blob: 226a61fffed33c8fc4873f8d5b05feeb8294a18f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @author Dmitry A. Durnev
* @version $Revision$
package java.awt;
* The Event class is obsolete and has been replaced by AWTEvent class.
* @since Android 1.0
public class Event implements Serializable {
* The Constant serialVersionUID.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5488922509400504703L;
* The Constant SHIFT_MASK indicates that the Shift key is down when the
* event occurred.
public static final int SHIFT_MASK = 1;
* The Constant CTRL_MASK indicates that the Control key is down when the
* event occurred.
public static final int CTRL_MASK = 2;
* The Constant META_MASK indicates that the Meta key is down when t he
* event occurred (or the right mouse button).
public static final int META_MASK = 4;
* The Constant ALT_MASK indicates that the Alt key is down when the event
* occurred (or the middle mouse button).
public static final int ALT_MASK = 8;
* The Constant HOME indicates Home key.
public static final int HOME = 1000;
* The Constant END indicates End key.
public static final int END = 1001;
* The Constant PGUP indicates Page Up key.
public static final int PGUP = 1002;
* The Constant PGDN indicates Page Down key.
public static final int PGDN = 1003;
* The Constant UP indicates Up key.
public static final int UP = 1004;
* The Constant DOWN indicates Down key.
public static final int DOWN = 1005;
* The Constant LEFT indicates Left key.
public static final int LEFT = 1006;
* The Constant RIGHT indicates Right key.
public static final int RIGHT = 1007;
* The Constant F1 indicates F1 key.
public static final int F1 = 1008;
* The Constant F2 indicates F2 key.
public static final int F2 = 1009;
* The Constant F3 indicates F3 key.
public static final int F3 = 1010;
* The Constant F4 indicates F4 key.
public static final int F4 = 1011;
* The Constant F5 indicates F5 key.
public static final int F5 = 1012;
* The Constant F6 indicates F6 key.
public static final int F6 = 1013;
* The Constant F7 indicates F7 key.
public static final int F7 = 1014;
* The Constant F8 indicates F8 key.
public static final int F8 = 1015;
* The Constant F9 indicates F9 key.
public static final int F9 = 1016;
* The Constant F10 indicates F10 key.
public static final int F10 = 1017;
* The Constant F11 indicates F11 key.
public static final int F11 = 1018;
* The Constant F12 indicates F12 key.
public static final int F12 = 1019;
* The Constant PRINT_SCREEN indicates Print Screen key.
public static final int PRINT_SCREEN = 1020;
* The Constant SCROLL_LOCK indicates Scroll Lock key.
public static final int SCROLL_LOCK = 1021;
* The Constant CAPS_LOCK indicates Caps Lock key.
public static final int CAPS_LOCK = 1022;
* The Constant NUM_LOCK indicates Num Lock key.
public static final int NUM_LOCK = 1023;
* The Constant PAUSE indicates Pause key.
public static final int PAUSE = 1024;
* The Constant INSERT indicates Insert key.
public static final int INSERT = 1025;
* The Constant ENTER indicates Enter key.
public static final int ENTER = 10;
* The Constant BACK_SPACE indicates Back Space key.
public static final int BACK_SPACE = 8;
* The Constant TAB indicates TAb key.
public static final int TAB = 9;
* The Constant ESCAPE indicates Escape key.
public static final int ESCAPE = 27;
* The Constant DELETE indicates Delete key.
public static final int DELETE = 127;
* The Constant WINDOW_DESTROY indicates an event when the user has asked
* the window manager to kill the window.
public static final int WINDOW_DESTROY = 201;
* The Constant WINDOW_EXPOSE indicates an event when the user has asked the
* window manager to expose the window.
public static final int WINDOW_EXPOSE = 202;
* The Constant WINDOW_ICONIFY indicates an event when the user has asked
* the window manager to iconify the window.
public static final int WINDOW_ICONIFY = 203;
* The Constant WINDOW_DEICONIFY indicates an event when the user has asked
* the window manager to deiconify the window.
public static final int WINDOW_DEICONIFY = 204;
* The Constant WINDOW_MOVED indicates an event when the user has asked the
* window manager to move the window.
public static final int WINDOW_MOVED = 205;
* The Constant KEY_PRESS indicates an event when the user presses a normal
* key.
public static final int KEY_PRESS = 401;
* The Constant KEY_RELEASE indicates an event when the user releases a
* normal key.
public static final int KEY_RELEASE = 402;
* The Constant KEY_ACTION indicates an event when the user pressed a
* non-ASCII action key.
public static final int KEY_ACTION = 403;
* The Constant KEY_ACTION_RELEASE indicates an event when the user released
* a non-ASCII action key.
public static final int KEY_ACTION_RELEASE = 404;
* The Constant MOUSE_DOWN indicates an event when the user has pressed the
* mouse button.
public static final int MOUSE_DOWN = 501;
* The Constant MOUSE_UP indicates an event when the user has released the
* mouse button.
public static final int MOUSE_UP = 502;
* The Constant MOUSE_MOVE indicates an event when the user has moved the
* mouse with no button pressed.
public static final int MOUSE_MOVE = 503;
* The Constant MOUSE_ENTER indicates an event when the mouse has entered a
* component.
public static final int MOUSE_ENTER = 504;
* The Constant MOUSE_EXIT indicates an event when the mouse has exited a
* component.
public static final int MOUSE_EXIT = 505;
* The Constant MOUSE_DRAG indicates an event when the user has moved a
* mouse with the pressed button.
public static final int MOUSE_DRAG = 506;
* The Constant SCROLL_LINE_UP indicates an event when the user has
* activated line-up area of scrollbar.
public static final int SCROLL_LINE_UP = 601;
* The Constant SCROLL_LINE_DOWN indicates an event when the user has
* activated line-down area of scrollbar.
public static final int SCROLL_LINE_DOWN = 602;
* The Constant SCROLL_PAGE_UP indicates an event when the user has
* activated page up area of scrollbar.
public static final int SCROLL_PAGE_UP = 603;
* The Constant SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN indicates an event when the user has
* activated page down area of scrollbar.
public static final int SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN = 604;
* The Constant SCROLL_ABSOLUTE indicates an event when the user has moved
* the bubble in a scroll bar.
public static final int SCROLL_ABSOLUTE = 605;
* The Constant SCROLL_BEGIN indicates a scroll begin event.
public static final int SCROLL_BEGIN = 606;
* The Constant SCROLL_END indicates a scroll end event.
public static final int SCROLL_END = 607;
* The Constant LIST_SELECT indicates that an item in a list has been
* selected.
public static final int LIST_SELECT = 701;
* The Constant LIST_DESELECT indicates that an item in a list has been
* unselected.
public static final int LIST_DESELECT = 702;
* The Constant ACTION_EVENT indicates that the user wants some action to
* occur.
public static final int ACTION_EVENT = 1001;
* The Constant LOAD_FILE indicates a file loading event.
public static final int LOAD_FILE = 1002;
* The Constant SAVE_FILE indicates a file saving event.
public static final int SAVE_FILE = 1003;
* The Constant GOT_FOCUS indicates that a component got the focus.
public static final int GOT_FOCUS = 1004;
* The Constant LOST_FOCUS indicates that the component lost the focus.
public static final int LOST_FOCUS = 1005;
* The target is the component with which the event is associated.
public Object target;
* The when is timestamp when event has occured.
public long when;
* The id indicates the type of the event.
public int id;
* The x coordinate of event.
public int x;
* The y coordinate of event.
public int y;
* The key code of key event.
public int key;
* The state of the modifier keys (given by a bitmask).
public int modifiers;
* The click count indicates the number of consecutive clicks.
public int clickCount;
* The argument of the event.
public Object arg;
* The next event.
public Event evt;
* Instantiates a new event with the specified target component, event type,
* and argument.
* @param target
* the target component.
* @param id
* the event type.
* @param arg
* the argument.
public Event(Object target, int id, Object arg) {
this(target, 0l, id, 0, 0, 0, 0, arg);
* Instantiates a new event with the specified target component, time stamp,
* event type, x and y coordinates, keyboard key, state of the modifier
* keys, and an argument set to null.
* @param target
* the target component.
* @param when
* the time stamp.
* @param id
* the event type.
* @param x
* the x coordinate.
* @param y
* the y coordinate.
* @param key
* the key.
* @param modifiers
* the modifier keys state.
public Event(Object target, long when, int id, int x, int y, int key, int modifiers) {
this(target, when, id, x, y, key, modifiers, null);
* Instantiates a new event with the specified target component, time stamp,
* event type, x and y coordinates, keyboard key, state of the modifier
* keys, and an argument.
* @param target
* the target component.
* @param when
* the time stamp.
* @param id
* the event type.
* @param x
* the x coordinate.
* @param y
* the y coordinate.
* @param key
* the key.
* @param modifiers
* the modifier keys state.
* @param arg
* the specified argument.
public Event(Object target, long when, int id, int x, int y, int key, int modifiers, Object arg) { = target;
this.when = when; = id;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.key = key;
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.arg = arg;
* Returns a string representation of this Event.
* @return a string representation of this Event.
public String toString() {
* The format is based on 1.5 release behavior which can be revealed by
* the following code: Event e = new Event(new Button(), 0l,
* Event.KEY_PRESS, 0, 0, Event.TAB, Event.SHIFT_MASK, "arg");
* System.out.println(e);
return getClass().getName() + "[" + paramString() + "]"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Returns a string representing the state of this Event.
* @return a string representing the state of this Event.
protected String paramString() {
return "id=" + id + ",x=" + x + ",y=" + y + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
(key != 0 ? ",key=" + key + getModifiersString() : "") + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
",target=" + target + //$NON-NLS-1$
(arg != null ? ",arg=" + arg : ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* Gets a string representation of the modifiers.
* @return a string representation of the modifiers.
private String getModifiersString() {
String strMod = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (shiftDown()) {
strMod += ",shift"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (controlDown()) {
strMod += ",control"; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (metaDown()) {
strMod += ",meta"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return strMod;
* Translates x and y coordinates of his event to the x+dx and x+dy
* coordinates.
* @param dx
* the distance by which the event's x coordinate is increased.
* @param dy
* the distance by which the event's y coordinate is increased.
public void translate(int dx, int dy) {
x += dx;
y += dy;
* Checks if Control key is down or not.
* @return true, if Control key is down; false otherwise.
public boolean controlDown() {
return (modifiers & CTRL_MASK) != 0;
* Checks if Meta key is down or not.
* @return true, if Meta key is down; false otherwise.
public boolean metaDown() {
return (modifiers & META_MASK) != 0;
* Checks if Shift key is down or not.
* @return true, if Shift key is down; false otherwise.
public boolean shiftDown() {
return (modifiers & SHIFT_MASK) != 0;