Revert "Update the current API dump"

This reverts commit 99592cc0468c3e90f1fa1473ea292a6406001534.

Reason for revert: this is not a public API
Bug: b/152633648

Change-Id: Ied76a9825fa4c8c53e3c93e89baa0be4dc6c8f11
diff --git a/aidl_api/libincremental_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel.aidl b/aidl_api/libincremental_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel.aidl
deleted file mode 100644
index d777e34..0000000
--- a/aidl_api/libincremental_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel.aidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// THIS FILE IS IMMUTABLE. DO NOT EDIT IN ANY CASE.                          //
-// This file is a snapshot of an AIDL interface (or parcelable). Do not try to
-// edit this file. It looks like you are doing that because you have modified
-// an AIDL interface in a backward-incompatible way, e.g., deleting a function
-// from an interface or a field from a parcelable and it broke the build. That
-// breakage is intended.
-// You must not make a backward incompatible changes to the AIDL files built
-// with the aidl_interface module type with versions property set. The module
-// type is used to build AIDL files in a way that they can be used across
-// independently updatable components of the system. If a device is shipped
-// with such a backward incompatible change, it has a high risk of breaking
-// later when a module using the interface is updated, e.g., Mainline modules.
-package android.os.incremental;
-/* @hide */
-parcelable IncrementalFileSystemControlParcel {
-  ParcelFileDescriptor cmd;
-  ParcelFileDescriptor pendingReads;
-  ParcelFileDescriptor log;
diff --git a/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IIncrementalService.aidl b/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IIncrementalService.aidl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1f013..0000000
--- a/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IIncrementalService.aidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// THIS FILE IS IMMUTABLE. DO NOT EDIT IN ANY CASE.                          //
-// This file is a snapshot of an AIDL interface (or parcelable). Do not try to
-// edit this file. It looks like you are doing that because you have modified
-// an AIDL interface in a backward-incompatible way, e.g., deleting a function
-// from an interface or a field from a parcelable and it broke the build. That
-// breakage is intended.
-// You must not make a backward incompatible changes to the AIDL files built
-// with the aidl_interface module type with versions property set. The module
-// type is used to build AIDL files in a way that they can be used across
-// independently updatable components of the system. If a device is shipped
-// with such a backward incompatible change, it has a high risk of breaking
-// later when a module using the interface is updated, e.g., Mainline modules.
-package android.os.incremental;
-/* @hide */
-interface IIncrementalService {
-  int openStorage(in @utf8InCpp String path);
-  int createStorage(in @utf8InCpp String path, in params, in listener, int createMode);
-  int createLinkedStorage(in @utf8InCpp String path, int otherStorageId, int createMode);
-  int makeBindMount(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String sourcePath, in @utf8InCpp String targetFullPath, int bindType);
-  int deleteBindMount(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String targetFullPath);
-  int makeDirectory(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path);
-  int makeDirectories(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path);
-  int makeFile(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path, in android.os.incremental.IncrementalNewFileParams params);
-  int makeFileFromRange(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String targetPath, in @utf8InCpp String sourcePath, long start, long end);
-  int makeLink(int sourceStorageId, in @utf8InCpp String sourcePath, int destStorageId, in @utf8InCpp String destPath);
-  int unlink(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path);
-  boolean isFileRangeLoaded(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path, long start, long end);
-  byte[] getMetadataByPath(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String path);
-  byte[] getMetadataById(int storageId, in byte[] fileId);
-  boolean startLoading(int storageId);
-  void deleteStorage(int storageId);
-  boolean configureNativeBinaries(int storageId, in @utf8InCpp String apkFullPath, in @utf8InCpp String libDirRelativePath, in @utf8InCpp String abi);
-  const int CREATE_MODE_CREATE = 4;
-  const int BIND_TEMPORARY = 0;
-  const int BIND_PERMANENT = 1;
diff --git a/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalNewFileParams.aidl b/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalNewFileParams.aidl
deleted file mode 100644
index c737877..0000000
--- a/aidl_api/libincremental_manager_aidl/current/android/os/incremental/IncrementalNewFileParams.aidl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// THIS FILE IS IMMUTABLE. DO NOT EDIT IN ANY CASE.                          //
-// This file is a snapshot of an AIDL interface (or parcelable). Do not try to
-// edit this file. It looks like you are doing that because you have modified
-// an AIDL interface in a backward-incompatible way, e.g., deleting a function
-// from an interface or a field from a parcelable and it broke the build. That
-// breakage is intended.
-// You must not make a backward incompatible changes to the AIDL files built
-// with the aidl_interface module type with versions property set. The module
-// type is used to build AIDL files in a way that they can be used across
-// independently updatable components of the system. If a device is shipped
-// with such a backward incompatible change, it has a high risk of breaking
-// later when a module using the interface is updated, e.g., Mainline modules.
-package android.os.incremental;
-/* @hide */
-parcelable IncrementalNewFileParams {
-  long size;
-  byte[] fileId;
-  byte[] metadata;
-  @nullable byte[] signature;