blob: 7a9f41fd8f387ebd0a175c99e904065031b28b95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dex_builder.h"
#include "dex/descriptors_names.h"
#include "dex/dex_instruction.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
namespace startop {
namespace dex {
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using art::Instruction;
using ::dex::kAccPublic;
const TypeDescriptor TypeDescriptor::Int() { return TypeDescriptor{"I"}; };
const TypeDescriptor TypeDescriptor::Void() { return TypeDescriptor{"V"}; };
namespace {
// From
constexpr uint8_t kDexFileMagic[]{0x64, 0x65, 0x78, 0x0a, 0x30, 0x33, 0x38, 0x00};
// Strings lengths can be 32 bits long, but encoded as LEB128 this can take up to five bytes.
constexpr size_t kMaxEncodedStringLength{5};
} // namespace
void* TrackingAllocator::Allocate(size_t size) {
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(size);
void* raw_buffer = buffer.get();
allocations_[raw_buffer] = std::move(buffer);
return raw_buffer;
void TrackingAllocator::Free(void* ptr) { allocations_.erase(allocations_.find(ptr)); }
// Write out a DEX file that is basically:
// package dextest;
// public class DexTest {
// public static int foo() { return 5; }
// }
void WriteTestDexFile(const string& filename) {
DexBuilder dex_file;
ClassBuilder cbuilder{dex_file.MakeClass("dextest.DexTest")};
MethodBuilder method{cbuilder.CreateMethod("foo", Prototype{TypeDescriptor::Int()})};
MethodBuilder::Register r = method.MakeRegister();
method.BuildConst4(r, 5);
slicer::MemView image{dex_file.CreateImage()};
std::ofstream out_file(filename);
out_file.write(image.ptr<const char>(), image.size());
DexBuilder::DexBuilder() : dex_file_{std::make_shared<ir::DexFile>()} {
dex_file_->magic = slicer::MemView{kDexFileMagic, sizeof(kDexFileMagic)};
slicer::MemView DexBuilder::CreateImage() {
::dex::Writer writer(dex_file_);
size_t image_size{0};
::dex::u1* image = writer.CreateImage(&allocator_, &image_size);
return slicer::MemView{image, image_size};
ir::String* DexBuilder::GetOrAddString(const std::string& string) {
ir::String*& entry = strings_[string];
if (entry == nullptr) {
// Need to encode the length and then write out the bytes, including 1 byte for null terminator
auto buffer = std::make_unique<uint8_t[]>(string.size() + kMaxEncodedStringLength + 1);
uint8_t* string_data_start = ::dex::WriteULeb128(buffer.get(), string.size());
size_t header_length =
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(string_data_start) - reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(buffer.get());
auto end = std::copy(string.begin(), string.end(), string_data_start);
*end = '\0';
entry = Alloc<ir::String>();
// +1 for null terminator
entry->data = slicer::MemView{buffer.get(), header_length + string.size() + 1};
return entry;
ClassBuilder DexBuilder::MakeClass(const std::string& name) {
auto* class_def = Alloc<ir::Class>();
ir::Type* type_def = GetOrAddType(art::DotToDescriptor(name.c_str()));
type_def->class_def = class_def;
class_def->type = type_def;
class_def->super_class = GetOrAddType(art::DotToDescriptor("java.lang.Object"));
class_def->access_flags = kAccPublic;
return ClassBuilder{this, class_def};
// TODO(eholk): we probably want GetOrAddString() also
ir::Type* DexBuilder::GetOrAddType(const std::string& descriptor) {
if (types_by_descriptor_.find(descriptor) != types_by_descriptor_.end()) {
return types_by_descriptor_[descriptor];
ir::Type* type = Alloc<ir::Type>();
type->descriptor = GetOrAddString(descriptor);
types_by_descriptor_[descriptor] = type;
return type;
ir::Proto* Prototype::Encode(DexBuilder* dex) const {
auto* proto = dex->Alloc<ir::Proto>();
proto->shorty = dex->GetOrAddString(Shorty());
proto->return_type = dex->GetOrAddType(return_type_.descriptor());
if (param_types_.size() > 0) {
proto->param_types = dex->Alloc<ir::TypeList>();
for (const auto& param_type : param_types_) {
} else {
proto->param_types = nullptr;
return proto;
std::string Prototype::Shorty() const {
std::string shorty;
for (const auto& type_descriptor : param_types_) {
return shorty;
ClassBuilder::ClassBuilder(DexBuilder* parent, ir::Class* class_def)
: parent_(parent), class_(class_def) {}
MethodBuilder ClassBuilder::CreateMethod(const std::string& name, Prototype prototype) {
ir::String* dex_name{parent_->GetOrAddString(name)};
auto* decl = parent_->Alloc<ir::MethodDecl>();
decl->name = dex_name;
decl->parent = class_->type;
decl->prototype = prototype.Encode(parent_);
return MethodBuilder{parent_, class_, decl};
void ClassBuilder::set_source_file(const string& source) {
class_->source_file = parent_->GetOrAddString(source);
MethodBuilder::MethodBuilder(DexBuilder* dex, ir::Class* class_def, ir::MethodDecl* decl)
: dex_{dex}, class_{class_def}, decl_{decl} {}
ir::EncodedMethod* MethodBuilder::Encode() {
auto* method = dex_->Alloc<ir::EncodedMethod>();
method->decl = decl_;
// TODO: make access flags configurable
method->access_flags = kAccPublic | ::dex::kAccStatic;
auto* code = dex_->Alloc<ir::Code>();
code->registers = num_registers_;
// TODO: support ins and outs
code->instructions = slicer::ArrayView<const ::dex::u2>(, buffer_.size());
method->code = code;
return method;
MethodBuilder::Register MethodBuilder::MakeRegister() { return num_registers_++; }
void MethodBuilder::BuildReturn() { buffer_.push_back(Instruction::RETURN_VOID); }
void MethodBuilder::BuildReturn(Register src) { buffer_.push_back(Instruction::RETURN | src << 8); }
void MethodBuilder::BuildConst4(Register target, int value) {
DCHECK_LT(value, 16);
// TODO: support more registers
DCHECK_LT(target, 16);
buffer_.push_back(Instruction::CONST_4 | (value << 12) | (target << 8));
} // namespace dex
} // namespace startop