when finalizing SQLiteCursor, close it but don't throw exceptions.

currently, an exception is thrown if SQLiteCursor object is being
finalized before the cursor is closed. instead of an exception, simply
log an error message.
some android team members look at the exception and think it is catastrophic.
diff --git a/core/java/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteCursor.java b/core/java/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteCursor.java
index 70b9b83..b178d4f 100644
--- a/core/java/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteCursor.java
+++ b/core/java/android/database/sqlite/SQLiteCursor.java
@@ -582,21 +582,23 @@
     protected void finalize() {
         try {
+            // if the cursor hasn't been closed yet, close it first
             if (mWindow != null) {
-                String message = "Finalizing cursor " + this + " on " + mEditTable
-                        + " that has not been deactivated or closed";
+                Log.e(TAG, "Finalizing cursor that has not been deactivated or closed." 
+                    + " database = " + mDatabase.getPath() + ", table = " + mEditTable
+                    + ", query = " + mQuery.mSql);
                 if (SQLiteDebug.DEBUG_ACTIVE_CURSOR_FINALIZATION) {
-                    Log.d(TAG, message + "\nThis cursor was created in:");
+                    Log.d(TAG, "This cursor was created in:");
                     for (StackTraceElement ste : mStackTraceElements) {
                         Log.d(TAG, "      " + ste);
-                throw new IllegalStateException(message);
             } else {
                 if (Config.LOGV) {
-                    Log.v(TAG, "Finalizing cursor " + this + " on " + mEditTable);
+                    Log.v(TAG, "Finalizing cursor on database = " + mDatabase.getPath() +
+                            ", table = " + mEditTable + ", query = " + mQuery.mSql);
         } finally {