blob: 7e36aed81d4a7f29220abfe3da56b4341c0ee527 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.provider.Settings.Global.ZEN_MODE_OFF;
import static android.service.notification.ZenPolicy.CONVERSATION_SENDERS_ANYONE;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.provider.Settings.Global;
import android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig;
import android.telecom.TelecomManager;
import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Slog;
import java.util.Date;
public class ZenModeFiltering {
private static final String TAG = ZenModeHelper.TAG;
private static final boolean DEBUG = ZenModeHelper.DEBUG;
static final RepeatCallers REPEAT_CALLERS = new RepeatCallers();
private final Context mContext;
private ComponentName mDefaultPhoneApp;
private final NotificationMessagingUtil mMessagingUtil;
public ZenModeFiltering(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mMessagingUtil = new NotificationMessagingUtil(mContext);
public ZenModeFiltering(Context context, NotificationMessagingUtil messagingUtil) {
mContext = context;
mMessagingUtil = messagingUtil;
public void dump(PrintWriter pw, String prefix) {
pw.print(prefix); pw.print("mDefaultPhoneApp="); pw.println(mDefaultPhoneApp);
pw.print(prefix); pw.print("RepeatCallers.mThresholdMinutes=");
synchronized (REPEAT_CALLERS) {
if (!REPEAT_CALLERS.mTelCalls.isEmpty()) {
pw.print(prefix); pw.println("RepeatCallers.mTelCalls=");
for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_CALLERS.mTelCalls.size(); i++) {
pw.print(prefix); pw.print(" ");
pw.print(" at ");
if (!REPEAT_CALLERS.mOtherCalls.isEmpty()) {
pw.print(prefix); pw.println("RepeatCallers.mOtherCalls=");
for (int i = 0; i < REPEAT_CALLERS.mOtherCalls.size(); i++) {
pw.print(prefix); pw.print(" ");
pw.print(" at ");
private static String ts(long time) {
return new Date(time) + " (" + time + ")";
* @param extras extras of the notification with EXTRA_PEOPLE populated
* @param contactsTimeoutMs timeout in milliseconds to wait for contacts response
* @param timeoutAffinity affinity to return when the timeout specified via
* <code>contactsTimeoutMs</code> is hit
public static boolean matchesCallFilter(Context context, int zen, NotificationManager.Policy
consolidatedPolicy, UserHandle userHandle, Bundle extras,
ValidateNotificationPeople validator, int contactsTimeoutMs, float timeoutAffinity,
int callingUid) {
if (zen == Global.ZEN_MODE_NO_INTERRUPTIONS) {
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(false, "no interruptions", callingUid);
return false; // nothing gets through
if (zen == Global.ZEN_MODE_ALARMS) {
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(false, "alarms only", callingUid);
return false; // not an alarm
if (consolidatedPolicy.allowRepeatCallers()
&& REPEAT_CALLERS.isRepeat(context, extras, null)) {
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(true, "repeat caller", callingUid);
return true;
if (!consolidatedPolicy.allowCalls()) {
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(false, "calls not allowed", callingUid);
return false; // no other calls get through
if (validator != null) {
final float contactAffinity = validator.getContactAffinity(userHandle, extras,
contactsTimeoutMs, timeoutAffinity);
boolean match =
audienceMatches(consolidatedPolicy.allowCallsFrom(), contactAffinity);
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(match, "contact affinity " + contactAffinity,
return match;
ZenLog.traceMatchesCallFilter(true, "no restrictions", callingUid);
return true;
private static Bundle extras(NotificationRecord record) {
return record != null && record.getSbn() != null && record.getSbn().getNotification() != null
? record.getSbn().getNotification().extras : null;
protected void recordCall(NotificationRecord record) {
REPEAT_CALLERS.recordCall(mContext, extras(record), record.getPhoneNumbers());
* Whether to intercept the notification based on the policy
public boolean shouldIntercept(int zen, NotificationManager.Policy policy,
NotificationRecord record) {
// Zen mode is ignored for critical notifications.
if (zen == ZEN_MODE_OFF || isCritical(record)) {
return false;
// Make an exception to policy for the notification saying that policy has changed
if (NotificationManager.Policy.areAllVisualEffectsSuppressed(policy.suppressedVisualEffects)
&& "android".equals(record.getSbn().getPackageName())
&& SystemMessageProto.SystemMessage.NOTE_ZEN_UPGRADE == record.getSbn().getId()) {
ZenLog.traceNotIntercepted(record, "systemDndChangedNotification");
return false;
switch (zen) {
// #notevenalarms
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "none");
return true;
case Global.ZEN_MODE_ALARMS:
if (isAlarm(record)) {
// Alarms only
return false;
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "alarmsOnly");
return true;
// allow user-prioritized packages through in priority mode
if (record.getPackagePriority() == Notification.PRIORITY_MAX) {
ZenLog.traceNotIntercepted(record, "priorityApp");
return false;
if (isAlarm(record)) {
if (!policy.allowAlarms()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowAlarms");
return true;
return false;
if (isEvent(record)) {
if (!policy.allowEvents()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowEvents");
return true;
return false;
if (isReminder(record)) {
if (!policy.allowReminders()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowReminders");
return true;
return false;
if (isMedia(record)) {
if (!policy.allowMedia()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowMedia");
return true;
return false;
if (isSystem(record)) {
if (!policy.allowSystem()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowSystem");
return true;
return false;
if (isConversation(record)) {
if (policy.allowConversations()) {
if (policy.priorityConversationSenders == CONVERSATION_SENDERS_ANYONE) {
ZenLog.traceNotIntercepted(record, "conversationAnyone");
return false;
} else if (policy.priorityConversationSenders
&& record.getChannel().isImportantConversation()) {
ZenLog.traceNotIntercepted(record, "conversationMatches");
return false;
// if conversations aren't allowed record might still be allowed thanks
// to call or message metadata, so don't return yet
if (isCall(record)) {
if (policy.allowRepeatCallers()
mContext, extras(record), record.getPhoneNumbers())) {
ZenLog.traceNotIntercepted(record, "repeatCaller");
return false;
if (!policy.allowCalls()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowCalls");
return true;
return shouldInterceptAudience(policy.allowCallsFrom(), record);
if (isMessage(record)) {
if (!policy.allowMessages()) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!allowMessages");
return true;
return shouldInterceptAudience(policy.allowMessagesFrom(), record);
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!priority");
return true;
return false;
* Check if the notification is too critical to be suppressed.
* @param record the record to test for criticality
* @return {@code true} if notification is considered critical
* @see CriticalNotificationExtractor for criteria
private boolean isCritical(NotificationRecord record) {
// 0 is the most critical
return record.getCriticality() < CriticalNotificationExtractor.NORMAL;
private static boolean shouldInterceptAudience(int source, NotificationRecord record) {
if (!audienceMatches(source, record.getContactAffinity())) {
ZenLog.traceIntercepted(record, "!audienceMatches");
return true;
return false;
protected static boolean isAlarm(NotificationRecord record) {
return record.isCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_ALARM)
|| record.isAudioAttributesUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_ALARM);
private static boolean isEvent(NotificationRecord record) {
return record.isCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_EVENT);
private static boolean isReminder(NotificationRecord record) {
return record.isCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_REMINDER);
public boolean isCall(NotificationRecord record) {
return record != null && (isDefaultPhoneApp(record.getSbn().getPackageName())
|| record.isCategory(Notification.CATEGORY_CALL));
public boolean isMedia(NotificationRecord record) {
AudioAttributes aa = record.getAudioAttributes();
return aa != null && AudioAttributes.SUPPRESSIBLE_USAGES.get(aa.getUsage()) ==
public boolean isSystem(NotificationRecord record) {
AudioAttributes aa = record.getAudioAttributes();
return aa != null && AudioAttributes.SUPPRESSIBLE_USAGES.get(aa.getUsage()) ==
private boolean isDefaultPhoneApp(String pkg) {
if (mDefaultPhoneApp == null) {
final TelecomManager telecomm =
(TelecomManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);
mDefaultPhoneApp = telecomm != null ? telecomm.getDefaultPhoneApp() : null;
if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Default phone app: " + mDefaultPhoneApp);
return pkg != null && mDefaultPhoneApp != null
&& pkg.equals(mDefaultPhoneApp.getPackageName());
protected boolean isMessage(NotificationRecord record) {
return mMessagingUtil.isMessaging(record.getSbn());
protected boolean isConversation(NotificationRecord record) {
return record.isConversation();
private static boolean audienceMatches(int source, float contactAffinity) {
switch (source) {
case ZenModeConfig.SOURCE_ANYONE:
return true;
case ZenModeConfig.SOURCE_CONTACT:
return contactAffinity >= ValidateNotificationPeople.VALID_CONTACT;
case ZenModeConfig.SOURCE_STAR:
return contactAffinity >= ValidateNotificationPeople.STARRED_CONTACT;
Slog.w(TAG, "Encountered unknown source: " + source);
return true;
protected void cleanUpCallersAfter(long timeThreshold) {
private static class RepeatCallers {
// We keep a separate map per uri scheme to do more generous number-matching
// handling on telephone numbers specifically. For other inputs, we
// simply match directly on the string.
private final ArrayMap<String, Long> mTelCalls = new ArrayMap<>();
private final ArrayMap<String, Long> mOtherCalls = new ArrayMap<>();
private int mThresholdMinutes;
// Record all people URIs in the extras bundle as well as the provided phoneNumbers set
// as callers. The phoneNumbers set is used to pass in any additional phone numbers
// associated with the people URIs as separately retrieved from contacts.
private synchronized void recordCall(Context context, Bundle extras,
ArraySet<String> phoneNumbers) {
if (mThresholdMinutes <= 0 || extras == null) return;
final String[] extraPeople = ValidateNotificationPeople.getExtraPeople(extras);
if (extraPeople == null || extraPeople.length == 0) return;
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
cleanUp(mTelCalls, now);
cleanUp(mOtherCalls, now);
recordCallers(extraPeople, phoneNumbers, now);
// Determine whether any people in the provided extras bundle or phone number set is
// a repeat caller. The extras bundle contains the people associated with a specific
// notification, and will suffice for most callers; the phoneNumbers array may be used
// to additionally check any specific phone numbers previously retrieved from contacts
// associated with the people in the extras bundle.
private synchronized boolean isRepeat(Context context, Bundle extras,
ArraySet<String> phoneNumbers) {
if (mThresholdMinutes <= 0 || extras == null) return false;
final String[] extraPeople = ValidateNotificationPeople.getExtraPeople(extras);
if (extraPeople == null || extraPeople.length == 0) return false;
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
cleanUp(mTelCalls, now);
cleanUp(mOtherCalls, now);
return checkCallers(context, extraPeople, phoneNumbers);
private synchronized void cleanUp(ArrayMap<String, Long> calls, long now) {
final int N = calls.size();
for (int i = N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final long time = calls.valueAt(i);
if (time > now || (now - time) > mThresholdMinutes * 1000 * 60) {
// Clean up all calls that occurred after the given time.
// Used only for tests, to clean up after testing.
private synchronized void cleanUpCallsAfter(long timeThreshold) {
for (int i = mTelCalls.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final long time = mTelCalls.valueAt(i);
if (time > timeThreshold) {
for (int j = mOtherCalls.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
final long time = mOtherCalls.valueAt(j);
if (time > timeThreshold) {
private void setThresholdMinutes(Context context) {
if (mThresholdMinutes <= 0) {
mThresholdMinutes = context.getResources().getInteger(
private synchronized void recordCallers(String[] people, ArraySet<String> phoneNumbers,
long now) {
boolean recorded = false, hasTel = false, hasOther = false;
for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
String person = people[i];
if (person == null) continue;
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(person);
if ("tel".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
// while ideally we should not need to decode this, sometimes we have seen tel
// numbers given in an encoded format
String tel = Uri.decode(uri.getSchemeSpecificPart());
if (tel != null) {
mTelCalls.put(tel, now);
recorded = true;
hasTel = true;
} else {
// for non-tel calls, store the entire string, uri-component and all
mOtherCalls.put(person, now);
recorded = true;
hasOther = true;
// record any additional numbers from the notification record if
// provided; these are in the format of just a phone number string
if (phoneNumbers != null) {
for (String num : phoneNumbers) {
if (num != null) {
mTelCalls.put(num, now);
recorded = true;
hasTel = true;
if (recorded) {
ZenLog.traceRecordCaller(hasTel, hasOther);
// helper function to check mTelCalls array for a number, and also check its decoded
// version
private synchronized boolean checkForNumber(String number, String defaultCountryCode) {
if (mTelCalls.containsKey(number)) {
// check directly via map first
return true;
} else {
// see if a number that matches via areSameNumber exists
String numberToCheck = Uri.decode(number);
if (numberToCheck != null) {
for (String prev : mTelCalls.keySet()) {
if (PhoneNumberUtils.areSamePhoneNumber(
numberToCheck, prev, defaultCountryCode)) {
return true;
return false;
// Check whether anyone in the provided array of people URIs or phone number set matches a
// previously recorded phone call.
private synchronized boolean checkCallers(Context context, String[] people,
ArraySet<String> phoneNumbers) {
boolean found = false, checkedTel = false, checkedOther = false;
// get the default country code for checking telephone numbers
final String defaultCountryCode =
for (int i = 0; i < people.length; i++) {
String person = people[i];
if (person == null) continue;
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(person);
if ("tel".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
String number = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
checkedTel = true;
if (checkForNumber(number, defaultCountryCode)) {
found = true;
} else {
checkedOther = true;
if (mOtherCalls.containsKey(person)) {
found = true;
// also check any passed-in phone numbers
if (phoneNumbers != null) {
for (String num : phoneNumbers) {
checkedTel = true;
if (checkForNumber(num, defaultCountryCode)) {
found = true;
// no matches
ZenLog.traceCheckRepeatCaller(found, checkedTel, checkedOther);
return found;