Brightnessthrottler updateable through DeviceConfig

Add listener and methods to allow BrightnessThrottler to be updated
though DeviceConfig.

Bug: 224567082
Test: atest
Test: adb shell device_config put display_manager
adb shell dumpsys display | grep -A20 BrightnessThrottler

Change-Id: If4fe4875d6a05cb03fbf69abb8a62a645098b3a0
diff --git a/core/java/android/hardware/display/ b/core/java/android/hardware/display/
index b505395..8bc11cb 100644
--- a/core/java/android/hardware/display/
+++ b/core/java/android/hardware/display/
@@ -1448,5 +1448,15 @@
          * @hide
         String KEY_HIGH_REFRESH_RATE_BLACKLIST = "high_refresh_rate_blacklist";
+        /**
+         * Key for the brightness throttling data as a String formatted:
+         * <displayId>,<no of throttling levels>,[<severity as string>,<brightness cap>]
+         * Where the latter part is repeated for each throttling level, and the entirety is repeated
+         * for each display, separated by a semicolon.
+         * For example:
+         * 123,1,critical,0.8;456,2,moderate,0.9,critical,0.7
+         */
+        String KEY_BRIGHTNESS_THROTTLING_DATA = "brightness_throttling_data";
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
index 767b2d1..eccee52 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -16,21 +16,31 @@
+import android.annotation.NonNull;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.hardware.display.BrightnessInfo;
+import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager;
 import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.HandlerExecutor;
 import android.os.IThermalEventListener;
 import android.os.IThermalService;
 import android.os.PowerManager;
 import android.os.RemoteException;
 import android.os.ServiceManager;
 import android.os.Temperature;
+import android.provider.DeviceConfig;
+import android.provider.DeviceConfigInterface;
 import android.util.Slog;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
  * This class monitors various conditions, such as skin temperature throttling status, and limits
@@ -44,28 +54,54 @@
     private final Injector mInjector;
     private final Handler mHandler;
-    private BrightnessThrottlingData mThrottlingData;
+    // We need a separate handler for unit testing. These two handlers are the same throughout the
+    // non-test code.
+    private final Handler mDeviceConfigHandler;
     private final Runnable mThrottlingChangeCallback;
     private final SkinThermalStatusObserver mSkinThermalStatusObserver;
+    private final DeviceConfigListener mDeviceConfigListener;
+    private final DeviceConfigInterface mDeviceConfig;
     private int mThrottlingStatus;
+    private BrightnessThrottlingData mThrottlingData;
+    private BrightnessThrottlingData mDdcThrottlingData;
     private float mBrightnessCap = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX;
     private @BrightnessInfo.BrightnessMaxReason int mBrightnessMaxReason =
+    private String mUniqueDisplayId;
+    // The most recent string that has been set from DeviceConfig
+    private String mBrightnessThrottlingDataString;
+    // This is a collection of brightness throttling data that has been written as overrides from
+    // the DeviceConfig. This will always take priority over the display device config data.
+    private HashMap<String, BrightnessThrottlingData> mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride =
+            new HashMap<>(1);
     BrightnessThrottler(Handler handler, BrightnessThrottlingData throttlingData,
-            Runnable throttlingChangeCallback) {
-        this(new Injector(), handler, throttlingData, throttlingChangeCallback);
+            Runnable throttlingChangeCallback, String uniqueDisplayId) {
+        this(new Injector(), handler, handler, throttlingData, throttlingChangeCallback,
+                uniqueDisplayId);
-    BrightnessThrottler(Injector injector, Handler handler, BrightnessThrottlingData throttlingData,
-            Runnable throttlingChangeCallback) {
+    @VisibleForTesting
+    BrightnessThrottler(Injector injector, Handler handler, Handler deviceConfigHandler,
+            BrightnessThrottlingData throttlingData, Runnable throttlingChangeCallback,
+            String uniqueDisplayId) {
         mInjector = injector;
         mHandler = handler;
+        mDeviceConfigHandler = deviceConfigHandler;
         mThrottlingData = throttlingData;
+        mDdcThrottlingData = throttlingData;
         mThrottlingChangeCallback = throttlingChangeCallback;
         mSkinThermalStatusObserver = new SkinThermalStatusObserver(mInjector, mHandler);
-        resetThrottlingData(mThrottlingData);
+        mUniqueDisplayId = uniqueDisplayId;
+        mDeviceConfig = injector.getDeviceConfig();
+        mDeviceConfigListener = new DeviceConfigListener();
+        resetThrottlingData(mThrottlingData, mUniqueDisplayId);
     boolean deviceSupportsThrottling() {
@@ -86,7 +122,7 @@
     void stop() {
+        mDeviceConfig.removeOnPropertiesChangedListener(mDeviceConfigListener);
         // We're asked to stop throttling, so reset brightness restrictions.
         mBrightnessCap = PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX;
         mBrightnessMaxReason = BrightnessInfo.BRIGHTNESS_MAX_REASON_NONE;
@@ -97,9 +133,19 @@
         mThrottlingStatus = THROTTLING_INVALID;
-    void resetThrottlingData(BrightnessThrottlingData throttlingData) {
+    private void resetThrottlingData() {
+        resetThrottlingData(mDdcThrottlingData, mUniqueDisplayId);
+    }
+    void resetThrottlingData(BrightnessThrottlingData throttlingData, String displayId) {
-        mThrottlingData = throttlingData;
+        mUniqueDisplayId = displayId;
+        mDdcThrottlingData = throttlingData;
+        mDeviceConfigListener.startListening();
+        reloadBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride();
+        mThrottlingData = mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride.getOrDefault(mUniqueDisplayId,
+                throttlingData);
         if (deviceSupportsThrottling()) {
@@ -173,14 +219,148 @@
     private void dumpLocal(PrintWriter pw) {
         pw.println("  mThrottlingData=" + mThrottlingData);
+        pw.println("  mDdcThrottlingData=" + mDdcThrottlingData);
+        pw.println("  mUniqueDisplayId=" + mUniqueDisplayId);
         pw.println("  mThrottlingStatus=" + mThrottlingStatus);
         pw.println("  mBrightnessCap=" + mBrightnessCap);
         pw.println("  mBrightnessMaxReason=" +
+        pw.println("  mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride=" + mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride);
+        pw.println("  mBrightnessThrottlingDataString=" + mBrightnessThrottlingDataString);
+    private String getBrightnessThrottlingDataString() {
+        return mDeviceConfig.getString(DeviceConfig.NAMESPACE_DISPLAY_MANAGER,
+                DisplayManager.DeviceConfig.KEY_BRIGHTNESS_THROTTLING_DATA,
+                /* defaultValue= */ null);
+    }
+    private boolean parseAndSaveData(@NonNull String strArray,
+            @NonNull HashMap<String, BrightnessThrottlingData> tempBrightnessThrottlingData) {
+        boolean validConfig = true;
+        String[] items = strArray.split(",");
+        int i = 0;
+        try {
+            String uniqueDisplayId = items[i++];
+            // number of throttling points
+            int noOfThrottlingPoints = Integer.parseInt(items[i++]);
+            List<ThrottlingLevel> throttlingLevels = new ArrayList<>(noOfThrottlingPoints);
+            // throttling level and point
+            for (int j = 0; j < noOfThrottlingPoints; j++) {
+                String severity = items[i++];
+                int status = parseThermalStatus(severity);
+                float brightnessPoint = parseBrightness(items[i++]);
+                throttlingLevels.add(new ThrottlingLevel(status, brightnessPoint));
+            }
+            BrightnessThrottlingData toSave =
+                    DisplayDeviceConfig.BrightnessThrottlingData.create(throttlingLevels);
+            tempBrightnessThrottlingData.put(uniqueDisplayId, toSave);
+        } catch (NumberFormatException | IndexOutOfBoundsException
+                | UnknownThermalStatusException e) {
+            validConfig = false;
+            Slog.e(TAG, "Throttling data is invalid array: '" + strArray + "'", e);
+        }
+        if (i != items.length) {
+            validConfig = false;
+        }
+        return validConfig;
+    }
+    public void reloadBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride() {
+        HashMap<String, BrightnessThrottlingData> tempBrightnessThrottlingData =
+                new HashMap<>(1);
+        mBrightnessThrottlingDataString = getBrightnessThrottlingDataString();
+        boolean validConfig = true;
+        mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride.clear();
+        if (mBrightnessThrottlingDataString != null) {
+            String[] throttlingDataSplits = mBrightnessThrottlingDataString.split(";");
+            for (String s : throttlingDataSplits) {
+                if (!parseAndSaveData(s, tempBrightnessThrottlingData)) {
+                    validConfig = false;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (validConfig) {
+                mBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride.putAll(tempBrightnessThrottlingData);
+                tempBrightnessThrottlingData.clear();
+            }
+        } else {
+            Slog.w(TAG, "DeviceConfig BrightnessThrottlingData is null");
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Listens to config data change and updates the brightness throttling data using
+     * The format should be a string similar to: "local:4619827677550801152,2,moderate,0.5,severe,
+     * 0.379518072;local:4619827677550801151,1,moderate,0.75"
+     * In this order:
+     * <displayId>,<no of throttling levels>,[<severity as string>,<brightness cap>]
+     * Where the latter part is repeated for each throttling level, and the entirety is repeated
+     * for each display, separated by a semicolon.
+     */
+    public class DeviceConfigListener implements DeviceConfig.OnPropertiesChangedListener {
+        public Executor mExecutor = new HandlerExecutor(mDeviceConfigHandler);
+        public void startListening() {
+            mDeviceConfig.addOnPropertiesChangedListener(DeviceConfig.NAMESPACE_DISPLAY_MANAGER,
+                    mExecutor, this);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public void onPropertiesChanged(DeviceConfig.Properties properties) {
+            reloadBrightnessThrottlingDataOverride();
+            resetThrottlingData();
+        }
+    }
+    private float parseBrightness(String intVal) throws NumberFormatException {
+        float value = Float.parseFloat(intVal);
+        if (value < PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MIN || value > PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX) {
+            throw new NumberFormatException("Brightness constraint value out of bounds.");
+        }
+        return value;
+    }
+    @PowerManager.ThermalStatus private int parseThermalStatus(@NonNull String value)
+            throws UnknownThermalStatusException {
+        switch (value) {
+            case "none":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_NONE;
+            case "light":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_LIGHT;
+            case "moderate":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_MODERATE;
+            case "severe":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_SEVERE;
+            case "critical":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL;
+            case "emergency":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_EMERGENCY;
+            case "shutdown":
+                return PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_SHUTDOWN;
+            default:
+                throw new UnknownThermalStatusException("Invalid Thermal Status: " + value);
+        }
+    }
+    private static class UnknownThermalStatusException extends Exception {
+        UnknownThermalStatusException(String message) {
+            super(message);
+        }
+    }
     private final class SkinThermalStatusObserver extends IThermalEventListener.Stub {
         private final Injector mInjector;
         private final Handler mHandler;
@@ -258,5 +438,10 @@
             return IThermalService.Stub.asInterface(
+        @NonNull
+        public DeviceConfigInterface getDeviceConfig() {
+            return DeviceConfigInterface.REAL;
+        }
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
index a25ac21..2322280d 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -279,10 +279,14 @@
     private HighBrightnessModeData mHbmData;
     private DensityMapping mDensityMapping;
     private String mLoadedFrom = null;
-    private BrightnessThrottlingData mBrightnessThrottlingData;
     private Spline mSdrToHdrRatioSpline;
+    // Brightness Throttling data may be updated via the DeviceConfig. Here we store the original
+    // data, which comes from the ddc, and the current one, which may be the DeviceConfig
+    // overwritten value.
+    private BrightnessThrottlingData mBrightnessThrottlingData;
+    private BrightnessThrottlingData mOriginalBrightnessThrottlingData;
     private DisplayDeviceConfig(Context context) {
         mContext = context;
@@ -422,6 +426,10 @@
         return config;
+    void setBrightnessThrottlingData(BrightnessThrottlingData brightnessThrottlingData) {
+        mBrightnessThrottlingData = brightnessThrottlingData;
+    }
      * Return the brightness mapping nits array.
@@ -637,6 +645,7 @@
                 + ", mHbmData=" + mHbmData
                 + ", mSdrToHdrRatioSpline=" + mSdrToHdrRatioSpline
                 + ", mBrightnessThrottlingData=" + mBrightnessThrottlingData
+                + ", mOriginalBrightnessThrottlingData=" + mOriginalBrightnessThrottlingData
                 + ", mBrightnessRampFastDecrease=" + mBrightnessRampFastDecrease
                 + ", mBrightnessRampFastIncrease=" + mBrightnessRampFastIncrease
                 + ", mBrightnessRampSlowDecrease=" + mBrightnessRampSlowDecrease
@@ -932,6 +941,7 @@
         if (!badConfig) {
             mBrightnessThrottlingData = BrightnessThrottlingData.create(throttlingLevels);
+            mOriginalBrightnessThrottlingData = mBrightnessThrottlingData;
@@ -1407,7 +1417,9 @@
      * Container for brightness throttling data.
-    static class BrightnessThrottlingData {
+    public static class BrightnessThrottlingData {
+        public List<ThrottlingLevel> throttlingLevels;
         static class ThrottlingLevel {
             public @PowerManager.ThermalStatus int thermalStatus;
             public float brightness;
@@ -1421,9 +1433,25 @@
             public String toString() {
                 return "[" + thermalStatus + "," + brightness + "]";
-        }
-        public List<ThrottlingLevel> throttlingLevels;
+            @Override
+            public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+                if (!(obj instanceof ThrottlingLevel)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+                ThrottlingLevel otherThrottlingLevel = (ThrottlingLevel) obj;
+                return otherThrottlingLevel.thermalStatus == this.thermalStatus
+                        && otherThrottlingLevel.brightness == this.brightness;
+            }
+            @Override
+            public int hashCode() {
+                int result = 1;
+                result = 31 * result + thermalStatus;
+                result = 31 * result + Float.hashCode(brightness);
+                return result;
+            }
+        }
         static public BrightnessThrottlingData create(List<ThrottlingLevel> throttlingLevels)
@@ -1482,12 +1510,30 @@
                 + "} ";
+        @Override
+        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+            if (this == obj) {
+                return true;
+            }
+            if (!(obj instanceof BrightnessThrottlingData)) {
+                return false;
+            }
+            BrightnessThrottlingData otherBrightnessThrottlingData = (BrightnessThrottlingData) obj;
+            return throttlingLevels.equals(otherBrightnessThrottlingData.throttlingLevels);
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int hashCode() {
+            return throttlingLevels.hashCode();
+        }
         private BrightnessThrottlingData(List<ThrottlingLevel> inLevels) {
             throttlingLevels = new ArrayList<>(inLevels.size());
             for (ThrottlingLevel level : inLevels) {
                 throttlingLevels.add(new ThrottlingLevel(level.thermalStatus, level.brightness));
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
index d05a902..f9ee7f7 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/display/
@@ -861,7 +861,7 @@
-                mDisplayDeviceConfig.getBrightnessThrottlingData());
+                mDisplayDeviceConfig.getBrightnessThrottlingData(), mUniqueDisplayId);
     private void sendUpdatePowerState() {
@@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@
                 () -> {
-                });
+                }, mUniqueDisplayId);
     private void blockScreenOn() {
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
index 0ed90d2..6a6cd6c 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
@@ -16,13 +16,11 @@
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import static org.mockito.Mockito.any;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.never;
 import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
@@ -34,17 +32,18 @@
 import android.os.IThermalService;
 import android.os.Message;
 import android.os.PowerManager;
-import android.os.Temperature.ThrottlingStatus;
 import android.os.Temperature;
+import android.os.Temperature.ThrottlingStatus;
 import android.os.test.TestLooper;
 import android.platform.test.annotations.Presubmit;
 import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
 import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
 import org.junit.Before;
 import org.junit.Test;
@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@
 import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -70,6 +68,8 @@
     @Mock IThermalService mThermalServiceMock;
     @Mock Injector mInjectorMock;
+    DisplayModeDirectorTest.FakeDeviceConfig mDeviceConfigFake;
     @Captor ArgumentCaptor<IThermalEventListener> mThermalEventListenerCaptor;
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@
                 return true;
+        mDeviceConfigFake = new DisplayModeDirectorTest.FakeDeviceConfig();
+        when(mInjectorMock.getDeviceConfig()).thenReturn(mDeviceConfigFake);
@@ -292,6 +294,170 @@
         assertEquals(BrightnessInfo.BRIGHTNESS_MAX_REASON_NONE, throttler.getBrightnessMaxReason());
+    @Test public void testUpdateThrottlingData() throws Exception {
+        // Initialise brightness throttling levels
+        // Ensure that they are overridden by setting the data through device config.
+        final ThrottlingLevel level = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL,
+                0.25f);
+        List<ThrottlingLevel> levels = new ArrayList<>();
+        levels.add(level);
+        final BrightnessThrottlingData data = BrightnessThrottlingData.create(levels);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,1,critical,0.4");
+        final BrightnessThrottler throttler = createThrottlerSupported(data);
+        verify(mThermalServiceMock).registerThermalEventListenerWithType(
+                mThermalEventListenerCaptor.capture(), eq(Temperature.TYPE_SKIN));
+        final IThermalEventListener listener = mThermalEventListenerCaptor.getValue();
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(level.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertFalse(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(level.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.4f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Update thresholds
+        // This data is equivalent to the string "123,1,critical,0.8", passed below
+        final ThrottlingLevel newLevel = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL,
+                0.8f);
+        // Set new (valid) data from device config
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,1,critical,0.8");
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(newLevel.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertFalse(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(newLevel.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(newLevel.brightness, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+    }
+    @Test public void testInvalidThrottlingStrings() throws Exception {
+        // Initialise brightness throttling levels
+        // Ensure that they are not overridden by invalid data through device config.
+        final ThrottlingLevel level = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL,
+                0.25f);
+        List<ThrottlingLevel> levels = new ArrayList<>();
+        levels.add(level);
+        final BrightnessThrottlingData data = BrightnessThrottlingData.create(levels);
+        final BrightnessThrottler throttler = createThrottlerSupported(data);
+        verify(mThermalServiceMock).registerThermalEventListenerWithType(
+                mThermalEventListenerCaptor.capture(), eq(Temperature.TYPE_SKIN));
+        final IThermalEventListener listener = mThermalEventListenerCaptor.getValue();
+        // None of these are valid so shouldn't override the original data
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("321,1,critical,0.4");  // Not the current id
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,0,critical,0.4");  // Incorrect number
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,2,critical,0.4");  // Incorrect number
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,1,invalid,0.4");   // Invalid level
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,1,critical,none"); // Invalid brightness
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("123,1,critical,-3");   // Invalid brightness
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("invalid string");      // Invalid format
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData("");                    // Invalid format
+        testThrottling(throttler, listener, PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, 0.25f);
+    }
+    private void testThrottling(BrightnessThrottler throttler, IThermalEventListener listener,
+            float tooLowCap, float tooHighCap) throws Exception {
+        final ThrottlingLevel level = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL,
+                tooHighCap);
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(level.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(tooLowCap, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertFalse(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(level.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(tooHighCap, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+    }
+    @Test public void testMultipleConfigPoints() throws Exception {
+        // Initialise brightness throttling levels
+        final ThrottlingLevel level = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL,
+                0.25f);
+        List<ThrottlingLevel> levels = new ArrayList<>();
+        levels.add(level);
+        final BrightnessThrottlingData data = BrightnessThrottlingData.create(levels);
+        // These are identical to the string set below
+        final ThrottlingLevel levelSevere = new ThrottlingLevel(PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_SEVERE,
+                0.9f);
+        final ThrottlingLevel levelCritical = new ThrottlingLevel(
+                PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_CRITICAL, 0.5f);
+        final ThrottlingLevel levelEmergency = new ThrottlingLevel(
+                PowerManager.THERMAL_STATUS_EMERGENCY, 0.1f);
+        mDeviceConfigFake.setBrightnessThrottlingData(
+                "123,3,severe,0.9,critical,0.5,emergency,0.1");
+        final BrightnessThrottler throttler = createThrottlerSupported(data);
+        verify(mThermalServiceMock).registerThermalEventListenerWithType(
+                mThermalEventListenerCaptor.capture(), eq(Temperature.TYPE_SKIN));
+        final IThermalEventListener listener = mThermalEventListenerCaptor.getValue();
+        // Ensure that the multiple levels set via the string through the device config correctly
+        // override the original display device config ones.
+        // levelSevere
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelSevere.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(PowerManager.BRIGHTNESS_MAX, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertFalse(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelSevere.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.9f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // levelCritical
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelCritical.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.9f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelCritical.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.5f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+        //levelEmergency
+        // Set status too low to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelEmergency.thermalStatus - 1));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.5f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+        // Set status high enough to trigger throttling
+        listener.notifyThrottling(getSkinTemp(levelEmergency.thermalStatus));
+        mTestLooper.dispatchAll();
+        assertEquals(0.1f, throttler.getBrightnessCap(), 0f);
+        assertTrue(throttler.isThrottled());
+    }
     private void assertThrottlingLevelsEquals(
             List<ThrottlingLevel> expected,
             List<ThrottlingLevel> actual) {
@@ -307,12 +473,13 @@
     private BrightnessThrottler createThrottlerUnsupported() {
-        return new BrightnessThrottler(mInjectorMock, mHandler, null, () -> {});
+        return new BrightnessThrottler(mInjectorMock, mHandler, mHandler, null, () -> {}, null);
     private BrightnessThrottler createThrottlerSupported(BrightnessThrottlingData data) {
-        return new BrightnessThrottler(mInjectorMock, mHandler, data, () -> {});
+        return new BrightnessThrottler(mInjectorMock, mHandler, BackgroundThread.getHandler(),
+                data, () -> {}, "123");
     private Temperature getSkinTemp(@ThrottlingStatus int status) {
diff --git a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
index 864f315..968e1d8 100644
--- a/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
+++ b/services/tests/servicestests/src/com/android/server/display/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DeviceConfig.KEY_BRIGHTNESS_THROTTLING_DATA;
 import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DeviceConfig.KEY_FIXED_REFRESH_RATE_HIGH_AMBIENT_BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLDS;
 import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DeviceConfig.KEY_FIXED_REFRESH_RATE_HIGH_DISPLAY_BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLDS;
 import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.DeviceConfig.KEY_FIXED_REFRESH_RATE_LOW_AMBIENT_BRIGHTNESS_THRESHOLDS;
@@ -1902,6 +1903,11 @@
                     KEY_REFRESH_RATE_IN_HBM_HDR, String.valueOf(fps));
+        void setBrightnessThrottlingData(String brightnessThrottlingData) {
+            putPropertyAndNotify(DeviceConfig.NAMESPACE_DISPLAY_MANAGER,
+                    KEY_BRIGHTNESS_THROTTLING_DATA, brightnessThrottlingData);
+        }
         void setLowDisplayBrightnessThresholds(int[] brightnessThresholds) {
             String thresholds = toPropertyValue(brightnessThresholds);