInfo.getPackage(), 0);
return info.uid;
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "cannot find uid", e);
return -1;
private int getDimenForPackageUser(Context context, int resId, String pkg, int userId) {
Resources r;
if (pkg != null) {
try {
if (userId == UserHandle.USER_ALL) {
userId = UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM;
r = context.createContextAsUser(UserHandle.of(userId), /* flags */ 0)
return r.getDimensionPixelSize(resId);
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException ex) {
// Uninstalled, don't care
} catch (Resources.NotFoundException e) {
// Invalid res id, return 0 and user our default
Log.e(TAG, "Couldn't find desired height res id", e);
return 0;
private boolean shouldSuppressNotification() {
return isEnabled(Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATION);
public boolean shouldAutoExpand() {
return isEnabled(Notification.BubbleMetadata.FLAG_AUTO_EXPAND_BUBBLE);
void setShouldAutoExpand(boolean shouldAutoExpand) {
if (shouldAutoExpand) {
} else {
public void setIsBubble(final boolean isBubble) {
mIsBubble = isBubble;
public boolean isBubble() {
return mIsBubble;
public void enable(int option) {
mFlags |= option;
public void disable(int option) {
mFlags &= ~option;
public boolean isEnabled(int option) {
return (mFlags & option) != 0;
public String toString() {
return "Bubble{" + mKey + '}';
* Description of current bubble state.
public void dump(
@NonNull FileDescriptor fd, @NonNull PrintWriter pw, @NonNull String[] args) {
pw.print("key: "); pw.println(mKey);
pw.print(" showInShade: "); pw.println(showInShade());
pw.print(" showDot: "); pw.println(showDot());
pw.print(" showFlyout: "); pw.println(showFlyout());
pw.print(" lastActivity: "); pw.println(getLastActivity());
pw.print(" desiredHeight: "); pw.println(getDesiredHeightString());
pw.print(" suppressNotif: "); pw.println(shouldSuppressNotification());
pw.print(" autoExpand: "); pw.println(shouldAutoExpand());
if (mExpandedView != null) {
mExpandedView.dump(fd, pw, args);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof Bubble)) return false;
Bubble bubble = (Bubble) o;
return Objects.equals(mKey, bubble.mKey);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(mKey);
private static String getTitle(@NonNull final BubbleEntry e) {
final CharSequence titleCharSeq = e.getStatusBarNotification()
return titleCharSeq == null ? null : titleCharSeq.toString();
* Returns our best guess for the most relevant text summary of the latest update to this
* notification, based on its type. Returns null if there should not be an update message.
static Bubble.FlyoutMessage extractFlyoutMessage(BubbleEntry entry) {
final Notification underlyingNotif = entry.getStatusBarNotification().getNotification();
final Class<? extends Notification.Style> style = underlyingNotif.getNotificationStyle();
Bubble.FlyoutMessage bubbleMessage = new Bubble.FlyoutMessage();
bubbleMessage.isGroupChat = underlyingNotif.extras.getBoolean(
try {
if (Notification.BigTextStyle.class.equals(style)) {
// Return the big text, it is big so probably important. If it's not there use the
// normal text.
CharSequence bigText =
bubbleMessage.message = !TextUtils.isEmpty(bigText)
? bigText
: underlyingNotif.extras.getCharSequence(Notification.EXTRA_TEXT);
return bubbleMessage;
} else if (Notification.MessagingStyle.class.equals(style)) {
final List<Notification.MessagingStyle.Message> messages =
(Parcelable[]) underlyingNotif.extras.get(
final Notification.MessagingStyle.Message latestMessage =
if (latestMessage != null) {
bubbleMessage.message = latestMessage.getText();
Person sender = latestMessage.getSenderPerson();
bubbleMessage.senderName = sender != null ? sender.getName() : null;
bubbleMessage.senderAvatar = null;
bubbleMessage.senderIcon = sender != null ? sender.getIcon() : null;
return bubbleMessage;
} else if (Notification.InboxStyle.class.equals(style)) {
CharSequence[] lines =
// Return the last line since it should be the most recent.
if (lines != null && lines.length > 0) {
bubbleMessage.message = lines[lines.length - 1];
return bubbleMessage;
} else if (Notification.MediaStyle.class.equals(style)) {
// Return nothing, media updates aren't typically useful as a text update.
return bubbleMessage;
} else {
// Default to text extra.
bubbleMessage.message =
return bubbleMessage;
} catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
// No use crashing, we'll just return null and the caller will assume there's no update
// message.
return bubbleMessage;