blob: 012713891d11ebd7fc57a8687743459c447a3fdc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.accounts;
import android.accounts.IAccountManagerResponse;
import android.accounts.Account;
import android.accounts.AuthenticatorDescription;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.RemoteCallback;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import java.util.Map;
* Central application service that provides account management.
* @hide
interface IAccountManager {
String getPassword(in Account account);
String getUserData(in Account account, String key);
AuthenticatorDescription[] getAuthenticatorTypes(int userId);
Account[] getAccounts(String accountType, String opPackageName);
Account[] getAccountsForPackage(String packageName, int uid, String opPackageName);
Account[] getAccountsByTypeForPackage(String type, String packageName, String opPackageName);
Account[] getAccountsAsUser(String accountType, int userId, String opPackageName);
void hasFeatures(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account, in String[] features,
String opPackageName);
void getAccountByTypeAndFeatures(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
in String[] features, String opPackageName);
void getAccountsByFeatures(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
in String[] features, String opPackageName);
boolean addAccountExplicitly(in Account account, String password, in Bundle extras);
void removeAccount(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
boolean expectActivityLaunch);
void removeAccountAsUser(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
boolean expectActivityLaunch, int userId);
boolean removeAccountExplicitly(in Account account);
void copyAccountToUser(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
int userFrom, int userTo);
void invalidateAuthToken(String accountType, String authToken);
String peekAuthToken(in Account account, String authTokenType);
void setAuthToken(in Account account, String authTokenType, String authToken);
void setPassword(in Account account, String password);
void clearPassword(in Account account);
void setUserData(in Account account, String key, String value);
void updateAppPermission(in Account account, String authTokenType, int uid, boolean value);
void getAuthToken(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
String authTokenType, boolean notifyOnAuthFailure, boolean expectActivityLaunch,
in Bundle options);
void addAccount(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
String authTokenType, in String[] requiredFeatures, boolean expectActivityLaunch,
in Bundle options);
void addAccountAsUser(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
String authTokenType, in String[] requiredFeatures, boolean expectActivityLaunch,
in Bundle options, int userId);
void updateCredentials(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
String authTokenType, boolean expectActivityLaunch, in Bundle options);
void editProperties(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
boolean expectActivityLaunch);
void confirmCredentialsAsUser(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
in Bundle options, boolean expectActivityLaunch, int userId);
boolean accountAuthenticated(in Account account);
void getAuthTokenLabel(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
String authTokenType);
/* Shared accounts */
void addSharedAccountsFromParentUser(int parentUserId, int userId, String opPackageName);
/* Account renaming. */
void renameAccount(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account accountToRename, String newName);
String getPreviousName(in Account account);
/* Add account in two steps. */
void startAddAccountSession(in IAccountManagerResponse response, String accountType,
String authTokenType, in String[] requiredFeatures, boolean expectActivityLaunch,
in Bundle options);
/* Update credentials in two steps. */
void startUpdateCredentialsSession(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
String authTokenType, boolean expectActivityLaunch, in Bundle options);
/* Finish session started by startAddAccountSession(...) or startUpdateCredentialsSession(...)
for user */
void finishSessionAsUser(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Bundle sessionBundle,
boolean expectActivityLaunch, in Bundle appInfo, int userId);
/* Check if an account exists on any user on the device. */
boolean someUserHasAccount(in Account account);
/* Check if credentials update is suggested */
void isCredentialsUpdateSuggested(in IAccountManagerResponse response, in Account account,
String statusToken);
/* Returns Map<String, Integer> from package name to visibility with all values stored for given account */
Map getPackagesAndVisibilityForAccount(in Account account);
boolean addAccountExplicitlyWithVisibility(in Account account, String password, in Bundle extras,
in Map visibility);
boolean setAccountVisibility(in Account a, in String packageName, int newVisibility);
int getAccountVisibility(in Account a, in String packageName);
/* Type may be null returns Map <Account, Integer>*/
Map getAccountsAndVisibilityForPackage(in String packageName, in String accountType);
void registerAccountListener(in String[] accountTypes, String opPackageName);
void unregisterAccountListener(in String[] accountTypes, String opPackageName);
/* Check if the package in a user can access an account */
boolean hasAccountAccess(in Account account, String packageName, in UserHandle userHandle);
/* Crate an intent to request account access for package and a given user id */
IntentSender createRequestAccountAccessIntentSenderAsUser(in Account account,
String packageName, in UserHandle userHandle);
void onAccountAccessed(String token);