blob: 386e2d31380c501449bd9d0e9652ccc888a5d55e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.MainThread
import android.view.View
* Given a "spec" that describes a "tree" of views, adds and removes views from the
* [rootController] and its children until the actual tree matches the spec.
* Every node in the spec tree must specify both a view and its associated [NodeController].
* Commands to add/remove/reorder children are sent to the controller. How the controller
* interprets these commands is left to its own discretion -- it might add them directly to its
* associated view or to some subview container.
* It's possible for nodes to mix "unmanaged" views in alongside managed ones within the same
* container. In this case, whenever the differ runs it will move all unmanaged views to the end
* of the node's child list.
class ShadeViewDiffer(
rootController: NodeController,
private val logger: ShadeViewDifferLogger
) {
private val rootNode = ShadeNode(rootController)
private val nodes = mutableMapOf(rootController to rootNode)
private val views = mutableMapOf<View, ShadeNode>()
* Adds and removes views from the root (and its children) until their structure matches the
* provided [spec]. The root node of the spec must match the root controller passed to the
* differ's constructor.
fun applySpec(spec: NodeSpec) = traceSection("ShadeViewDiffer.applySpec") {
val specMap = treeToMap(spec)
if (spec.controller != rootNode.controller) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Tree root ${spec.controller.nodeLabel} does not " +
"match own root at ${rootNode.label}")
detachChildren(rootNode, specMap)
attachChildren(rootNode, specMap)
* If [view] is managed by this differ, then returns the label of the view's controller.
* Otherwise returns View.toString().
* For debugging purposes.
fun getViewLabel(view: View): String = views[view]?.label ?: view.toString()
private fun detachChildren(
parentNode: ShadeNode,
specMap: Map<NodeController, NodeSpec>
) {
val parentSpec = specMap[parentNode.controller]
for (i in parentNode.getChildCount() - 1 downTo 0) {
val childView = parentNode.getChildAt(i)
views[childView]?.let { childNode ->
val childSpec = specMap[childNode.controller]
maybeDetachChild(parentNode, parentSpec, childNode, childSpec)
if (childNode.controller.getChildCount() > 0) {
detachChildren(childNode, specMap)
private fun maybeDetachChild(
parentNode: ShadeNode,
parentSpec: NodeSpec?,
childNode: ShadeNode,
childSpec: NodeSpec?
) {
val newParentNode = transform(childSpec?.parent) { getNode(it) }
if (newParentNode != parentNode) {
val childCompletelyRemoved = newParentNode == null
if (childCompletelyRemoved) {
key = childNode.label,
isTransfer = !childCompletelyRemoved,
isParentRemoved = parentSpec == null,
oldParent = parentNode.label,
newParent = newParentNode?.label)
parentNode.removeChild(childNode, isTransfer = !childCompletelyRemoved)
childNode.parent = null
private fun attachChildren(
parentNode: ShadeNode,
specMap: Map<NodeController, NodeSpec>
) {
val parentSpec = checkNotNull(specMap[parentNode.controller])
for ((index, childSpec) in parentSpec.children.withIndex()) {
val currView = parentNode.getChildAt(index)
val childNode = getNode(childSpec)
if (childNode.view != currView) {
when (childNode.parent) {
null -> {
// A new child (either newly created or coming from some other parent)
logger.logAttachingChild(childNode.label, parentNode.label)
parentNode.addChildAt(childNode, index)
childNode.parent = parentNode
parentNode -> {
// A pre-existing child, just in the wrong position. Move it into place
logger.logMovingChild(childNode.label, parentNode.label, index)
parentNode.moveChildTo(childNode, index)
else -> {
// Error: child still has a parent. We should have detached it in the
// previous step.
throw IllegalStateException("Child ${childNode.label} should have " +
"parent ${parentNode.label} but is actually " +
if (childSpec.children.isNotEmpty()) {
attachChildren(childNode, specMap)
private fun getNode(spec: NodeSpec): ShadeNode {
var node = nodes[spec.controller]
if (node == null) {
node = ShadeNode(spec.controller)
nodes[node.controller] = node
views[node.view] = node
return node
private fun treeToMap(tree: NodeSpec): Map<NodeController, NodeSpec> {
val map = mutableMapOf<NodeController, NodeSpec>()
try {
registerNodes(tree, map)
} catch (ex: DuplicateNodeException) {
logger.logDuplicateNodeInTree(tree, ex)
throw ex
return map
private fun registerNodes(node: NodeSpec, map: MutableMap<NodeController, NodeSpec>) {
if (map.containsKey(node.controller)) {
throw DuplicateNodeException("Node ${node.controller.nodeLabel} appears more than once")
map[node.controller] = node
if (node.children.isNotEmpty()) {
for (child in node.children) {
registerNodes(child, map)
private class DuplicateNodeException(message: String) : RuntimeException(message)
private class ShadeNode(
val controller: NodeController
) {
val view = controller.view
var parent: ShadeNode? = null
val label: String
get() = controller.nodeLabel
fun getChildAt(index: Int): View? = controller.getChildAt(index)
fun getChildCount(): Int = controller.getChildCount()
fun addChildAt(child: ShadeNode, index: Int) {
controller.addChildAt(child.controller, index)
fun moveChildTo(child: ShadeNode, index: Int) {
controller.moveChildTo(child.controller, index)
fun removeChild(child: ShadeNode, isTransfer: Boolean) {
controller.removeChild(child.controller, isTransfer)