DO NOT MERGE - Full (local) restore security changes

(1) Prevent full restore from creating files/directories that are
    accessible by other applications

(2) Don't restore filesets from "system" packages; i.e. any that runs
    as a special uid, unless they define their own agent for handling
    the restore process.

Bug 7168284

This is a cherry-pick from the originating tree.

Change-Id: I9f39ada3c4c3b7ee63330b015e62745e84ccb58f
diff --git a/core/java/android/app/backup/ b/core/java/android/app/backup/
index d7f1c9f..f859599 100644
--- a/core/java/android/app/backup/
+++ b/core/java/android/app/backup/
@@ -64,7 +64,9 @@
      * Copy data from a socket to the given File location on permanent storage.  The
-     * modification time and access mode of the resulting file will be set if desired.
+     * modification time and access mode of the resulting file will be set if desired,
+     * although group/all rwx modes will be stripped: the restored file will not be
+     * accessible from outside the target application even if the original file was.
      * If the {@code type} parameter indicates that the result should be a directory,
      * the socket parameter may be {@code null}; even if it is valid, no data will be
      * read from it in this case.
@@ -79,8 +81,9 @@
      * @param type Must be either {@link BackupAgent#TYPE_FILE} for ordinary file data
      *    or {@link BackupAgent#TYPE_DIRECTORY} for a directory.
      * @param mode Unix-style file mode (as used by the chmod(2) syscall) to be set on
-     *    the output file or directory.  If this parameter is negative then neither
-     *    the mode nor the mtime parameters will be used.
+     *    the output file or directory.  group/all rwx modes are stripped even if set
+     *    in this parameter.  If this parameter is negative then neither
+     *    the mode nor the mtime values will be applied to the restored file.
      * @param mtime A timestamp in the standard Unix epoch that will be imposed as the
      *    last modification time of the output file.  if the {@code mode} parameter is
      *    negative then this parameter will be ignored.
@@ -105,8 +108,6 @@
                     if (!parent.exists()) {
                         // in practice this will only be for the default semantic directories,
                         // and using the default mode for those is appropriate.
-                        // TODO: support the edge case of apps that have adjusted the
-                        //       permissions on these core directories
                     out = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
@@ -146,6 +147,8 @@
         // Now twiddle the state to match the backup, assuming all went well
         if (mode >= 0 && outFile != null) {
             try {
+                // explicitly prevent emplacement of files accessible by outside apps
+                mode &= 0700;
                 Libcore.os.chmod(outFile.getPath(), (int)mode);
             } catch (ErrnoException e) {
diff --git a/services/java/com/android/server/ b/services/java/com/android/server/
index 2167c49..1f3f172b 100644
--- a/services/java/com/android/server/
+++ b/services/java/com/android/server/
@@ -2450,6 +2450,21 @@
+            // Cull any packages that run as system-domain uids but do not define their
+            // own backup agents
+            for (int i = 0; i < packagesToBackup.size(); ) {
+                PackageInfo pkg = packagesToBackup.get(i);
+                if ((pkg.applicationInfo.uid < Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID)
+                        && (pkg.applicationInfo.backupAgentName == null)) {
+                    if (MORE_DEBUG) {
+                        Slog.i(TAG, "... ignoring non-agent system package " + pkg.packageName);
+                    }
+                    packagesToBackup.remove(i);
+                } else {
+                    i++;
+                }
+            }
             FileOutputStream ofstream = new FileOutputStream(mOutputFile.getFileDescriptor());
             OutputStream out = null;
@@ -3664,29 +3679,37 @@
                                 // Fall through to IGNORE if the app explicitly disallows backup
                                 final int flags = pkgInfo.applicationInfo.flags;
                                 if ((flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_ALLOW_BACKUP) != 0) {
-                                    // Verify signatures against any installed version; if they
-                                    // don't match, then we fall though and ignore the data.  The
-                                    // signatureMatch() method explicitly ignores the signature
-                                    // check for packages installed on the system partition, because
-                                    // such packages are signed with the platform cert instead of
-                                    // the app developer's cert, so they're different on every
-                                    // device.
-                                    if (signaturesMatch(sigs, pkgInfo)) {
-                                        if (pkgInfo.versionCode >= version) {
-                                            Slog.i(TAG, "Sig + version match; taking data");
-                                            policy = RestorePolicy.ACCEPT;
+                                    // Restore system-uid-space packages only if they have
+                                    // defined a custom backup agent
+                                    if ((pkgInfo.applicationInfo.uid >= Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID)
+                                            || (pkgInfo.applicationInfo.backupAgentName != null)) {
+                                        // Verify signatures against any installed version; if they
+                                        // don't match, then we fall though and ignore the data.  The
+                                        // signatureMatch() method explicitly ignores the signature
+                                        // check for packages installed on the system partition, because
+                                        // such packages are signed with the platform cert instead of
+                                        // the app developer's cert, so they're different on every
+                                        // device.
+                                        if (signaturesMatch(sigs, pkgInfo)) {
+                                            if (pkgInfo.versionCode >= version) {
+                                                Slog.i(TAG, "Sig + version match; taking data");
+                                                policy = RestorePolicy.ACCEPT;
+                                            } else {
+                                                // The data is from a newer version of the app than
+                                                // is presently installed.  That means we can only
+                                                // use it if the matching apk is also supplied.
+                                                Slog.d(TAG, "Data version " + version
+                                                        + " is newer than installed version "
+                                                        + pkgInfo.versionCode + " - requiring apk");
+                                                policy = RestorePolicy.ACCEPT_IF_APK;
+                                            }
                                         } else {
-                                            // The data is from a newer version of the app than
-                                            // is presently installed.  That means we can only
-                                            // use it if the matching apk is also supplied.
-                                            Slog.d(TAG, "Data version " + version
-                                                    + " is newer than installed version "
-                                                    + pkgInfo.versionCode + " - requiring apk");
-                                            policy = RestorePolicy.ACCEPT_IF_APK;
+                                            Slog.w(TAG, "Restore manifest signatures do not match "
+                                                    + "installed application for " + info.packageName);
                                     } else {
-                                        Slog.w(TAG, "Restore manifest signatures do not match "
-                                                + "installed application for " + info.packageName);
+                                        Slog.w(TAG, "Package " + info.packageName
+                                                + " is system level with no agent");
                                 } else {
                                     if (DEBUG) Slog.i(TAG, "Restore manifest from "