blob: a804f3c43a834e7ff957da5e1fb4e5ac76875871 [file] [log] [blame]
package android.content;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.RemoteException;
* An abstract class that makes it easy to implement an EntityIterator over a cursor.
* The user must implement {@link #newEntityFromCursorLocked}, which runs inside of a
* database transaction.
* @hide
public abstract class AbstractCursorEntityIterator implements EntityIterator {
private final Cursor mEntityCursor;
private final SQLiteDatabase mDb;
private volatile Entity mNextEntity;
private volatile boolean mIsClosed;
public AbstractCursorEntityIterator(SQLiteDatabase db, Cursor entityCursor) {
mEntityCursor = entityCursor;
mDb = db;
mNextEntity = null;
mIsClosed = false;
* If there are entries left in the cursor then advance the cursor and use the new row to
* populate mNextEntity. If the cursor is at the end or if advancing it causes the cursor
* to become at the end then set mEntityCursor to null. If newEntityFromCursor returns null
* then continue advancing until it either returns a non-null Entity or the cursor reaches
* the end.
private void fillEntityIfAvailable() {
while (mNextEntity == null) {
if (!mEntityCursor.moveToNext()) {
// the cursor is at then end, bail out
// This may return null if newEntityFromCursor is not able to create an entity
// from the current cursor position. In that case this method will loop and try
// the next cursor position
mNextEntity = newEntityFromCursorLocked(mEntityCursor);
try {
int position = mEntityCursor.getPosition();
mNextEntity = newEntityFromCursorLocked(mEntityCursor);
int newPosition = mEntityCursor.getPosition();
if (newPosition != position) {
throw new IllegalStateException("the cursor position changed during the call to"
+ "newEntityFromCursorLocked, from " + position + " to " + newPosition);
} finally {
* Checks if there are more Entities accessible via this iterator. This may not be called
* if the iterator is already closed.
* @return true if the call to next() will return an Entity.
public boolean hasNext() {
if (mIsClosed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("calling hasNext() when the iterator is closed");
return mNextEntity != null;
* Returns the next Entity that is accessible via this iterator. This may not be called
* if the iterator is already closed.
* @return the next Entity that is accessible via this iterator
public Entity next() {
if (mIsClosed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("calling next() when the iterator is closed");
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("you may only call next() if hasNext() is true");
try {
return mNextEntity;
} finally {
mNextEntity = null;
public void reset() throws RemoteException {
if (mIsClosed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("calling reset() when the iterator is closed");
mNextEntity = null;
* Closes this iterator making it invalid. If is invalid for the user to call any public
* method on the iterator once it has been closed.
public void close() {
if (mIsClosed) {
throw new IllegalStateException("closing when already closed");
mIsClosed = true;
* Returns a new Entity from the current cursor position. This is called from within a
* database transaction. If a new entity cannot be created from this cursor position (e.g.
* if the row that is referred to no longer exists) then this may return null. The cursor
* is guaranteed to be pointing to a valid row when this call is made. The implementation
* of newEntityFromCursorLocked is not allowed to change the position of the cursor.
* @param cursor from where to read the data for the Entity
* @return an Entity that corresponds to the current cursor position or null
public abstract Entity newEntityFromCursorLocked(Cursor cursor);