blob: 47c11010c072e3befea78507b94f22d9d548d5f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.IBinder
import android.os.RemoteException
import android.util.ArrayMap
import android.util.Log
import android.util.RotationUtils
import android.view.IRemoteAnimationFinishedCallback
import android.view.IRemoteAnimationRunner
import android.view.RemoteAnimationAdapter
import android.view.RemoteAnimationTarget
import android.view.SurfaceControl
import android.view.WindowManager
import android.window.IRemoteTransition
import android.window.IRemoteTransitionFinishedCallback
import android.window.RemoteTransition
import android.window.TransitionInfo
class RemoteTransitionAdapter {
companion object {
* Almost a copy of Transitions#setupStartState.
* TODO: remove when there is proper cross-process transaction sync.
private fun setupLeash(
leash: SurfaceControl,
change: TransitionInfo.Change,
layer: Int,
info: TransitionInfo,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction
) {
val isOpening = info.type == WindowManager.TRANSIT_OPEN ||
info.type == WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_FRONT
// Put animating stuff above this line and put static stuff below it.
val zSplitLine = info.changes.size
// changes should be ordered top-to-bottom in z
val mode = change.mode
// Launcher animates leaf tasks directly, so always reparent all task leashes to root.
t.reparent(leash, info.rootLeash)
t.setPosition(leash, (change.startAbsBounds.left - info.rootOffset.x).toFloat(), ( - info.rootOffset.y).toFloat())
// Put all the OPEN/SHOW on top
if (mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_OPEN || mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_FRONT) {
if (isOpening) {
t.setLayer(leash, zSplitLine + info.changes.size - layer)
if (change.flags
// if transferred, it should be left visible.
t.setAlpha(leash, 0f)
} else {
// put on bottom and leave it visible
t.setLayer(leash, zSplitLine - layer)
} else if (mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_CLOSE ||
mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_BACK) {
if (isOpening) {
// put on bottom and leave visible
t.setLayer(leash, zSplitLine - layer)
} else {
// put on top
t.setLayer(leash, zSplitLine + info.changes.size - layer)
} else { // CHANGE
t.setLayer(leash, zSplitLine + info.changes.size - layer)
private fun createLeash(
info: TransitionInfo,
change: TransitionInfo.Change,
order: Int,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction
): SurfaceControl {
// TODO: once we can properly sync transactions across process, then get rid of this.
if (change.parent != null && change.flags and TransitionInfo.FLAG_IS_WALLPAPER != 0) {
// Special case for wallpaper atm. Normally these are left alone; but, a quirk of
// making leashes means we have to handle them specially.
return change.leash
val leashSurface = SurfaceControl.Builder()
.setName(change.leash.toString() + "_transition-leash")
.setContainerLayer().setParent(if (change.parent == null)
info.rootLeash else info.getChange(change.parent!!)!!.leash).build()
// Copied Transitions setup code (which expects bottom-to-top order, so we swap here)
setupLeash(leashSurface, change, info.changes.size - order, info, t)
t.reparent(change.leash, leashSurface)
t.setAlpha(change.leash, 1.0f)
t.setPosition(change.leash, 0f, 0f)
t.setLayer(change.leash, 0)
return leashSurface
private fun newModeToLegacyMode(newMode: Int): Int {
return when (newMode) {
WindowManager.TRANSIT_OPEN, WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_FRONT
-> RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_OPENING
WindowManager.TRANSIT_CLOSE, WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_BACK
-> RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_CLOSING
else -> RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_CHANGING
private fun rectOffsetTo(rect: Rect, offset: Point): Rect {
val out = Rect(rect)
out.offsetTo(offset.x, offset.y)
return out
fun createTarget(
change: TransitionInfo.Change,
order: Int,
info: TransitionInfo,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction
): RemoteAnimationTarget {
val target = RemoteAnimationTarget(
/* taskId */ if (change.taskInfo != null) change.taskInfo!!.taskId else -1,
/* mode */ newModeToLegacyMode(change.mode),
/* leash */ createLeash(info, change, order, t),
/* isTranslucent */ (change.flags and TransitionInfo.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT != 0 ||
change.flags and TransitionInfo.FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER != 0),
/* clipRect */ null,
/* contentInsets */ Rect(0, 0, 0, 0),
/* prefixOrderIndex */ order,
/* position */ null,
/* localBounds */ rectOffsetTo(change.endAbsBounds, change.endRelOffset),
/* screenSpaceBounds */ Rect(change.endAbsBounds),
/* windowConfig */ if (change.taskInfo != null)
change.taskInfo!!.configuration.windowConfiguration else
/* isNotInRecents */ if (change.taskInfo != null)
!change.taskInfo!!.isRunning else true,
/* startLeash */ null,
/* startBounds */ Rect(change.startAbsBounds),
/* taskInfo */ change.taskInfo,
/* allowEnterPip */ change.allowEnterPip,
/* windowType */ WindowManager.LayoutParams.INVALID_WINDOW_TYPE)
target.backgroundColor = change.backgroundColor
return target
* Represents a TransitionInfo object as an array of old-style targets
* @param wallpapers If true, this will return wallpaper targets; otherwise it returns
* non-wallpaper targets.
* @param leashMap Temporary map of change leash -> launcher leash. Is an output, so should
* be populated by this function. If null, it is ignored.
fun wrapTargets(
info: TransitionInfo,
wallpapers: Boolean,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction,
leashMap: ArrayMap<SurfaceControl, SurfaceControl>?
): Array<RemoteAnimationTarget> {
val out = ArrayList<RemoteAnimationTarget>()
for (i in info.changes.indices) {
val change = info.changes[i]
val changeIsWallpaper = change.flags and TransitionInfo.FLAG_IS_WALLPAPER != 0
if (wallpapers != changeIsWallpaper) continue
out.add(createTarget(change, info.changes.size - i, info, t))
if (leashMap != null) {
leashMap[change.leash] = out[out.size - 1].leash
return out.toTypedArray()
fun adaptRemoteRunner(
runner: IRemoteAnimationRunner
): IRemoteTransition.Stub {
return object : IRemoteTransition.Stub() {
override fun startAnimation(
token: IBinder,
info: TransitionInfo,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction,
finishCallback: IRemoteTransitionFinishedCallback
) {
val leashMap = ArrayMap<SurfaceControl, SurfaceControl>()
val appsCompat = wrapTargets(info, false /* wallpapers */, t, leashMap)
val wallpapersCompat = wrapTargets(info, true /* wallpapers */, t, leashMap)
// TODO(bc-unlock): Build wrapped object for non-apps target.
val nonAppsCompat = arrayOfNulls<RemoteAnimationTarget>(0)
// TODO(b/177438007): Move this set-up logic into launcher's animation impl.
var isReturnToHome = false
var launcherTask: TransitionInfo.Change? = null
var wallpaper: TransitionInfo.Change? = null
var launcherLayer = 0
var rotateDelta = 0
var displayW = 0f
var displayH = 0f
for (i in info.changes.indices.reversed()) {
val change = info.changes[i]
if (change.taskInfo != null &&
== WindowConfiguration.ACTIVITY_TYPE_HOME) {
isReturnToHome = (change.mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_OPEN ||
change.mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_FRONT)
launcherTask = change
launcherLayer = info.changes.size - i
} else if (change.flags and TransitionInfo.FLAG_IS_WALLPAPER != 0) {
wallpaper = change
if (change.parent == null && change.endRotation >= 0 &&
change.endRotation != change.startRotation) {
rotateDelta = change.endRotation - change.startRotation
displayW = change.endAbsBounds.width().toFloat()
displayH = change.endAbsBounds.height().toFloat()
// Prepare for rotation if there is one
val counterLauncher = CounterRotator()
val counterWallpaper = CounterRotator()
if (launcherTask != null && rotateDelta != 0 && launcherTask.parent != null) {
counterLauncher.setup(t, info.getChange(launcherTask.parent!!)!!.leash,
rotateDelta, displayW, displayH)
if (counterLauncher.surface != null) {
t.setLayer(counterLauncher.surface!!, launcherLayer)
if (isReturnToHome) {
if (counterLauncher.surface != null) {
t.setLayer(counterLauncher.surface!!, info.changes.size * 3)
// Need to "boost" the closing things since that's what launcher expects.
for (i in info.changes.indices.reversed()) {
val change = info.changes[i]
val leash = leashMap[change.leash]
val mode = info.changes[i].mode
// Only deal with independent layers
if (!TransitionInfo.isIndependent(change, info)) continue
if (mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_CLOSE ||
mode == WindowManager.TRANSIT_TO_BACK) {
t.setLayer(leash!!, info.changes.size * 3 - i)
counterLauncher.addChild(t, leash)
// Make wallpaper visible immediately since sysui apparently won't do this.
for (i in wallpapersCompat.indices.reversed()) {[i].leash)
t.setAlpha(wallpapersCompat[i].leash, 1f)
} else {
if (launcherTask != null) {
counterLauncher.addChild(t, leashMap[launcherTask.leash])
if (wallpaper != null && rotateDelta != 0 && wallpaper.parent != null) {
counterWallpaper.setup(t, info.getChange(wallpaper.parent!!)!!.leash,
rotateDelta, displayW, displayH)
if (counterWallpaper.surface != null) {
t.setLayer(counterWallpaper.surface!!, -1)
counterWallpaper.addChild(t, leashMap[wallpaper.leash])
val animationFinishedCallback = object : IRemoteAnimationFinishedCallback {
override fun onAnimationFinished() {
val finishTransaction = SurfaceControl.Transaction()
// Release surface references now. This is apparently to free GPU memory
// while doing quick operations (eg. during CTS).
for (i in info.changes.indices.reversed()) {
for (i in leashMap.size - 1 downTo 0) {
try {
finishCallback.onTransitionFinished(null /* wct */,
} catch (e: RemoteException) {
Log.e("ActivityOptionsCompat", "Failed to call app controlled" +
" animation finished callback", e)
override fun asBinder(): IBinder? {
return null
// TODO(bc-unlcok): Pass correct transit type.
appsCompat, wallpapersCompat, nonAppsCompat,
override fun mergeAnimation(
token: IBinder,
info: TransitionInfo,
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction,
mergeTarget: IBinder,
finishCallback: IRemoteTransitionFinishedCallback
) {
// TODO: hook up merge to recents onTaskAppeared if applicable. Until then,
// ignore any incoming merges.
fun adaptRemoteAnimation(
adapter: RemoteAnimationAdapter
): RemoteTransition {
return RemoteTransition(adaptRemoteRunner(adapter.runner), adapter.callingApplication)
* Utility class that takes care of counter-rotating surfaces during a transition animation.
class CounterRotator {
/** Gets the surface with the counter-rotation. */
var surface: SurfaceControl? = null
private set
* Sets up this rotator.
* @param rotateDelta is the forward rotation change (the rotation the display is making).
* @param parentW (and H) Is the size of the rotating parent.
fun setup(
t: SurfaceControl.Transaction,
parent: SurfaceControl,
rotateDelta: Int,
parentW: Float,
parentH: Float
) {
if (rotateDelta == 0) return
val surface = SurfaceControl.Builder()
.setName("Transition Unrotate")
// Rotate forward to match the new rotation (rotateDelta is the forward rotation the
// parent already took). Child surfaces will be in the old rotation relative to the new
// parent rotation, so we need to forward-rotate the child surfaces to match.
RotationUtils.rotateSurface(t, surface, rotateDelta)
val tmpPt = Point(0, 0)
// parentW/H are the size in the END rotation, the rotation utilities expect the
// starting size. So swap them if necessary
val flipped = rotateDelta % 2 != 0
val pw = if (flipped) parentH else parentW
val ph = if (flipped) parentW else parentH
RotationUtils.rotatePoint(tmpPt, rotateDelta, pw.toInt(), ph.toInt())
t.setPosition(surface, tmpPt.x.toFloat(), tmpPt.y.toFloat())
* Adds a surface that needs to be counter-rotate.
fun addChild(t: SurfaceControl.Transaction, child: SurfaceControl?) {
if (surface == null) return
t.reparent(child!!, surface)
* Clean-up. Since finishTransaction should reset all change leashes, we only need to remove the
* counter rotation surface.
fun cleanUp(finishTransaction: SurfaceControl.Transaction) {
if (surface == null) return