blob: dc97c6641f35f691bccaba2d4ede5f28d907efbc [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2018, The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Query the current compiler filter for an application by its package name.
# (By parsing the results of the 'adb shell dumpsys package $package' command).
# The output is a string "$compilation_filter $compilation_reason $isa".
# See --help for more details.
# -----------------------------------
# Sample usage:
# $> ./ --package
# speed-profile unknown arm64
import argparse
import sys
import re
# TODO: refactor this with a common library file with
import app_startup_runner
from app_startup_runner import _debug_print
from app_startup_runner import execute_arbitrary_command
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Iterable
_DEBUG_FORCE = None # Ignore -d/--debug if this is not none.
def parse_options(argv: List[str] = None):
"""Parse command line arguments and return an argparse Namespace object."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Query the compiler filter for a package.")
# argparse considers args starting with - and -- optional in --help, even though required=True.
# by using a named argument group --help will clearly say that it's required instead of optional.
required_named = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments')
required_named.add_argument('-p', '--package', action='store', dest='package', help='package of the application', required=True)
# optional arguments
# use a group here to get the required arguments to appear 'above' the optional arguments in help.
optional_named = parser.add_argument_group('optional named arguments')
optional_named.add_argument('-i', '--isa', '--instruction-set', action='store', dest='instruction_set', help='which instruction set to select. defaults to the first one available if not specified.', choices=('arm64', 'arm', 'x86_64', 'x86'))
optional_named.add_argument('-s', '--simulate', dest='simulate', action='store_true', help='Print which commands will run, but don\'t run the apps')
optional_named.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Add extra debugging output')
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def remote_dumpsys_package(package: str, simulate: bool) -> str:
# --simulate is used for interactive debugging/development, but also for the unit test.
if simulate:
return """
Dexopt state:
path: /data/app/%s-D7s8PLidqqEq7Jc7UH_a5A==/base.apk
arm64: [status=speed-profile] [reason=unknown]
path: /data/app/%s-D7s8PLidqqEq7Jc7UH_a5A==/base.apk
arm: [status=speed] [reason=first-boot]
path: /data/app/%s-D7s8PLidqqEq7Jc7UH_a5A==/base.apk
x86: [status=quicken] [reason=install]
""" %(package, package, package, package)
code, res = execute_arbitrary_command(['adb', 'shell', 'dumpsys', 'package', package], simulate=False, timeout=5)
if code:
return res
raise AssertionError("Failed to dumpsys package, errors = %s", res)
ParseTree = NamedTuple('ParseTree', [('label', str), ('children', List['ParseTree'])])
DexoptState = ParseTree # With the Dexopt state: label
ParseResult = NamedTuple('ParseResult', [('remainder', List[str]), ('tree', ParseTree)])
def find_parse_subtree(parse_tree: ParseTree, match_regex: str) -> ParseTree:
if re.match(match_regex, parse_tree.label):
return parse_tree
for node in parse_tree.children:
res = find_parse_subtree(node, match_regex)
if res:
return res
return None
def find_parse_children(parse_tree: ParseTree, match_regex: str) -> Iterable[ParseTree]:
for node in parse_tree.children:
if re.match(match_regex, node.label):
yield node
def parse_tab_subtree(label: str, str_lines: List[str], separator=' ', indent=-1) -> ParseResult:
children = []
get_indent_level = lambda line: len(line) - len(line.lstrip())
line_num = 0
keep_going = True
while keep_going:
keep_going = False
for line_num in range(len(str_lines)):
line = str_lines[line_num]
current_indent = get_indent_level(line)
_debug_print("INDENT=%d, LINE=%s" %(current_indent, line))
current_label = line.lstrip()
# skip empty lines
if line.lstrip() == "":
if current_indent > indent:
parse_result = parse_tab_subtree(current_label, str_lines[line_num+1::], separator, current_indent)
str_lines = parse_result.remainder
keep_going = True
# current_indent <= indent
keep_going = False
new_remainder = str_lines[line_num::]
_debug_print("NEW REMAINDER: ", new_remainder)
parse_tree = ParseTree(label, children)
return ParseResult(new_remainder, parse_tree)
def parse_tab_tree(str_tree: str, separator=' ', indentation_level=-1) -> ParseTree:
label = None
lst = []
line_num = 0
line_lst = str_tree.split("\n")
return parse_tab_subtree("", line_lst, separator, indentation_level).tree
def parse_dexopt_state(dumpsys_tree: ParseTree) -> DexoptState:
res = find_parse_subtree(dumpsys_tree, "Dexopt(\s+)state[:]?")
if not res:
raise AssertionError("Could not find the Dexopt state")
return res
def find_first_compiler_filter(dexopt_state: DexoptState, package: str, instruction_set: str) -> str:
lst = find_all_compiler_filters(dexopt_state, package)
_debug_print("all compiler filters: ", lst)
for compiler_filter_info in lst:
if not instruction_set:
return compiler_filter_info
if compiler_filter_info.isa == instruction_set:
return compiler_filter_info
return None
CompilerFilterInfo = NamedTuple('CompilerFilterInfo', [('isa', str), ('status', str), ('reason', str)])
def find_all_compiler_filters(dexopt_state: DexoptState, package: str) -> List[CompilerFilterInfo]:
lst = []
package_tree = find_parse_subtree(dexopt_state, re.escape("[%s]" %package))
if not package_tree:
raise AssertionError("Could not find any package subtree for package %s" %(package))
_debug_print("package tree: ", package_tree)
for path_tree in find_parse_children(package_tree, "path: "):
_debug_print("path tree: ", path_tree)
matchre = re.compile("([^:]+):\s+\[status=([^\]]+)\]\s+\[reason=([^\]]+)\]")
for isa_node in find_parse_children(path_tree, matchre):
matches = re.match(matchre, isa_node.label).groups()
info = CompilerFilterInfo(*matches)
return lst
def main() -> int:
opts = parse_options()
app_startup_runner._debug = opts.debug
if _DEBUG_FORCE is not None:
app_startup_runner._debug = _DEBUG_FORCE
_debug_print("parsed options: ", opts)
# Note: This can often 'fail' if the package isn't actually installed.
package_dumpsys = remote_dumpsys_package(opts.package, opts.simulate)
_debug_print("package dumpsys: ", package_dumpsys)
dumpsys_parse_tree = parse_tab_tree(package_dumpsys, package_dumpsys)
_debug_print("parse tree: ", dumpsys_parse_tree)
dexopt_state = parse_dexopt_state(dumpsys_parse_tree)
filter = find_first_compiler_filter(dexopt_state, opts.package, opts.instruction_set)
if filter:
print(filter.status, end=' ')
print(filter.reason, end=' ')
print("ERROR: Could not find any compiler-filter for package %s, isa %s" %(opts.package, opts.instruction_set), file=sys.stderr)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':