blob: 952cd9ae69bc77f2ab73d65999f44ddbafee3f6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.MathUtils;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* The Algorithm of the
* {@link} which can
* be queried for {@link StackScrollAlgorithmState}
public class StackScrollAlgorithm {
public static final float START_FRACTION = 0.5f;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "StackScrollAlgorithm";
private final ViewGroup mHostView;
private int mPaddingBetweenElements;
private int mGapHeight;
private int mCollapsedSize;
private StackScrollAlgorithmState mTempAlgorithmState = new StackScrollAlgorithmState();
private boolean mIsExpanded;
private boolean mClipNotificationScrollToTop;
@VisibleForTesting float mHeadsUpInset;
private int mPinnedZTranslationExtra;
private float mNotificationScrimPadding;
private int mMarginBottom;
public StackScrollAlgorithm(
Context context,
ViewGroup hostView) {
mHostView = hostView;
public void initView(Context context) {
private void initConstants(Context context) {
Resources res = context.getResources();
mPaddingBetweenElements = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mCollapsedSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_min_height);
mClipNotificationScrollToTop = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_clipNotificationScrollToTop);
int statusBarHeight = SystemBarUtils.getStatusBarHeight(context);
mHeadsUpInset = statusBarHeight + res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mPinnedZTranslationExtra = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mGapHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_section_divider_height);
mNotificationScrimPadding = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_side_paddings);
mMarginBottom = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.notification_panel_margin_bottom);
* Updates the state of all children in the hostview based on this algorithm.
public void resetViewStates(AmbientState ambientState, int speedBumpIndex) {
// The state of the local variables are saved in an algorithmState to easily subdivide it
// into multiple phases.
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState = mTempAlgorithmState;
// First we reset the view states to their default values.
initAlgorithmState(algorithmState, ambientState);
updatePositionsForState(algorithmState, ambientState);
updateZValuesForState(algorithmState, ambientState);
updateHeadsUpStates(algorithmState, ambientState);
updatePulsingStates(algorithmState, ambientState);
updateDimmedActivatedHideSensitive(ambientState, algorithmState);
updateClipping(algorithmState, ambientState);
updateSpeedBumpState(algorithmState, speedBumpIndex);
updateShelfState(algorithmState, ambientState);
getNotificationChildrenStates(algorithmState, ambientState);
* How expanded or collapsed notifications are when pulling down the shade.
* @param ambientState Current ambient state.
* @return 0 when fully collapsed, 1 when expanded.
public float getNotificationSquishinessFraction(AmbientState ambientState) {
return getExpansionFractionWithoutShelf(mTempAlgorithmState, ambientState);
private void resetChildViewStates() {
int numChildren = mHostView.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++) {
ExpandableView child = (ExpandableView) mHostView.getChildAt(i);
private void getNotificationChildrenStates(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView v = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
private void updateSpeedBumpState(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
int speedBumpIndex) {
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
int belowSpeedBump = speedBumpIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
ExpandableViewState childViewState = child.getViewState();
// The speed bump can also be gone, so equality needs to be taken when comparing
// indices.
childViewState.belowSpeedBump = i >= belowSpeedBump;
private void updateShelfState(
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
NotificationShelf shelf = ambientState.getShelf();
if (shelf == null) {
shelf.updateState(algorithmState, ambientState);
// After the shelf has updated its yTranslation, explicitly set alpha=0 for view below shelf
// to skip rendering them in the hardware layer. We do not set them invisible because that
// runs invalidate & onDraw when these views return onscreen, which is more expensive.
if (shelf.getViewState().hidden) {
// When the shelf is hidden, it won't clip views, so we don't hide rows
final float shelfTop = shelf.getViewState().yTranslation;
for (ExpandableView view : algorithmState.visibleChildren) {
final float viewTop = view.getViewState().yTranslation;
if (viewTop >= shelfTop) {
view.getViewState().alpha = 0;
private void updateClipping(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
float drawStart = ambientState.isOnKeyguard() ? 0
: ambientState.getStackY() - ambientState.getScrollY();
float clipStart = 0;
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
boolean firstHeadsUp = true;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
ExpandableViewState state = child.getViewState();
if (!child.mustStayOnScreen() || state.headsUpIsVisible) {
clipStart = Math.max(drawStart, clipStart);
float newYTranslation = state.yTranslation;
float newHeight = state.height;
float newNotificationEnd = newYTranslation + newHeight;
boolean isHeadsUp = (child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) && child.isPinned();
final boolean shadeClosedWithHUN =
ambientState.isShadeOpening() && !ambientState.isShadeExpanded();
if (mClipNotificationScrollToTop
&& (!state.inShelf || (isHeadsUp && !firstHeadsUp))
&& newYTranslation < clipStart
&& shadeClosedWithHUN) {
// The previous view is overlapping on top, clip!
float overlapAmount = clipStart - newYTranslation;
state.clipTopAmount = (int) overlapAmount;
} else {
state.clipTopAmount = 0;
if (isHeadsUp) {
firstHeadsUp = false;
if (!child.isTransparent()) {
// Only update the previous values if we are not transparent,
// otherwise we would clip to a transparent view.
clipStart = Math.max(clipStart, isHeadsUp ? newYTranslation : newNotificationEnd);
* Updates the dimmed, activated and hiding sensitive states of the children.
private void updateDimmedActivatedHideSensitive(AmbientState ambientState,
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState) {
boolean dimmed = ambientState.isDimmed();
boolean hideSensitive = ambientState.isHideSensitive();
View activatedChild = ambientState.getActivatedChild();
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
ExpandableViewState childViewState = child.getViewState();
childViewState.dimmed = dimmed;
childViewState.hideSensitive = hideSensitive;
boolean isActivatedChild = activatedChild == child;
if (dimmed && isActivatedChild) {
childViewState.zTranslation += 2.0f * ambientState.getZDistanceBetweenElements();
* Initialize the algorithm state like updating the visible children.
private void initAlgorithmState(StackScrollAlgorithmState state, AmbientState ambientState) {
state.scrollY = ambientState.getScrollY();
state.mCurrentYPosition = -state.scrollY;
state.mCurrentExpandedYPosition = -state.scrollY;
//now init the visible children and update paddings
int childCount = mHostView.getChildCount();
int notGoneIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView v = (ExpandableView) mHostView.getChildAt(i);
if (v.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
if (v == ambientState.getShelf()) {
notGoneIndex = updateNotGoneIndex(state, notGoneIndex, v);
if (v instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow) {
ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) v;
// handle the notGoneIndex for the children as well
List<ExpandableNotificationRow> children = row.getAttachedChildren();
if (row.isSummaryWithChildren() && children != null) {
for (ExpandableNotificationRow childRow : children) {
if (childRow.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
ExpandableViewState childState = childRow.getViewState();
childState.notGoneIndex = notGoneIndex;
// Save the index of first view in shelf from when shade is fully
// expanded. Consider updating these states in updateContentView instead so that we don't
// have to recalculate in every frame.
float currentY = -ambientState.getScrollY();
if (!ambientState.isOnKeyguard()
|| (ambientState.isBypassEnabled() && ambientState.isPulseExpanding())) {
// add top padding at the start as long as we're not on the lock screen
currentY += mNotificationScrimPadding;
state.firstViewInShelf = null;
for (int i = 0; i < state.visibleChildren.size(); i++) {
final ExpandableView view = state.visibleChildren.get(i);
final boolean applyGapHeight = childNeedsGapHeight(
ambientState.getSectionProvider(), i,
view, getPreviousView(i, state));
if (applyGapHeight) {
currentY += mGapHeight;
if (ambientState.getShelf() != null) {
final float shelfStart = ambientState.getStackEndHeight()
- ambientState.getShelf().getIntrinsicHeight();
if (currentY >= shelfStart
&& !(view instanceof FooterView)
&& state.firstViewInShelf == null) {
state.firstViewInShelf = view;
currentY = currentY
+ getMaxAllowedChildHeight(view)
+ mPaddingBetweenElements;
private int updateNotGoneIndex(StackScrollAlgorithmState state, int notGoneIndex,
ExpandableView v) {
ExpandableViewState viewState = v.getViewState();
viewState.notGoneIndex = notGoneIndex;
return notGoneIndex;
private ExpandableView getPreviousView(int i, StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState) {
return i > 0 ? algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i - 1) : null;
* Determine the positions for the views. This is the main part of the algorithm.
* @param algorithmState The state in which the current pass of the algorithm is currently in
* @param ambientState The current ambient state
private void updatePositionsForState(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
if (!ambientState.isOnKeyguard()
|| (ambientState.isBypassEnabled() && ambientState.isPulseExpanding())) {
algorithmState.mCurrentYPosition += mNotificationScrimPadding;
algorithmState.mCurrentExpandedYPosition += mNotificationScrimPadding;
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
updateChild(i, algorithmState, ambientState);
private void setLocation(ExpandableViewState expandableViewState, float currentYPosition,
int i) {
expandableViewState.location = ExpandableViewState.LOCATION_MAIN_AREA;
if (currentYPosition <= 0) {
expandableViewState.location = ExpandableViewState.LOCATION_HIDDEN_TOP;
* @return Fraction to apply to view height and gap between views.
* Does not include shelf height even if shelf is showing.
private float getExpansionFractionWithoutShelf(
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
final boolean showingShelf = ambientState.getShelf() != null
&& algorithmState.firstViewInShelf != null;
final float shelfHeight = showingShelf ? ambientState.getShelf().getIntrinsicHeight() : 0f;
final float scrimPadding = ambientState.isOnKeyguard()
&& (!ambientState.isBypassEnabled() || !ambientState.isPulseExpanding())
? 0 : mNotificationScrimPadding;
final float stackHeight = ambientState.getStackHeight() - shelfHeight - scrimPadding;
final float stackEndHeight = ambientState.getStackEndHeight() - shelfHeight - scrimPadding;
if (stackEndHeight == 0f) {
// This should not happen, since even when the shade is empty we show EmptyShadeView
// but check just in case, so we don't return infinity or NaN.
return 0f;
return stackHeight / stackEndHeight;
public boolean hasOngoingNotifs(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState) {
for (int i = 0; i < algorithmState.visibleChildren.size(); i++) {
View child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
if (!(child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow)) {
final ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
if (!row.canViewBeDismissed()) {
return true;
return false;
// TODO(b/172289889) polish shade open from HUN
* Populates the {@link ExpandableViewState} for a single child.
* @param i The index of the child in
* {@link StackScrollAlgorithmState#visibleChildren}.
* @param algorithmState The overall output state of the algorithm.
* @param ambientState The input state provided to the algorithm.
protected void updateChild(
int i,
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
ExpandableView view = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
ExpandableViewState viewState = view.getViewState();
viewState.location = ExpandableViewState.LOCATION_UNKNOWN;
final boolean isHunGoingToShade = ambientState.isShadeExpanded()
&& view == ambientState.getTrackedHeadsUpRow();
if (isHunGoingToShade) {
// Keep 100% opacity for heads up notification going to shade.
} else if (ambientState.isOnKeyguard()) {
// Adjust alpha for wakeup to lockscreen.
viewState.alpha = 1f - ambientState.getHideAmount();
} else if (ambientState.isExpansionChanging()) {
// Adjust alpha for shade open & close.
float expansion = ambientState.getExpansionFraction();
viewState.alpha = ShadeInterpolation.getContentAlpha(expansion);
if (ambientState.isShadeExpanded() && view.mustStayOnScreen()
&& viewState.yTranslation >= 0) {
// Even if we're not scrolled away we're in view and we're also not in the
// shelf. We can relax the constraints and let us scroll off the top!
float end = viewState.yTranslation + viewState.height + ambientState.getStackY();
viewState.headsUpIsVisible = end < ambientState.getMaxHeadsUpTranslation();
final float expansionFraction = getExpansionFractionWithoutShelf(
algorithmState, ambientState);
// Add gap between sections.
final boolean applyGapHeight =
ambientState.getSectionProvider(), i,
view, getPreviousView(i, algorithmState));
if (applyGapHeight) {
algorithmState.mCurrentYPosition += expansionFraction * mGapHeight;
algorithmState.mCurrentExpandedYPosition += mGapHeight;
viewState.yTranslation = algorithmState.mCurrentYPosition;
if (view instanceof FooterView) {
final boolean shadeClosed = !ambientState.isShadeExpanded();
final boolean isShelfShowing = algorithmState.firstViewInShelf != null;
if (shadeClosed) {
viewState.hidden = true;
} else {
final float footerEnd = algorithmState.mCurrentExpandedYPosition
+ view.getIntrinsicHeight();
final boolean noSpaceForFooter = footerEnd > ambientState.getStackEndHeight();
((FooterView.FooterViewState) viewState).hideContent =
isShelfShowing || noSpaceForFooter
|| (ambientState.isClearAllInProgress()
&& !hasOngoingNotifs(algorithmState));
} else {
if (view instanceof EmptyShadeView) {
float fullHeight = ambientState.getLayoutMaxHeight() + mMarginBottom
- ambientState.getStackY();
viewState.yTranslation = (fullHeight - getMaxAllowedChildHeight(view)) / 2f;
} else if (view != ambientState.getTrackedHeadsUpRow()) {
if (ambientState.isExpansionChanging()) {
// We later update shelf state, then hide views below the shelf.
viewState.hidden = false;
viewState.inShelf = algorithmState.firstViewInShelf != null
&& i >= algorithmState.visibleChildren.indexOf(
} else if (ambientState.getShelf() != null) {
// When pulsing (incoming notification on AOD), innerHeight is 0; clamp all
// to shelf start, thereby hiding all notifications (except the first one, which
// we later unhide in updatePulsingState)
// TODO(b/192348384): merge InnerHeight with StackHeight
// Note: Bypass pulse looks different, but when it is not expanding, we need
// to use the innerHeight which doesn't update continuously, otherwise we show
// more notifications than we should during this special transitional states.
boolean bypassPulseNotExpanding = ambientState.isBypassEnabled()
&& ambientState.isOnKeyguard() && !ambientState.isPulseExpanding();
final int stackBottom =
!ambientState.isShadeExpanded() || ambientState.isDozing()
|| bypassPulseNotExpanding
? ambientState.getInnerHeight()
: (int) ambientState.getStackHeight();
final int shelfStart =
stackBottom - ambientState.getShelf().getIntrinsicHeight();
viewState.yTranslation = Math.min(viewState.yTranslation, shelfStart);
if (viewState.yTranslation >= shelfStart) {
viewState.hidden = !view.isExpandAnimationRunning()
&& !view.hasExpandingChild();
viewState.inShelf = true;
// Notifications in the shelf cannot be visible HUNs.
viewState.headsUpIsVisible = false;
// Clip height of view right before shelf.
viewState.height = (int) (getMaxAllowedChildHeight(view) * expansionFraction);
algorithmState.mCurrentYPosition += viewState.height
+ expansionFraction * mPaddingBetweenElements;
algorithmState.mCurrentExpandedYPosition += view.getIntrinsicHeight()
+ mPaddingBetweenElements;
setLocation(view.getViewState(), algorithmState.mCurrentYPosition, i);
viewState.yTranslation += ambientState.getStackY();
* Get the gap height needed for before a view
* @param sectionProvider the sectionProvider used to understand the sections
* @param visibleIndex the visible index of this view in the list
* @param child the child asked about
* @param previousChild the child right before it or null if none
* @return the size of the gap needed or 0 if none is needed
public float getGapHeightForChild(
SectionProvider sectionProvider,
int visibleIndex,
View child,
View previousChild) {
if (childNeedsGapHeight(sectionProvider, visibleIndex, child,
previousChild)) {
return mGapHeight;
} else {
return 0;
* Does a given child need a gap, i.e spacing before a view?
* @param sectionProvider the sectionProvider used to understand the sections
* @param visibleIndex the visible index of this view in the list
* @param child the child asked about
* @param previousChild the child right before it or null if none
* @return if the child needs a gap height
private boolean childNeedsGapHeight(
SectionProvider sectionProvider,
int visibleIndex,
View child,
View previousChild) {
return sectionProvider.beginsSection(child, previousChild)
&& visibleIndex > 0
&& !(previousChild instanceof SectionHeaderView)
&& !(child instanceof FooterView);
private void updatePulsingStates(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
if (!(child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow)) {
ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
if (!row.showingPulsing() || (i == 0 && ambientState.isPulseExpanding())) {
ExpandableViewState viewState = row.getViewState();
viewState.hidden = false;
private void updateHeadsUpStates(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
// Move the tracked heads up into position during the appear animation, by interpolating
// between the HUN inset (where it will appear as a HUN) and the end position in the shade
float headsUpTranslation = mHeadsUpInset - ambientState.getStackTopMargin();
ExpandableNotificationRow trackedHeadsUpRow = ambientState.getTrackedHeadsUpRow();
if (trackedHeadsUpRow != null) {
ExpandableViewState childState = trackedHeadsUpRow.getViewState();
if (childState != null) {
float endPosition = childState.yTranslation - ambientState.getStackTranslation();
childState.yTranslation = MathUtils.lerp(
headsUpTranslation, endPosition, ambientState.getAppearFraction());
ExpandableNotificationRow topHeadsUpEntry = null;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
if (!(child instanceof ExpandableNotificationRow)) {
ExpandableNotificationRow row = (ExpandableNotificationRow) child;
if (!(row.isHeadsUp() || row.isHeadsUpAnimatingAway())) {
ExpandableViewState childState = row.getViewState();
if (topHeadsUpEntry == null && row.mustStayOnScreen() && !childState.headsUpIsVisible) {
topHeadsUpEntry = row;
childState.location = ExpandableViewState.LOCATION_FIRST_HUN;
boolean isTopEntry = topHeadsUpEntry == row;
float unmodifiedEndLocation = childState.yTranslation + childState.height;
if (mIsExpanded) {
if (row.mustStayOnScreen() && !childState.headsUpIsVisible
&& !row.showingPulsing()) {
// Ensure that the heads up is always visible even when scrolled off
clampHunToTop(ambientState, row, childState);
if (isTopEntry && row.isAboveShelf()) {
// the first hun can't get off screen.
clampHunToMaxTranslation(ambientState, row, childState);
childState.hidden = false;
if (row.isPinned()) {
childState.yTranslation = Math.max(childState.yTranslation, headsUpTranslation);
childState.height = Math.max(row.getIntrinsicHeight(), childState.height);
childState.hidden = false;
ExpandableViewState topState =
topHeadsUpEntry == null ? null : topHeadsUpEntry.getViewState();
if (topState != null && !isTopEntry && (!mIsExpanded
|| unmodifiedEndLocation > topState.yTranslation + topState.height)) {
// Ensure that a headsUp doesn't vertically extend further than the heads-up at
// the top most z-position
childState.height = row.getIntrinsicHeight();
childState.yTranslation = Math.min(topState.yTranslation + topState.height
- childState.height, childState.yTranslation);
// heads up notification show and this row is the top entry of heads up
// notifications. i.e. this row should be the only one row that has input field
// To check if the row need to do translation according to scroll Y
// heads up show full of row's content and any scroll y indicate that the
// translationY need to move up the HUN.
if (!mIsExpanded && isTopEntry && ambientState.getScrollY() > 0) {
childState.yTranslation -= ambientState.getScrollY();
if (row.isHeadsUpAnimatingAway()) {
childState.yTranslation = Math.max(childState.yTranslation, mHeadsUpInset);
childState.hidden = false;
private void clampHunToTop(AmbientState ambientState, ExpandableNotificationRow row,
ExpandableViewState childState) {
float newTranslation = Math.max(ambientState.getTopPadding()
+ ambientState.getStackTranslation(), childState.yTranslation);
childState.height = (int) Math.max(childState.height - (newTranslation
- childState.yTranslation), row.getCollapsedHeight());
childState.yTranslation = newTranslation;
private void clampHunToMaxTranslation(AmbientState ambientState, ExpandableNotificationRow row,
ExpandableViewState childState) {
float newTranslation;
float maxHeadsUpTranslation = ambientState.getMaxHeadsUpTranslation();
float maxShelfPosition = ambientState.getInnerHeight() + ambientState.getTopPadding()
+ ambientState.getStackTranslation();
maxHeadsUpTranslation = Math.min(maxHeadsUpTranslation, maxShelfPosition);
float bottomPosition = maxHeadsUpTranslation - row.getCollapsedHeight();
newTranslation = Math.min(childState.yTranslation, bottomPosition);
childState.height = (int) Math.min(childState.height, maxHeadsUpTranslation
- newTranslation);
childState.yTranslation = newTranslation;
protected int getMaxAllowedChildHeight(View child) {
if (child instanceof ExpandableView) {
ExpandableView expandableView = (ExpandableView) child;
return expandableView.getIntrinsicHeight();
return child == null ? mCollapsedSize : child.getHeight();
* Calculate the Z positions for all children based on the number of items in both stacks and
* save it in the resultState
* @param algorithmState The state in which the current pass of the algorithm is currently in
* @param ambientState The ambient state of the algorithm
private void updateZValuesForState(StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState) {
int childCount = algorithmState.visibleChildren.size();
float childrenOnTop = 0.0f;
int topHunIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
ExpandableView child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
if (child instanceof ActivatableNotificationView
&& (child.isAboveShelf() || child.showingPulsing())) {
topHunIndex = i;
for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
childrenOnTop = updateChildZValue(i, childrenOnTop,
algorithmState, ambientState, i == topHunIndex);
protected float updateChildZValue(int i, float childrenOnTop,
StackScrollAlgorithmState algorithmState,
AmbientState ambientState,
boolean shouldElevateHun) {
ExpandableView child = algorithmState.visibleChildren.get(i);
ExpandableViewState childViewState = child.getViewState();
int zDistanceBetweenElements = ambientState.getZDistanceBetweenElements();
float baseZ = ambientState.getBaseZHeight();
if (child.mustStayOnScreen() && !childViewState.headsUpIsVisible
&& !ambientState.isDozingAndNotPulsing(child)
&& childViewState.yTranslation < ambientState.getTopPadding()
+ ambientState.getStackTranslation()) {
if (childrenOnTop != 0.0f) {
} else {
float overlap = ambientState.getTopPadding()
+ ambientState.getStackTranslation() - childViewState.yTranslation;
childrenOnTop += Math.min(1.0f, overlap / childViewState.height);
childViewState.zTranslation = baseZ
+ childrenOnTop * zDistanceBetweenElements;
} else if (shouldElevateHun) {
// In case this is a new view that has never been measured before, we don't want to
// elevate if we are currently expanded more then the notification
int shelfHeight = ambientState.getShelf() == null ? 0 :
float shelfStart = ambientState.getInnerHeight()
- shelfHeight + ambientState.getTopPadding()
+ ambientState.getStackTranslation();
float notificationEnd = childViewState.yTranslation + child.getIntrinsicHeight()
+ mPaddingBetweenElements;
if (shelfStart > notificationEnd) {
childViewState.zTranslation = baseZ;
} else {
float factor = (notificationEnd - shelfStart) / shelfHeight;
factor = Math.min(factor, 1.0f);
childViewState.zTranslation = baseZ + factor * zDistanceBetweenElements;
} else {
childViewState.zTranslation = baseZ;
// We need to scrim the notification more from its surrounding content when we are pinned,
// and we therefore elevate it higher.
// We can use the headerVisibleAmount for this, since the value nicely goes from 0 to 1 when
// expanding after which we have a normal elevation again.
childViewState.zTranslation += (1.0f - child.getHeaderVisibleAmount())
* mPinnedZTranslationExtra;
return childrenOnTop;
public void setIsExpanded(boolean isExpanded) {
this.mIsExpanded = isExpanded;
public static class StackScrollAlgorithmState {
* The scroll position of the algorithm (absolute scrolling).
public int scrollY;
* First view in shelf.
public ExpandableView firstViewInShelf;
* The children from the host view which are not gone.
public final ArrayList<ExpandableView> visibleChildren = new ArrayList<>();
* Y position of the current view during updating children
* with expansion factor applied.
private int mCurrentYPosition;
* Y position of the current view during updating children
* without applying the expansion factor.
private int mCurrentExpandedYPosition;
* Interface for telling the SSA when a new notification section begins (so it can add in
* appropriate margins).
public interface SectionProvider {
* True if this view starts a new "section" of notifications, such as the gentle
* notifications section. False if sections are not enabled.
boolean beginsSection(@NonNull View view, @Nullable View previous);
* Interface for telling the StackScrollAlgorithm information about the bypass state
public interface BypassController {
* True if bypass is enabled. Note that this is always false if face auth is not enabled.
boolean isBypassEnabled();